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我们城市规划面临着职业道德的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐巨洲 《城市规划》2004,28(1):22-24
20世纪90年代以来,我国城市化的加速发展使得城市规划的地位愈显突出,城市规划在未来经济增长的地位,已经提升到一个新的台阶.不言而喻,城市规划运行的状况如何,必然成为全社会关注的一个焦点.在这一问题上,有人抱着乐观的态度,认为前景一片大好,城市大发展就是最好的佐证.  相似文献   

城市规划,对城区的延展有着侧重价值。然而,很长时段以来,城区规划特有的环保局限,造成了偏多的环保疑难,阻碍了城区延展。在城市既有的规划建构中,有必要明晰环保这一范畴的疑难,妥善调和城区规划与现有环境的关联,摸索最佳情形下的人居环境。城市规划及接续的建设,都要考量特有的环保问题,明晰可用的处理路径。  相似文献   

阐述了城市绿道建设的作用,分析了绿道建设规划中存在的问题,并从绿道的通畅性、绿道空间与周边环境的协调、绿道与城市道路的关系等方面,提出了针对性的解决措施,以确保绿道建设的科学性与合理性。  相似文献   

通过对城市消防规划现状和问题分析,从城市消防规划的科学性、前瞻性、可操作性出发,浅要提出抓好城市消防规划几点意见,促进建立城市消防安全体系,进一步提高城市预防和抵御火灾及有关灾害的能力,适应城市建设和经济发展需要。  相似文献   

The numbers of English public houses or “pubs” have reduced significantly in the last two decades. Politicians have called on the planning system to resist their closure but, at the same time, demand further controls over high-street bars. This paper explores the reasons for the decline and the rationale for supporting the continuation of the “traditional” English pub. Using evidence drawn from a wider study of the relationships between places and youth drinking cultures, the paper discusses young adults' use of pubs. While recognising the adverse effects of heavy drinking, arguments are put forward in support of the traditional pub as a site for restrained and responsible social interaction for young adults. The paper discusses the issues this raises for the UK planning system in the context of responsibilities for social sustainability and public health.  相似文献   

We present a model that considers the spatial aspects of biodiversity in urban planning. Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, is used as a study area. The model comprises three steps of strategic selection: (1) information sources; (2) target biotopes, and (3) presentation strategies adapted to priorities in spatial planning. A classification system based on the interpretation of colour infrared aerial photographs was developed. Established methods for the study of woodland and agricultural landscapes were merged and modified in order to fit the present objectives. Ecologically valuable biotopes were found both in green and built-up areas. The methods developed have been used in the comprehensive planning of Stockholm to designate the core areas and the zones in the surrounding landscape with different demands for spatial planning. The model to support urban planners with context-sensitive planning tools was sufficiently flexible for the adaptation to the conditions of each individual area and the level of detail suited to the planning situation. It also provided information on the effects of fragmentation, creating a platform for meaningful follow-up work.  相似文献   

Phronetic planning research: theoretical and methodological reflections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One of the key agreements adopted at the Rio Conference in 1992 was the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Both in practice and research biodiversity has been mainly addressed in a non-urban context, often discussed in relation to issues such as the depletion of rainforests and desertification. However, as more than half of the world population are urban dwellers, it is increasingly urgent to discuss the application of the concept of biodiversity within an urban context. Issues approached in this article are: What does it mean to talk about biodiversity in an urban context? Is biodiversity a meaningful goal for urban politics and planning? Is there empirical evidence of implementing biodiversity in urban politics and planning. After an introduction, the article is organized into four sections. In the second section the concept of biological diversity is defined with special reference to its application in an urban context. Biodiversity and its relationship to urban governance is the topic of the third section, followed by a section analysing examples of how this relationship is practised in selected Swedish cities. The final section highlights five major conclusions with regard to the application of biodiversity in an urban context: (1) that all cities studied have adopted overall ‘green’ policies, including biodiversity as one component; (2) that local coalitions in favour of implementing biodiversity have been established between employees at different offices, between employees and politicians, and between employees and NGOs; (3) that there are in all cases tangible signs of spatial patterns and structures that are favourable to biodiversity; (4) that urban biodiversity, for its successful implementation, needs to be related, and accommodated to other values given priority in current policymaking, such as recreation; (5) that mainstream biodiversity analysis should be complemented by an urban landscape approach. Finally, the article returns to the more general question of what biodiversity could and should mean in urban planning.  相似文献   

