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Void generation has been compared for two heats of AF1410 steel in which the sulfur has been gettered either as particles of MnS or as CrS particles. Voids are nucleated at lower plastic strains when sulfur is gettered as CrS than when sulfur is gettered as MnS. Diffraction results indicate that the CrS has a monoclinic structure. 相似文献
Post deformation heat treatment of Pt 10 at.% Cr at temperatures below the recrystallisation temperature results in the formation of an ordered phase not predicted in the platinum–chromium phase diagram. Electron diffraction patterns show that the ordered structure is Pt8Cr, which has not previously been experimentally observed. Dark field imaging shows that the ordered regions are dispersed in a deformed matrix. The kinetics of the ordering transformation are very slow. 相似文献
The orthorhombic φ-Al5Mg11Zn4 phase is known to be related to quasicrystalline phases, but the exact relationship has not been shown yet. In this study, the relationship of this phase to the icosahedral quasicrystalline phase is explored through analysis of the electron diffraction patterns. It is shown that icosahedral coordinations in three orientations occur in the unit cell - one with three mutually perpendicular twofold axes along 〈1 0 0〉 of the unit cell, and two with a twofold axis along [1 0 0] and a fivefold along [0 0 1]. In this, this phase is similar to aluminum and zinc based hexagonal phases which are related to quasicrystals. 相似文献
The atomic structure of a new ternary U2FeAl20 phase appearing in the Al-rich corner of a U–Fe–Al system was solved using electron crystallography and X-ray powder diffraction techniques (XRD). The positions of U atoms were determined from crystallographically processed high-resolution electron microscopy (HRTEM) images. These positions were used as a starting set for determining the coordinates of Fe and Al atoms by difference-Fourier synthesis technique. The U2FeAl20 phase is tetragonal and belongs to the space group. Its unit cell contains 80 Al, 4 Fe, and 8 U atoms. The lattice parameters obtained after Rietveld refinement are: a = 12.4138 Å, c = 10.3014 Å. The reliability factors characterizing the Rietveld refinement procedure are: Rp = 8.65%, Rwp = 11.2% and Rb = 5.93%. 相似文献
Precipitation of the γ′(AlAg2) phase was investigated in Al–Ag(–Cu) alloys using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and scanning transmission electron microscopy. Precipitation commenced with segregation of Ag to stacking faults, followed by thickening in steps corresponding to single unit cell height ledges. In conjunction with gradual segregation of Ag and Al into ordered layers, this yielded γ′ phase platelets with a thickness of either 2 or 3 × the AlAg2c-lattice parameter. Plates with a thickness of 2c(AlAg2) could not achieve self-accommodation of the shape strain for transformation. Further thickening of the precipitates was slow, despite considerable Ag segregation around the precipitates. Growth by the addition of single unit cell height ledges is expected to lead to an additional shear strain energy barrier to ledge nucleation and this may contribute to a process of nucleation-limited growth. 相似文献
Lilin Liu Haiyou Huang Ran Fu Deming Liu Tong-Yi Zhang 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2009,486(1-2):207-211
The present work conducts crystal characterization by High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) on Cu/Sn-nanolayer/Ni sandwich structures associated with the use of Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis. The results show that DO22–(Cu,Ni)3Sn intermetallic compound (IMC) ordered structure is formed in the sandwich structures at the as-electrodeposited state. The formed DO22-(Cu,Ni)3Sn IMC is a homogeneous layer with a thickness about 10 nm. The DO22–(Cu,Ni)3Sn IMC nanolayer is stable during annealing at 250 °C for 810 min. The formation and stabilization of the metastable DO22–(Cu,Ni)3Sn IMC nanolayer are attributed to the less strain energy induced by lattice mismatch between the DO22 IMC and fcc Cu crystals in comparison with that between the equilibrium DO3 IMC and fcc Cu crystals. 相似文献
Yue TianGuomin Hua Wei XuNian Li Ming FangLide Zhang 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2011,509(3):724-730
A facile hydrothermal process was utilized to synthesize bismuth tungstate (Bi2WO6) hierarchical nano/microstructures, by which various morphologies could be achieved, including caddice clew-like, nest-like, flower-like and plate-like nanostructures. From the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, the morphologies and phases of the as-synthesized Bi2WO6 exhibited a strong dependence on the pH value of the precursor solutions. Moreover, the formation mechanisms of the controllable assembly of these Bi2WO6 nano/microstructures under different pH values were investigated. The photocatalytic performances of Bi2WO6 with different morphologies were also discussed, and the nest-like Bi2WO6 displayed the best photocatalytic activity due to the effective visible absorption and the large surface areas. 相似文献
