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Attempts were made to prepare 5 protein rich food mixtures to be used as supplementary and weaning foods for children from 6 months of age onwards. They contain vegetable and animal protein sources. They were prepared in a way to simplify their use. Potatoes, carrots and peas were the basal ingredient in each mixture. The protein content of the mixtures ranges from 16-20% with a chemical score not less than 50%. The mixtures contained most of the essential amino acids in optimal concentrations, except methionine and cystine which are slightly lower than the amounts recommended by FAO. The nutritive value of each mixture estimated by the slope ratio bioassay procedure was high. They are nutritionally superior to casein, used as a reference protein. They differ slightly when compared with each other.  相似文献   

Cadmium levels were determined in 59 baby food samples, including milk-based, cereal and milk-based and soy-based formulas, recommended from 0 to 18 months of age. Determinations were performed by Zeeman graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry, after dry ashing, with parallel determinations of certified reference samples. Mean cadmium levels were found to range from 1.10 to 23.5 mu g / kg fresh weight concentrated formulas. L evels were related to the composition of the diets. Formulas based on cow's milk had the lowest concentrations. Soy formulas contained approximately six times more cadmium than cow's milk formulas, and diets with a cereal content had 4-21 times higher mean levels. The mean weekly intakes of dietary cadmium were estimated to vary between 0.10 and 3 : 05 mu g / kg body weight of the child, if the recommended amount of formula were to be consumed at the recommended age, and if the child were of average weight. This estimation however does not include the contribution of cadmium from drinking water. The highest intake on a body weight basis was found in 6-month-old children, consuming the recommended amount of wheat-, oat- and milk-based formulas. This intake is below the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTW I) of 7 mu g / kg body weight, established by a W HO/FAO expert group. However, the risk assessment is based on renal effects in adults. Furthermore, preparations of a formula by adding water with cadmium concentrations at the W HO guideline level could lead to intakes at the PTW I level. Compared to breast-fed children, the exposure of dietary cadmium from weaning diets can be up to 12 times higher in children fed infant formula.  相似文献   


Many approaches are needed to improve child survival and growth in developing countries. Among these are improved sanitation, breast‐feeding promotion, immunizations, diarrheal disease control, and the provision of safe and nutritious weaning foods. This review considers weaning food developments in the context of aggregate data on changes in the nutrition situation in developing countries. Infant and child mortality and growth data are reviewed. These data reveal that progress has been made in many regions of the developing world in reducing infant and child mortality over the last 20 years. Less success is apparent in reducing the prevalence of linear growth retardation of preschool children. The importance of breast‐feeding and improved sanitary practices is stressed. This review is focused on the important role weaning foods can play in addition to other cultural and health inputs in improving growth and child survival in the developing world. Following a brief introduction to the weaning period, breast‐feeding and weaning practices in all regions of the developing world are reviewed. Weaning food developments, including compositional and processing alternatives, are then discussed in the context of nutritional requirements. Particular attention is devoted to various technologies to increase the energy density of weaning foods. In the context of all these factors, product specifications for weaning foods, as promulgated by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, are presented and discussed. Finally, studies in which supplementary feeding programs have been evaluated are reviewed. The data discussed in this review suggest strongly that the timely introduction of properly prepared weaning foods has an important role to play in improving child survival and growth in the developing world. Emphasis in this review is placed on the advantages of centrally processed weaning foods, but clearly home/village‐prepared foods also have an important role to play. The review emphasizes elementary principles of home sanitation in the proper use of weaning foods. Also, other elements of successful child health programs need to be present, including encouragement of breast‐feeding, child spacing, immunization, growth monitoring, and provision of and instruction in the use of oral rehydration therapy when needed.  相似文献   

