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Along the route of the Thames Water ring main there are nine major unmanned pumping stations, in shafts, which lift the water from the tunnel and pump it into local distribution systems. Each shaft has the capacity to supply a town the size of Swindon with water, and has extensive mechanical and electrical installations ranging from large pumps to sensitive water-quality and atmospheric monitoring systems.
This paper outlines the principal features and scope of the mechanical and electrical installations in the shafts, including variable-speed drives, pump control systems, gas-monitoring and alarm systems, dehumidification plant, water-quality monitoring systems, isolation and access arrangements.  相似文献   

The Thames Water ring main is a 2.5 m dia. tunnel approximately 50 m below ground and 80 km long, which conveys potable water from major treatment works, located west of London, into central London. The scheme was constructed during the late 1980s and early 1990s.
In 1985, to meet increasing water demand, a gravityfed system of deep tunnels was devised by Thames Water Utilities Ltd; this involved a full ground investigation and underground obstruction survey to establish the optimum tunnel route, bearing in mind the many and various constraints.
A series of shafts was sunk to connect directly into the ring main with the purpose of either introducing water at major water-treatment works or acting as pumpout shafts at strategic locations around the capital.
The tunnels and shafts were designed to be built in two phases. Phase 1 was constructed using conventional wedgeblock techniques, but problems were encountered which resulted in increased costs and delay.
Phase 2 therefore necessitated a different approach. The company adopted a completely new strategy by changing the form of contract, purchasing its own tunnel boring machines, and redesigning the tunnel linings.
One of the keys to the success of the ring main was the new expanded wedgeblock concrete lining. Design calculations were prepared and finite element analysis work was carried out. The new rings were subjected to build and load tests, both on individual segments and complete rings, using specially designed test rigs.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the measures which were taken at Thames Water's major water-treatment works to uprate their hydraulic capacity in meeting the projected demands of the Thames Water ring main. In addition, the integration of advanced water-treatment processes, in the form of ozonation and granular activated-carbon filtration, is also highlighted.  相似文献   

The paper outlines the commissioning, performance trials, and operational experience of the direct-filtration process at the Yau Kom Tau treatment works in Hong Kong.
The commissioning tests established the capability of the treatment plant to produce water of the required potable quality. However, the contractual performance trials were carried out at a time when adverse raw water might be expected, in order to assess the overall attainment of guarantees on the treated water quality, filter run, and washwater percentage.
Since the works became operational in November 1985, a number of incidents of raw water quality outside the design limits have been experienced. The use of polyelectrolyte was found to enhance the performance and reliability of the direct-filtration process.
The paper also reports the results of some optimization tests and comments on the overall performance of the plant compared with expectations at the time of design.  相似文献   

提出了水处理工艺控制参数优化运行调试的基本原则,并明确了水处理工艺系统的优化是投药量优化和水处理工艺控制参数优化运行调试的系统组合优化.在总结净水厂多年优化运行调试实践的基础上,给出了地表水处理工艺优化运行调试的基本方法.  相似文献   

结合设计标准和工程实例,对动态水力分析在防止大管径、长距离、大落差供热输送干线出现水击事故的应用进行探讨。分析了动态水力分析对热网设计和安全运行的重要作用。  相似文献   

供水管网安全优化运行的目标,在于满足用户对水质、水量与水压的要求,并在此前提下最大限度地控制管道漏损、降低"爆管"风险、减少管网运行与维护费用.围绕上述目标,针对我国供水管网特点和供水企业管理特点,从输配过程水质安全保障、管网信息化建设、分级分区管理、漏损监测与控制、"爆管"预防、管道优化维护与更换等方面,系统讨论了供水管网安全优化运行与污染控制的技术策略,为我国城市供水管网的安全优化运行与污染控制提供了参考.  相似文献   

在福建省环境保护厅公布的近5年(2007~2011)福建省环境公报基础上,分析了福建省11个主要湖泊水库水环境污染现状及其变化趋势;重点介绍了4个水质未达到相应的水域功能要求的湖泊水库(福州东张水库、福州山仔水库、厦门筼筜湖和泉州山美水库)的基本概况、水质现状和主要污染物及其来源;针对水质未达标湖泊水库探讨了水环境污染防治措施;结果可为福建省主要湖泊水库水环境污染防治提供参考。  相似文献   

本文依据公路工程主体工程方案设计,分析了主体工程区、弃渣矿区、料场区、施工道路区和施工生产生活区等施工区域的水土保持措施,以期为保证公路工程施工质量、减少施工区域的水土流失提供参考。  相似文献   

