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Xiaodong Lin Rongxing Lu Xuemin Shen 《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》2010,10(6):843-856
In this paper, we propose a novel multidimensional privacy‐preserving data aggregation scheme for improving security and saving energy consumption in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). The proposed scheme integrates the super‐increasing sequence and perturbation techniques into compressed data aggregation, and has the ability to combine more than one aggregated data into one. Compared with the traditional data aggregation schemes, the proposed scheme not only enhances the privacy preservation in data aggregation, but also is more efficient in terms of energy costs due to its unique multidimensional aggregation. Extensive analyses and experiments are given to demonstrate its energy efficiency and practicability. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), aggregation exploits the correlation between spatially and temporally proximate sensor data to reduce the total data volume to be transmitted to the sink. Mobile agents (MAs) fit into this paradigm, and data can be aggregated and collected by an MA from different sensor nodes using context specific codes. The MA-based data collection suffers due to large size of a typical WSN and is prone to security problems. In this article, homomorphic encryption in a clustered WSN has been proposed for secure and efficient data collection using MAs. The nodes keep encrypted data that are given to an MA for data aggregation tasks. The MA performs all the data aggregation operations upon encrypted data as it migrates between nodes in a tree-like structure in which the nodes are leafs and the cluster head is the root of the tree. It returns and deposits the encrypted aggregated data to the cluster head after traversing through all the intra cluster nodes over a shortest path route. The homomorphic encryption and aggregation processing in encrypted domain makes the data collection process secure. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed secure data aggregation mechanism. In addition to security, MA-based mechanism leads to lesser delay and bandwidth requirements. 相似文献
A state-of-the-art survey of privacy-preserving data aggregation techniques in wireless sensor networks was reviewed.Firstly,preliminaries were introduced,including network models,adversary models,and performance evaluation metrics.Secondly,existing related work was classified into several types according to privacy preservation techniques,such as homomorphic encryption,data perturbation,slicing-mixing technique,generalization,secure multiparty computation,and the key mechanisms of typical protocols were elaborated and analyzed.Finally,the promising future research directions were discussed. 相似文献
Kemal Akkaya Murat Demirbas R. Savas Aygun 《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》2008,8(2):171-193
With the increasing need for different energy saving mechanisms in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), data aggregation techniques for reducing the number of data transmissions by eliminating redundant information have been studied as a significant research problem. These studies have shown that data aggregation in WSNs may produce various trade‐offs among some network related performance metrics such as energy, latency, accuracy, fault‐tolerance and security. In this paper, we investigate the impact of data aggregation on these networking metrics by surveying the existing data aggregation protocols in WSNs. Our aim is twofold: First, providing a comprehensive summary and comparison of the existing data aggregation techniques with respect to different networking metrics. Second, pointing out both the possible future research issues and the need for collaboration between data management and networking research communities working on data aggregation in WSNs. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In wireless sensor networks, data aggregation protocols are used to prolong the network lifetime. However, the problem of how to perform data aggregation while preserving data privacy is challenging. This paper presents a polynomial regression‐based data aggregation protocol that preserves the privacy of sensor data. In the proposed protocol, sensor nodes represent their data as polynomial functions to reduce the amount of data transmission. In order to protect data privacy, sensor nodes secretly send coefficients of the polynomial functions to data aggregators instead of their original data. Data aggregation is performed on the basis of the concealed polynomial coefficients, and the base station is able to extract a good approximation of the network data from the aggregation result. The security analysis and simulation results show that the proposed scheme is able to reduce the amount of data transmission in the network while preserving data privacy. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Vishal Kumar Arora Vishal Sharma Monika Sachdeva 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2019,32(9)