Gang LiuLin Liu Cheng AiBingming Ge Jun ZhangHengzhi Fu 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2011,509(19):5866-5872
The influence of elevated withdrawal rate on the microstructure and segregation behavior of Ni-base single-crystal superalloys containing Re and Ru is investigated. The experimental superalloys are processed under a high thermal gradient of approximately 250 K/cm and withdrawal rates between 10 and 500 μm/s. With increasing withdrawal rate, the dendritic structures and γ′ precipitates in as-cast microstructures are apparently refined. Electron-probe microanalyzer (EPMA) results indicate that the degree of segregation for the constituent elements (e.g. Al, Ta, W, Re etc.) increases initially and then decreases with increasing withdrawal rate. In addition, the Re and Ru additions obviously increase the amounts of γ-γ′ eutectic and the tendency of segregation for Al and Ta. 相似文献
The atomic structure of a new ternary phase UFe2Al10 appearing in the U–Fe–Al system was determined using direct methods applied to X-ray powder diffraction data. High resolution electron microscopy combined with the methods of crystallographic image processing was used for the verification of the structural model. The UFe2Al10 phase is orthorhombic and belongs to Cmcm space group, its unit cell contains 40 Al, eight Fe, and four U atoms. The lattice parameters obtained after Rietveld refinement are: a=8.919 Å, b=10.208 Å, and c=9.018 Å. The reliability factors characterizing the Rietveld refinement procedure are: Rp=5.9%, Rwp=8.1%, and Rb=2.9%. 相似文献
Vahid Fallah Andreas Korinek Nana Ofori-Opoku Nikolas Provatas Shahrzad Esmaeili 《Acta Materialia》2013,61(17):6372-6386
Early-stage clustering in quenched/aged supersaturated Al–Cu alloys is simulated and characterized at the atomic scale to study the structural and compositional evolution of clusters. A three-dimensional analysis of the nucleation and growth mechanisms of early clusters in binary alloys is built upon a phase-field crystal (PFC) methodology previously developed in two dimensions by Fallah et al. [Phys. Rev. B. 86, 134112 (2012)]. The dislocation-mediated nucleation of clusters, reproduced in three dimensions, is compared against new results of atomistic characterization using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and high-resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (HRSTEM). Consistent with the simulation results, analysis of HRTEM micrographs reveals the association of quenched-in dislocations with the early clusters. Moreover, the PFC model and HRSTEM observations show remarkable agreement on the non-equilibrium evolution of composition within the early clusters as well as their preferred growth orientation and spherical-to-ellipsoidal morphological transition. 相似文献
The as-cast eutectic Cu–71.8 wt.% Ag was prepared. The orientation relationship and interface structure of Cu and Ag phases were investigated using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The interface energies and nucleation rates in the formation of different orientation relationships were discussed. The Cu and Ag eutectic lamellae can form the cube-on-cube and hetero-twin orientation relationships and the occurrence probabilities of the two orientation relationships are approximate in the solidification of the eutectic structure. There are misfit dislocations and monolayer steps at the interface between both phases having the cube-on-cube or hetero-twin relationship. The twin fault and lattice mismatch energies at the interface result only in an insignificant effect on the formation of different orientation relationships between both phases of the eutectic laminae. 相似文献
Akihiko Hirata Yoshihiko Hirotsu Satoru Kuboya T.G. Nieh 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2009,483(1-2):64
Local structural fluctuation in relation to the medium range order (MRO) in a Pd–Ni–P bulk metallic glass was examined using nanobeam electron diffraction (NBED) technique. We found diffraction spots with strong intensities in the NBED patterns taken from any observation sites in the specimen. This indicates a presence of MRO regions densely formed in the specimen. The diffraction spots in NBED were normally dispersed around positions corresponding to the first halo-diffraction ring in selected area diffraction. A low-temperature annealing led to form a nanocrystalline microstructure consisting of unidentified phosphides. In the course of annealing, the MRO structures deduced from the NBED patterns have no structural similarity to the phosphides found in the primary crystallization stage. The MRO structure changes into a similar structure with the primary crystals just before the crystallization. A discussion is made for the MRO structure and its relation to the glass stability and also to the phosphide nucleation in the primary crystallization. 相似文献
