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This paper deals with an innovative natural gas (NG) combined cycle cogeneration system (150-kWe, 192 kWt). The system is made up of a combination of two interconnected combined heat and power (CHP) systems: a reciprocating internal combustion engine cogenerator (ICE CHP) as the topping cycle and a Rankine cycle cogenerator (RC CHP) which operates as the bottoming cycle on the exhaust gases from the ICE. The expander technology chosen for the Rankine cycle prime mover is a reciprocating single expansion steam engine with three cylinders in a radial architecture. The ICE is an automotive derived internal combustion engine with a high part-load electrical efficiency, due to a variable speed operation strategy and reduced emissions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper has been to carry out an exergetic analysis of an innovative natural gas (NG) combined cycle cogeneration system (150-kWe, 192-kWt). The combined cycle is composed of a reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), which is used as the topping cycle, and a water Rankine cycle (RC), which operates on the exhaust gases from the ICE, as the bottoming cycle.  相似文献   

In this paper a thermoeconomic analysis and optimization of micro gas turbines (MGT) up to 500 kWe is presented. This analysis is strongly related to the need of minimizing specific capital cost, still high for MGT large market penetration, and optimizing MGT size to match market needs.  相似文献   

Combined heat and power is the simultaneous production of electricity and heat. CHP plants produce energy in an efficient way. A natural gas CHP system based on an internal combustion engine (ICE) is described, which has been set up at the Building Energy Research Center in Beijing, China. The system is composed of an ICE, a flue gas heat exchanger, a jacket water heat exchanger and other assistant facilities. The ICE generates power on-site, and the exhaust of the ICE is recovered by the flue gas heat exchanger, and the heat of the engine jacket is recovered by the jacket water heat exchanger to district heating system. In order to improve the performance of the system, an absorption heat pump (AHP) is adopted. The exhaust of the ICE drives the AHP to recover the sensible and latent heat step by step, and the temperature of the exhaust could be lowered to below 30 °C. In this paper, the performance of the new system were tested and compared with conventional cogeneration systems. The results show that the new CHP system could increase the heat utilization efficiency 10% compared to conventional systems in winter. All the results could be valuable references for the improvement of the CHP system.  相似文献   

Micro-combined heat and power (CHP) systems are a key resource to meet the EUCO2 reduction agreed in the Kyoto Protocol. In the near future they are likely to spread significantly through applications in the residential and service sectors, since they can provide considerably higher primary energy efficiencies than plants generating electricity and heat separately. A 28 kWe natural gas, automotive-derived internal combustion engine CHP system was modeled with a view to comparing constant and variable speed operation modes. Besides their energy performances, the paper addresses the major factors involved in their economic evaluation and describes a method to assess their economic feasibility. Typical residential and service sector applications were chosen as test cases and the results discussed in terms of energy performances and of profitability. They showed that interesting savings can be obtained with respect to separate generation, and that they are higher for the household application in variable speed operating conditions. In fact the plant’s energy performance is greatly enhanced by the possibility, for any given power, to regulate the engine’s rotational speed. From the economic viewpoint, despite the higher initial cost of the variable speed concept, the system involves a shorter pay-back period and ensures greater profit.  相似文献   

