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Significant energy resources are needed for traditional and nontraditional water utilization in China. Yet the interlinkages between water and energy have not received adequate attention in the country. To address this gap, this article disaggregates and quantifies the magnitude and direction of energy and water flows in China at the national level through Sankey diagrams. Spatial distributions of energy use by different components of the water supply were further mapped at the provincial level to discern regional differences. The results of this study show that the total energy consumption by water abstraction, treatment and distribution, as well as waste treatment and reuse, amounts to 193.5 TWh of electricity, or about 4% of the total national electricity usage. The outcome of this study offers important policy implications for integrated water and energy planning and management and will contribute to achieving the goal of low-energy water utilization in the future.  相似文献   


In this paper, three Australian case studies contribute to improved understanding of water-related energy quantification and management. A systems analysis of urban water in South East Queensland (Case Study 1) demonstrates the energy impact of water end use. In Melbourne (Case Study 2), water–energy interlinkages are explored within households. Finally, Case Study 3 in Sydney shows how abatement curves can help guide management action. Collectively, the case studies provide new information for least-cost solutions and simultaneous water and energy efficiency. The work highlights the need for frameworks to characterize and evaluate both the direct and indirect energy influences of urban water.  相似文献   

陈菁  陈丹  褚琳琳  陈祥 《水利学报》2007,38(8):1016-1020
本文从支付能力的角度,根据计量经济学的需求函数理论,以我国城镇居民消费支出结构数据为基础,提出了应用扩展线性支出系统(ELES)模型,分析城镇居民生活用水水价支付能力。以北京市为例,采用1998~2004年截面数据资料,计算分析了不同时期居民用水需求与水费支出水平、居民用水的边际消费倾向、需求收入弹性以及不同收入户的用水基本需求等,以此定量研究了北京市城镇居民生活用水水价的支付能力。研究结果表明:平均收入水平下,居民对水价具有一定的支付能力,其基本用水需求均能得到满足;可支配收入增长对居民用水需求的影响不大;北京市生活用水水价还有上调的空间,但低收入户的水价支付能力有限,是重点考虑的对象。  相似文献   

基于价值型投入产出表,添加部门用水量和能源使用量,分析黑龙江省水足迹和能源足迹构成与流向.研究结果表明,耗水部门同时也是高耗能部门,分别为煤炭采选,石油和天然气开采,金属矿采选,非金属矿和其他矿采选,石油、炼焦产品和核燃料加工品,非金属矿物制品,废品废料,金属制品、机械和设备修理服务;高新技术产业通用、专用设备,交通运...  相似文献   

This paper estimates the agricultural production water footprint (WF) of Chile, assessing green, blue and grey WFs of the main agricultural products for the main productive regions, taking into account climatic and soil differences. Chile’s agricultural production blue WF is geographically concentrated in the lower portion of the Northern Dry Pacific and Central Chile area, which present less water availability. Thus, irrigated agricultural production in Chile, a semiarid country, is characterized by high water stress. In this scenario, public policies are required to incentivize better water management in order to reduce water vulnerability while boosting development.  相似文献   

This paper presents important fundamentals associated with water and energy efficiency and highlights the importance of using renewable energy sources.A model of multi-criteria optimization for energy efficiency based on water and environmental management policies,including the preservation of water resources and the control of water pressure and energy consumption through a hybrid energy solution,was developed and applied to a water supply system.The methodology developed includes three solutions:(1)the use of a water turbine in pipe systems where pressures are higher than necessary and pressure-reducing valves are installed,(2)the optimization of pumping operation according to the electricity tariff and water demand,and(3)the use of other renewable energy sources,including a wind turbine,to supply energy to the pumping station,with the remaining energy being sold to the national electric grid.The use of an integrated solution(water and energy)proves to be a valuable input for creating benefits from available hydro energy in the water supply system in order to produce clean power,and the use of a wind source allows for the reduction of energy consumption in pumping stations,as well as of the CO2 emission to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

This study estimates household water use in three localities in drought-prone Trincomalee, in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Most of the water in the research area derives from taps, reservoirs and dug wells. This research used questionnaires and interviews to determine each end use and monthly usage of tap water. Household water is used mostly for bathing, washing clothes, vehicles and toilets. Despite the small sample size and the economic and social differences, these results correspond quite well to those found elsewhere.  相似文献   


