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Approximately 5% of children are affected by attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and more boys are affected than girls. This study examined the magnitude of genetic and environmental influences on ADHD and several questions regarding sex differences in its prevalence and liability. The participants were 2,391 twin and sibling pairs from Australia, ages 3–18. ADHD symptoms in the general population were highly heritable (h2?=?.85–.90), as were deviant ADHD scores in the selected population. The magnitude of familial influences was similar for boys and girls, although there were shared environmental influences on ADHD in girls but not boys and dominance genetic influences on ADHD in boys but not girls. Specific genetic and environmental influences were highly similar for boys and girls. Evidence supported the polygenic multiple threshold model rather than the constitutional variability model of sex differences in ADHD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The DSM–5 ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders Work Group recently outlined a research agenda designed to support possible revisions to the diagnostic criteria for oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD). Some of the areas in need of further investigation include (a) examining the clinical utility of the current diagnostic system in girls, (b) further clarifying the developmental progression from ODD to CD, (c) determining whether facets of ODD symptoms can help explain heterotypic continuity and enhance predictive validity, (d) evaluating the clinical utility of a new subtyping scheme for CD on the basis of the presence of callous–unemotional traits, and (e) comparing the clinical utility of dimensional versus categorical conceptualizations of ODD and CD. This special section was organized in an attempt to provide data on these issues using a diverse array of longitudinal data sets consisting of both epidemiological and clinic-based samples that collectively cover a large developmental span ranging from childhood through early adulthood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Data from several clinical samples and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory–2 standardization group are presented to familiarize the reader with response patterns of different groups on a new validity scale designed to assist in the identification of exaggeration or fabrication of psychological disturbance. Sensitivity-specificity analyses are included along with suggestions for use of the F(p) Scale with other validity scales. Cautions about setting single cutoff scores are also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Several studies suggest that a prototype-matching approach yields diagnoses of comparable validity to the more complex diagnostic algorithms outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Furthermore, clinicians prefer prototype diagnosis of personality disorders to the current categorical diagnostic system or alternative dimensional methods. An important extension of this work was to investigate the degree to which clinicians are able to make prototype diagnoses reliably. The aim of this study was to assess the interrater reliability of a prototype-matching approach to personality diagnosis in clinical practice. Using prototypes derived empirically in prior research, outpatient clinicians diagnosed patients' personality after an initial evaluation period. External evaluators independently diagnosed the same patients after watching videotapes of the same clinical hours. Interrater reliability for prototype diagnosis was high, with a median r = .72. Cross-correlations between disorders were low, with a median r = .01. Clinicians and clinically trained independent observers can assess complex personality constellations with high reliability using a simple prototype-matching procedure, even with prototypes that are relatively unfamiliar to them. In light of its demonstrated reliability, efficiency, and versatility, prototype diagnosis appears to be a viable system for the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases, with exceptional utility for research and clinical practice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the original article Personality traits and the classification of mental Disorders: Toward a more complete integration in DSM–5 and an empirical model of psychopathology by Robert F. Krueger and Nicholas R. Eaton (see record 2010-13810-003). This article develops the larger theme that the fundamental quantitatively developed architecture of personality provides a sound base for classifying all areas of psychopathology and, more specifically, should underlie the current effort to revise the classification of personality disorders (PDs) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). My commentary is organized around what I perceive to be four significant problems with the proposed change to a trait-based system: (1) unfamiliarity to clinicians (and possibly unfeasibility), (2) lack of clinical utility, (3) the preliminary quality of the science upon which the proposed change is based, and (4) harmful effects on the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder (BPD). