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去噪正则化模型修正方法在桥梁损伤识别中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以传统基于灵敏度分析的有限元模型修正方法为基础,提出一种结合小波去噪过程的正则化模型修正损伤识别方法.为改进模型修正方法损伤识别效果,一方面利用有损结构模态与模态噪声的波形在时频域内的差异,以结构有限元模型为基准,对实测模态差进行小波去噪处理,并利用修正后的模态构造目标函数;一方面采用正则化方法改善反问题求解的非适定性.由于从输入数据和求解过程两方面同时改善了结构损伤识别反问题的求解,因此可以有效抑制实测模态参数中噪声的影响,正确识别结构损伤.以连续梁桥模型为例的损伤识别数值模拟表明,所提出方法在保持识别算法鲁棒性、抑制噪声的同时,可有效提高桥梁结构损伤的识别精度.  相似文献   

An effective accelerated pseudo-genetic algorithm (APGA), which combines an adaptive pseudo-genetic algorithm (P-GA) with an accelerated random search (ARS) method, is proposed to update finite element (FE) models in the presence of measured data. The algorithm explores the higher probability of converging to a global solution provided by genetic algorithms and the accelerated hill-climbing ability given by ARS. The objective of the optimization problem is to minimize the difference between measured and numerical FE vibration data. The effectiveness of the approach is first tested on mathematical benchmark functions. The best version of APGA is then applied to a simulated beam structure to test the applicability of the new approach for FE model updating. Finally, the algorithm is applied to update two real structures using measured modal data. The application of this new algorithm obtains results that correlate well with experiments in reduced time.  相似文献   

基于贝叶斯法的复杂有限元模型修正研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
从概率思维角度出发,证明基于最大熵原理的贝叶斯反分析准则函数法和解不适定问题的正则化方法是一致的,提出一种基于信息融合和贝叶斯理论的模型修正方法。该方法采用试验设计构造样本,采用二次响应面作为快速运行模型,通过响应面自身的特性和精度要求进行收敛判断,在响应面迭代中确定信息融合系数(设计规范、有限元计算信息、实测信息)和待修正的设计参数值。该方法充分利用先验信息,迭代计算量较小,可推广至大型复杂非线性结构。某抽水蓄能电站地下厂房结构的有限元模型修正结果验证了该方法的有效性  相似文献   

实测模态和结构模型同步修正的结构损伤识别方法   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
在基于灵敏度分析的有限元模型修正方法基础上,提出一种对实测模态和结构模型同步修正的结构损伤识别方法。即利用有损结构模态与测量噪声在时频域内的差异,以结构有限元模型为基准,对实测模态差进行小波去噪处理,再利用修正后的模态构造目标函数,进行有限元模型修正,经过迭代计算最终可识别结构的损伤。数值算例表明该方法可有效降低噪声的影响,提高损伤识别的精度。  相似文献   

摘要:改进的正交模型正交模态 (ICMCM) 法在进行模型修正过程中需要同时使用实验测得的频率及模态振型等数据。本文利用有限元模型的模态振型代替实验测量的模态振型并通过迭代解决了模型修正过程中缺少实验模态振型数据的问题,使ICMCM法具有更广的应用范围。根据国际认可的三级评价标准使用ICMCM法对GARTEUR飞机模型进行了修正,并与国际上其他单位的模型修正结果进行横向比较,结果证明了本文改进方法的可行性及修正结果的优越性。  相似文献   

Plate- and shell-like elements are the main constituent of many engineering structures such as ships and airplanes. This paper develops a frequency domain model updating method using power spectral density function and seeks its viability in damage identification of plates and shells. The derivation of the sensitivity equation is exact and measured natural frequencies of few lower modes are used to overcome the drawbacks of incomplete measurement. The method is numerically examined in several damage cases. The robustness of method against measurement and mass modelling error is numerically assessed using Monte-Carlo analysis and numerically simulated error contaminated data. The method proves to be robust against both kind of errors and performs well, both in cases of plate and shell elements.  相似文献   

