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Recent advances in shape optimization rely on free-form implicit representations, such as level sets, to support boundary deformations and topological changes. By contrast, parametric shape optimization is formulated directly in terms of meaningful geometric design variables, but usually does not support free-form boundary and topological changes. We propose a novel approach to shape optimization that combines and retains the advantages of the earlier optimization techniques. The shapes in the design space are represented implicitly as level sets of a higher-dimensional function that is constructed using B-splines (to allow free-form deformations), and parameterized primitives combined with R-functions (to support desired parametric changes). Our approach to shape design and optimization offers great flexibility because it provides explicit parametric control of geometry and topology within a large space of free-form shapes. The resulting method is also general in that it subsumes most other types of shape optimization as special cases. We describe an implementation of the proposed technique with attractive numerical properties. The explicit construction of an implicit representation supports straightforward sensitivity analysis that can be used with most gradient-based optimization methods. Furthermore, our implementation does not require any error-prone polygonization or approximation of level sets (isocurves and isosurfaces). The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by several numerical examples. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a numerical method for two shape optimization problems, namely, prescribing the temperature history distribution on sub-boundaries and maximizing the discharged heat on sub-boundaries of unsteady natural convection fields. The square error integral between the actual temperature distribution and the target temperature distribution on the sub-boundaries during a specified period of time was used as the objective functional for the prescribed temperature history distribution. The shape gradients of these shape determination problems were derived theoretically using the Lagrange multiplier method, adjoint variable method, and the material derivative formulae. Reshaping was performed by the traction method, which was proposed as an approach for solving shape optimization problems. Numerical programs for the shape determination problems are developed based on FreeFem++ in order to verify the proposed method.  相似文献   

This article presents a framework for simulation-based design optimization of computationally expensive problems, where economizing the generation of sample designs is highly desirable. One popular approach for such problems is efficient global optimization (EGO), where an initial set of design samples is used to construct a kriging model, which is then used to generate new ‘infill’ sample designs at regions of the search space where there is high expectancy of improvement. This article attempts to address one of the limitations of EGO, where generation of infill samples can become a difficult optimization problem in its own right, as well as allow the generation of multiple samples at a time in order to take advantage of parallel computing in the evaluation of the new samples. The proposed approach is tested on analytical functions, and then applied to the vehicle crashworthiness design of a full Geo Metro model undergoing frontal crash conditions.  相似文献   


This paper combines previously developed techniques for image‐preprocessing and characteristic image‐interpreting together with a newly proposed automated shape‐optimization modeling technique into an integrated topology‐optimization and shape‐optimization system. As a result, structure designers are provided with an efficient and reliable automated structural optimization system (ASOS). The automated shape‐optimization modeling technique, the key technique in ASOS, uses hole‐expanding strategy, interference analysis, and hole shape‐adjusting strategy to automatically define the design variables and side constraints needed for shape optimization. This technique not only eliminates the need to manually define design variables and side constraints for shape optimization, but during the process of shape optimization also prevents interference between the interior holes and the exterior boundary. The ASOS is tested in three different structural configuration design examples.  相似文献   

A challenge in engineering design is to choose suitable objectives and constraints from many quantities of interest, while ensuring an optimization is both meaningful and computationally tractable. We propose an optimization formulation that can take account of more quantities of interest than existing formulations, without reducing the tractability of the problem. This formulation searches for designs that are optimal with respect to a binary relation within the set of designs that are optimal with respect to another binary relation. We then propose a method of finding such designs in a single optimization by defining an overall ranking function to use in optimizers, reducing the cost required to solve this formulation. In a design under uncertainty problem, our method obtains the most robust design that is not stochastically dominated faster than a multiobjective optimization. In a car suspension design problem, our method obtains superior designs according to a k-optimality condition than previously suggested multiobjective approaches to this problem. In an airfoil design problem, our method obtains designs closer to the true lift/drag Pareto front using the same computational budget as a multiobjective optimization.  相似文献   