To accomplish the primary objective of data sensing and collection of wireless sensor networks (WSN), the design of an energy efficient routing algorithm is very important. However, the energy constrained sensing nodes along with the intrinsic properties of the (WSN) environment makes the routing a challenging task. To overcome this routing dilemma, an improved distributed, multi‐hop, adaptive, tree‐based energy‐balanced (DMATEB) routing scheme is proposed in this paper. In this scheme, a relay node is selected in view of minimum distance and high energy from a current sensing node. Further, the parent node is chosen among the selected relay nodes on the basis of high residual energy and less power consumption with due consideration of its associated child nodes. As each sensing node itself selects its parent among the available alternatives, the proposed scheme offers a distributive and adaptive approach. Moreover, the proposed system does not overload any selected parent of a particular branch as it starts acting as a child whenever its energy lowers among the other available relay nodes. This leads to uniform energy utilization of nodes that offers a better energy balance mechanism and improves the network lifespan by 20% to 30% as compared with its predecessors. 相似文献
Omar Adil Mahdi Ainuddin Wahid Abdul Wahab Mohd. Yamani Idna Idris Ammar M. A. Abu znaid Suleman Khan Yusor Rafid Bahar Al‐Mayouf Nadra Guizani 《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》2016,16(16):2663-2676
Wireless sensor applications are susceptible to energy constraints. Most of the energy is consumed in communication between wireless nodes. Clustering and data aggregation are the two widely used strategies for reducing energy usage and increasing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. In target tracking applications, large amount of redundant data is produced regularly. Hence, deployment of effective data aggregation schemes is vital to eliminate data redundancy. This work aims to conduct a comparative study of various research approaches that employ clustering techniques for efficiently aggregating data in target tracking applications as selection of an appropriate clustering algorithm may reflect positive results in the data aggregation process. In this paper, we have highlighted the gains of the existing schemes for node clustering‐based data aggregation along with a detailed discussion on their advantages and issues that may degrade the performance. Also, the boundary issues in each type of clustering technique have been analyzed. Simulation results reveal that the efficacy and validity of these clustering‐based data aggregation algorithms are limited to specific sensing situations only, while failing to exhibit adaptive behavior in various other environmental conditions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Hamed Alasarpanahi Vahid Ayatollahitafti Abolfazl Gandomi 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2020,33(6)
Underwater wireless sensor networks (UWSNs) consist of a group of sensors that send the information to the sonobuoys at the surface level. Void area, however, is one of the challenges faced by UWSNs. When a sensor falls in a void area of communication, it causes problems such as high latency, power consumption, or packet loss. In this paper, an energy‐efficient void avoidance geographic routing protocol (EVAGR) has been proposed to handle the void area with low amount of energy consumption. In this protocol, a suitable set of forwarding nodes is selected using a weight function, and the data packets are forwarded to the nodes inside the set. The weight function includes the consumed energy and the depth of the candidate neighboring nodes, and candidate neighboring node selection is based on the packet advancement of the neighboring nodes toward the sonobuoys. Extensive simulation experiments were performed to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed protocol. Simulation results revealed that the proposed protocol can effectively achieve better performance in terms of energy consumption, packet drop, and routing overhead compared with the similar routing protocol. 相似文献