《Food chemistry》1986,21(1):47-56
Eight different multimixes prepared from rice, meat and carrot (RMC); maize, meat and carrot (MMC); banana, meat and amaranth (BMA); maize, fish and tomato (MFT); rice, beans and carrots (RBC); maize, beans and amaranth (MBA); banana, beans and amaranth (BBA) and potato, beans and tomato (PBT) were analysed for their nutrient content. The protein content (N × 6.25) ranged from 10.6 g/100 g in PBT to 13.4 g/100 g in MFT. The values for carbohydrates ranged from 72.8 g/100 g in MFT to 82.1 g/100 g in RBC. All the food mixtures were low in fat content, ranging from 0.6 g/100 g in MMC to 4.6 g/100 g in MFT. The gross energy values of the multimixes ranged from 209 kcal/100 g in PBT to 291 kcal/100 g in MMC. Calcium content ranged from 9.2 mg/100 g in RMC to 48.5 mg/100 g in MBA. The multimixes were found to be low in iron (1.2 mg/100 g in PBT to 3.6 mg/100 g in RMC). Values for phosphorus ranged from 50.7 mg/100 g in BMA to 300.7 mg/100 g in MBA. All the food mixtures contained negligible amounts of ascorbic acid and riboflavin but nutritionally appreciable amounts of thiamin and niacin. The multimixes were found to be adequate in most of the essential amino acids required by infants.  相似文献   

<正> 婴幼儿配方食品是一种像乳一样的食品,用以补充或替代母乳,其主要成分应与母乳所蕴含的营养成分相同。要生产出高质量的婴幼儿配方食品,合适的生产工艺是关键。本文将介绍婴幼儿粉末食品的生产流程(图一),并探讨在设计工艺时应考虑的因素。  相似文献   

One of the most practical solutions to combat protein energy malnutrition (PEM) in low income groups is the intelligent mixing of cereals and legumes to make available low cost weaning foods of high nutritional quality. One of the main obstacles to increase energy and nutrient density of weaning foods of cereals and legumes is the bulk factor. In this study some simple methods of home processing to improve the nutritional quality of the home prepared weaning foods were tested and the processed weaning foods were chemically and biologically evaluated. Biochemical evaluation revealed that the germination of wheat raised its protein and fat and reduced carbohydrate, while there was almost no change on lentils. Comparing germination with a special “chapati” process, protein and fat content were higher in the formula processed by the former method, while minerals were higher in the same formula but processed by the latter method. Biological evaluation of the formula processed by the two different methods showed that germination got the highest PER and NPU compared with chapati process figures were (2.02 and 81.0) and (1.70 and 40.0) respectively. Although further research is needed, germination of ingredients of weaning foods of vegetable origin seems to be a good option of the simple home processing technique.  相似文献   

A survey of the pesticide content of 25 commercially available infant formulae and 30 weaning foods available in New Zealand was undertaken in 1996. It included a representative mixture of imported and New Zealand manufactured infant foods. Three different pesticide screening techniques were used: a high-sensitivity organochlorine screen was carried out on all infant formulae, while a multiresidue screen (organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides, synthetic pyrethroids, carbamate pesticides, fungicides and herbicides), and a specific screen for dithiocarbamate fungicides were both carried out on all weaning foods and on soy-based infant formulae. All results are expressed on a ready-to-feed basis. Extremely low levels of residues of three organochlorine compounds (p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDT and dieldrin) were detected in infant formulae samples. Residues of p,p'-DDE were found in seven of 20 milk-based infant formulae at concentrations ranging from 0.03 to 0.5 μg kg-1. Residues of p,p'-DDT were found in one imported milk-based infant formula at 0.7 μg kg-1, and dieldrin residues were detected in four of five soy-based infant formulae at concentrations ranging from 0.05 to 0.08 μg kg-1. The multiresidue pesticide screen detected low levels of residues of two organophosphorus pesticides; azinphos-methyl in one soy-based infant formula at a level of 22 μg kg-1 and pirimiphos-methyl in two cereal-based weaning foods at concentrations of 5 and 14 μg kg-1. None of the other approximately 140 pesticides (including fungicides and herbicides) included in the multiresidue screen were detected in any weaning foods or soy-based infant formulae, at a detection limit of 10 μg kg-1. No residues of dithiocarbamate fungicides were detected in any product analysed, at a detection limit of 100 μg kg-1.  相似文献   

One of the most practical solutions to combat protein energy malnutrition (PEM) in low income groups is the intelligent mixing of cereals and legumes to make available low cost weaning foods of high nutritional quality. One of the main obstacles to increase energy and nutrient density of weaning foods of cereals and legumes is the bulk factor. In this study some simple methods of home processing to improve the nutritional quality of the home prepared weaning foods were tested and the processed weaning foods were chemically and biologically evaluated. Biochemical evaluation revealed that the germination of wheat raised its protein and fat and reduced carbohydrate, while ther was almost no change on lentils. Comparing germination with a special "chapati" process, protein and fat content wee higher in the formula processed by the former method, while minerals were higher in the same formula but processed by the latter method. Biological evaluation of the formula processed by the two different methods showed that germination got the highest PER and NPU compared with chapati process figures were (2.02 and 81.0) and (1.70 and 40.0) respectively. Although further research is needed, germination of ingredients of weaning foods of vegetable origin seems to be a good option of the simple home processing technique.  相似文献   

