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Molecular and cellular basis of addiction 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Drug addiction results from adaptations in specific brain neurons caused by repeated exposure to a drug of abuse. These adaptations combine to produce the complex behaviors that define an addicted state. Progress is being made in identifying such time-dependent, drug-induced adaptations and relating them to specific behavioral features of addiction. Current research needs to understand the types of adaptations that underlie the particularly long-lived aspects of addiction, such as drug craving and relapse, and to identify specific genes that contribute to individual differences in vulnerability to addiction. Understanding the molecular and cellular basis of addictive states will lead to major changes in how addiction is viewed and ultimately treated. 相似文献
Aged persons and most animals studied show a significant decline in the immune response primarily caused by changes in the T cell compartment. This decline in T cell function is due to a combination of factors: decreased production of new naive T cells by the involuting thymus; extensive antigen-induced activation leading to replicative senescence and clonal exhaustion of certain T cells; and postmitotic aging of resting T cells, a phenomenon also observed in other non-dividing cells such as neurons or muscle cells. The relative importance of these processes in the T cell defective immune response observed in aged humans and animals remains to be established although it is very likely that all of them participate in immunosenescence. The cellular, molecular biological basis and the clinical consequences of the defective immune response in aging were extensively discussed and reviewed at the 5th EUCAMBIS meeting. This paper summarizes the main presentations at the meeting. This special issue contains selected presentations from the congress, in the form of peer-reviewed full papers and the abstracts of two papers previously published in the journal. 相似文献
Prostate cancer is an enigmatic disease. Although prostatic-intraepithelial neoplasia appears as early as the third decade and as many as 80% of 80 year old men have epithelial cells in their prostate that fit the morphological criteria for cancer, only about 10% of men will ever have the clinical disease and less than 3% will die from it. There have been no significant proven interventions which have altered the natural history of the disease since hormone down regulation was introduced in the 1940s and new research has been poorly supported. There is however an urgent need to develop new criteria to distinguish those patients with localised disease who will benefit from intervention from those that do not require it or who will have occult extra prostatic metastases. Similarly, there is an urgent need to develop new treatments for those in whom the disease is extra-prostatic and therefore incurable by conventional treatments. This review covers the latest developments in epidemiology, cellular and molecular biology including new areas such as ion channels in the field of prostate cancer. 相似文献
From a spina bifida clinic we have identified two patients with a syndrome of myelomeningocele and Waardenburg syndrome type 3 (WS3). The patients each possess a single, de novo, interstitial deletion of chromosome 2 (2q35-36.2), including the PAX3 gene. Deletion of PAX3 was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Analysis with PAX3 and flanking microsatellites shows that the deleted interval of chromosome 2 is of paternal origin and is at least 2 and 6 cM in the two patients. Interstitial deletions in this region result in the Waardenburg syndrome (WS1), but have not been associated with neural tube defects (NTDs). Although other etiologies have not been formally excluded, these patients raise the possibility of a digenic etiology of their NTDs via a genetic interaction of the deleted PAX3 gene with a second unidentified locus. 相似文献
We hypothesized that the conventional ProMACE-CytaBOM regimen could be improved by administering all drugs on d1 with the S-phase agents first in the sequence, prednisone d2-6 only, increasing doxorubicin to 50 mg/m2, and adding G-CSF d2-13 to ameliorate neutropenia. This regimen was tested in a Phase I study of 20 patients (pt) with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). The median age was 61 yrs (range, 29-79). Four pt had low grade and 16 intermediate/high NHL. The International Prognostic Index was low in 6 cases, low-intermediate in 12, and high-intermediate in 2. Twelve pt received > or =6 cycles; 4 had 5 cycles, 3 had 4 cycles, and 1 received only 1 cycle. Sixteen pt received subsequent cycles without delay. The response rate was 95% (19/20) with 12 CR and 7 PR; one pt progressed during treatment. After a median follow-up of 30 months, 85% (17/20) remain alive. This higher dose ProMACECytaBOM regimen can be given to older adult patients in an outpatient setting. Phase III studies would be required to determine if it produces a superior overall survival compared to other regimens. 相似文献