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Comments on the original article Personality traits and the classification of mental Disorders: Toward a more complete integration in DSM–5 and an empirical model of psychopathology by Robert F. Krueger and Nicholas R. Eaton (see record 2010-13810-003). In their article, Krueger and Eaton (pp. 97–118, this issue) advocate for a “more complete and extensive integration of personality traits in future DSMs [Diagnostic and Statistical Manuals of Mental Disorders], via the explicit inclusion of an empirically based, dimensional personality trait model” (p. 97) and review the “diverse ways in which the inclusion of an empirically based personality trait model could constitute a critical innovation in the transition from DSM–IV to DSM-5” (p. 113). Krueger and Eaton’s proposal that (DSM-5) adopt a dimensional personality trait approach exemplifies the difficulties of devising a classification scheme that satisfies the needs of the both the clinical and research communities. In this instance, the challenge is adapting a complex dimensional trait scheme developed and utilized almost exclusively by the research community, for clinical use. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Sexual experience and expression is of fundamental importance to most people. However, most people do not communicate effectively about sexuality even when it is important to do so. For example, many parents see it as their responsibility to talk to their children about sexuality and yet do not engage in in-depth discussions with their children about sexual topics. Most romantic partners have difficulty telling each other what pleases and displeases them sexually. Many health care professionals do not meet their patients' needs for information about the sexual changes they experience as a result of their disease or treatment. Many psychologists also are not doing a good job of addressing sexuality in the classroom, in practicum and internship settings, and/or with clients. These instances of poor sexual communication are unfortunate as effective sexual communication can have a range of positive outcomes such as more satisfying relationships and positive sexual health and well-being over the life span. This paper reviews sexual communication in all of these contexts, focusing on findings from my program of research spanning more than 30 years. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Updates the previous index of reviews and notes on statistical methods and research design compiled by T. Andrews (1967). Organization of this index is identical to that of the authors' index of literature reviews (see record 1980-06186-001), and summaries and articles on topics of statistics and research design that are included in the larger index are also included in this index. Author and subject indexes are included. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The typology of overreporting, which is a deliberate attempt to amplify symptoms, simulate psychopathology, or understate coping capacities, was examined using taxometric procedures with Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) Infrequency scales [F and F(p)] in psychiatric inpatient and Veterans Affairs (VA) medical center treatment settings. Overreporting was identified as a taxon using several taxometric procedures, and the multiple estimates of the taxon base rate were consistent within each sample. Mean base-rate estimates were .27 and .19 for the psychiatric inpatient and VA medical center settings, respectively. Overall classification rates ranged from .80 to .97 across the 2 settings, which supports the use of F and F(p) in the identification of overreporting on the MMPI-2 in psychiatric inpatient and VA medical center settings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Updates a previous compilation by T. Andrews and F. Kerr (1967) covering 1940–1966. Like the earlier index, the current one includes all articles that were wholly or largely reviews of a specialized area of literature, along with published comments on those review articles. Author and subject indexes are included. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A thermodynamic model for calculating the phosphorus distribution ratio between top–bottom combined blown converter steelmaking slags and molten steel has been developed by coupling with a developed thermodynamic model for calculating mass action concentrations of structural units in the slags, i.e., CaO-SiO2-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-MnO-Al2O3-P2O5 slags, based on the ion and molecule coexistence theory (IMCT). Not only the total phosphorus distribution ratio but also the respective phosphorus distribution ratio among four basic oxides as components, i.e., CaO, MgO, FeO, and MnO, in the slags and molten steel can be predicted theoretically by the developed IMCT phosphorus distribution ratio prediction model after knowing the oxygen activity of molten steel at the slag–metal interface or the Fe t O activity in the slags and the related mass action concentrations of structural units or ion couples in the slags. The calculated mass action concentrations of structural units or ion couples in the slags equilibrated or reacted with molten steel show that the calculated