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C. B. Dissanayake A. Senaratne S. V. R. Weerasooriya 《The International journal of environmental studies》2013,70(3-4):195-203
A survey carried out on the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in Sri Lanka in relation to the hardness of drinking water reveals that a correlation exists which is geographically related. This correlation however, cannot be considered as a causal relationship and other factors possibly exist that could also play a major role in the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, e.g. trace elements. 相似文献
澳大利亚发展合作基金会项目经理菲克里特·舒艾卜(Fikreth Shuaib)从街头摊贩、家庭工人和回收物品收集者的角度,审视了斯里兰卡首都科伦坡的非正式经济。[编者按] 相似文献
C. B. Dissanayake S. V. R. Weerasooriya 《The International journal of environmental studies》2013,70(1-2):71-86
Rainwater samples collected from different parts of Sri Lanka have been analyzed for their chemical constituents. It was observed that except for minor occurrences, “acid‐rain” is still not prevalent in Sri Lanka. Based on the chemical composition, the rainwater of Sri Lanka has been classified chemically into eight different types, the most dominant being Ca/Mg—HCO3, Ca—Cl and non‐dominant cation—HCO3 types. The wet zone of Sri Lanka, particularly the areas around the central highlands, form a special zone in that a number of chemically different rainwater types can be found in these regions. In contrast, the dry zone of Sri Lanka receives four distinct types of rainwater and conform to geographical zones. 相似文献
The importance of the construction industry stems from its strong linkages with other sectors of the economy. Despite the extensive research on input–output analysis and sectoral linkages of construction, a gap is found in the literature dealing with developing economies. The objective is to study the construction linkages in a developing economy using input–output tables compiled since the 1970s in Sri Lanka. Results show that the share of construction in gross national product and national income is lower in Sri Lanka than in developed countries. In Sri Lanka, the share of manufacturing in GNP declined while the share of services has increased with economic development. The backward linkage indicator ranges between 0.364 and 0.457 during the period of 1970–2000 while output multiplier ranges between 1.496 and 1.641 indicating the ‘pull effect’. The ‘push effect’ is found to be very insignificant. An aggregated sectoral analysis reveals high dependence of construction on manufacturing followed by services. The trend analysis shows an increasing dependence of construction on the services sector. The direct and total inputs from manufacturing and services have increased over time. 相似文献
C. B. Dissanayake S. V. R. Weerasooriya 《The International journal of environmental studies》2013,70(2-3):207-223
The water pollution levels of Mahaweli River, the longest river in Sri Lanka, the basin of which covers one sixth of the Island, were monitored to probe the impacts of the urban environment in a developing country. It was observed the chemical quality is largely controlled by natural factors. From among the metals however, vanadium, zinc and copper showed higher concentrations. Pb and Cd showed a correlation co‐efficient of r = 0.58 for each other, and Co showed a highly significant correlation of r = 0.98 with Cu. The lack of correlation of Pb and Cd with the total dissolved solids (TDS) indicates an anthropogenic input of Pb and Cd into the aquatic environment. In general, the chemical quality of the water in the Mahaweli river is satisfactory for most purposes, none of the major dissolved constituents and nutrients exceeding the limit suggested by the WHO for potable water. 相似文献
The groundwater circulation is limited in Sri Lanka because nine tenth area of the island is underlain by metamorphic hard rocks which are generally very impermeable. Therefore to satisfy the water demand some other possibilities of water resources should be explored before starting a groundwater investigation programme for a given area. Preliminary data collection is very important to assess groundwater storage. But the required data are not freely available for any river basin. Geological informations and groundwater levels obtained from dug wells are necessary to get a general idea on its occurrence. The present construction methods of the dug wells do not facilitate to flow water freely. Sources of contaminations and errors in geophysical measurements are the other important problems arising during investigations. The design and construction of each well should be individually done to suit the heterogeneous nature of each location. But it would be difficult to conduct individual analysis because of the lack of laboratory facilities closer to the well sites. There are no acceptable scientific programmes for the future developments of groundwater in Sri Lanka. The main aim of the existing projects is to construct a certain number of tube wells (irrespective of the demand) for each area. The geoscientists have no choice to construct a tube well at the appropriate location due to the interference of some sociological problems in some areas. Therefore it is necessary to establish a Groundwater Research Institute in Sri Lanka. 相似文献
Enabling the making of home is central to the practices of housing, but constructing home is more than building adequate shelter.
