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The partners of Caudill Rowlett Scott (CRS), a post-Second World War architecture firm in Texas, USA, were especially innovative in their professional and business practices. One of their original contributions was the firm's marketing strategy, which was based on promoting not only design achievements but also the CRS ‘research attitude’ by publishing and distributing studies produced by members of the firm. This strategy, which built on a wide-spread American belief in the fundamental role of science and research in the nation's progress and development, was successful in the first two decades of the firm, but was dissolved in the 1970s with the firm's expansion and transformation into a profit-oriented enterprise. This paper describes the firm's research-based marketing strategy and argues that the success of the marketing strategy relied on the CRS partners' ability first, to integrate marketing into the firm's approach to architecture and design and into cultural norms of the time and secondly, to balance the expectations of both their potential clients and their professional peers. The CRS marketing strategy is an important case study for architects today as they respond creatively to similarly competing demands.  相似文献   

The history of Caudill Rowlett Scott (CRS) provides a powerful account of the cultural transformations, technological shifts and socio-political opportunities that shaped the idea of professional practice in the United States of America between the end of World War Two and the post-Reagan years. It can also be used to discuss the natural limits of architectural practice as a financial, profit-making enterprise. Established immediately after the war in small-town Texas by two college professors released from the Navy, CRS took twenty-two years to become an independent architectural public company, thirty-six to top the list of US design firms, and less than fifty to reach its natural end as a business. The article uses data from the company's archives to show that the growth and demise of CRS were tied to a broad, highly dynamic idea of design and to the company's constant search for new markets. Whilst these two elements contributed to CRS's performance as a successful economic machine relative to standard architectural providers, they also put its professional service orientation on a par with other revenue-generating enterprises. These proved to be more profitable and less volatile than conventional architecture and engineering, and thus more enticing to shareholders and corporate board members.  相似文献   

Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury and selenium were analyzed in the feathers of Black-legged Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) from Shoup Bay in Prince William Sound, Alaska to determine if there were age-related differences in metal levels, and in Black Oystercatchers (Haematopus bachmani)) from the same region to determine if there were differences in oiled and unoiled birds. Except for mercury, there were no age-related differences in metals levels in the feathers of kittiwakes. Kittiwakes over 13 years of age had the highest levels of mercury. There were no differences in levels of metals in the feathers of oystercatchers from oiled and unoiled regions of Prince William Sound. Except for mercury, the feathers of oystercatchers had significantly higher levels of all metals than those of kittiwakes. Levels of mercury in kittiwake feathers (mean of 2910 ng/g [ppb]) were within the range of many species of seabirds reported for other studies, and were generally below adverse effects levels.  相似文献   

Arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead, manganese, mercury and selenium were analyzed in the feathers of pigeon guillemots (Cepphus columba) from breeding colonies in Prince William Sound and in the Aleutian Islands (Amchitka, Kiska) to test the null hypothesis that there were no differences in metal levels as a function of location, gender, or whether the birds were from oiled or unoiled areas in Prince William Sound. Birds from locations with oil from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in the environment had higher levels of cadmium and lead than those from unoiled places in Prince William Sound, but otherwise there were no differences in metal levels in feathers. The feathers of pigeon guillemots from Prince William Sound had significantly higher levels of cadmium and manganese, but significantly lower levels of mercury than those from Amchitka or Kiska in the Aleutians. Amchitka had the lowest levels of chromium, and Kiska had the highest levels of selenium. There were few gender-related differences, although females had higher levels of mercury and selenium in their feathers than did males. The levels of most metals are below the known effects levels, except for mercury and selenium, which are high enough to potentially pose a risk to pigeon guillemots and to their predators.  相似文献   

The Ruhrgebiet, the engine of Western Germany, constitutes a unique social, political and architectural landscape shaped by industry. In the 1950s, during Germany’s post‐war ‘economic miracle’, few people imagined that within 50 years, the region’s heavy industry would virtually shut down. Fewer still would have predicted that many of industry’s remaining structures would become monuments of the German nation. Effecting the transformation from industrial wasteland to European ‘Cultural Capital’ has required courage and creativity. This paper demonstrates that conservation of industry’s remains has been a creative tool for democratic and social progress, shaped as much by ‘bottom‐up’ initiatives as by ‘top‐down’ directives. Workers who took action to save their neighbourhoods and citizens who united to rescue factories sparked the democratization of conservation. In the ensuing decades, conservation created new philosophies for re‐imagining a landscape permeated with traces of industry. Ultimately, conservation became a key participant in regional planning through IBA (Internationale Bauausstellung) Emscher Park, which responded to industry’s decline with a comprehensive approach to attracting investment, providing better prospects for workers and solving social problems. In the Ruhrgebiet, conservation has not simply memorialized the past – by creating real social progress and democratizing the planning process, it has meaningfully shaped the region’s future.  相似文献   

Joseph Stalin's Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, Poland, is a representative architectural structure, whose diverse and divergent readings and interpretations elicit larger historic and cultural contexts of pre- and post-1989 developments in Eastern Europe and the West. The Palace's unique ability to encode and compel changing constructions of individual and collective narratives of Polish identity provides a valuable lesson on the relationships between architecture, literature, history, and politics. Structures like the Palace carry ideological and political messages inscribed onto them by their designers and builders and serve as repositories of the changing desires and fantasies of their individual spectators or readers.  相似文献   

基于我国湿热地区人群的气候室实验结果,从心理热反应、生理热反应和生理-心理关系等多方面对国内外研究结果进行了系统对比与分析,发现现行国际标准不适用于我国湿热地区,生理热习服和心理热适应是其重要原因。考虑热习服和热适应的影响作用,建立我国湿热地区人群的生理热调节模型与心理-生理模型,是掌握其基础热舒适反应规律、合理制定热环境标准的重要途径。  相似文献   

