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BACKGROUND: Arrhythmias are frequent pathology in patients with chronic hemodialysis. We evaluated whether a relatively new technique, signal averaging, could be useful in predicting the development of complex arrhythmias in these patients. METHODS: Thirty-three patients, 18 male and 15 female, subjected to thrice weekly chronic hemodialytic treatment with various dialysis techniques, were studied. Exclusion criteria were the presence of antiarrhythmic and inotropic treatment. The following examinations were carried out in all patients: a Holter dynamic electrocardiography for a duration of 24 hours, begun on the day of dialysis, high resolution ECG pre- and post-dialysis to find out if there were any ventricular late potential (VLP). Four hundred beats were examined in order to obtain a background noise of less than 0.7 microV and a better definition of the signal. The following parameters were considered significant for the presence of VLP: a) filtered QRS duration > 120 msec; b) the root mean square of the signal expressed in the terminal portion of QRS (RMS) < 25 microV) high frequency low amplitude signals duration (HFLA) > 40 msec. A positive value in two of these parameters was considered indicative of the presence of VLP. In addition various pre and post-dialysis indices of dialytic efficiency and a mono and two-dimensional echocardiogram with pulsed and color Doppler were carried out. Of the 33 patients studied, ten were excluded because they presented too high a background noise at the high resolution ECG. Of the remaining 23 patients, 13 (56%) presented VLP and nine of these (69%) presented complex arrhythmias. Of the ten patients without VLP, 5 (50%) presented complex arrhythmias. The incidence of arrhythmias was highest during the last two hours of dialysis and in the two hours following it. The patients were then divided into two groups (A and B) according to the ejection fraction (EF) found at the echocardiogram. Group A was composed of 17 patients of whom 8 (47%) presented complex arrhythmias; group B (EF < 45%) was composed of the remaining six patients, who all presented complex arrhythmias. In group A nine patients (53%) out of 17 had LVP, in group B four out of six (66%) had it. All the patients except one presented an increase in the thickness of the ventricular wall and alterations of Doppler transmitral filling rate. Left ventricular hypertrophy was diagnosed in 22 out of the 23 patients. Four patients also had chronic ischaemic heart disease; of these three had LVP. There was no correlation between the presence of LVP and the hemodialytic indices and between the latter and complex arrhythmias. CONCLUSIONS: Our study showed that arrhythmias are more frequent in patients with LVP before dialysis than in those without. The difference was statistically significant (p < 0.006); the incidence of arrhythmias was higher in patients with FE < 45% (p < 0.001). The majority of patients (95%) had left ventricular hypertrophy; only four (17%) had ischaemic heart disease too. It is highly probable that the presence of LVP in our patients can be attributed to hypertension and subsequent left ventricular hypertrophy. As patients with LVP at the end of dialysis had a greater incidence of arrhythmias than those without LVP, we suggest that this method could be useful as a first screening in dialysed patients.  相似文献   