周杰  陈苏 《城市建筑》2014,(30):237-237
本文依据公路工程主体工程方案设计,分析了主体工程区、弃渣矿区、料场区、施工道路区和施工生产生活区等施工区域的水土保持措施,以期为保证公路工程施工质量、减少施工区域的水土流失提供参考。  相似文献   

以南方某市为例,介绍了其供水管网水质在线监测管理系统的建立过程。首先,对系统进行总体设计,确定在线监测点的位置、数量和在线监测指标,选定在线监测仪器和在线数据传输方式。其次,基于管网水质在线监测信息建立了水质在线监测管理系统,可实现数据库连接、列表、查询、统计报表打印、实时监测数据显示等功能。最后,依据统计分析与人工智能的方法建立了三种水质预测模型,并将其与水质在线管理系统集成,实现了对供水管网主要水质指标的在线监测、管理与预测。对该系统采用管网实测数据进行考核、验证,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

对某市22个自建供水设施的出水水质进行了调查,同时依据水环境质量评价“评分制法”设计了水质安全因子公式,对水质安全进行评价。结果表明,9个供水设施的出水水质为“安全”级别,占调查总数的40.9%;5个供水设施的出水水质为“不安全”,占22.7%;8个供水设施的出水水质为“极不安全”,约占36.4%;自建供水设施的主要不安全水质指标有感官指标、细菌总数、铁、锰等,超标率均在50%以上,对于采用二氧化氯消毒的供水设施,有69%的自建供水设施出水存在亚氯酸盐浓度超标的现象。因此,城市自建供水设施亟需加强监控和管理,以保障供水水质安全。  相似文献   

Intellitect水质监测仪器是由英国Intellitect Water公司开发的集监测、数据存储与传输等功能为一体的多参数直插式水质在线监测仪器,此仪器可同时监测流速、压力、温度、色度、浊度、自由氯、总氯、氧化还原电位(ORP)、电导率、溶解氧、pH值等11个指标。上海市自来水市南有限公司供水管网安装了4套仪器,目前均稳定运行,定时向控制终端传输数据,为实现管网水质动态管理、提高水质预警预报水平和管网水力、水质模型的校核发挥了较好的作用。  相似文献   

本文结合某教学楼中央空调节能改造工程,基于空调负荷特性,分析不同冷冻水泵变频控制方式的节能性,分析不同控制方式对水泵及机组能耗的影响,计算综合节能率,并结合工程实际得出最优控制方式为干管定温差控制(综合节能率为60.5%)。  相似文献   

通过压力管理减少供水管网泄漏损耗是近几年在国外出现的新理念,它有效地解决了供水管网漏损这一棘手问题。对管网压力的控制可以有效地避免管网中不必要高压力的出现。减少爆管事故的发生进而降低漏损率。笔者介绍了压力管理的概念及实现方法。  相似文献   

给出了空调系统中常压热水锅炉的连接方式和控制方法,分析了冬季工况和夏季工况空调水系统循环水泵扬程的差异,指出了系统的优缺点  相似文献   

UASB启动和运行过程中各影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了颗粒污泥的培养与理化特性、水质条件、温度、pH和碱度、进水方式和产气率、工艺控制条件等因素在上流式厌氧污泥床反应器(UASB)启动和运行过程中的影响,并就UASB厌氧反应器在启动与运行过程中,由于上述因素变化引起的颗粒污泥培养与系统运行中可能出现的问题,提出了具有针对性的解决方法.  相似文献   

采用多种方法对湖北襄樊引丹五干渠渠坡滑坡进行了整治和防护。结果表明掺砂改善膨胀土回填治理膨胀土滑坡和土工织物加筋治理膨胀土滑坡是成功的。本文介绍了这两种方法对膨胀土滑坡进行治理的设计、施工和监测结果。  相似文献   

黎癸材 《城市建筑》2014,(17):123-123
随着我国社会主义市场经济的快速发展,高层建筑成为城市建设最基本、最重要的内容之一。因此,对高层建筑的给水施工质量及安全质量就愈加严格。由于高层建筑的给水施工技术要求更高,因此只有必须强化施工的质量,才能满足各类高层建筑的功能要求。  相似文献   

给水管网耦合优化调度模型的建立及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引入节点水龄作为优化调度的约束条件,以EPANET 2.0作为管网水力平差计算和水质模拟工具,建立了一种多水源管网的耦合优化调度模型,并采用双重遗传算法对其进行求解.该模型简化了变量空间,加快了收敛速度,提高了求解效率.将此模型应用于实际管网,取得了较为明显的优化效果.  相似文献   

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