当前中国多座城市编制的城市雕塑规划在提升城市雕塑建设质量,改善城市环境方面发挥着重要的功能,但从长远看存在一系列需要高度关注的问题。本文基于城市规划与城市雕塑的跨学科视角,以提升空间品质和生活质量为导向,运用定性分析法,全面归纳今后一段时间城市雕塑规划应当重点考虑城乡统筹、区域统筹、代际公平等可持续发展的关键问题,以期更好地利用城市雕塑规划实现提升中国城市雕塑建设水平,达到营造健康城市的最终目的。  相似文献   

This study determined the issues of Planning Support System (PSS) implementation in the field of urban disaster mitigation in Japan by understanding its analytical perspective through a review of Western literature, a questionnaire survey of urban planning consultant companies, and PSS implementation for a practical project in a municipality.Regarding the instrumental perspective, there was difficulty in conducting the simulation-based PSS due to the enormous simulation time required.Regarding the transfer perspective, the importance of the municipality's decision of adopting the PSS to a project, securing the budget and continuous running costs, track record of the practical project, and lack of human resource for the PSS use were clarified.Regarding the user perspective, the difficulty in data collection and update as well as importance of the cooperative system/support from the developer in the initial period were clarified.Especially, considering the low number of implementations, a platform may be important for the promotion of PSS awareness. This may be also useful for the diffusion of PSS. It is necessary for the developers to fully communicate the benefits of PSS adoption. It is thought that a close cooperative system and support are required in the initial stage. For promoting and understanding the benefits of PSS adoption, a guideline or manual seems to be useful. This is effective for ensuring the budget and providing an explanation to high-level members of the organizations about the effect of utilizing these tools.For the final implementation, the possibility of installation, maintenance, and operation of the PSS by the municipality was discussed.  相似文献   

张志斌  李宏 《山西建筑》2007,33(36):39-40
指出当前我国城市住宅区规划中的小区模式的缺陷和给城市发展带来的问题,分析了适宜居住的规划原则,提出了以邻里街区的规划结构模式代替小区模式的观点,并对街区的结构规模做了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

城市有机体视角下历史街区保护规划的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章洪浩  董金柱 《山西建筑》2010,36(19):50-51
联系城市发展过程与有机生命体发展过程中的相似之处,探讨了历史街区保护面临的问题及原因,阐述了城市历史街区的生命体特征,对历史街区保护实践情况进行了反思,以总结历史街区保护规划过程中的经验和教训。  相似文献   

While many publications predict future urban scenarios, few have deliberated the impact of issued urban planning on scenario prediction. We propose a planning-constrained model (named PCGA-CA) that integrates cellular automata (CA) and genetic algorithm (GA) to simulate current and future urban patterns under the spatial constraints of urban planning. The planning regulations include three types: fully allowed area (FAA), partially allowed area (PAA), and strictly prohibited area (SPA), where we propose a planning implementation parameter (PIP) to represent the stringency in PAA. Under different PIPs, we apply the PCGA-CA model to simulate the 2015 urban patterns and predict the 2030 and 2045 scenarios for Ningbo city, China. The results show that the regulations substantially affect the simulation accuracy and urban pattern. As the planning regulations become less stringent, the accuracy decreases from 90.3% to 89.4% and the urban pattern becomes less compact. In particular, the urban pattern is the most compact when the regulations are not imposed. The PCGA-CA predicts the quantity and location of illegal urban development, and identifies spatially varying urban growth across planning regulations. For the same year, the urban patterns with different PIPs illustrate substantial differences in landscape metrics. The simulations of the current urban pattern should help urban planners and local authorities assess past implementations of urban planning, while the scenario predictions can offer a view of the future by evaluating the consequences of different planning regulations.  相似文献   

为了研究不同砷形态化合物在水产品体内的毒力大小、毒理效应和转化机制,笔者综述了国内外近20年几种常见砷化合物在水产品中蓄积规律的研究,发现在所有砷化合物中,无机砷的毒性往往大于有机砷,但也有研究发现三价态的有机砷MMA毒性比无机砷高数几倍;在对水产品体内不同砷化合物含量测定的研究中可以得出有机砷是主要的存在形式。但研究也还存在不足,对水产品的砷含量研究多集中于沿海地区的海产品类,今后还需要加大对淡水性水产品类砷含量以及蓄积规律的研究力度。  相似文献   