Higher values are reported for Zn dialyzability of homogenized infant formulas when pea content is high and soya bean content is low, but also when the reverse is the case, ie low pea content and high soya bean content. This apparent paradox is examined in terms of a potential antagonistic effect of the pea × soya bean interaction on Zn dialyzability. The antagonistic effect is traced to the linear combined effect of the two ingredients on pH over a narrow interval around 5.90 and on calcium content. This combined effect may account for the difference in results between in vivo and in vitro studies reported by several authors. The combination of certain vegetables in an infant formula may, in certain circumstances, enhance Zn dialyzability, contradicting the general view that increased legume content diminishes Zn dialyzability due to an increase in phytic acid levels. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Potato flour, green gram flour (sprouted as well as unsprouted), were blended in different proportions with apple pulp (10 %), sugar (10 %), milk and water for formulation of 12 hypo allergic diets. Diets were studied for physico-chemical properties, antinutrient content (phytate and oxalate) and invitro protein digestibility. Blending and sprouting significantly affected all the studied parameters. Sprouting significantly (P ≤ 0.05) improved protein content and invitro protein digestibility while carbohydrate content and antinutrients decreased significantly. Nutrition profile of water-based diets met RDA guidelines only after addition of sprouted green gram flour and were comparable to control (commercial weaning food). Water based formulation showed lower sensory score than milk based diets however; addition of sprouted green gram flour significantly (P ≤ 0.05) improved their overall acceptability. It could be concluded that by incorporating sprouted green gram flour, milk could be replaced with water for production of hypo allergic weaning foods without affecting the nutritional and sensory attributes of formulations and thereby making the production more economical especially for under developed countries.  相似文献   

杏仁系列食品生产工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将苦杏仁用化学和机械方法结合脱去红衣,用自配的脱苦剂脱去苦杏仁中的氰化物,干燥成为半成品。以糖煮、油炸的方式制成琥珀杏仁;以套糖衣、调色、调味的方式制成糖衣杏仁。用仁用杏杏仁经预调味、酥化熟制制成酥香大杏仁。   相似文献   

O.U. Eka 《Food chemistry》1978,3(3):199-206
The nutritive value of paps and porridges prepared using millet, guinea corn and maize was assessed by chemical analysis before and after supplementation with soya bean milk or flour. Millet porridge fortified with soya bean milk had the highest amounts of protein and essential amino acids.The nutrient status of the fortified paps and porridges was comparable with that of a commercial weaning food, cerelac. The value of the soya bean paps and porridges as weaning foods for Nigerian children is discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of the design of the product (percentage of main ingredients used in the formulation of the product) on mineral content and their ‘in vitro’ bioavailability, such as total dietary fibre (TDF) and phytic acid (PA) of a meat-based infant weaning food was studied. Phosphorus, Ca, Zn and Fe concentration and ‘in vitro’ availability of Ca, Fe and Zn changed depending on the percentage of rice flour, carrot, pea puree and chicken liver in the weaning foods. Also TDF contents depends on the design of the product, and both, FA and TDF, reduce the mineral bioavailability. Increasing pea puree and carrot in the formulation of the weaning food could increase P and Ca content. On the other hand, carrot supplies high TDF, therefore contributing to reduction of Ca availability. Iron content was positively correlated with the percentage of chicken liver. Percentage of carrot and pea puree included in the formulation of the weaning foods analysed determined the differences in Fe availability as significant positive regression coefficients (b=0.676, P<0.05 and b=0.622, P<0.05, respectively) were found. Using the in vitro availability values we have performed Cluster analysis and principal components analysis (PCA) to establish the best combination of percentages of raw ingredient which provides the highest mineral availability.  相似文献   

聚葡萄糖的制取、性质及在食品中的功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
聚葡萄糖分子量分布广,结构复杂,不为人体消化吸收,热值低,非龋齿性,可作为一种水溶性膳食纤维及优质填充剂大量用于低热量,低糖低脂食品中,本文主要概述聚葡萄糖的制法、性质及功能作用。  相似文献   