<正>氯化消毒(chlorination)是饮用水加工过程中使用最广泛的消毒方式。然而,氯化消毒过程中可产生对健康有害的物质一消毒副产物(disinfection byproducs,DBPs)。消毒副产物主要包括三卤甲烷(trihalomethanes,THMs)、卤代乙酸(haloacefic acids,HAAs)、卤代乙腈(haloaceton itriles,HAN)等。毒理学研究显示DBPs具有遗传毒性、致突变性、细胞毒性、生殖发育毒性和致癌性。膀胱癌是指发生在膀胱黏膜上的恶性肿瘤。是泌尿系统最常见的恶性肿瘤,也是全身十大常见肿瘤之一。有研究表明消化副产物的暴露与膀胱癌  相似文献   

曹雪芹撰写《红楼梦》的时间是乾隆九年至二十四年之间。正是北京园林建设最为兴旺发达的时期。文学艺术是现实生活的反映,而大观园就是北京园林建设发展的真实写照。从建筑学的角度分析大观园,是由六个具有各自鲜明特色的景区所组成,充分体现了曹雪芹的九大造园思想。  相似文献   

The intention of this paper is to analyze the view of architectural history formulated in Geoffrey Scott's The Architecture of Humanism . While Scott's views have commonly been placed in the tradition of empathy-based aesthetics, this paper will argue that most of Scott's arguments are dominantly motivated more by aesthetic formalism. Scott's book is thus an important statement regarding the application of the formalist program in architectural history. In order to present the full implications of this program, Scott's views will be compared with the conception of art history exposed by Hans-Georg Gadamer in his Truth and Method .  相似文献   


Although born and educated to pre‐university level in South Africa, William Holford is invariably associated with Great Britain where he lived throughout his adult like and where he was accorded so many honours. Most of the writings by and about him consequently relate to this British background and not a great deal is known outside South Africa of his professional association with the land of his birth. He was in fact involved in a number of projects in South Africa in the post‐war years, including those in Pretoria, Pietermaritzburg, Cape Town and Durban, which are discussed in this paper. The projects are viewed against the backdrop of the principles and premises of planning as enunciated by Holford himself, on which basis the connections between his statements and their application in practice ‐ between rhetoric and reality ‐ are assessed.  相似文献   

In Germany, all types of radioactive wastes will be disposed of in deep geological repositories. While a repository for low-level radioactive waste (LLW) has recently been licensed, different host rock formations are considered for disposal of heat producing high-level waste (HLW). The latter includes directly disposed spent fuel (SF) and vitrified waste from its reprocessing. Different canisters and disposal concepts are considered for spent fuel disposal, i.e. thick-walled iron casks in horizontal drifts or thin-walled BSK3 steel casks in vertical boreholes. GRS is the leading expert institution in Germany concerning nuclear safety and waste management. For the recent 30 years, GRS has developed and continuously improves a set of computer codes, which allow assessing the performance and the long-term safety of repositories in various host rocks (salt, clay or granite) adopting different technical options. Advanced methods for deterministic as well as probabilistic assessments are available. To characterize the host rocks and backfill/buffer materials and to develop disposal technologies, comprehensive laboratory experiments and a large number of in-situ tests have been performed at GRS’ geo-laboratory and underground research laboratories in different host formations. Thermo-hydro-mechanico-chemical (THMC) processes occurring in the host rocks and engineered barrier systems are numerically simulated. The paper presents an overview of GRS’ work highlighting important results of performance assessment (PA) studies for both the salt and clay options. Also, recent results of in-situ investigations and laboratory studies are presented together with modeling results. Special emphasis is dedicated to the consideration of coupled THM processes which are of relevance in PA.  相似文献   

Certain populations of killer whales (Orcinus orca) have been extensively studied over the past 30 years, including populations that use Puget Sound, WA, the inside waters of British Columbia, Southeastern Alaska and Kenai Fjords/Prince William Sound, Alaska. Two eco-types of killer whales, 'transient' and 'resident', occur in all of these regions. These eco-types are genetically distinct and differ in various aspects of morphology, vocalization patterns, diet and habitat use. Various genetic and photo-identification studies of eastern North Pacific killer whales have provided information on the male-female composition of most of these resident pods and transient groups, as well as the approximate ages, reproductive status and putative recruitment order (birth order) of the individual whales. Biopsy blubber samples of free-ranging resident and transient killer whales from the Kenai Fjords/Prince William Sound, AK region were acquired during the 1994-1999 field seasons and analyzed for selected organochlorines (OCs), including dioxin-like CB congeners and DDTs. Concentrations of OCs in transient killer whales (marine mammal-eating) were much higher than those found in resident animals (fish-eating) apparently due to differences in diets of these two killer whale eco-types. Certain life-history parameters such as sex, age and reproductive status also influenced the concentrations of OCs in the Alaskan killer whales. Reproductive female whales contained much lower levels of OCs than sexually immature whales or mature male animals in the same age class likely due to transfer of OCs from the female to her offspring during gestation and lactation. Recruitment order also influenced the concentrations of OCs in the Alaskan killer whales. In adult male residents, first-recruited whales contained much higher OC concentrations than those measured in non-first-recruited (e.g. second recruited, third recruited) resident animals in the same age group. This study provides baseline OC data for free ranging Alaskan killer whales for which there is little contaminant information.  相似文献   

Journal of Housing and the Built Environment - Housing development calls for collaboration through a multipronged and concerted effort from all stakeholders to acquire resources within...  相似文献   

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