Jianjun Chen Qiang ShiLipeng Xin Yang LiuRenjuan Liu Xiaoyan Zhu 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2011,509(24):6844-6847
A large number of SiC nanowires were fabricated by a simple catalyst-free method using silicon powders and expandable graphite as raw materials. Digital camera, X-ray diffractometer, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, field-emission scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy demonstrate that a large number of loose products were obtained in graphite crucible. The products are composed of single crystalline 3C-SiC nanowires with lengths up to several tens of micrometers and diameters of 20-60 nm. The vapor-solid mechanism was proposed to interpret the growth procedure of SiC nanowires. The expandable graphite as carbon source can provide enough growth space for nanowires, which is helpful to improve the yield of SiC nanowires. The simple method provides a promising candidate for industrial fabrication of SiC nanowires. 相似文献
V.Y. Zenou V. EzerskyL. Meshi D. FuksM. Talianker 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2011,509(2):206-209
A new quaternary phase with the approximate composition U-18.6 at%Fe-29.2 at%Al-32.6 at%Si was observed in U-Fe-Al-Si system. The crystal structure of this phase was investigated by electron diffraction and X-ray powder diffraction techniques. It has an orthorhombic unit cell with lattice parameters a = 12.241 Å, b = 18.362 Å and c = 4.066 Å and can be described by the Immm space group. 相似文献
Ömer N. Do?an Song ChenXueyan Song John Sears 《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》2011,509(23):6556-6560
Chromium alloys are considered as high temperature structural materials. Vanadium was substitutionally alloyed into chromium to improve its room temperature ductility. Precipitates, which were indexed as C20Cr25V55 with an orthorombic structure, form in these chromium-vanadium alloys due to the presence of carbon impurities. The distribution, morphology, and crystal defects of the precipitates were studied using electron diffraction, diffraction contrast imaging, and high resolution transmission electron microscopy. One-dimensional structural modulations were determined in these precipitates. 相似文献
Cadmium strontium sulfide nanostructures were synthesized by solid state diffusion method in the presence of sodium thiosulfate. XRD confirmed the presence of CdS and SrS structures in the synthesized samples. TEM micrographs revealed the formation of nearly spherical nanoparticles with grain size in the range 30-40 nm. The PL emission was centred around 532 nm with a shoulder at 468 nm. The PL emission of CdSrS shows a blue shift in comparison to that of CdS. Substantially enhanced photoluminescence emission was observed with the addition of Bi3+ as a dopant. The effects of different excitation wavelengths on the PL spectra have also been investigated. It is suggested that the emission processes are linked to divalent Cd ions with broadening resulting due to these ions in being differing ion environments. 相似文献
Mullite whiskers were prepared from silica fume in molten Al2(SO4)3-Na2SO4 mixture salts at low temperatures. The resulting mullite whiskers, as well as the nucleation and growth mechanism in the molten environment, have been investigated by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermogravimetric analysis (TG-DTA) techniques. XRD studies showed that the materials obtained were orthorhombic mullite. SEM, TEM and HRTEM results revealed that the mullite whiskers were single crystal fibers with diameters ranging from 30 to 150 nm and lengths of over several microns. According to thermodynamic analysis, mullite phase might be spontaneously formed in molten salts as the temperature reached the decomposition temperature of aluminum sulfate (1023 K). Moreover, the mullite crystals grew along [1 1 1] crystal plane firstly and developed into fibrous microstructure finally. 相似文献
Microstructure and texture are analyzed through the thickness of two aluminum plates cold-rolled 40% with different roll gap geometries. It is found that both texture and microstructure are strongly affected by the rolling geometry. After rolling with intermediate-size draughts a rolling-type texture is developed throughout the plate thickness. In this case, grains are subdivided by extended planar dislocation boundaries preferentially aligned at an angle of 40 ± 15° to the rolling direction. In the plate rolled with small draughts, shear texture components appear in the intermediate layers. In these layers, extended planar dislocation boundaries are frequently found to be inclined closely to the rolling direction. The subsurface and central layers of this plate exhibit microstructures similar to those in the plate rolled with intermediate draughts. It is suggested that the development of different textures and microstructures at different depths is related to the activation of different slip systems due to through-thickness strain gradients. 相似文献