The problem of distributed estimation in a wireless sensor network with unknown observation noise distribution is investigated, where each sensor only sends quantized data to a fusion center. The sensing field is modeled as a spatially random field. The objective was to accurately estimate a hidden parameter at the location where no sensor exists, while minimizing the total energy consumption. Driven by the lack of a prior knowledge of the sensing field and the existence of some outliers, an indicator kriging estimator is developed for distributed estimation under imperfect communication channels between the sensors and the fusion center. The tradeoff between estimation performance and energy consumption is formulated as an optimization problem, and a global search algorithm is proposed to approximate the solution. The results show that the proposed indicator kriging estimator achieves better performance than the inverse distance estimator and the simple averaging estimator. Moreover, the proposed search algorithm can schedule the sensors to reach the tradeoff. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
为了延长无线传感网络的生存时间,需要设计满足高效率、低功耗的路由算法。一种CMRA(intercluster head multi-hop routing algorithm)算法被提出来,这种算法通过节点通信能量消耗模型建立最小能量路径树,但CMRA对于簇头选择的能量分配不均衡,造成簇头结点负载过重。提出一种新的路由算法CMRA-EE(CMRA-energy efficient),在簇头选举阶段引入节点能量参数,同时将簇头节点能量与距离作为代价参数,从而平衡了网络节点能耗。通过仿真对CMRA-EE算法进行性能分析与评价,结果显示,CMRA-EE算法在延长无线传感网有效生存时间方面比CMRA算法有了明显的改善。 相似文献
Ali Peiravi Habib Rajabi Mashhadi S. Hamed Javadi 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2013,26(1):114-126
In this study, an optimal method of clustering homogeneous wireless sensor networks using a multi‐objective two‐nested genetic algorithm is presented. The top level algorithm is a multi‐objective genetic algorithm (GA) whose goal is to obtain clustering schemes in which the network lifetime is optimized for different delay values. The low level GA is used in each cluster in order to get the most efficient topology for data transmission from sensor nodes to the cluster head. The presented clustering method is not restrictive, whereas existing intelligent clustering methods impose certain conditions such as performing two‐tiered clustering. A random deployed model is used to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm. In addition, a comparison is made between the presented algorithm other GA‐based clustering methods and the Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy protocol. The results obtained indicate that using the proposed method, the network's lifetime would be extended much more than it would be when using the other methods. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
基于无线传感器网络中监测数据具有较高时空相关性的应用场景。提出了一种基于数据融合的局部能量高效汇聚分簇协议LEEAC,该协议通过反映局部空间相关性的数据相异度对节点剩余能量进行约束,并使用约束后的预测能量作为竞选簇头的主要依据,被选举的簇头在传感器网络中具有良好的分布性。同时通过引入数据鉴定码,减少了簇内数据传输阶段的通信量以及簇头数据融合的工作量,从而大大节约了能量消耗。实验结果表明,LEEAC协议能够有效均衡网络能量消耗。延长网络生存时间。 相似文献
传感器网络中一种基于估计代价的数据聚合树生成算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
无线传感器网络是一种全新的技术,能够广泛应用于恶劣环境和军事领域.传感器网络在数据收集中,为减少冗余数据的传输耗能,降低延迟,需要采用数据聚合技术.本文采用定向传输方式,在消息路由机制基础上提出了一种基于估计代价的数据聚合树生成算法.该算法主要思想在于将节点能耗、传输距离与聚合收益三方面作为估计代价,优化聚合路径,实现数据聚合在能量与时延上的折中. 相似文献
LEACH协议是无线传感器网络中最流行的分簇路由协议之一.针对LEACH算法簇分布不均匀以及网络能耗不均衡等问题提出了一种高效节能多跳路由算法.在簇建立阶段,新算法根据网络模型计算出最优簇头间距值,调整节点通信半径以控制簇的大小,形成合理网络拓扑结构;在数据传输阶段,簇头与基站之间采用多跳的通信方式,降低了节点能耗.在TinyOS操作系统下,使用nesC语言设计实现了LEACH-EEMH算法.基于TOSSIM平台的仿真结果表明,新算法较LEACH算法在均衡网络能耗、延长网络寿命方面具有显著优势. 相似文献
Navid Amini Alireza Vahdatpour Foad Dabiri Hyduke Noshadi Majid Sarrafzadeh 《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》2011,11(6):707-722
This paper presents an energy‐efficient and coverage‐preserving communication protocol which distributes a uniform energy load to the sensors in a wireless microsensor network. This protocol, called Distance‐based Segmentation (DBS), is a cluster‐based protocol that divides the entire network into equal‐area segments and applies different clustering policies to each segment to (1) reduce total energy dissipation and (2) balance the energy load among the sensors. Therefore, it prolongs the lifetime of the network and improves the sensing coverage. Moreover, the proposed routing protocol does not need any centralized support from a certain node which is at odds with aiming to establish a scalable communication protocol. Results from extensive simulations on two different network configurations show that by lowering the number of wasteful transmissions in the network, the DBS can achieve as much as a 20% reduction in total dissipated energy as compared with current cluster‐based protocols. In addition, this protocol is able to distribute energy load more evenly among the sensors in the network. Hence, it yields up to a 66% increase in the useful network lifetime. According to the simulation results, the sensing coverage degradation of the DBS is considerably slower than that of the other cluster‐based protocols. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
当前基于压缩感知的传感器网络数据融合方案中,不论数据字段有何特征,均假设网络具有固定而均匀的压缩阈值,从而导致数据通信量过高,能耗浪费较大。提出一种基于多分辨率和压缩感知的数据融合方案。首先,对传感器网络进行配置,以生成多个层次类型不同的簇结构,用于过渡式数据收集,在该结构上,最低层的叶节点只传输原始数据,其他层的数据收集簇进行压缩采样;然后将其测量值向上发送,当母数据收集簇收到测量值时,利用基于反向DCT和DCT模型的CoSaMP算法恢复原始数据;最后,在SIDnet-SWANS平台上部署了该方案,并在不同的二维随机部署传感器网络规模下进行了测试。实验结果表明,随着分层位置的变化,大部分节点的能耗均显著降低,与NCS方案相比,能耗下降50%~77%,与HCS方案相比,能耗下降37%~70%。 相似文献