Exposure to the solar ultraviolet spectrum that penetrates the Earth's stratosphere (UVA and UVB) causes cellular DNA damage within skin cells. This damage is elicited directly through absorption of energy (UVB), and indirectly through intermediates such as sensitizer radicals and reactive oxygen species (UVA). DNA damage is detected as strand breaks or as base lesions, the most common lesions being 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8OHdG) from UVA exposure and cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers from UVB exposure. The presence of these products in the genome may cause misreading and misreplication. Cells are protected by free radical scavengers that remove potentially mutagenic radical intermediates. In addition, the glutathione-S-transferase family can catalyze the removal of epoxides and peroxides. An extensive repair capacity exists for removing (1) strand breaks, (2) small base modifications (8OHdG), and (3) bulky lesions (cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers). UV also stimulates the cell to produce early response genes that activate a cascade of signaling molecules (e.g., protein kinases) and protective enzymes (e.g., haem oxygenase). The cell cycle is restricted via p53-dependent and -independent pathways to facilitate repair processes prior to replication and division. Failure to rescue the cell from replication block will ultimately lead to cell death, and apoptosis may be induced. The implications for UV-induced genotoxicity in disease are considered. 相似文献
W Winlow PM Hopkins HF Moghadam IA Ahmed T Yar 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1995,46(2-4):381-393
The pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis has been used as a model system to study the cellular and subcellular actions of general anaesthetics. Here we describe the actions of general anaesthetics mainly on cultured, identified neurones, maintained in isolation to prevent the actions of synaptic inputs upon them. Using the whole-cell patchclamp technique, we have found that application of clinical concentrations of inhalational anaesthetics (halothane and isoflurane) and barbiturates depresses whole-cell calcium currents and potassium currents in a concentration-dependent manner. After loading cultured neurones with the ratiofluorescent dye fura-2AM, we find that halothane raises intracellular calcium concentration in a concentration-dependent manner, both in the presence and absence of extracellular calcium. Thus anaesthetics have multiple cellular and subcellular actions, some of which we have described, but most of which are yet to be discovered. 相似文献
In a rat model of generalized absence epilepsies (Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg, GAERS), multiunit activity was recorded simultaneously at different sites of the thalamocortical system under neurolept anaesthesia (fentanyl-droperidol). Under these conditions, bilaterally synchronized spike-and-wave-discharges (SWDs) occurred spontaneously on the electroencephalogram (EEG) that were in principle identical to those reported earlier from unanaesthetized preparations. The generation of SWDs on the EEG was associated with spike-concurrent, rhythmic burst-like activity in (mono-)synaptically connected regions of specific (somatosensory) thalamic regions and layers IVN of the somatosensory cortex, and the reticular thalamic nucleus. Precursor activity was typically recorded in cortical units, concomitant with 'embryonic' SW seizures on the EEG, before the paroxysm was evident on the gross EEG and in the thalamus. On average, SWD-correlated activity in layers IVN of the somatosensory cortex started significantly earlier than correlated burst-like firing in reticular and in ventrobasal thalamic neurons. Cellular peak firing in thalamus and cortex during bilaterally synchronized SWDs was related to the spike component on the gross EEG with the temporal rank order ventroposteromedial > ventrolateral > or = ventroposterolateral thalamic > > rostral reticular thalamic nuclei > or = cortex (layers IVN) = caudal reticular thalamic nucleus. A spike-related depression and wave-related increase in firing was recorded in anteroventral ventrolateral thalamic areas, presumably reflecting their peculiar anatomical arrangement within the thalamus. These results from an in vivo preparation with intact synaptic connections that spontaneously produces SWDs indicate that SWDs spread within the thalamocortical network, involving short and long delays. The order of concurrent rhythmic firing observed in thalamocortical circuits during SW seizures are supportive of the hypothesis that the processes of rhythmogenesis recruit local thalamic networks, while cortical mechanisms appear to synchronize rhythmic activities on a larger spatiotemporal scale, thereby providing an important contribution to the generalization of epileptiform activity and expression of SWDs on the EEG. 相似文献