A strategy for the efficient solution of non-linear shape optimization problems is developed. This strategy employs an integrated element-by-element approach to the solution of the governing partial differential equations, and, more particularly, to the computation of the necessary gradients of the objective function and constraints using an adjoint formulation. This proves to be a very efficient strategy and also is relatively easy to implement, because the local effect of design changes can be exploited. The method is tested with an application involving the design of the shape of electromagnet poles in order to obtain a desired field in the interpolar region.  相似文献   

Ming-Hua Lin 《工程优选》2014,46(7):863-879
This study proposes a novel approach for finding the exact global optimum of a mixed-discrete structural optimization problem. Although many approaches have been developed to solve the mixed-discrete structural optimization problem, they cannot guarantee finding a global solution or they adopt too many extra binary variables and constraints in reformulating the problem. The proposed deterministic method uses convexification strategies and linearization techniques to convert a structural optimization problem into a convex mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem solvable to obtain a global optimum. To enhance the computational efficiency in treating complicated problems, the range reduction technique is also applied to tighten variable bounds. Several numerical experiments drawn from practical structural design problems are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

A method for computing shape sensitivity in the frame of non‐linear and non‐steady‐state forging is presented. Derivatives of tool geometry, velocity and state variables with respect to the shape parameters are calculated by a direct differentiation of discrete equations. Because of the important part played by the accuracy of finite element calculations, an efficient transfer method is used between meshes during remeshings and the contact algorithms are carefully differentiated. The resulting inverse design procedure is successfully applied to two industrial examples of forging of automobile parts, with fold‐over and piping defects occurring during the intermediate designs. It makes it possible to suggest reasonable preform shapes, with or without any available knowledge of the forging process. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tan Fengjie  Tom Lahmer 《工程优选》2018,50(9):1470-1482
Comparing existing design methodologies for arch-type dams, model-based shape optimization can effectively reduce construction costs and leverage the properties of construction materials. To apply means of shape optimization, suitable variables need to be chosen to formulate the objective function, which is here the volume of the arch dam. A genetic algorithm is adopted as the optimization method, which allows a global search. The reliability index is considered as the main constraint. Its computation is realized by adaptive Kriging Monte Carlo simulation, which visibly increases the analysis efficiency compared with traditional Monte Carlo simulations. Constraints, such as the reliability index and further with respect to the geometry, are taken into consideration by a penalty formulation. By means of this approach, a reliability-based design can be found which ensures both the safety and serviceability of a newly designed arch-type dam.  相似文献   

Desirability functions (DFs) are commonly used in optimization of design parameters with multiple quality characteristic to obtain a good compromise among predicted response models obtained from experimental designs. Besides discussing multi-objective approaches for optimization of DFs, we present a brief review of literature about most commonly used Derringer and Suich type of DFs and others as well as their capabilities and limitations. Optimization of DFs of Derringer and Suich is a challenging problem. Although they have an advantageous shape over other DFs, their nonsmooth nature is a drawback. Commercially available software products used by quality engineers usually do optimization of these functions by derivative free search methods on the design domain (such as Design-Expert), which involves the risk of not finding the global optimum in a reasonable time. Use of gradient-based methods (as in MINITAB) after smoothing nondifferentiable points is also proposed as well as different metaheuristics and interactive multi-objective approaches, which have their own drawbacks. In this study, by utilizing a reformulation on DFs, it is shown that the nonsmooth optimization problem becomes a nonconvex mixed-integer nonlinear problem. Then, a continuous relaxation of this problem can be solved with nonconvex and global optimization approaches supported by widely available software programs. We demonstrate our findings on two well-known examples from the quality engineering literature and their extensions.  相似文献   