Increasing water competition, population growth and global climate change will intensify the tension between water and energy resources in arid climates of the world, since energy costs underscore the challenges facing water security in dry regions. In few places is the tension between water and energy resources more pronounced than in Los Angeles, California. This article analyzes the city’s current water supply and estimates its future energy requirements based on water supply projections from the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. Results suggest that while increasing local water management strategies could reduce the future energy intensity of the water supply, an increased reliance on water transfers could worsen its future energy intensity.  相似文献   

The water footprint shows the extent of water use in relation to consumption of people. The water footprint of a country is defined as the volume of water needed for the production of the goods and services consumed by the inhabitants of the country. The internal water footprint is the volume of water used from domestic water resources; the external water footprint is the volume of water used in other countries to produce goods and services imported and consumed by the inhabitants of the country. The study calculates the water footprint for each nation of the world for the period 1997–2001. The USA appears to have an average water footprint of 2480,m3/cap/yr, while China has an average footprint of 700,m3/cap/yr. The global average water footprint is 1240,m3/cap/yr. The four major direct factors determining the water footprint of a country are: volume of consumption (related to the gross national income); consumption pattern (e.g. high versus low meat consumption); climate (growth conditions); and agricultural practice (water use efficiency).  相似文献   


This article addresses the emergence and interrelation of food, energy, and water security in terms of resource use and the ensuing societal and environmental outcomes. For decades, food security and energy security have been well-accepted, operational concepts. Water security is the latest entrant, yet the implications of water insecurity for food, energy and earth systems resilience have not been adequately considered. This article examines how and why this is so – particularly with growing water scarcity and insecurity that may compete with energy and food security – and emphasizes the critical need to link water-energy-food nexus approaches to earth systems resilience.  相似文献   

张华  包淑萍 《中国水利》2014,(13):23-25
宁东能源化工基地是宁夏经济社会发展的"一号工程",为国家级重点开发区,依靠宁东供水工程解决工业发展用水。在分析宁东能源化工基地水资源、用水现状的基础上,分析基地水资源利用和配置存在的问题。结合基地发展规划,预测基地需水量,提出水资源合理配置方案和解决用水指标的主要途径。  相似文献   

东江流域基于水质的水资源有偿使用与生态补偿机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了东江流域生态补偿的政策与实践,认为基于发展机会损失下的生态补偿机制有悖于我国水资源国家所有的基本国情,是导致东江流域生态补偿进展缓慢的根本原因。提出建立基于水资源有偿使用的生态补偿机制:通过"使用者向国家付费,国家向保护者转移",实现对水源保护区的生态补偿。  相似文献   

The Water–Energy–Food (WEF) nexus is a development challenge in the Arab world, particularly in the ‘core nexus countries’ with low to mid-incomes in which limited water endowments permit agricultural production, such as Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon, Algeria, Sudan and Jordan. The WEF nexus is often conceptualized in mere technocratic terms, yet politics matter in the implementation of projects that address it. Internalizing hydrological externalities or leaving them as they are and financing them as a public good requires states whose capacities have been reduced as a result of neoliberal reform. The article explores five different pathways of how Arab countries could finance green growth projects ranging from regional financial markets to concessionary loans by funds from oil rich Gulf countries.  相似文献   

为了探究水库对城市供水安全的影响,根据提出的供水安全的3个判别准则,构建包含供水水源安全、供水过程安全和用水主体安全3个准则层的供水安全评价指标体系,并基于单指标量化-多指标综合-多准则集成(SMI-P)方法定量分析了出山店水库供水区供水安全状况。研究结果表明:出山店水库供水区供水安全水平整体不高,但呈上升趋势,基本处于接近安全和较安全水平;各评价指标供水安全度存在较大差异,随着城镇化水平的提高以及基础设施的完善,出山店水库供水区的供水安全度得到有效提高。本研究提出的供水安全判别准则、评价指标及案例分析可为供水安全评价提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

Thinking of the interconnections between water, food, energy and climate is nothing new in the Nile Basin; it has long been anchored in political struggles. For 200 years, Egypt's political economy has been defined by water use patterns and food security strategies that debunk the technocratic myth that rapid growth, interaction with global markets and technological modernization eliminate poor governance practices and allocative inefficiencies. In contrast, the prism of the nexus as a political commodity illuminates one of modern Egypt's most consequential dialectics: the interaction between the very particular nexus at the heart of the country's political economy, forged through factional strife and sustained by outside discourses and interests, and the economic and ecological ravages of this elite politics. Egyptian history serves as a warning. Today's conversation needs to be deconstructed in terms of how different forms of interconnectivity between water, energy and food are produced and experienced by different social groups. It reminds us to take interconnections not as given, but rather as contested and contestable outcomes from which opportunities for adaptation and transformation do not naturally emerge, but need to be struggled for.  相似文献   