This study presents a methodology which integrates single-objective evolutionary algorithms (EAs) and finite element (FE) model updating for damage inference in three-dimensional (3D) structures. First, original well-known EAs, namely the genetic algorithm, differential evolution (DE) and particle swarm optimization (PSO), are combined with FE model updating for detecting damage in a 3D four-storey modular structure and their performances are compared. Next, to obtain more accurate results, hybrid Lévy flights–DE and hybrid artificial bee colony–PSO are developed for enhancing damage identification. With each method, the objective function composed of modal strain energy and mode shape residuals, taken from the FE model of the intact structure and the simulated damage responses, is initially created. Then, the performance of each algorithm combined with FE model updating for damage detection is assessed in terms of three characteristics: consistency, computational cost and accuracy, and the best performing algorithm is recommended.  相似文献   

由于有限元模型与实验模型自由度的不匹配,模型修正中经常需要使用模态扩展技术。利用动态扩充法进行模态扩展进而进行模型修正时,模型修正过程中并没有考虑到使用有限元模型对实验数据进行模态扩展而造成的误差。针对这一问题,提出一种新的迭代方法,在模型修正过程中计及了上述的误差项,并将其以修正项的形式添加到模型修正当中,同时该方法没有限定所使用模型修正的方法,具有一定的通用性。通过Cross-model Cross-mode method(CM-CM)模型修正方法对新的迭代方法进行了详细讨论。算例表明,新的迭代方法较原方法可以极大地提高模型修正的迭代收敛速度。  相似文献   

研究了考虑参数随机不确定性的岸桥有限元模型修正问题。首先,假设岸桥的待修正参数和模态参数都服从正态分布,将不确定性模型修正问题转化为均值和标准差的修正问题;其次,以某岸桥为研究对象,进行风振响应实测,利用随机子空间法得到岸桥前4阶实测模态参数;最后建立岸桥的有限元模型,基于Kriging替代模型及多目标遗传算法对岸桥结构进行有限元模型修正。结果表明,考虑参数不确定性的随机有限元模型修正方法能有效修正岸桥结构参数的均值和标准差。  相似文献   

A technique that takes into account nonparallel interfaces and lateral inhomogeneities as perturbations with respect to a reference, horizontally layered, laterally homogeneous medium and produces approximations of the perturbed wave motion with little additional computation effort is described. The formulation combines a perturbation method with a semidiscrete finite element technique, providing an approximate treatment of wave propagation in irregular layered media. Consistent transmitting boundaries and other semidiscrete hyperelements as well as Green's functions, already available for regular layered media, can be reformulated within the framework of the method. The method is relevant in problems of foundation dynamics, ground response to seismic waves and site characterization. Example problems are presented toward evaluation of the effectiveness of the method. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

一种利用模态测量数据修正刚度矩阵的新方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
模型修正即为利用模态测量数据修正存在但不准确的有限元模型。本文在假定有限元模型的质量矩阵与刚度矩阵均为对称非负定矩阵,并且质量矩阵是精确的情况下,提出了一种修正刚度矩阵的新方法。该方法借助于矩阵的Kronecker积与拉直算子,把需修正的变量分离出来直接对其进行修正运算,得到了满足特征方程与正交性条件的最逼近有限元刚度矩阵的唯一修正矩阵。该方法不仅保证了修正矩阵带状稀疏的特点,而且修正过程简单易行。数值例子验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

提出了一种随机模型的修正方法用以估计结构参数的统计特性.基于Bayes方法的参数估计原理,将需要修正的结构参数的均值和方差看作符合一定先验概率分布的随机变量,根据核密度估计原理构建得到似然函数,进而使用基于差分进化的MCMC方法估计参数的后验概率密度,并根据最大后验概率密度准则估计结构参数的均值和方差.同时使用Kriging方法建立了结构输入和输出之间的代理模型,保证计算精度的同时极大地节约了计算时间.数值算例验证了本方法的可行性.  相似文献   