工程结构优化设计发展综述   总被引:44,自引:5,他引:44       下载免费PDF全文
 着重评述了工程结构优化设计研究领域从最初的尺寸优化发展到形状优化、拓扑优化的基本历程及其相关特点,并对优化设计选用的优化算法进行了归类,提出了这一领域今后仍然有待于发展的主要方面.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Optimal rework shapes for the most critical stiffener runout fatigue locations in the F-111 wing pivot fitting have been determined using a recently developed finite-element-based gradient-less shape optimization procedure. The resulting precise free-form shapes render the local notch stress distributions near uniform and typically provide a 30–40% reduction in peak elastic stresses as compared to the current rework shapes that exist for aircraft in service with the Royal Australian Air Force. The present numerical results are also consistent with recent preliminary experimental results, and a significant program of further validation testing is envisaged. Hence it is expected that the stress reductions predicted in the present work will be sufficient to provide a basis for extending inspection intervals by at least a factor of two; from 500 to 1000 h. Implementation of such an extension to the F-111 fleet in service with the Royal Australian Air Force would provide a very significant maintenance cost saving. The anticipated reduction in local crack growth rates would also allow achievement of the planned withdrawal date for the aircraft.  相似文献   

A numerical method is proposed for the efficient solution of shape optimization problems, which combines the boundary perturbation technique and finite element analysis. The method is computationally efficient in that it requires a number of finite element analyses with a fixed geometry, as opposed to standard shape optimization which requires re‐analysis with varying geometry. The application of the method to general shape optimization is considered. In addition, a special optimization scheme is devised for a class of problems governed by linear partial differential equations. The performance of the method is illustrated via an example which involves acoustic wave scattering from an obstacle. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A gradient method for optimization of shape and materials for radar cross section (RCS) reduction is derived from Maxwell's equations. The method uses the adjoint problem and finds the derivatives of the RCS with respect to all design parameters from a single solution of the scattering problem. The method is tested in two-dimensional test problems to minimize the RCS in specified angular intervals at a single frequency, and finds configurations with strongly reduced RCS in a small number of iterations. In the absence of other constraints, the optimal shapes of perfectly electrically conducting (PEC) scatterers have sharp corners pointing in the directions where the RCS is minimized and shapes optimized at a single or small number of frequencies exhibit corrugations with about half the wavelength of the incident wave. The corrugations can be suppressed by means of penalty functions, and this gives only moderate increases of the RCS. After such regularization, the optimal shapes agree well with expectations from geometrical optics; they have almost flat surfaces whose normals lie outside the intervals chosen for RCS optimization, and sharp edges at locations where the surface normal points into the intervals in which the RCS is minimized. Shape optimization of PEC wing profiles aiming at both good aerodynamical properties and low RCS show give conflicting requirements on the shape. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A territorial-based filtering algorithm (TBFA) is proposed as an integration tool in a multi-level design optimization methodology. The design evaluation burden is split between low- and high-cost levels in order to properly balance the cost and required accuracy in different design stages, based on the characteristics and requirements of the case at hand. TBFA is in charge of connecting those levels by selecting a given number of geometrically different promising solutions from the low-cost level to be evaluated in the high-cost level. Two test case studies, a Francis runner and a transonic fan rotor, have demonstrated the robustness and functionality of TBFA in real industrial optimization problems.  相似文献   

