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邵月慧  崔燕 《微计算机信息》2006,22(13):100-101
采用8位置法对某型号动调陀螺漂移进行测试,讨论了测试系统的组成和分析测试过程以及应用最小二乘估计对测试数据的处理方法.通过测试来找出误差源以提高测试精度,使得测试数据更加接近陀螺的实际情况.通过分析陀螺的漂移误差,寻求合适的补偿方法以减小其影响.  相似文献   

针对微机电系统(MEMS)振动陀螺仪驱动模态自动增益控制(AGC)回路非线性、控制器设计难的问题,提出了在平衡点处将系统进行线性化并利用经典频域分析进行控制器设计的方法。利用包络传递函数建立了一种无需乘法器的AGC模型。通过谐波分析的方法将简化的AGC环路模型在平衡点处进一步线性化。利用线性系统经典的频域分析法进行控制器的设计。仿真与实验验证了模型线性化过程的正确性以及所提出的控制器设计方法的有效性。  相似文献   

提出了基于模糊控制的微机电系统(MEMS)陀螺驱动闭环设计的方法,介绍该方法在MEMS陀螺驱动模态的应用,并在现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)平台上实现。模糊控制属于智能控制的一种,具有很强的鲁棒性、稳定性和非线性系统的控制能力。主要在于基于模糊控制的MEMS陀螺数字驱动闭环的方法,将陀螺驱动信号在FPGA的内部处理。由坐标旋转数字计算机(CORDIC)算法产生驱动及解调正弦波信号,驱动模态位移信号经过解调和低通滤波后,再由模糊控制对幅值进行恒定控制。实验结果表明:该设计方法能够使MEMS陀螺仪稳定工作在谐振状态下,幅值基本保持恒定,数字驱动闭环的响应信号幅值抖动精度可达到51×10~(-6)。  相似文献   

提出一种新型的利用空间光路敏感Sagnac效应的谐振式MOEMS陀螺,设计了利用微镜构成的光学谐振腔.此结构具有小型化优势,可利用MOEMS工艺进行加工.理论分析了光源及谐振腔参数对陀螺基本探测极限的影响,指导参数设计,得到陀螺的极限灵敏度为1.54°/h.通过模式匹配理论对谐振腔型式进行了改进,减小了谐振腔损耗.进行了谐振腔原理验证实验,观察到谐振曲线.最后对微谐振腔的加工工艺进行了讨论.  相似文献   

Trajectory control of robotic manipulators is investigated using a robust linear control law. For a system with unknown but bounded parameters, we implement an inverse dynamics control scheme that consists of a linearizing control (inner loop) based on a nominal system, and a robust linear feedback control (outer loop) based on the uncertainty bounds. The control is robust in the sense that the system practically tracks (i.e., follows arbitrarily close to) the desired trajectory of position vs. time for any uncertainty within the allowed range. Recommended by M.J. Corless This research was supported by NSF Grant No. ECS-8805759.  相似文献   

直线伺服双位置环同步进给加速度H ∞鲁棒控制器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以数控龙门移动式镗铣加工中心龙门柱纵向同步控制为背景,设计H∞鲁棒控制器,对加速度进行状态反馈补偿控制,使其在不平衡负载成不确定性扰动作用下快速恢复到同步状态,从而实现位置、速度和加速度三重同步。驱动元件采用直线永磁同步伺服电机。仿真结果表明,该方案鲁棒性强、动态过程同步误差小。  相似文献   