It is about establishing, nurturing and managing social relationships and bringing together spaces, objects and elements to
represent and celebrate desired relationships, events and memories. Drawing on empirical data from Sri Lanka and Colombia,
this paper examines in detail the practices of home-making in low-income settlements. By focussing on people’s conceptions
of home and by identifying key social and societal practices, the paper offers insights into the processes of home-making
among ordinary dwellers in developing countries and calls for culturally sensitive and holistic housing interventions which
support and complement these processes.
Peter KellettEmail: |
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Seismicity and seismotectonics in and around Sri Lanka are reviewed, considering the country in both the local and regional contexts. Seismic... 相似文献
介绍斯里兰卡某水塔塔身可调圆弧模板与储水池定型圆弧模板的设计与应用.水塔规格多,塔身半径变化大,故选用可调圆弧模板;储水池共有两种规格,内部结构比较复杂,故选用定型圆弧模板.本工程所采用的可调和定型圆弧模板均为新型钢木组合模板,重点对此种模板的组成、操作及施工注意事项进行讨论,简单介绍悬臂支架操作平台.此模板系统通过精心设计、试制及应用,取得了良好的经济效益. 相似文献
记述了作者参观杰弗里·巴瓦的几个建筑作品,介绍了巴瓦的其它有名建筑,重点分析了巴瓦地域建筑的基本要素。 相似文献
The Samanalawewa Hydroelectric Power Plant in Sri Lanka consists out of a 110 m high dam, 5.5 km near surface pressure tunnel and a powerhouse equipped with two Francis turbines of 62 MW each. To explore the geological conditions for the pressure tunnel about 6500 m were drilled with a total of 97 boreholes. Additionally surface investigations and a geophysical program were realized in order to optimize the drilling campaign. Notwithstanding this very extensive field investigations important modifications in the design of the tunnel had to be made during construction. Consequently, the contractor claimed additional not foreseeable construction works. At least the question of the possible precision of geological prediction within reasonable economical limits had to be answered. 相似文献
任红 《智能建筑电气技术》2014,(6):11-16
根据建筑功能的调整、精装修设计以及中国现行相关设计规范的要求,本文对斯里兰卡国际会议中心的变配电、照明/动力配电、火灾报警及安防、电气节能等系统的改造设计进行分析和阐述。 相似文献
根据斯里兰卡的气候特征并结合当地的医疗现状,分析了其国家医院新建门诊大楼的功能分区及特殊使用要求,选择合理的空调通风方式,并对其方案进行探讨,以达到优化的目的。 相似文献
《Building and Environment》2004,39(10):1253-1261
Despite rapid increases in the building industry's contribution to resource depletion, waste generation and energy consumption, the creation of built environment remains vital to a country's economic development. This makes the building industry a prime candidate for sustainable development. Tools that help estimate the environmental suitability of building products can advance the cause of sustainable development.In this study, we estimate the environmental suitability of five of the most commonly used wall materials in Sri Lanka (brick, cement masonry unit, cabook, rubble AND wattle and daub). An “Environmental Suitability Index” is developed based on three parameters: embodied energy, life-cycle costs and re-usability. The possibility of using similar indices for other materials in Sri Lanka as well as elsewhere are explored. 相似文献
This paper compares the environmental, economic and social impacts of two types of doors and windows (elements), namely timber and aluminum taking into consideration the life cycle perspective. These elements are widely used for the buildings in Sri Lanka. Thus, it will help in the decision-making process when selecting materials for these elements. Major materials used for these elements are timber, brass, glass, paint, aluminum, rubber, steel and PVC boards. Environmental burdens associated with these materials are analyzed in terms of embodied energy, and environmental impacts that are relevant to Sri Lanka, such as global warming (GWP), acidification (ACP) and nutrient enrichment (NEP). Economic analysis is done using market prices of materials and affordability for those materials. Social concerns such as thermal comfort, good interior (aesthetics), ability to construct fast, and durability are analyzed based on the data collected through the questionnaires and also, interviews with the stakeholders of the buildings such as engineers, architects, building contractors and building users. It was found that timber elements are superior to aluminum elements in environmental scores (GWP, ACP and NEP). On economic score, also, timber elements are better. But on social score, aluminum elements are better than timber. It was also found that the higher the recycling percentage of aluminum, the higher the environmental favorability of the aluminum. 相似文献
结合斯里兰卡某燃煤电站实际情况,介绍了该电站排水口钢板桩围堰施工,分别阐述了钢板桩、围檩、支撑等的技术要求及施工工艺,并指出了相应的注意事项,为今后同类工程施工积累了一定经验。 相似文献