水是城市河湖水系生态与环境治理核心和关键,利用再生水补充河湖生态用水已成为缓解城市河湖生态危机问题的有力措施之一。再生水中含有的大量营养盐分、微量有机污染物、固体悬浮微粒和微生物,可能使回用区及临近区域水生态环境面临一定的污染风险。在对国内外将再生水回用于景观生态环境用水的应用现状,以及地表水—包气带—地下含水层系统对再生水中污染物的自净及削减作用进行阐述的基础上,重点对再生水回用于河湖景观生态用水存在的主要问题进行了分析,提出了再生水补给永定河生态用水目前急需解决的技术问题与研究重点,为永定河绿色生态走廊建设规划的顺利实施以及再生水回用于河湖景观用水研究提供参考依据。  相似文献   

针对我国水资源开发利用不合理造成的生态环境问题,探讨如何通过水价的市场调节作用,保障经济社会与生态环境协调发展的总用水效益最优的理论和方法。以用水总效用最大为原则,以经济社会消费预算、可利用水资源量为约束,建立水资源需求函数模型;以供水总效益最大化为目标,建立考虑经济社会用水全成本代价的水资源供给函数模型;迭代求解水资源最优配置的供需均衡水价。在考虑基本生活用水价格刚性及经济社会发展水平条件下,北京市2000年总用水40.4亿m3,最优分配方案为经济社会合理用水量24.76亿m3和生态环境可用水量15.64亿m3,总效益最优为440亿元,用水综合水价为8.01元/m3。研究发现,如果生态环境基本用水得不到满足,以现状经济社会承受能力为约束确定的水价,不能补偿经济社会占用生态用水的外部损失,无法促进水资源在生态环境与经济社会之间的最优配置。  相似文献   

In the Goulburn River, located in Victoria (Australia), dams and diversions for irrigation have modified streamflows and water temperature, and contributed to environmental degradation that includes declining native fish populations. With the passage of a new Water Act in 1989, the Victorian Government proposed to address environmental and water allocation issues through the development of tradeable water entitlements. Initially, these had a strong environmental focus and were to be allocated within an adaptive management framework that involved monitoring and evaluation to refine the total allowable diversion to sustainable levels. The actual specification of tradeable water entitlements for the Goulburn River, undertaken in 1995, differed substantially from those early proposals. Entitlements were largely based on historical use with limited and ineffective allocation of water to the environment because water temperature was not considered. A water market has been established but market failure is likely to result in an under‐allocation of water to the environment. Access to the market is restricted except to irrigation authorities and water users, and transaction costs and uncertainties in environmental requirements reinforce the status quo in water allocation which is dominated by production values. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

水系连通是水资源管理、水利建设的一项极其重要的内容。研究水系连通区的土地利用与生态服务价值变化具有重要意义。以济南西部多水源连通(黄河、长江、玉符河、小清河、玉清湖水库)交汇区为研究对象,基于遥感影像解译数据,定量分析1988-2014年研究区水系连通过程中土地利用转型及其对生态环境的影响。结果表明:1988-2014年,济西多水源连通交汇区林地、耕地和建设用地分别减少了7.76、3.26和4.77 km~2,水域和草地分别增加了9.77和6.03 km~2;研究区土地利用转型经历了以林地转化为主导和以耕地转化为主导的两个阶段,前一阶段土地利用的稳定性较差,后一阶段土地利用的稳定性有所提升; 1988-2014年,研究区生态服务价值由9.04×10~8元增至15.01×10~8元,说明当地生态质量不断提高,生态系统逐渐趋于复杂。济西湿地是研究区生态质量提高的关键,湿地的修复与建设既是水系连通的成果,又是水系连通的保障。  相似文献   

The present study analyzes the role of informal markets in fulfilling the water requirements of poorer households in Chennai City, India. The results of a survey reveal that a significant number of poor people purchase water from informal markets and that they incur a sizeable expenditure on water purchases; some of these households are also willing to pay additional amounts for improved water supply from public sources. The results suggest that improvements in public water supply would significantly increase the welfare of the poor. The informal markets need to be regulated and monitored so that they can serve the households in a better way.  相似文献   

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