Traditional approaches to manufacturing systems design utilize a sequential procedure that focuses on production capacity requirements, with human operator task design developed late in the systems design phase. Implementing manufacturing systems in this way is difficult when operations management must design flexible and efficient processes, with an often incomplete understanding of how people can best perform within the system. This study developed an integrated methodology that uses both manual and computer simulations to evaluate system performance and ergonomic issues early in the system design process. Information about operator performance and ergonomics is obtained in the manual simulations, while estimates of operator utilization and system throughput is obtained through computer simulations. An iterative design process is used, with the results of manual and computer simulations informing each other during subsequent simulations. An industrial case study is presented here to demonstrate the effectiveness of this methodology. The results show that the methodology can be used to design manufacturing systems with significant savings in labor cost and improved manufacturing system flexibility. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Hum Factors Man 13: 19–40, 2003.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a design methodology for very small databases for the purpose of being hosted by portable devices. Three main differences w.r.t. the traditional design methodologies are introduced: first, the main mobility issues are considered along with data distribution; second, context awareness is included in the data design issues to allow full exploitation of context-sensitive application functionalities; and third, the peculiarities of the storage device  (ss) are taken into account by introducing a logistic phase after the usual conceptual and logical phases. The three aspects together determine the VSDB ambient which is the set of personal and environmental characteristics determining the portion of data that must be stored on the portable device. This paper details the design methodology in its conceptual, logical and logistic phases.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodology for the design of peripheral multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMD) in 3D irregular buildings. A Performance-Based Design (PBD) control strategy is proposed to reduce structural response to a desired acceptable level. Therefore, a limit is assigned to the accelerations experienced at the floors’ edges for a specific seismic hazard. In parallel, an attempt is made to keep the total mass of the added TMDs to its lowest possible level. The formulation of the design methodology relies on full utilization of control resources as presented herein; hence, a two stage iterative analysis/redesign procedure that is based on analysis tools is developed. The solution is compared to a formal gradient-based optimization solution, showing that the solution obtained by the analysis/redesign process is close to optimal, while it is much more computationally efficient than formal optimization and requires no gradient computation. The methodology applies to all types of structural irregularities, which allows its application in a practical design process of any structure.  相似文献   

Platform-based design and software design methodology for embeddedsystems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Embedded products have become so complex and must be developed so quickly that current design methodologies are no longer adequate. The authors' vision for the future of embedded-system design involves two essential components: a rigorous methodology for embedded software development and platform-based design  相似文献   

In this paper, an adaptive decentralized PID design is developed for multivariable systems. In the proposed design, the controller parameters are adjusted by an updating algorithm derived based on the Lyapunov method such that the predicted tracking error converges asymptotically. Toward this end, the Just-in-Time Learning method is incorporated into the proposed design to provide the information required for the updating algorithm. Simulation results illustrate that the proposed design achieves better control performance than its corresponding benchmark designs reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Evolutionary approaches have been used in a large variety of design domains, from aircraft engineering to the designs of analog filters. Many of these approaches use measures to improve the variety of solutions in the population. One such measure is clustering. In this paper, clustering and Pareto optimisation are combined into a single evolutionary design algorithm. The population is split into a number of clusters, and parent and offspring selection, as well as fitness calculation, are performed on a per-cluster basis. The objective of this is to prevent the system from converging prematurely to a local minimum and to encourage a number of different designs that fulfil the design criteria. Our approach is demonstrated in the domain of digital filter design. Using a polar coordinate based pole-zero representation, two different lowpass filter design problems are explored. The results are compared to designs created by a human expert. They demonstrate that the evolutionary process is able to create designs that are competitive with those created using a conventional design process by a human expert. They also demonstrate that each evolutionary run can produce a number of different designs with similar fitness values, but very different characteristics.Part of the material presented in this paper was published in Third NASA Workshop on Evolvable Hardware (EH 2001), 12–14 July 2001, Long Beach, California, pp. 136–145This research is generously supported by a grant from Marconi, plc. The leadership and support of John Evans is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

以梳状音叉式振动微机械陀螺为例,将多学科设计优化(MDO)方法应用到微机械陀螺的优化设计中。将微机械陀螺复杂系统分解为归属不同学科的多个子系统,阐明了在多学科设计优化中各子系统之间的相互关系。建立了微机械陀螺的结构设计、机械性能、电学性能子系统和系统级的多学科设计优化模型。用已研制的MMCDO多学科混合协同设计优化算法计算,得到了满意的优化设计结果。  相似文献   

With the advent of DRG reimbursement for Medicare patients, hospitals have had to use their case mix data more effectively. This paper describes a method use to develop summary case mix reports using a spreadsheet program. With this approach, the hospital administration could interact more during the development of the summary reports. Once the summary reports are stabilized, they can be put into production on the Hospital's main frame computer.  相似文献   