The pleiotropic cytokine interleukin-11 (IL-11) stimulates osteoclast formation in vitro, but it is not known whether it influences other steps in the bone-resorptive cascade. Using a variety of in vitro model systems for studying bone resorption we have investigated the effects of IL-11 on 1) osteoclast formation, fusion, migration, and activity; and 2) osteoblast-mediated osteoid degradation. The involvement of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and products of arachidonic acid metabolism in IL-11-mediated resorption were also assessed. We first examined the bone-resorptive effects of IL-11 by assessing 45Ca release from neonatal mouse calvarial bones. IL-11 dose-dependently stimulated bone resorption with an EC50 of 10(-10) M. The kinetics of IL-11-mediated 45Ca release demonstrated that it was without effect for the first 48 h of culture, but by 96 h, it stimulated 45Ca release to the same level as that produced by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 [1,25-(OH)2D3] (a hormone that stimulates osteoclast formation and activity). IL-11 also produced a dose-dependent increase in osteoblast-mediated type I collagen degradation with a maximum of 58.0 +/- 6.2% at 5 x 10(-9) M; this effect of IL-11 was less than that produced by 1,25-(OH)2D3 (76.5 +/- 7.1%) and was prevented by an inhibitor of MMPs, but not those blocking arachidonic acid metabolism. We then tested the effects of IL-11 on isolated mouse osteoclasts cultured on ivory slices in the presence and absence of primary mouse osteoblasts. IL-11 had no effect on isolated osteoclast activity even in coculture with primary osteoblasts. We then examined the effects of IL-11 on the formation of osteoclast-like multinucleate cells in mouse bone marrow cultures and the resorptive activity of such cultures using ivory as a substrate. IL-11 dose-dependently increased 1) the number of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive osteoclast-like multinucleate cells and 2) the surface area of lacunar resorption, although the effects were less than that of 1,25-(OH)2D3. The effect of IL-11 on bone marrow lacunar resorption was prevented by a combination of inhibitors of 5-lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase. In 17-day-old metatarsal bones, IL-11 prevented the migration of (pre)osteoclasts to future resorption sites, whereas their fusion was unaffected. These results provide strong evidence that IL-11 stimulates bone resorption by enhancing osteoclast formation and osteoblast-mediated osteoid degradation rather than stimulating osteoclast migration and activity. Our data also suggest that the stimulatory effects of IL-11 involve both MMPs and products of arachidonic acid metabolism. 相似文献
The function and specificity of gamma delta T cells remain enigmatic. Dendritic epidermal T cells (DETC) expressing an invariant gamma delta TCR represent a well established model system to investigate these key issues. Accumulating evidence supports the initial observation that recognition of a keratinocyte self-antigen by DETC proceeds without a requirement for MHC gene products. In addition, recent data have identified bioactive polypeptides expressed by DETC but not by most other T cells. For example, keratinocyte growth factor appears to be exclusively produced by activated DETC and intestinal intraepithelial gamma delta cells. These findings suggest that DETC may recognize antigen in novel ways as well as perform specialized functions complementary to those normally attributed to T cells. 相似文献
The cholinesterases are members of the serine hydrolase family, which utilize a serine residue at the active site. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is distinguished from butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) by its greater specificity for hydrolysing acetylcholine. The function of AChE at cholinergic synapses is to terminate cholinergic neurotransmission. However, AChE is expressed in tissues that are not directly innervated by cholinergic nerves. AChE and BChE are found in several types of haematopoietic cells. Transient expression of AChE in the brain during embryogenesis suggests that AChE may function in the regulation of neurite outgrowth. Overexpression of cholinesterases has also been correlated with tumorigenesis and abnormal megakaryocytopoiesis. Acetylcholine has been shown to influence cell proliferation and neurite outgrowth through nicotinic and muscarinic receptor-mediated mechanisms and thus, that the expression of AChE and BChE at non-synaptic sites may be associated with a cholinergic function. However, structural homologies between cholinesterases and adhesion proteins indicate that cholinesterases could also function as cell-cell or cell-substrate adhesion molecules. Abnormal expression of AChE and BChE has been detected around the amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease. The function of the cholinesterases in these regions of the Alzheimer brain is unknown, but this function is probably unrelated to cholinergic neurotransmission. The presence of abnormal cholinesterase expression in the Alzheimer brain has implications for the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease and for therapeutic strategies using cholinesterase inhibitors. 相似文献