In this paper, we reformulate global optimization problems in terms of boundary‐value problems (BVP). This allows us to introduce a new class of optimization algorithms. Indeed, current optimization methods, including non‐deterministic ones, can be seen as discretizations of initial value problems for differential equations, or systems of differential equations. Furthermore, in order to reduce computational time approximate state and sensitivity evaluations are introduced during optimization. Lastly, we demonstrated the efficacy of two algorithms, included in the former class, on two academic test cases and on the design of a fast microfluidic protein‐folding device. The aim of the latter design is to reduce mixing times of proteins to microsecond time scales. Results are compared with those obtained with a classical genetic algorithm. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Adhesive bonding has been widely used to join or repair metallic and composite structural components to achieve or restore their designated structural stiffness and strengths. However, current analysis methods and empirical databases for composite bonded patch repairs or joints are limited to flat structures, and there exists a very limited knowledge on the effect of curvature on the performance and durability of composite bonded joints and repairs. Recently, a novel finite element formulation was presented for developing adhesive elements for conducting 2.5‐D simplified stress analysis of bonded repairs to curved structures. This paper presents the work on optimal shape design of a bonded curved composite patch using the newly developed adhesive element. The Sequential Linear Programming (SLP) method is employed as the optimization algorithm in conjunction with a fully implemented mesh generation algorithm into which new features have been incorporated. The objective of shape optimization is to minimize the maximum stress in the entire adhesive layer to ensure that the bonded patch effectively works together with the parent structure in service. Several different objective functions, related to possible failure mechanisms of the adhesive layer, are proposed to optimize the shape of a bonded patch. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the sheet metal forming process, forming the final desired shape is difficult to obtain due to wrinkling, tearing, failure of material, etc. Various conditions of the forming process should be controlled for the desired shape. These conditions are the velocity of the punch, the friction factor, the blank holding force, the initial shape of the blank and others. Many researchers have conducted studies to predetermine the initial blank shape. The structural optimization technique is one of them. Non‐linear response structural optimization is required because non‐linearities are involved in the analysis of the metal forming process. When the conventional method is utilized, the cost is extremely high due to repeated non‐linear analysis for function and sensitivity calculation. In this paper, the equivalent static loads (ESLs) method is used to determine the blank shape which leads to the final desired shape and reduced wrinkling. The ESLs method is a structural optimization method where non‐linear dynamic loads are transformed into ESLs, and these ESLs are utilized as external loads in linear response optimization. The design is updated in linear response optimization. Non‐linear analysis is performed with the updated design and the process proceeds in a cyclic manner. An optimization formulation is defined for the examples, the formulated problems are solved to verify the proposed method and the results are discussed. Non‐linear analysis is performed using the commercial software LS‐DYNA, NASTRAN is used for calculating the ESLs and linear response optimization, and an interface program for LS‐DYNA and NASTRAN is developed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article investigates multi-objective optimization under reliability constraints with applications in vehicle structural design. To improve computational efficiency, an improved multi-objective system reliability-based design optimization (MOSRBDO) method is developed, and used to explore the lightweight and high-performance design of a concept car body under uncertainty. A parametric model knowledge base is established, followed by the construction of a fully parametric concept car body of a multi-purpose vehicle (FPCCB-MPV) based on the knowledge base. The structural shape, gauge and topology optimization are then designed on the basis of FPCCB-MPV. The numerical implementation of MOSRBDO employs the double-loop method with design optimization in the outer loop and system reliability analysis in the inner loop. Multi-objective particle swarm optimization is used as the outer loop optimization solver. An improved multi-modal radial-based importance sampling (MRBIS) method is utilized as the system reliability solver for multi-constraint analysis in the inner loop. The accuracy and efficiency of the MRBIS method are demonstrated on three widely used test problems. In conclusion, MOSRBDO has been successfully applied for the design of a full parametric concept car body. The results show that the improved MOSRBDO method is more effective and efficient than the traditional MOSRBDO while achieving the same accuracy, and that the optimized body-in-white structure signifies a noticeable improvement from the baseline model.  相似文献   

This article proposes an improved imperialistic competitive algorithm to solve multi-objective optimization problems. The proposed multi-objective imperialistic competitive algorithm (MOICA) uses the elitist strategy, based on the mutation and crossover as in genetic algorithms, and the Pareto concept to store simultaneously optimal solutions of multiple conflicting functions. Three performance metrics are used to evaluate the performance of the new algorithm: convergence to the true Pareto-optimal set, solution diversity and robustness, characterized by the variance over 10 runs. To validate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, several multi-objective standard test functions with true solutions are used. The obtained results show that the MOICA outperforms most of the methods available in the literature. The proposed algorithm can also handle multi-objective engineering design problems with high dimensions.  相似文献   

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