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Clinical group practice is commonly guided by the assumption that 11 distinct therapeutic factors operate in psychotherapy groups. This assumption should be closely examined due to the emerging evidence of fewer, more global therapeutic factors. The present study was conducted to continue the development of the Therapeutic Factors Inventory–Short Form (TFI–S) and focused on confirming its factor structure and evaluating aspects of its concurrent, discriminant, and predictive validity. A sample comprising a total of 435 clients from 52 distinct therapy groups at eight different clinical sites in the U.S. and Canada was obtained. Structural equation modeling analyses indicated that a four-factor model had a reasonably good fit to the TFI–S rating data, and it provided indications for further refinement of the constituent items. The analyses resulted in a revised, 19-item measure, the Therapeutic Factors Inventory–19 (TFI–19). Three-level HLM analyses demonstrated that the four factors were sensitive to change in member perceptions over time. Significant and meaningful relationships between the TFI–19 factors and subscales of the Group Climate Questionnaire-Short Form provided support for the concurrent validity of the TFI–19. Two-level HLM analyses identified significant relationships between the TFI–19 factors and posttreatment status on symptomatic and interpersonal distress, thereby supporting the predictive validity of the TFI–19. The findings suggest that the TFI–19 may be a useful instrument to assess group members' perceptions of more global therapeutic factors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present investigation examined the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Injection Phobia Scale–Anxiety (IPS-Anx). Principal components analysis of IPS-Anx items in Study 1 (n = 498) revealed a 2-factor structure consisting of Distal Fear and Contact Fear. However, CFA results in Study 2 (n = 567) suggest that a 1-factor structure may be more parsimonious. IPS-Anx scores demonstrated excellent reliability including test–retest over a 12-week period in Study 3 (n = 195). Supportive evidence for convergent and divergent validity of IPS-Anx scores was also found in Study 4 (n = 319), with strong associations with disgust propensity and sensitivity and weak associations with positive affect. Further evidence of validity was found in Study 5 (n = 1,674) because IPS-Anx scores discriminated those who have experienced fainting symptoms or avoided medical procedures from those without a history of such symptoms. In Study 6, data from Studies 2 through 5 were pooled, and the findings of Study 2 were replicated. The 1-factor model also fit the data well for men and women in Study 6. Lastly, IPS-Anx scores differentiated those with blood-injection-injury phobia (n = 39) from those without this phobia (n = 43) in Study 7. These findings suggest that the IPS-Anx has excellent psychometric properties, making it suitable for use in programmatic research on injection phobia. However, future research examining the validity of a short form of the scale with only the Contact Fear items may further improve the efficiency and utility of the IPS-Anx. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ) is one of the pre-eminent measures of gender-specific personality characteristics. To evaluate the PAQ'S viability 20 yrs after its creation, the authors assessed the dimensionality and psychometric properties of the original PAQ and a French version using samples of 637 English-speaking and French-speaking university administrators. The structure of the English form of the PAQ was supported for both women and men when the data were submitted to confirmatory analyses. Support was not as convincing for the dimensionality of the French form of the PAQ, however. Some evidence for expected differences in mean Instrumentality and Expressivity scores was found between women and men. Findings support the continued use of the English PAQ as a measure of Instrumental and Expressive personality traits. Further study of the French PAQ is recommended. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Purpose: Veterans with a history of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) are reporting postconcussive symptoms (PCSx) in addition to experiencing postdeployment physical and emotional comorbidities. The Veterans Health Administration has mandated specialized evaluation and treatment for veterans with a history of mTBI and has suggested widespread use of the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI) as a measure of PCSx. This study evaluated the NSI’s factor structure and assessed the impact of posttraumatic stress (PTS) on the scale at the item and factor levels. Research Method: Five hundred twenty-nine charts of returning veterans who screened positive for traumatic brain injury were reviewed, and 345 who met criteria for mTBI were included in the study. Results: Results of factor analysis on the NSI revealed a difficult-to-interpret factor structure that was inconsistent with the results of civilian studies. PTS explained 5%–38% of the variance in individual PCSx, and after controlling for this variance, the factor structure more closely paralleled findings from the civilian literature. Conclusion: PTS is an important variable to account for when evaluating PCSx in veterans. Research and clinical implications for the measurement and interpretation of self-reported PCSx are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The coach–athlete relationship has been purported to be shaped by coaches’ and athletes’ self-perceptions (e.g., I trust my coach/athlete) and metaperceptions (e.g., My coach/athlete trusts me) of closeness, commitment, and complementarity (3Cs). The development of the Coach–Athlete Relationship Questionnaire (CART-Q; S. Jowett & N. Ntoumanis, 2004) has enabled the assessment of coaches’ and athletes’ self-perceptions of the relationship as defined by the 3Cs. The author conducted 2 studies to examine the factor structure and criterion-related validity of the CART-Q when its items are worded to express metaperceptions. In the 1st study, confirmatory factor analyses employing a sample of athletes (n = 201) supported the validity of a 3-dimensional model in which the factors were separate but correlated for metacloseness, metacommitment, and metacomplementarity. The 2nd study provided further evidence of validity when the 3 factors were examined relative to criterion variables with 2 independent samples: athletes (n = 189) and coaches (n = 138). These results highlight that the conceptual model from which the CART-Q was developed captures the relationship quality through athletes’ and coaches’ feelings (closeness), thoughts (commitment), and behaviors (complementarity). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the structure of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as measured by the Impact of Event Scale–Revised (IES-R; Weiss & Marmar, 1997), tested factorial invariance for samples of 235 Israeli emergency room patients and 306 U.S. undergraduate students, and then evaluated factorial invariance over multiple occasions within the emergency room sample. A four-factor structure representing intrusion, avoidance-numbing, hyperarousal, and sleep emerged as the preferred model. Configural invariance over groups was supported for this model. Likewise, configural invariance over occasions was demonstrated, but metric invariance was not fully supported, with variation in the loadings on the intrusion factor over time seemingly the source of misfit. Interpretations and conclusions center on sleep as a separate factor underlying the structure of the IES-R, the distinction between avoidance and numbing as a function of how the IES-R (vs. the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition) operationalizes the numbing feature of PTSD and possible shifts in the meaning of intrusion over time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The structure of the Outcome Questionnaire–45 (Lambert et al., 2001) was examined in a sample of 1,100 university counseling center clients using confirmatory factor analysis. Specifically, the relative fit of 1-factor, 3-factor orthogonal, 3-factor oblique, 4-factor hierarchical, and 4-factor bilevel models were examined. Although the 3-factor oblique, 4-factor hierarchical, and 4-factor bilevel models fit the data well, the 4-factor bilevel model fit the data best. The results provided support for the fit of the 4-factor bilevel model where each item loads on 1 of the 3 independent scales of Symptom Distress, Social Role Performance, and Interpersonal Relations, in addition to a nonoverlapping general distress factor. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The experiments on the fabrication of materials based on the Ti–3Al–0.5Ta and 3Ti–2Al–Ta systems by self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) are performed. The influence of the composition of the initial mixture, dispersity of powders, and preliminary mechanical activation on the phase composition and structure of the SHS product is investigated. The optimal ratio between the mechanically activated and initial powder in a mixture for the synthesis of materials is determined. The dependence of the structure of final products on the structure of initial powders is established. The use of porous tantalum leads to the formation of the intermetallic matrix based on titanium aluminide with the uniform distribution of Ta particles. It is noteworthy that tantalum powders of both studied series (which differ by dispersity and morphology) partially reacted already at the stage of mechanical activation with the formation of the Al2Ta phase. It is shown that aluminum plays the leading role in processes of mechanical activation in Ti–Al–Ta reaction mixtures. Indeed, a considerable rise of unreacted tantalum particles in the microstructure of sintered samples is observed with a decrease in the amount of aluminum in the reaction mixture.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Non-Ferrous Metals - The powder metallurgy method, including the mechanical activation of powders in a planetary mill and spark plasma sintering at 1470°C in an inert...  相似文献   

Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics - The nature of phase equilibria has been examined for the first time in the Al–Ti–Pt system in the range 0–50 at.% Pt at subsolidus...  相似文献   

Although several brief instruments are available for the emotional intelligence (EI) construct, their conceptual coverage tends to be quite limited. One notable exception is the short form of the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i:S), which measures multiple EI dimensions in addition to a global EI index. Despite the unique advantage offered by the inventory, psychometric properties of the EQ-i:S scores have not yet been systematically evaluated. Such an evaluation was the main goal of the present investigation. Using data from 2,508 undergraduates, the authors conducted 2 studies involving factor structure, internal reliability, 6-month temporal stability, and construct validity of the EQ-i:S responses, both for the total EQ scale and for each constituent dimension. The results supported the multidimensional measurement structure of the EQ-i:S, with each dimension producing internally consistent, temporally stable, and theoretically meaningful responses. Scores on the EQ-i:S were associated more strongly with performance on an ability test of EI and with a conceptually similar construct of alexithymia than with the broader dimensions of basic personality and explained nontrivial amounts of incremental variance in the criterion symptoms of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Moreover, scores on each EQ-i:S dimension exhibited unique patterns of associations with the validation variables. The discussion highlights the advantages of the multidimensional approach in the assessment and study of EI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sun  W.Z.  Huang  Z.K.  Lu  Y.J.  Liu  L.M.  Xiao  Z. 《Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics》2022,60(11-12):738-747
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics - Preliminary experiments revealed solid-state reactions in the SiC–TiO2–MgO system that resulted in forming TiC compound, providing, thus, a new...  相似文献   

DTA, XRD, metallography, and electron-probe microanalysis have been applied to study phase compositions of cast and annealed alloys (annealing at subsolidus temperatures of 1400°C (composition range 0-50 at.% Sc) and 930°C (composition range 50-100 at.% Sc)) and construct polythermal sections for the Sc Ru Rh ternary system on the isoconcentrates 75 at.% Sc, 65 at.% Rh, and beam Ru:Rh = 1:1, as well as isoconcentrates for 5.0 ± 0.3 at.% Ru and 5 at.% Rh in the region of 50-100 at.% Sc. The sections reveal characteristic features of the phase diagram structure for this ternary system, in particular temperature ranges for crystallization and the types of phase transformation within them.  相似文献   

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