This study compares the effect of lithium (Li+) and electroconvulsive stimuli (ECS), two treatments commonly used in the treatment of affective disorders, on CCK mRNA expression in the rat brain. Two groups of rats receiving either 4 week Li+ or vehicle food supplementation and two groups receiving 6 ECS or 6 sham ECS during 2 weeks were studied. A significant decrease in CCK mRNA levels was seen in the caudate putamen both after Li+ as compared to vehicle and ECS as compared to sham ECS, 27 and 25%, respectively. A small (10%), yet significant, decrease was also seen in the inner entorhinal cortex after Li+. The results indicate that both Li+ and ECS inhibit CCK synthesis in the caudate putamen and are consistent with other findings of presumed decreased dopaminergic action in this part of the brain following these treatments. 相似文献
JF Glatz JJ Luiken FA van Nieuwenhoven GJ Van der Vusse 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,57(1):3-9
There has been a rise in illicit drug smoking in the United States. "Shotgunning" drugs (or "doing a shotgun") refers to the practice of inhaling smoke and then exhaling it into another individual's mouth, a practice with the potential for the efficient transmission of respiratory pathogens. Three hundred fifty-four drug users (239 from a syringe exchange and 115 from a drug detoxification program) were interviewed about shotgunning and screened for tuberculosis (TB). Fifty-nine (17%; 95% CI 12.9%-20.9%) reported shotgunning while smoking crack cocaine (68%), marijuana (41%), or heroin (2%). In multivariate analysis, age < or = 35 years (OR 2.0, 95% CI 1.05-3.9), white race (OR 1.2, 95% CI 1.2-4.8), drinking alcohol to intoxication (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.1-4.3), having engaged in high-risk sex (OR 2.6, 95% CI 1.04-6.7), and crack use (OR 6.0, 95% CI 3.0-12) were independently associated with shotgunning. Shotgunning is a frequent drug smoking practice with the potential to transmit respiratory pathogens, underscoring the need for education of drug users about the risks of specific drug use practices, and the ongoing need for TB control among active drug users. 相似文献
AE Yu RE Hewitt DE Kleiner WG Stetler-Stevenson 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,74(6):823-831
Extracellular matrix (ECM) turnover is an event that is tightly regulated. Much of the coordinate (physiological) or discoordinate (pathological) degradation of the ECM is catalyzed by a class of proteases known as the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) or matrixins. Matrixins are a family of homologous Zn atom dependent endopeptidases that are usually secreted from cells as inactive zymogens. Net degradative activity in the extracellular environment is regulated by specific activators and inhibitors. One member of the matrixin family, gelatinase A, is regulated differently from other MMPs, suggesting that it may play a unique role in cell-matrix interactions, including cell invasion. The conversion from the 72 kDa progelatinase A to the active 62 kDa species may be a key event in the acquisition of invasive potential. This discussion reviews some recent findings on the cellular mechanisms involved in progelatinase A activation and, in particular, the role of tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) and transmembrane containing metalloproteinases (MT-MMP) in this process. 相似文献
J Jurlander 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,27(1):29-52
In conclusion, B-CLL cells through their immunophenotype have the functional potential required to interact with cells in what has been called the immunological synapse, i.e. the cognate interactions between T-cells, antigen-presenting cells and B-cells during immunopoiesis. The data reviewed herein provides substantial evidence to suggest that B-CLL cells in fact can interact, not only with T-cells but also with endothelial cells and stromal cells in the bone marrow. These interactions, in particular signaling through CD40, contribute to extended survival and proliferation of B-CLL cells and, thereby, the risk of complete malignant transformation of the clone. Therefore, this review would suggest that the answers to how B-CLL is initiated may be found in molecules responsible for the normal regulation of immunopoiesis. Transformation to malignancy, by contrast, is likely to be caused by loss of control over the G1 restriction in the cell cycle in B-CLL cells. 相似文献
To confirm the assumption that repetitive rapid-rate transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) induces the functional and structural changes analogous to those which are evoked during electroconvulsive shock (ECS), we compared now the effects of treatments with TMS and ECS on the behavioral responses in rats. We also tested the reactivity of the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP) generating system in cerebral cortical slices. TMS similarly to ECS shortened the immobility time in the forced swimming test and produced a depression of responsiveness of the noradrenaline-stimulated cyclic AMP generating system, although the significance of the latter effect was borderline. In contrast to ECT, TMS produced no such immediate behavioral effects as analgesia and depression of the early phase of locomotor activity. The data suggest that TMS produces in rats some responses that are regarded as predictive for antidepressant activity, similar to those produced by ECS, but less adverse effects. 相似文献