模型修正中通常需要解决自由度匹配问题,模型缩聚是解决这一问题的一种方法。当有限元建模误差较大时,模型缩聚的近似会大大降低模型修正的精度。针对这一问题,提出了模型缩聚-模型修正迭代方法,消除模型缩聚带来的误差。文中应用IRS缩聚和基于频响函数的模型修正方法对提出的迭代方法进行了具体讨论。通过板梁混合结构的数值模拟实验,比较了现有修正方法和迭代修正方法的修正精度。结果表明提出的迭代方法有效提高了修正精度,使修正后的模型频率和物理参数更逼近真实值。同时该方法具有较高的迭代收敛效率,符合实际工程应用的要求。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于区间分析的不确定性有限元模型修正方法。在区间参数结构特征值分析理论和确定性有限元模型修正方法基础上,假设不确定性与初始有限元模型误差均较小,采用灵敏度方法推导了待修正参数区间中点值和不确定区间的迭代格式。以三自由度弹簧-质量系统和复合材料板为例,采用拉丁超立方抽样构造仿真试验模态参数样本,开展仿真研究。结果表明,当仿真试验样本能准确反映结构模态参数的区间特性时,方法的收敛精度和效率均较高;修正后计算模态参数能准确反映试验数据的区间特性。所提出方法适用于解决试验样本较少,仅能得到试验模态参数区间的有限元模型修正问题。  相似文献   

Nouy and Clement introduced the stochastic extended finite element method to solve linear elasticity problem defined on random domain. The material properties and boundary conditions were assumed to be deterministic. In this work, we extend this framework to account for multiple independent input uncertainties, namely, material, geometry, and external force uncertainties. The stochastic field is represented using the polynomial chaos expansion. The challenge in numerical integration over multidimensional probabilistic space is addressed using the pseudo-spectral Galerkin method. Thereafter, a sensitivity analysis based on Sobol indices using the derived stochastic extended Finite Element Method solution is presented. The efficiency and accuracy of the proposed novel framework against conventional Monte Carlo methods is elucidated in detail for a few one and two dimensional problems.  相似文献   

摘要:本文提出了一种基于模型修正的钢管焊接结构焊缝损伤识别方法。利用从发射台骨架试验模型获取的模态参数,选择识别结果中精度较好的模态频率作为模型修正的基准频率。通过对待修正参数的灵敏度分析,运用ANSYS和MATLAB软件对有限元模型进行了修正。以实测模态和计算模态之间的误差建立一个带约束边界非线性最小二乘目标函数,将损伤识别问题转化为优化问题,并采用信赖域方法求解该优化问题。以有限元模型焊接结点单元组弹性模量的降低模拟焊缝损伤,并假定了两种损伤工况,通过对发射台骨架模型的数值仿真及试验研究,结果表明本文提出的损伤识别方法识别效果较为理想,为解决这种复杂焊接结构焊缝损伤识别问题提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

This paper, using the weighted integral method, proposes a new stochastic finite element method for estimating the response variability of multi-dimensional stochastic systems. Young's modules is considered to have spatial variation and is idealized as a multi-dimensional stochastic field. An essential feature of the proposed method is that the continuous stochastic field is rigorously taken care of by means of weighted integrations to construct element stiffness matrices, as the results, the issue involving the stochastic field is transformed into a problem involving only a few random variables. This may lead to substantial improvement in computational efficiency. Numerical examples show that the proposed SFEM is concluded as an efficient and accurate method.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the numerical identification of diffusion parameters in a non-linear convection–diffusion equation, which arises as the saturation equation in the fractional flow formulation of the two-phase porous media flow equations. In order to overcome the defect of the local convergence of traditional methods, an adaptive homotopy perturbation method is applied to solve this parameter identification inverse problem. The adaptive homotopy perturbation method provides a simple way to adapt computational refinement to the choice of the homotopy parameter. Numerical simulations illustrate that the proposed algorithm is globally convergent and computationallyefficient.  相似文献   

针对基于灵敏度分析的有限元模型动力修正方法计算效率较低、迭代收敛慢的不足,将响应面法引入500 kV大跨越输电塔基准模型修正.选择塔脚弹性支承刚度为修正参数,依次进行单因素试验、样本值计算、响应面建立与分析、参数优化.修正后,有限元模型非常准确地复现了单塔横、纵两个方向的-阶弯曲动态特性,修正效果与基于灵敏度分析的模型修正方法接近,证明响应面法在有限元模型动力修正领域的应用价值.还探讨了塔架结构修正参数的选取问题,为相关研究提供参考.  相似文献   

袁永新  戴华 《振动与冲击》2009,28(8):117-120
提出了一种利用复模态测量数据同时修正有限元阻尼与刚度矩阵的有效方法。借助于矩阵的奇异值分解得到了满足动力方程的最小修正矩阵。该方法有一个简洁的表达式,修正过程简单而且容易实现,数值试验表明修改后的结构参数能准确地同试验值吻合。  相似文献   

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