Three studies were conducted to evaluate the nutritive potential of Glyricidia leaf protein concentrate (GLPC) and Leucaena leaf protein concentrate (LLPC) in infant weaning foods. The first two trials evaluated 10 laboratory‐formulated weaning foods, in which soybean meal (SBM) was replaced at levels of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% with either GLPC or LLPC, and subsequently compared them nutritionally with three commercial weaning foods (coded CFB, CFC and CFN) currently on sale in Nigeria in a 28 day feeding trial using weanling albino rats. Thereafter the best GLPC‐ and LLPC‐based weaning foods, in terms of animal performance consistent with low cost of the foods (designated GL50 and LL25 respectively), were compared with the best commercial weaning food (CFB) in a 14 day rehabilitative potential trial using rats that had previously been protein depleted. In the first trial the final weight was highest in rats fed the 50% GLPC‐based food (159.8 ± 9.5 g) and lowest in rats fed CFN (114.7 ± 9.7 g), while the feed efficiency was best in rats fed the 50% GLPC‐based food and CFC and worst in rats fed the 100% GLPC‐based food and CFN. The nitrogen retention (NR) did not differ significantly (P ≥ 0.05), while the apparent nitrogen digestibility (AND) and ‘operative’ protein efficiency ratio (PER) decreased with increasing level of replacement of SBM with GLPC (R2 = 0.61, P ≤ 0.05 and R2 = 0.67, P ≤ 0.05 respectively). In the second trial the highest weight gain was observed in rats fed the 25% LLPC‐based food (3.4 ± 0.5 g day?1). Feed consumption was not significantly (P ≥ 0.05) influenced by dietary treatment, but rats fed the laboratory‐formulated diets containing 0 and 25% LLPC utilised their food more efficiently (3.0 ± 0.4/0.2 respectively) than rats fed the other diets, including the commercial foods. While NR did not differ significantly (P ≥ 0.05), there was a decrease in AND and PER with increasing level of SBM replacement with LLPC (R2 = 0.96, P ≤ 0.01 and R2 = 0.89, P ≤ 0.05 respectively). Among all the organs weighed in the first two trials, only the relative weight of the lungs was significantly (P ≤ 0.05) affected. Neither the haematological variables nor the serum metabolites were significantly influenced by dietary treatment, except for the packed cell volume of rats fed the LLPC‐based foods. The economics of food production showed that all the laboratory‐formulated foods were cheaper than the commercial foods, with the 50% SBM + 50% GLPC (GL50) and 75% SBM + 25% LLPC (LL25) formulae proving to be the most nutritious. On rehabilitation, rats fed LL25 recovered lost weight faster than those fed GL50, followed by rats fed the best commercial diet (CFB), while the whole‐body and liver protein contents were identical. The incorporation of LPC/SBM mixtures into local food formulae is suggested as a valid intervention strategy for tackling the endemic protein under‐nutrition, especially among vulnerable groups, in sub‐Saharan Africa. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The type and quality of weaning food plays a vital role in the growth and development of children. The high rates of malnutrition reported in banana consuming areas of Uganda reveal the bulkiness and high viscosity of the predominant banana-based weaning foods. The objective was to determine the impact of processing technique on energy density and viscosity of cooking banana. Part of the unprocessed dried slices was milled into fine flour and the rest extruded. Pre-gelatinised banana flour was produced using a modified earlier method. Nutrient and energy composition of the flours were determined using standard methods. Data were subjected to one-way anova /least significant difference test and t -test using GenStat 5 Release 3.2. Pre-gelatinisation and extrusion cooking significantly raised energy content of banana significant impact on its viscosity but with extrusion cooking achieving better results. Extrusion cooking and pre-gelatinisation increase the energy content of cooking bananas and significantly reduces its bulkiness. Soybean and simsim addition will improve protein quality and quantity of banana-based weaning products.  相似文献   

