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又是一年正月初七,记者来到“中国电器之都”浙江乐清市,参加“第十一届中国电器文化节暨国际电工产品博览会”。记者在2010年正月初七参加“第十届中国电器文化节暨国际电工产品博览会”会写的文章中提到:全球电气技术正处在历史上极佳的发展机遇期,“中国电器之都”恰遇转型升级的良机,努力做好升级转型的文章将会创造更辉煌的电气篇章,如做不好这篇文章将会被历史淘汰。  相似文献   

一部《中国电机工业发展史--百年同顾与展望》浩浩荡荡地展示了中国电气工业的发展过程和取得的巨人成就。在这个过程的不同阶段中,极具经济活力的私营资本发挥了不同的作用。  相似文献   

爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖人屠苏.千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符.正月初七,远处望去络绎不绝从全国各地返回柳市务工人员在工业园中人山人海的排队报道;被鳞次栉比的广告牌包围的道路时常会发生拥堵的现象;车如流水马如龙,此起彼伏传单中:在道路两旁,方寸间的小桌上摆满了琳琅满目的电气产品,摆开“夹道欢迎”的阵势;在电器文化节的展馆里,行人接踵摩肩,转一圈下来,你便会抱着一摞子宣传资料,大部分是强行塞到你手中的…….一切的熙熙攘攘都源于“低压电器”这四个字,这里是柳市——中国电器之都,2012年正月初七是中国电器文化的第十二个生日,如今的柳市已经出落成落落大方的姑娘,看衣识城,让我们走进属于中国电器之都的独特“衣橱”.  相似文献   

先进制造业基地是以高新技术为先导,高附加值产品为主体,传统优势产业为基础,若干行业产业规模大、技术创新能力强、国际化程度高、核心企业带动作用强、管理先进的产业集群区.  相似文献   

李冶 《电气时代》2002,(9):44-47
作为装备工业的重要组成部分,我国电工电器制造业已取得了稳定、快速的发展,建立了门类比较齐全的生产体系,各项经济指标在我国工业、特别是机械装备工业领域占有重要地位(详见表1)。从总体上看,已基本具备为国民经济建设提供技术装备的能力。  相似文献   

晨曦 《电力设备》2005,6(3):114-115
在上海活跃着这样一类企业:与电力相关,以制造为主,涵盖了国有、外资、民营等多种经济形式,产品遍及全国,为我国电力事业的发展推波助澜,促进了上海及其周边地区的经济发展……这就是借着电力事业发展的春风,在上海落地、扎根、发展的电力设备制造企业。上海是公认的中国工商业和金融业中心,也是世界上最繁忙的港口之一,目前在这里注册的外资企业已有近30000家。在经济政策不断开放、电力事业蓬勃发展的年代,全国各地的电力设备制造企业部不失时机地发展、壮大着自己,上海及其周边地区则凭借其独特的区位优势吸引了企业的目光。  相似文献   

在这个赏景的季节,我们的可赏之景,不仅有自然界的万象更新,百花争艳,还有其他缤纷绚丽的景致。对于我们的电气制造行业来说,温州的电  相似文献   

李冶 《电力设备》2002,3(3):8-12
通过对国内电工电器制造业现状和国际电工电器制造业产业特征进行对比分析,提出了加入WTO后我国电工电器制造业的发展思路及相应措施建议。  相似文献   

以柳树下形成的集市而得名的中国浙江温州乐清柳市是座历史悠久的城镇,早在西汉时就已经形成村落,在北宋时期形成了集镇.地处我国东南沿海、面积49.88 km2的柳市是一个七山二水一分田的典型自然环境恶劣的地带,在长达2 000多年的历史里,柳市人一直处于贫穷和落后的状况,更让生活在这里的人们感觉到不安全的是长期经常光顾的海盗和台风.  相似文献   

"中国电器之都"的"神话" 改革开放以来,我国经济实力增长强劲,GDP从1978年的3624亿元增加到2001年的95933亿元,按可比价格计算,年均增长率为9.4%,超出世界同期年均增长率6.1个百分点,经济总量跃居世界第六位,占世界经济的比重上升到3.7%.  相似文献   