equilibrium mole numbers or mass action concentrations of structural units or ion couples, rather than the mass percentage of components, can present the reaction ability of the components in the slags. The predicted total phosphorus distribution ratio by the developed IMCT model shows a reliable agreement with the measured phosphorus distribution ratio by using the calculated mass action concentrations of iron oxides as presentation of slag oxidation ability. Meanwhile, the developed thermodynamic model for calculating the phosphorus distribution ratio can determine quantitatively the respective dephosphorization contribution ratio of Fe t O, CaO + Fe t O, MgO + Fe t O, and MnO + Fe t O in the slags. A significant difference of dephosphorization ability among Fe t O, CaO + Fe t O, MgO + Fe t O, and MnO + Fe t O has been found as approximately 0.0 pct, 99.996 pct, 0.0 pct, and 0.0 pct during a combined blown converter steelmaking process, respectively. There is a great gradient of oxygen activity of molten steel at the slag–metal interface and in a metal bath when carbon content in a metal bath is larger than 0.036 pct. The phosphorus in molten steel beneath the slag–metal interface can be extracted effectively by the comprehensive effect of CaO and Fe t O in slags to form 3CaO·P2O5 and 4CaO·P2O5 until the carbon content is less than 0.036 pct during a top–bottom combined blown steelmaking process.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic model for predicting the phosphate capacity of CaO-SiO2-MgO-FeO-Fe2O3-MnO-Al2O3-P2O5 slags at the steelmaking endpoint during an 80-ton top–bottom combined blown converter steelmaking process has been developed based on the ion and molecule coexistence theory (IMCT). The phosphate capacity has a close relationship with the phosphate capacity index, whereas the logarithm of phosphate capacity is 12.724 greater than that of phosphate capacity index at 1873 K (1600 °C). The developed phosphate capacity prediction model can be also used to predict the phosphate capacity index with reliable accuracy compared with the measured and the predicted phosphate capacity index of the slags by other models in literatures. The results from the IMCT phosphate capacity prediction model show that the comprehensive effects of iron oxides and basic components control the dephosphorization reaction with an optimal ratio of (pct FeO)/(pct Fe2O3) as 0.62. The determined contribution ratio of Fe t O, CaO + Fe t O, MgO + Fe t O, and MnO + Fe t O to the phosphate capacity or phosphate capacity index of the slags is approximately 0.0 pct, 99.996 pct, 0.0 pct, and 0.0 pct, respectively. The generated 2CaO·P2O5, 3CaO·P2O5, and 4CaO·P2O5 as products of dephosphorization reactions accounts for 0.016 pct, 96.01 pct, and 3.97 pct of the phosphate capacity or phosphate capacity index of the slags, respectively.  相似文献   

Although Person?×?Situation (P?×?S) interactionism is central in current social-cognitive conceptions of personality organization, its implications for the encoding of the self remain unexplored. Two studies examined the causal role of P?×?S interactionism in self-encoding on affect regulation and discriminative social perception. Following failure (Studies 1 and 2) and success (Study 2) ideation, participants were prompted to encode the self either in P?×?S interactionist terms (I am…when…) or in traitlike unconditional terms (I am…). Interactionist (compared with unconditional) self-encoding led to less affective extremity, suggesting that such encoding may prevent individuals from generalizing specific success and failure experiences to the self as a whole. Study 2 also found that interactionist self-encoding attenuated the endorsement of global stereotypes, suggesting that such encoding may enhance fine-grained social perception as well. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the present work, ternary Al?CTi?CB master alloys have been prepared in an induction furnace by the reaction between preheated halide salts (K2TiF6 and KBF4) and liquid molten Al. A number of process parameters such as reaction temperature (800, 900, 1,000?°C), reaction time (45, 60, 75?min.) and compositions (Ti/B ratio: 5/1, 1/3) have been studied. The indigenously prepared master alloys were characterised by chemical analysis, particles size analysis, XRD and SEM/EDX microanalysis. Results of particle size analysis suggest that the sizes of the intermetallic particles [Al3Ti and TiB2 in Al?C5Ti?C1B and (Al, Ti)B2 in Al?C1Ti?C3B] present in various Al?CTi?CB master alloys increases with increase in reaction temperature (800?C1,000?°C) and reaction time (45?C75?min.). The population of the particles decreases with increase in reaction time and temperature. Further, SEM/EDX studies revealed that different morphologies of the intermetallic particles were observed at different reaction temperatures and reaction times. Further, the performances of the above-prepared master alloys were assessed for their grain refining efficiency on Al?C7Si alloy by macroscopy, DAS analysis. Grain refinement studies suggest that, B-rich Al?C1Ti?C3B master alloy shows better grain refinement performance on Al?C7Si alloy when compared to Ti-rich Al?C5Ti?C1B master alloy.  相似文献   

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