Decentralised optimisation of cogeneration in virtual power plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Within several projects we investigated grid structures and management strategies for active grids with high penetration of renewable energy resources and distributed generation (RES & DG). Those ”smart grids” should be designed and managed by model based methods, which are elaborated within these projects. Cogeneration plants (CHP) can reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by locally producing heat and electricity. The integration of thermal storage devices is suitable to get more flexibility for the cogeneration operation. If several power plants are bound to centrally managed clusters, it is called “virtual power plant”. To operate smart grids optimally, new optimisation and model reduction techniques are necessary to get rid with the complexity.There is a great potential for the optimised management of CHPs, which is not yet used. Due to the fact that electrical and thermal demands do not occur simultaneously, a thermally driven CHP cannot supply electrical peak loads when needed. With the usage of thermal storage systems it is possible to decouple electric and thermal production. We developed an optimisation method based on mixed integer linear programming (MILP) for the management of local heat supply systems with CHPs, heating boilers and thermal storages. The algorithm allows the production of thermal and electric energy with a maximal benefit. In addition to fuel and maintenance costs it is assumed that the produced electricity of the CHP is sold at dynamic prices. This developed optimisation algorithm was used for an existing local heat system with 5 CHP units of the same type. An analysis of the potential showed that about 10% increase in benefit is possible compared to a typical thermally driven CHP system under current German boundary conditions. The quality of the optimisation result depends on an accurate prognosis of the thermal load which is realised with an empiric formula fitted with measured data by a multiple regression method.The key functionality of a virtual power plant is to increase the value of the produced power by clustering different plants. The first step of the optimisation concerns the local operation of the individual power generator, the second step is to calculate the contribution to the virtual power plant. With small extensions the suggested MILP algorithm can be used for an overall EEX (European Energy Exchange) optimised management of clustered CHP systems in form of the virtual power plant. This algorithm has been used to control cogeneration plants within a distribution grid.  相似文献   

The limitations in the world sources of energy are being mitigated by the exploitation of renewable forms and by increases in the efficiency of energy utilization. Exergy analysis is a useful method for the design, evaluation, and improvement of energy systems, that uses conservation of mass and conservation of energy principles, together with the second law of thermodynamics.This study covers first and second law analyses of a cogeneration system run with the biogas produced in a landfill. Such plant produces useful electrical and thermal energies, while protecting the environment from greenhouse emissions. The objectives were to identify locations where major irreversibilities occur, to evaluate their magnitudes, and to assess the energy and exergy efficiencies of the global system and of its constituent units.The results show that the overall-plant first law efficiency is 37.9% and the exergy efficiency is 36.2%, which is far from the thermodynamic ideal limit. The internal combustion engine and one of the radiators are the most inefficient units, as judged by the parameters degree of thermodynamic perfection and exergy destruction quotient. The main potential for improvement in the plant is the harnessing of the energy in the exhaust gases.  相似文献   

Performance study of a microturbine system for cogeneration application   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A microturbine cogeneration system providing electrical power and space cooling to a laboratory space is presented. The system comprises a microturbine, a lithium bromide absorption chiller, heat exchangers and a propane fuel supply system. Results from the performance tests conducted on the cogeneration system showed that the microturbine electrical efficiency was 21% at near full load of 24 kW whilst the chiller operated with COP ranging from 0.5 to 0.58, depending on the electrical output. The overall system efficiency ranged from 40% to 49%. In addition, the performance of the cogeneration system under varying heat load in the cooling space and longer microturbine operating period were also studied.  相似文献   

Tetsuya Wakui  Ryohei Yokoyama 《Energy》2011,36(6):3816-3824
A power interchange operation, in which electricity generated by residential gas engine cogeneration systems is shared among the residences in a housing complex without a reverse power flow to a commercial electric power system, has a high energy-saving effect. In this study, the optimal sizing of the residential gas engine cogeneration system for the power interchange operation is discussed from the energy-saving viewpoint by conducting optimal operational planning based on mixed-integer linear programming. First, the scale effect of the residential gas engine cogeneration system on its performance is identified from the nominal performances of commercial devices. Then, the energy-saving effect of the power interchange operation is analyzed from the optimal operation patterns for various system scales. The result shows that the energy-saving effect increases with the system scale because the heat to power ratio of the system decreases and approaches that of the demand because of the increase in generating efficiency. However, systems with a rated electric output larger than 1 kW exhibit almost the same energy-saving effect. Hence, it is concluded that a system with a rated electric output of 1 kW, which is a commercial device for residential applications, is the optimal scale for the power interchange operation.  相似文献   