Effects of chronic (45 days) treatment with different doses of cadmium chloride (0.25 and 1.0 mg/kg/day), methylmercury chloride (0.4 and 4.0 mg/kg/day) and lead acetate (0.2 and 1.0 mg/kg/day) and of 28-day withdrawal of treatment on the levels of acetylcholine (ACh) and activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in cerebral cortex, and concentration of norepinephrine (NE) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in brain-stem were examined in rats. Exposure to both cadmium and methylmercury produced significant decreases in cortical ACh and brain-stem 5-HT levels. In addition, brain-stem NE concentration was increased in methylmercury-treated rats. In contrast, chronic treatment with lead resulted in enhanced cerebrocortical ACh levels but a decreased brain-stem NE concentration. Treatment with cadmium also produced a transient enhancement of striatal dopamine levels. Cadmium-induced decrease in brain-stem 5-HT and lead-induced accumulation of cortical ACh persisted even after 28 day withdrawal of treatment. The data indicate that chronic exposure to low doses of heavy metals produces differential changes in regional levels of various brain biogenic amines. These changes may represent the early signs of adverse effects on CNS function since they occur before any overt symptoms of neurotoxic effects of heavy metals become apparent.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Premature delivery is difficult to predict and causes considerable neonatal morbidity and mortality. Despite much research, little progress has been made in timely identification of the mothers at risk. We examined the uterine cervix with ultrasonography to discover whether such a procedure would be helpful in determining which women will deliver prematurely. METHODS: We performed transvaginal ultrasound examinations in addition to routine transabdominal ultrasonography at 18 to 22 weeks' gestation in 3694 consecutive pregnant women with live singleton fetuses. We measured the length of the uterine cervix and evaluated the dilatation, if any, of the internal os. The results of cervical ultrasonography were not available to the clinicians. RESULTS: Spontaneous delivery occurred before 37 completed weeks in 88 women (2.4%) and before 35 weeks in 31 (0.8%). The relative risk of delivery before 35 weeks was 8 (95% confidence interval 3, 19) when the cervical length was 29 mm or shorter. When dilatation of the internal cervical os of 5 mm or greater was present, the relative risk of delivery before 35 weeks was 28 (95% confidence interval 12, 67). Either short cervix (29 mm or less) or dilatation of internal cervical os (5 mm or greater) was present in 3.6% of the population; this combination had a sensitivity of 29% in predicting delivery at earlier than 35 weeks. After adjusting for cervical dilatation and length by using multiple logistic regression, nulliparity also remained a risk factor for delivery before 35 weeks (odds ratio 3.6, 95% confidence interval 1.7, 7.5). CONCLUSION: Transvaginal ultrasonography performed as an addition to routine transabdominal ultrasonography at 18 to 22 weeks helps to identify many patients at significant risk for prematurity; however, low sensitivity and low positive predictive value limit its usefulness in screening low-risk obstetric populations.  相似文献   

Investigated the effects of living alone or in groups of 3 or 4 wks on brain biogenic amine metabolism in 50 male Long-Evans rats. Living alone produced an increase in brain norepinephrine turnover relative to the grouped Ss. In addition, reserpine and para-chlorophenylalanine treatment affected brain norepinephrine levels more after individual housing than after group housing. Brain serotonin metabolism showed minimal changes in differentially housed Ss. These findings are in direct contrast to results from studies on psychosocial determinants of brain amine metabolism in mice. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Estrogen supplementation in postmenopausal women offers significant cardiovascular protection. The mechanism for this benefit is unclear but may be due to an interaction of estrogen with the blood vessel wall (vascular smooth muscle and endothelium). We examined the response of weight-matched female and male endothelium-intact and -denuded aortae to 17 beta-estradiol, its interaction with noradrenaline, and the effect of N-nitro-L-arginine. Estradiol produced relaxation responses that were significantly greater in female endothelium-intact preparations. This response was sensitive to N-nitro-L-arginine, while the response to 17 beta-estradiol in male endothelum-intact and both female and male endothelum-denuded preparations was resistant. Estradiol also inhibited contractions to noradrenaline, which was more pronounced in the female endothelium-intact aortic rings. These data imply that estradiol interacts preferentially with the female vascular endothelium, but there exists an endothelium-independent process that can also be activated in the male aorta. Further studies are warranted to elucidate these differential mechanisms.  相似文献   