近日,由陕西侨汇集团在福州和西安举行的新产品发布会,将一系列无线智能家居产品,带到我们的眼前。在发布会上,工作人员向所有到场嘉宾展示了可以随意移动的如意贴开关、替代传统管材线路的照明集中控制器等可移动、免布线的无线智能家居产品。  相似文献   

While power quality is basically voltage quality, it is not strictly a voltage issue. Since the supply system has a finite, rather than an infinite, strength, currents outside the direct control of the utility can adversely affect power quality. These are harmonic load currents, lightning currents, and fault currents. How do we quantify voltage aberrations indicative of power-quality problems? One must employ an accurate voltage-measuring device, such as an oscilloscope, to identify which of the voltage aberrations, discussed in the article, is causing the problem. Equipment to mitigate the power quality problems is discussed. The acquisition of new equipment from the power quality perspective is also discussed and a checklist of procedures for design, installation and testing is given.  相似文献   

A possible approach to assessment of factors influencing the service-life parameters of electrical equipment on locomotives and the variants of their states is considered. The scheme proposed for the variants of states can be carried out as a system of rolling-stock maintenance. The need to increase the reliability of electronic and electrical equipment is especially acute during the operation of high-speed rolling stock, given that circuitry and structural solutions are extremely complex. In developing the computational systems and their capacity, it becomes possible to calculate large data volumes and update the problem of constructing optimal variants of state development in complex technical systems. The costs for rolling-stock maintenance and repair can be reduced by using both maintenance-free elements of rolling stock and an assembly or a part of rolling stock with a complicated structure. In connection with this, new assemblies consist of several elements with known indices of reliability and service life, but have different characteristics as a whole. An approach to technical indices of assemblies and elements as static values of certain functions is considered. A decomposition approach to an integrated reliability index and variants of planning the extents of repair and maintenance that need to be undertaken is carried out depending on the variants of states of an electromechanical assembly in rolling stock.  相似文献   

刘建挺 《电器工业》2005,(10):16-18
八月,中国电器之都的上空平添了一丝秋意。对电气行业的老板们来说,秋天无疑是一个象征:走向成熟与收获,还是走向萧条与衰落?这是一个十分严峻的问题。因此,在这种天气里召开电气行业发展座谈会,似乎更意味深长。  相似文献   

电工电器行业目前处于高速增长期,2004年以来各项主要经济指标和发电、输变电设备等主要产品产量大幅度增长,进出口贸易也呈现持续增长的态势。但由于国家宏观调控措施对电工电器行业的滞后影响,预计2005年将会传导到本行业中来。  相似文献   

Using a corporate case study with data analysis, this article provides an example of how one company recognized the limitations of available electrical accident data and implemented a process for collecting information to support the improvement of the organizational culture and management systems around electrical safety. The business, manufacturing, engineering, behavioral safety, and regulatory compliance implications of the findings are discussed. Limitations in national and industrial electrical accident and fatality data are reviewed. Finally, future research directions are considered  相似文献   

舒旭 《电器工业》2003,(8):19-20
电器工业在最近几年,整体上呈现出一种的良好发展态势,产值节节攀升,外贸出口每年以两位数递增.随着中国加入WTO,国外关税壁垒门槛的降低,加之国内强劲内需的拉动,中国电工行业面临着一次难得的发展机遇.为此,本刊记者就如何看待和把握好电工行业目前的发展机遇等问题走访了中国电器工业协会常务副理长邢玉久同志.  相似文献   

据海关统计,今年1-7月,机械工业进出口总额2815.67亿美元,比上年同期增长39.64%。其中进口1392.53亿美元,同比增长45.41%;出口1423.13亿美元,同比增长34.42%。进出口贸易顺差30.6亿美元(按中国机械工业联合会统计范围,下同)。  相似文献   

Jet engine makers think that a hybrid of the turbofan and the turboprop could make aircraft significantly more efficient - if only it can be quietened.  相似文献   

Because of the rapid development of quantum computation and of quantum technologies in general, computer scientists and electrical engineers will have to learn quantum mechanics (QM) in the near future. Although the teaching methods of QM are well established in both undergraduate and graduate physics courses, an effective method for teaching QM to computer scientists and electrical engineers is still lacking. This paper tries to fill this gap and suggests a new teaching method based on quantum cryptography. The goal of this paper is to show that computer scientists and electrical engineers can properly understand quantum theory without studying a degree in physics.  相似文献   

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