To face winter electricity peaking issues the authors proposes an analysis of the potential of distributed gas technologies for demand side management. This impact has to be analysed at small scale before any large scale extrapolation. Bi-energy technologies (gas and electricity) are a path to transfer loads from one system to another. Indeed, the flexible gas infrastructure adapts to load while electricity demand variations cause risk of black-out. The impacts of two hybrid technologies are studied at transformer level with 1-min experimental load profiles of 40 dwellings equipped with micro Combined Heat and Power (μCHP) boilers over a year in France. An absolute peak load reduction by 17% at small scale is found. Different technology mixes are then simulated to assess the effect on local infrastructure. Finally a methodology for temperature dependence analysis of load is used to assess different potential benefits of gas technologies.  相似文献   

The effect of power interchange operation of multiple household gas engine cogeneration systems (H-GCGS) on the energy-saving is investigated using an optimization approach based on the mixed-integer linear programming. In this power interchange operation, electricity generated by H-GCGS is shared among households in a housing complex without transmitting to a commercial electric power system so that the operating time of these systems may increase. This paper numerically analyzes optimal operational strategies for 20 households and three types of household energy supply configurations: the power interchange operation of the H-GCGSs (IC), stand-alone operation of each H-GCGSs (SA), and conventional energy supply system without the H-GCGSs. A numerical result clarifies the effectiveness of the power interchange operation from the energy-saving viewpoint and a dominant parameter for evaluating the energy-saving effect.  相似文献   

Power systems based on fuel cells have been considered for residential and commercial applications in energy Distributed Generation (DG) markets. In this work we present an experimental analysis of a power generation system formed by a 5 kW proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) unit and a natural gas reformer (fuel processor) for hydrogen production. The performance analysis developed simultaneously the energy and economic viewpoints and enabled the determination of the best technical and economic conditions of this energy generation power plant, and the best operating strategies, enabling the optimization of the overall performance of the stationary cogeneration fuel cell unit. It was determined the electrical performance of the cogeneration system in function of the design and operational power plant parameters. Additionally, it was verified the influence of the activation conditions of the fuel cell electrocatalytic system on the system performance. It also appeared that the use of hydrogen produced from the natural gas catalytic reforming provided the system operation in excellent electrothermal stability conditions resulting in increase of the energy conversion efficiency and of the economicity of the cogeneration power plant.  相似文献   

Among the various aspects that have to be analysed in a cogeneration and combined cycle plant design, the exhaust gas stack design can represent a critical aspect, in particular when a by-pass stack, which allows the modulation of heat-to-power generation, is present, since it may influence the entire system working condition. To properly take into account the large number of the different requirements which enter in an exhaust gas system design, a multidisciplinary analysis involving numerical integrated approaches can be adopted in order to obtain an optimally designed stack system. In this paper, the design of the exhaust gas system in a cogeneration plant is analysed. The design is performed numerically through a three-dimensional integrated numerical code. Different design solutions are simulated and the results discussed in detail.  相似文献   

This work presents an experimental study of an ammonia–water absorption refrigeration system using the exhaust of an internal combustion engine as energy source. The exhaust gas energy availability and the impact of the absorption refrigeration system on engine performance, exhaust emissions, and power economy are evaluated. A production automotive engine was tested in a bench test dynamometer, with the absorption refrigeration system adapted to the exhaust pipe. The engine was tested for 25%, 50%, 75% and wide-open throttle valve. The refrigerator reached a steady state temperature between 4 and 13 °C about 3 h after system start up, depending on engine throttle valve opening. The calculated exhaust gas energy availability suggests the cooling capacity can be highly improved for a dedicated system. Exhaust hydrocarbon emissions were higher when the refrigeration system was installed in the engine exhaust, but carbon monoxide emissions were reduced, while carbon dioxide concentration remained practically unaltered.  相似文献   