Influence of a naloxone (an opioid receptor antagonist) challenge (5 mg/kg, IP) on levels of biogenic amines and their metabolites in various brain regions of rats infused continuously with butorphanol (a mu/delta/kappa mixed opioid receptor agonist; 26 nmol/microliter/h) or morphine (a mu-opioid receptor agonist; 26 nmol/microliter/h) was investigated using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (HPLC-ED). Naloxone precipitated a withdrawal syndrome and decreased the levels of: dopamine (DA) in the cortex and striatum, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) in the striatum, homovanilic acid (HVA) in the striatum, limbic, midbrain, and pons/medulla regions in butorphanol-dependent rats. However, the levels of norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT), and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in the regions studied were not affected by naloxone-precipitated withdrawal. In addition, naloxone increased the HVA/DA ratio in the cortex, while this ratio was reduced in the limbic, midbrain, and pons/medulla. The reduction of 5-HIAA/5-HT ratio was also detected in the limbic area. In the animals rendered dependent on morphine, the results obtained were similar to those of butorphanol-dependent rats except for changes of 5-HIAA levels in some brain regions. These results suggest that an alteration of dopaminergic neuron activity following a reduction of DA and its metabolites in specific brain regions (e.g., striatum, limbic, midbrain, and pons/medulla) play an important role in the expression of the opioid withdrawal syndrome.  相似文献   

Human serum biotinidase, purified to homogeneity (1920 units/mg protein), was incubated with biocytin prior to electrophoresis and transblotting with avidin-peroxidase. Avidin reacted with biotinidase maximally when incubated at pH 7.5-9, less at pH 7 and none below pH 7. No avidin reactivity occurred when biotinidase was incubated with biotin or in the absence of biocytin. Inclusion of the nucleophilic acceptors, ethanolamine or hydroxylamine, to the incubation mixture with biocytin and biotinidase resulted in loss of avidin reactivity. High concentrations of mercaptoethanol also prevented avidin reactivity. These results suggest that biotinidase can be biotinylated in the presence of biocytin at neutral to alkaline pH probably through a thioester bond formed with a cysteine residue in the active site of the enzyme. Biotinidase may then function as a biotinylating enzyme when incubated with appropriate nucleophilic acceptors.  相似文献   

The essence of the bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd)-flow cytometry (FCM) technique is that cells are labelled with the thymidine analogue BrdUrd. They are then allowed to progress through the cell cycle in a BrdUrd-free environment during the postlabelling time period. At a postlabelling time shorter than the length of the S phase (Ts), cells are fixed and prepared for FCM-mediated analysis of BrdUrd and DNA contents. From FCM-derived data, cell cycle kinetic parameters such as labelling index (LI), Ts, and potential doubling time (Tpot) can be calculated. Tpot is believed to be important in the evaluation of tumor aggressiveness and therapy response. Since LI is most commonly used together with Ts to calculate Tpot, it is important that both LI and Ts are independent of the time when cells are sampled. Several formulae to calculate LI and Ts have been presented. In the present paper, we deal with various formulae to calculate LI. These formulae differ in how they take into account unlabelled and BrdUrd-labelled cells in various fractions of the cell cycle. We present a new formula, which takes into consideration cells in the different fractions and thus makes LI theoretically independent of postlabelling time. Our results show that different LI values are obtained when different formulae are used to calculate LI. In addition, we show that the BrdUrd labelling period should be kept as short as possible.  相似文献   

We investigated the neuroprotective effects of 17 beta-estradiol (E2) on medial septal cholinergic neurons following partial unilateral lesion of the fimbriafornix. Adult female rats were ovariectomized (OVX) and, 5 days later, treated with a single intravenous (iv) injection of an estradiol (E2)-chemical delivery system (E2-CDS) or its vehicle hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HPCD). All rats were subjected to partial unilateral electrolytic fimbrial lesion the following day. At 20 days postlesion, brain slices from treated animals were assessed for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) by immunohistochemistry. Animals treated with HPCD or E2-CDS showed a 44 or 4% decrease, respectively, in ChAT-positive neurons on the lesioned side compared to the nonlesioned side of the medial septum. In a second study using the same lesioning procedure, adult OVX rats received either a subcutaneous E2 pellet implant (n = 6), or, 5 days postovariectomy, a single iv injection of E2-CDS (n = 8) or HPCD (n = 6). Animals treated with HPCD showed a 55% decrease in ChAT-positive neurons on the lesioned side compared to the nonlesioned side of the medial septum. By contrast, rats treated with E2-CDS or E2 pellet had a 14 or 13% decrease, respectively, in ChAT-positive neurons. Interestingly, E2 treatment substantially decreased ChAT-positive neurons on the nonlesioned side of the medial septum in comparison to control animals. The present study suggests that cholinergic neurons in the medial septum are protected from lesion-induced degeneration by treatments which increase brain E2 levels. Thus, E2 may play a neuroprotective role in the basal forebrain cholinergic system.  相似文献   