A methodology for evolutionary product design   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
this paper describes a function-based approach for conceptual design support in the context of evolutionary product development. The main objective is to improve a designers productivity by the effective reuse of existing design information in design alternative identification, evaluation, and modification. An integrated evolutionary design methodology, EPD, is presented. The proposed methodology divides the whole process into three inter-related phases: information recovery, information management, and information reuse. The detailed steps in each phase are elaborated, and various techniques are employed to improve information reuse efficiency. A case study on commercial electrostatic air cleaner was used to illustrate the whole process of product evolutionary design. The proposed methodology will have a positive impact on the future development of the conceptual design support system.  相似文献   

In this paper, a methodology to perform fixture design as an integrated aspect of process planning is proposed. A three-phase methodology for the fixture design activity has been developed. The three phases include predesign analysis (phase I), functional analysis (phase II), and productivity improvement (phase III). In phase I, the product design information is studied, and initial fixture design aspects are developed. In phase II, the clamping and location aspects of fixture design are addressed for the given initial process sequence and product design information. Phase III involves studying ways to increase the productivity including using simultaneous machining approaches, multiclustering, use of specialized jigs, etc.  相似文献   

In recent years, the “power of the crowd” has been repeatedly demonstrated and various Internet platforms have been used to support applications of collaborative intelligence in tasks ranging from open innovation to image analysis. However, crowdsourcing applications in the fields of design research and creative innovation have been much slower to emerge. So, although there have been reports of systems and researchers using Internet crowdsourcing to carry out generative design, there are still many gaps in knowledge about the capability and limitations of the technology. Indeed the process models developed to support traditional commercial design (e.g. Pugh’s Total Design, Agile, Double-Diamond etc.) have yet to be established for Crowdsourced Design (cDesign). As a contribution to the development of such a general model this paper proposes a cDesign framework to support the creation of crowdsourced design activities. Within the cDesign framework the effective evaluation of design quality is identified as a key component that not only enables the leveraging of a large, virtual workforce’s creative activities but is also fundamental to almost all iterative optimisation processes. This paper reports an experimental investigation into two different Crowdsourced design evaluation approaches; free evaluation and ‘Crowdsourced Design Evaluation Criteria’ (cDEC). The results are benchmarked against a ‘manual’ evaluation carried out by a panel of experienced designers. The results suggest that the cDEC approach produces design rankings that correlate strongly with the judgements of an “expert panel”. The paper concludes that cDEC assessment methodology demonstrates how Crowdsourcing can be effectively used to evaluate, as well as generate, new design solutions.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design of a fixed tuned 210 to 235 GHz subharmonic mixer (SHM). The mixer is designed using GaAs based planar antiparallel Schottky diode pair AP1/G2/0P95 from Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. 3D model of the Schottky diode is discussed and simulated to consider parasitic effects of the diode. Detailed design technique of each of its subsections as well as the integrated mixer circuit is presented. Nonlinear co‐simulation of the designed mixer exhibits double sideband (DSB) conversion loss less than 9.2 dB over the frequency band 210 to 235 GHz with 4 dBm of local oscillator (LO) power while the area of the rectangular printed section is 4.224 × 0.35 mm.  相似文献   

Identification of user needs is an essential phase in the early stages of every design project. Many needs identification methodologies are described in the literature. When targeting users with special needs, the task becomes more challenging for different reasons (difficulty of retrieving information, performing prototype testing, etc.). This article presents a novel methodology, Needs Identification Methodology for Inclusive Design (NIMID), that guides the process of needs identification in the inclusive design scenario considering users’ physical, sensorial and cognitive capabilities. NIMID is grounded in Abowd and Beale's human–computer interaction framework and uses WHO's International Classification of Functionalities as the taxonomy that provides a common language. We exemplify the application of the methodology in the design of a smart oven for elderly people. We also compare NIMID with other methodologies evidencing its strong points: universality (common international classification of functioning language), systematicity (clearly defined phases and outcomes) and rationality (grounded in well-established interaction theory).  相似文献   

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