Y. Huangfu  J.Y. Wu  R.Z. Wang  Z.Z. Xia  S. Li 《Applied Energy》2007,84(12):1356-1373
As a kind of distributed energy system, internal-combustion-engine-based cogeneration system is attracting increasing attentions for its environmental friendly and economic qualities. Some problems are encountered in the application, such as jacket water temperature control and the recovery/management of waste heat. To solve these problems, the concept of “integrated thermal management controller” (ITMC) is presented in this paper. Experimental prototype is established to verify its operation principle. Experimental results show that the prototype can effectively control the temperature in variable working conditions. Water/R22 is a good combination of working fluid/non-condensable gas in temperature control. The regulation of hot water flow rate is an effective method to adjust the heat allocated to heat consumer.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is investigation of the effect of hydrogen on engine performance and emissions characteristics of an SI engine, having a high compression ratio, fuelled by HCNG (hydrogen enriched compressed natural gas) blend. The experiments were carried out at 1500, 2000 and 2500 rpm under full load conditions of a modified Isuzu 3.9 L engine, having a compression ratio of 12.5. The engine brake power, brake thermal efficiency, combustion analysis and emissions parameters were realized at 5, 10 15 and 20 deg. CA BTDC (crank angle before top dead center) ignition timings and in excess air ratios of 0.9–1.3 fuelled by hydrogen enriched compressed natural gas (100/0, 95/5, 90/10 and 80/20 of % natural gas/hydrogen).The experimental results showed that the maximum power values were generally obtained with HCNG5 (5% hydrogen in natural gas) fuel. The optimum ignition timing that was obtained according to the maximum brake torque was retarded by the addition of hydrogen to CNG (compressed natural gas), while it was advanced by increasing the engine speed. Furthermore, it was observed that the BTE (brake thermal efficiency) generally declined with the hydrogen addition to compressed natural gas and increasing the engine speed. Additionally, the curves of cylinder pressure and ROHR (rate of heat release values) generally closed to top dead center with the increasing of the hydrogen fraction in the blend and a decreasing engine speed. The hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions generally obtained were lower than the Euro-5 and Euro-6 standards.  相似文献   

This study presents experimental results of engine performance, combustion and emissions in an SI engine fueled by gasoline-ethanol-hydrogen blends. In the experimental studies, engine performance and emission values were analyzed fueled by gasoline, gasoline-ethanol and gasoline-ethanol-hydrogen blends, respectively. When ethanol has been added volumetrically to gasoline 20% of ethanol (G80E20), engine performance and emissions have been worsened. However, the engine performance and emission values have been improved with the adding of hydrogen to blend. The results showed that the addition of hydrogen to the gasoline-ethanol blend improved the combustion process and improved the combustion efficiency, expanded the combustibility range of the gasoline-ethanol blend, reduced emissions. But, nitrogen oxide emission values increased with the adding of hydrogen.  相似文献   

Fuel cells and hydrogen storages, eventually integrated in hybrid power systems with hydrogen production from renewables, represent an interesting option for small stationary applications such as power generation in remote sites beyond the grid or back up power for telecom stations.  相似文献   

A detailed thermodynamic, kinetic and geometric model of a micro-CHP (Combined-Heat-and-Power) residential system based on High Temperature-Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (HT-PEMFC) technology is developed, implemented and validated. HT-PEMFC technology is investigated as a possible candidate for fuel cell-based residential micro-CHP systems, since it can operate at higher temperature than Nafion-based fuel cells, and therefore can reach higher cogeneration efficiencies. The proposed system can provide electric power, hot water, and space heating for a typical Danish single-family household. A complete fuel processing subsystem, with all necessary balance-of-plant components, is modeled and coupled to the fuel cell stack subsystem. The micro-CHP system’s synthesis/design and operational pattern is analyzed by means of a parametric study. The parametric study is conducted to determine the most viable system/component design based on maximizing total system efficiency, without violating the requirements of the system. Four decision variables (steam-to-carbon ratio, fuel cell operating temperature, combustor temperature and hydrogen stoichiometry) were parameterized within feasible limits to provide insight on their effect on the overall performance of the proposed system under study and also to provide input on more efficient design in the future. The system is designed to provide maximum loads of 1 kWe and 2 kWth. A sensitivity analysis is applied to investigate the influence of the most important parameters on the simulated performance of the system.  相似文献   

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