The authors present an account on a neonate with dextro-lateral renal venous thrombosis. They focus attention on the diagnostic and therapeutic procedure and compare it with available data from the literature. Contrary to data in the literature, they did not observe in the acute stage of renal venous thrombosis signs of disseminated intravascular coagulation in peripheral blood. It did not prove possible to elucidate the action of any of the factors leading to the development of renal venous thrombosis. After evidence of permanent functional loss of the right kidney nephrectomy was performed. Histopathological examination provided evidence of obliterating thrombosis of the renal veins with partial recanalization and calcifications. The authors emphasize the necessity of early diagnosis of renal venous thrombosis and adequate treatment based on the revealed findings.  相似文献   

Measuring the vertical displacement of the center of mass (COM) of the body during walking may provide useful information about the energy required to walk. Four methods of varying complexity to estimate the vertical displacement of the COM were compared in 25 able-bodied, female subjects. The first method, the sacral marker method, utilized an external marker on the sacrum as representative of the COM of the body. The second method, the reconstructed pelvis method, which also utilized a marker over the sacrum, theoretically controlled for pelvic tilt motion. The third method, the segmental analysis method, involved measuring motion of the trunk and limb segments. The fourth method, the forceplate method, involved estimating the COM displacement from ground reaction force measurements. A two-tailed paired t-test within an ANOVA showed no statistically significant difference between the sacral marker and the reconstructed pelvis methods (p = 0.839). There was also no statistically significant difference between the sacral marker and the segmental analysis method (p = 0.119) or between the reconstructed pelvis and the segmental analysis method (p = 0.174). It follows that the first method, which is the most simple, can provide essentially the same estimate of the vertical displacement of the COM as the more complicated second and third measures. The forceplate method produced data with a lower range and a different distribution than the other three methods. There was a statistically significant difference between the forceplate method and the other methods (p < 0.01 for each of the three comparisons). The forceplate method provides information that is statistically significantly different from the results of the kinematic methods. The magnitude of the difference is large enough to be physiologically significant and further studies to define the sources of the differences and the relative validity of the two approaches are warranted.  相似文献   

Predictions of the minimal size an organism must have to swim along stimulus gradients were used to compare the relative advantages of sensory systems employing spatial (simultaneous) and temporal (sequential) gradient detection mechanisms for small free-swimming bacteria, leading to the following conclusions: 1) there are environmental conditions where spatial detection mechanisms can function for smaller organisms than can temporal mechanisms, 2) temporal mechanisms are superior (have a smaller size limit) for the difficult conditions of low concentration and shallow gradients, but 3) observed bacterial chemotaxis occurs mostly under conditions where spatial mechanisms have a smaller size limit, and 4) relevant conditions in the natural environment favor temporal mechanisms in some cases and spatial mechanisms in others. Thus, sensory ecology considerations do not preclude free-swimming bacteria from employing spatial detection mechanisms, as has been thought, and microbiologists should be on the lookout for them. If spatial mechanisms do not occur, the explanation should be sought elsewhere.  相似文献   