Integrating conservation planning and landuse planning in urban landscapes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rapid growth of cities around the world is now seen as a major contributor to global biodiversity loss and many governments include biodiversity conservation as an explicit policy goal. To help prevent further loss of biodiversity, there is an urgent need for more strategic approaches to conservation planning in urban environments based on a scientific understanding of landscape patterns, species requirements and development pressures. In this study, we demonstrate the use of new conservation planning tools to better integrate information on threatened species into landuse planning. We present a case study in the Greater Melbourne area that utilises the Zonation conservation planning tool with data for 30 threatened fauna species. We perform a multi-species spatial prioritisation that incorporates species-specific connectivity requirements and demonstrate the use of this information in a number of landuse planning contexts. First, we quantitatively assess the differences between Melbourne's current conservation areas with the locations prioritised by Zonation and determine priority areas for their extension. We then show how the prioritisation can be used in decisions regarding Melbourne's Urban Growth Boundary and in rezoning land for development. Finally, we demonstrate how the prioritisation can be used to identify areas of conservation significance within individual developments that account for the wider landscape context. These results demonstrate how conservation planning tools can be better integrated into the different stages of landuse planning for future urban growth.  相似文献   

Water-sensitive planning (WSP) is an approach to sustainable development that integrates water considerations into urban and regional planning. Following a literature survey and a condensed report of our 15 years of studies, the paper presents WSP's goals, domains, principles and practices and the paradigms that underpin them, with special attention to stormwater management. It encompasses all planning scales, from the building lot to the catchment area. The paper ends with suggested generic planning principles that evolved with the growth of WSP but are intended to also serve other domains of planning for sustainable development.  相似文献   

One of the truisms that most planners adhere to is the notion that ‘planning is a continuous process’. What is also true, but often more difficult for planners to grasp, is the fact that the process itself is evolutionary and that within this dynamic of change it is not only the system which changes but the values underlying that system as well.  相似文献   

陈晓丽 《城市规划》2002,26(6):10-12
加入世贸组织 ,是我国改革开放进程中具有历史意义的一件大事 ,标志着我国改革开放进入新的历史阶段 ,对城市规划工作也是如此。表 1 在加入WTO服务贸易谈判中城市规划领域的承诺部门市场准入限制国民待遇限制其它承诺城市规划服务 (不包括城市总体规划服务 )(CPC8674)( 1)对方案设计没有限制。除方案设计 ,要求与中国专业机构合作的方式进行。( 2 )没有限制( 3 )只允许设立合营企业 ,允许外资拥有多数股权。中国加入WTO后 5年内 ,允许设立外商独资企业。( 4 )除水平承诺中内容外 ,不作承诺。1)没有限制( 2 )没有限制3 )外国服务…  相似文献   

从几个转变看城市公共设施的发展与规划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国城市发展正处于多重外因交织作用的特殊时期,城市公共设施作为城市最具代表性的组成部分,体现出较为鲜明的市场化、信息化和区域化的转变特征,对此在规划建设上需有针对地采取相应的策略和措施,这对城市整体的健康发展十分重要。  相似文献   

适应形势要求切实肩负起科学编制规划的责任   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汪光焘 《城市规划》2007,31(7):10-17
<正>制订颁布《城乡规划法》是着力完善城乡规划基本法律制度的重要措施。去年底《城乡规划法(草案)》(以下简称《草案》)已经国务院审议通过并报全国人大,今年4月全国人大常委会已经组织进行了一审,我们将全力以赴,力争今年年底前能够颁布。《草案》适应新的历史发展时期对城乡规划工作的要求,建立和完善了城乡规划基本法律制度。这将是加强城乡规划工作,引导城镇化和城乡建设健康发展的一部重要法律。胡锦涛总书记强调,“要加强城市发展的科学规划,维护城市规划的严肃性、权威性”。我们落实好胡锦涛总书记指示精神,贯彻实施《城乡规划法》,关键要把握好科学编制城乡规划,并依法保障规划的实施,切实维护规划的严肃性。规划编制单位承担着城乡规划编制任务,是保证规划科学性的关键,必须统一思想,提高认识,适应新形势,把握新要求,加快自身改革,切实承担起科学编制城乡规划的责任。  相似文献   

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