The goal of this investigation was to determine whether staphylococcal strains producing enterotoxins at nanogram levels per milliliter in laboratory medium, not detectable by gel diffusion methods, could produce sufficient enterotoxin in foods to result in food poisoning. Three low-enterotoxin D (SED)-producing strains were selected for this research because this enterotoxin is produced in smaller amounts than the other enterotoxins. The foods used were cream pie and cooked ham, divided into two portions, sterile and non-sterile. Each portion was inoculated with known concentrations of the staphylococcal strains under study and incubated for 48 h at 25, 30, and 37 degrees C. Samples were taken after 24 and 48 h. Enterotoxin was detectable in both sterilized and unsterilized cream and ham after 24 h at 37 degrees C with an inoculum of 10(3)/g. Some strains produced detectable amounts of enterotoxin in the sterilized foods after 24 h at 30 degrees C and some produced detectable amounts of enterotoxin in the sterilized foods after 24 h at 25 degrees C with inocula of 10(4)/g. It can be concluded that staphylococcal strains producing enterotoxin at ng/ml levels in laboratory medium, not detectable by gel diffusion methods, can produce sufficient enterotoxin (ng/g) in foods to cause food poisoning.  相似文献   

Optimal conditions for malting wheat and chickpea for preparation of weaning foods were standardized and malted flours from 48 h germinated wheat and 24 h germinated chickpea were blended to prepare malted weaning food. Wheat was dry-heat-parboiled (bulgurized), popped in hot sand and blended with popped chickpea flour to prepare popped weaning food. Mildly toasted and debranned wheat and dehusked chickpea flours were mixed and the blend was roller-dried for preparation of roller dried weaning food. the formulations had 60% wheat, 30% chickpea, 5% skim milk powder and 5% sucrose and contained about 16% protein. the cooked paste viscosity (dietary bulk) of malted food, popped food with malt, and roller dried food with malt was significantly lower than popped and roller dried foods at all comparable slurry concentrations. the energy density of malted and malt-added food slurries at spoon feeding consistency was 4.2 KJg−1. PER (2.91), biological value (88.3) and true digestibility (87.5) values of malted food were higher than that of the other formulations.  相似文献   

Production of Bacillus cereus emetic toxin (cereulide) in various foods   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
To determine the role of Bacillus cereus as a potential pathogen in food poisoning, the production of an emetic toxin (cereulide) by B. cereus was quantified in various food sources. The amount of emetic toxin in 13 of 14 food samples implicated in vomiting-type food poisoning cases ranged from 0.01 to 1.28 microg/g. A vomiting-type strain, B. cereus NC7401, was inoculated into various foods and incubated for 24 h at 20, 30, and 35 degrees C. In boiled rice, B. cereus rapidly increased to 10(7)-10(8) cfu/g and produced emetic toxin at both 30 and 35 degrees C. In farinaceous foods, the production of emetic toxin was as high as that in the food samples implicated in food poisoning. Low levels of emetic toxin were detectable in egg and meat and their products and a small quantity of toxin was detectable in liquid foods such as milk and soymilk when not aerated. Bacterial growth and toxin production was inhibited in foods cooked with vinegar, mayonnaise, and catsup, supposedly by the decreased pH of acetic acid. This is the first report that has quantified emetic toxin of B. cereus in various foods.  相似文献   

Some forms of malnutrition are partly due to agriculture not having nutrient outputs as an explicit goal. A better understanding of what is required from agricultural production and food processing for healthy and sustainable diets is needed. Besides nutritional quality or nutrient output, important factors are: water, soil, health hazards, agrobiodiversity and seasonality. Therefore, possible interactions among constituents of the food chain – human health, the environment, knowledge and education – should be considered from a systemic perspective. Nutrition-sensitive agriculture needs to consider and understand the role of biodiversity in improving dietary quality and dietary diversity as well as seasonality in food supply. Apart from improving agricultural systems in order to close the nutrition gap, efficient storage and food processing technologies to prolong shelf-life are required. If processing is poor, high food losses can cause food insecurity or increase the risk of producing unsafe and unhealthy food. Food storage and processing technologies, particularly at household level, are challenging and often not applicable to traditional crops. In order to achieve the aims of nutrition-sensitive agriculture, it is necessary to comprehend its complexity and the factors that influence it. This will require a trans-disciplinary approach, which will include the three sectors agriculture, nutrition and health at research, extension and political levels. Ensuring that farmers are knowledgeable about production systems, which sustainably provide adequate amounts of nutritious food while conserving the environment is an essential part of nutrition-sensitive agriculture. At the same time, for the benefits of nutrition-sensitive agriculture to be realized, educated consumers are required who understand what constitutes a healthy and sustainable diet.  相似文献   

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