Al complexes are known to accumulate in extra- and intracellular compartments of the brain in the course of different encephalopathies. In this study possible effects of Al accumulation in the cytoplasmic compartment on mitochondrial metabolism were investigated. Al, like Ca, inhibited pyruvate utilization as well as citrate and oxoglutarate accumulation by whole brain mitochondria. Potencies of Ca2+(total) effects were 10-20 times stronger than those of Al. Al decreased mitochondrial acetyl-CoA content in a concentration-dependent manner, along with an equivalent rise of free CoA level, whereas Ca caused loss of both intermediates from mitochondria. In the absence of Pi in the medium, Ca had no effect on mitochondrial metabolism, whereas Al lost its ability to suppress pyruvate utilization and acetyl-CoA content in Ca-free conditions. Verapamil potentiated, whereas ruthenium red reversed, Ca-evoked suppression of mitochondrial metabolism. On the other hand, in Ca-supplemented medium, Al partially overcame the inhibitory influence of verapamil. Accordingly, verapamil increased mitochondrial Ca levels much more strongly than Al. However, Al partially reversed the verapamil-evoked rise of Ca2+(total) level. These data indicate that Al accumulated in cytoplasm in the form of the Al(PO4)OH- complex may inhibit mitochondrial functions by an increase of intramitochondrial [Ca2+]total resulting from the Al-evoked rise of cytoplasmic [Ca2+]free, as well as from inhibitory interference with the verapamil binding site on the Na+/Ca2+ antiporter.  相似文献   

The present article reviews the immunohistochemical findings on the localization of biogenic amines and neuropeptides in adrenal medullary cells of birds. In the chicken, about 70% of medullary cells are adrenaline-containing cells and the rest of cells seem to be noradrenaline-containing cells. The ratio of adrenaline-cells to noradrenaline-cells extremely varies among avian species. Besides adrenaline and noradrenaline, medullary cells of birds contain many kinds of biogenic amines and neuropeptides: serotonin, galanin, cholecystokinin, somatostatin, enkephalin, neuropeptide tyrosine and atrial natriuretic peptide. The existence of these bioactive substances in medullary cells also exhibits interspecies heterogeneity. In the chicken, serotonin and galanin are contained in both adrenaline- and noradrenaline-cells of the adrenal gland. Cholecystokinin- and somatostatin-immunoreactivity is restricted to adrenaline-containing cells. Enkephalin-immunoreactivity is seen in both adrenaline- and noradrenaline-cells, but in about half of medullary cells. Neuropeptide tyrosine-immunoreactivity is found in the adrenal gland of the chick embryo and newly hatched chick, but not in the adult chicken. Serotonin and these neuropeptides may be selectively coreleased with adrenaline and/or noradrenaline from adrenal medullary cells of the chicken.  相似文献   

This study compares the effect of lithium (Li+) and electroconvulsive stimuli (ECS), two treatments commonly used in the treatment of affective disorders, on CCK mRNA expression in the rat brain. Two groups of rats receiving either 4 week Li+ or vehicle food supplementation and two groups receiving 6 ECS or 6 sham ECS during 2 weeks were studied. A significant decrease in CCK mRNA levels was seen in the caudate putamen both after Li+ as compared to vehicle and ECS as compared to sham ECS, 27 and 25%, respectively. A small (10%), yet significant, decrease was also seen in the inner entorhinal cortex after Li+. The results indicate that both Li+ and ECS inhibit CCK synthesis in the caudate putamen and are consistent with other findings of presumed decreased dopaminergic action in this part of the brain following these treatments.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the effect of stevioside (SVS) on glucose metabolism. The experiments were performed in male Wistar rats treated with SVS either by intravenous infusion or feeding. SVS infusion (150 mg/mL) was carried out in doses of 0.67, 1.00, and 1.33 mL.kg-1 body weight.h-1. The plasma glucose level significantly increased both during and after SVS infusion, whereas it was not affected by SVS feeding (13.3 mL.kg-1 body weight). The glucose turnover rate (GTR) of [14C(U)]glucose and [3(-3)H]glucose was not significantly different between control and SVS infusion animals. Percent glucose carbon recycling and glucose clearance were reduced from 28.7 +/- 1.3 to 23.0 +/- 1.6% (p < 0.05) and from 6.46 +/- 0.34 to 4.99 +/- 0.20 mL.min-1.kg-1 body weight (p < 0.01), respectively. The plasma insulin level did not change, whereas the plasma glucose level significantly increased from 120.3 +/- 5.9 to 176.8 +/- 10.8 mg% (p < 0.01) during SVS infusion. Animals pretreated with angiotensin II and arginine vasopressin showed no significant effect, while animals pretreated with prazosin had an attenuated hyperglycemic effect of SVS infusion. Pretreatment with indomethacin or N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) alleviated the plasma glucose level during the second period of SVS infusion. Pretreatment with the combination infusion of indomethacin and L-NAME reduced the plasma glucose level from 117.0 +/- 1.8 to 109.0 +/- 1.7 mg% (p < 0.001), and normalized the plasma glucose level in the second period of SVS infusion. Insulin infusion inhibited the hyperglycemic effect of SVS infusion. The present results show that the elevation of the plasma glucose level during SVS infusion is not due to the reduction of the insulin level. It is probably the effect of SVS on glucose transport across the cell. Insulin response to a high plasma glucose level is suppressed during SVS infusion. Several interactions among norepinephrine, prostaglandin, and nitric oxide are involved in modulating the hyperglycemia during SVS infusion.  相似文献   

Renal clearance studies were performed on parathyroid-intact and acutely thyroparathyroidectomized (TPTX) rats to clarify calcitonin (CT) action on renal electrolyte transport. Although CT (0.15 U x 100 g body wt-1 x h-1) reduced fractional excretion of calcium and magnesium by 72 and 46%, respectively, in TPTX rats without altering sodium and phosphate excretion, a 10-fold increase in CT (1.5 U) caused a smaller reduction in calcium and magnesium excretion and significantly increased sodium and phosphate excretion. A higher CT dose (15 U) did not alter calcium excretion, increased magnesium excretion, and caused an even greater increase in sodium and phosphate excretion. Results in parathyroid-intact animals were similar. Despite the fall in plasma calcium following CT administration, the filtered calcium load was unaltered due to a concomitant increase in glomerular filtration rate. Calcium infusion prior to CT (0.15 U) prevented a detectable fall in plasma calcium concentration. However, a 45% fall in fractional calcium excretion occurred despite the significant increase in filtered calcium. These data suggest that the physiological role of calcitonin on the nephron is to conserve calcium. Reports of increased electrolyte excretion presumably reflect a depressant effect of pharmacological doses of CT on nephron function.  相似文献   

The effect of acute ethanol on peripheral serotonin (5HT) metabolism was studied in Sprague-Dawley rats. Four hours after a single dose of ethanol (1.0 g/kg) administered into the stomach, a significant increase in the 5HT level in stomach tissue and a decrease in ileum was observed. The level of 5-hydroxyindole-3-acetic acid (5HIAA) was increased in urine, while increased concentrations of 5-hydroxytryptophol (5HTOL) occurred in jejunum, ileum, spleen and urine. After 7-9 h when the blood ethanol concentration had returned to zero, 5HTOL levels were still higher than control values in jejunum, ileum and urine. At 4 h, an elevated ratio of 5HTOL to 5HIAA was observed in urine and ileum (by approximately 2-fold), liver (approximately 3-fold), and spleen (approximately 5-fold), whereas the ratio was reduced in stomach. In urine and spleen, this metabolic shift persisted after 7-9 h. The 5HTOL level in bile was increased by approximately 3.5-fold after 8 h. 5HIAA was not detectable in bile. The present results indicate that the rat has a much higher proportion of 5HTOL formation than man under normal conditions. The rat does not appear to be an ideal model for studying the interaction between ethanol and 5HT metabolism in man.  相似文献   

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