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The authors have proposed a new combustion process called the Plume Ignition Combustion Concept (PCC), in which with an optimal combination of hydrogen injection timing and controlled jet geometry, the plume of the hydrogen jet is spark-ignited to accomplish combustion of a rich mixture. This combustion process markedly improves thermal efficiency by reducing cooling loss, which is essential for increasing thermal efficiency in a hydrogen engine while maintaining high power. In order to improve thermal efficiency and reduce NOx formation further, PCC was applied to a lean-burn regime to burn a leaner mixture globally. In this study, the effect of supercharging which was applied to recover the reduced output power due to the leaner mixture on improving thermal efficiency was confirmed along with clarifying the cause.  相似文献   

Thermal efficiency was substantially improved and NOx emissions were reduced to a level at a single-digit ppm with PCC combustion by optimizing such characteristics as the direction, number and diameter of the injected jet and controlling the injection timing and also by combining with combustion of lean mixture. Output power declined by lean mixture was recovered by supercharging in keeping NOx emissions remained at the same level, while thermal efficiency was improved furthermore by slightly re-optimizing jet conditions. As a result, hydrogen engine which does not emit any CO2 and particulate matter in principle is worth to be called near-zero emission engines in both name and reality.  相似文献   

Reduction in cooling loss due to the heat transfer from burning gas to the combustion chamber wall is very important for improving the thermal efficiency in hydrogen engines. The previous research has shown that the direct injection stratified charge can be a technique to reduce the cooling loss and improve thermal efficiency in hydrogen combustion. For effective reductions in cooling loss by the stratified charge, it is very important to know the relation between the fuel injection conditions and mixture distribution. The current research employs the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy as a method to measure the hydrogen concentration distribution in the direct injection stratified charge. Measurement of instantaneous local equivalence ratio by the method clears the characteristics of mixture formation in hydrogen direct injection stratified charge. This research also tries to actively control the mixture distribution using a split fuel injection.  相似文献   

Hydrogen as potential engine fuel can appear either as a single gas or as a component in processing gases e.g. syngas, hythane and coke gas. The research in this paper investigates impact of combustible mixture dilution on abnormal combustion called knock in the reciprocating internal combustion engine. Dilution can be realized by either exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) or making the combustible mixture lean. Novelty of this work is a new metrics defined as dilution ratio, which makes it possible to compare knock reduction caused by either EGR or leaning the air-gas mixture to the engine. Two gaseous fuels were investigated: hydrogen and coke gas with 65% hydrogen. Conclusion based on the proposed dilution ratio states that, for hydrogen as the fuel, applying EGR is more effective in knock reduction than making the mixture lean. It was found that EGR strategy in the hydrogen fueled engine can reduce knock intensity from initial 40 kPa–20 kPa, whereas by leaning the mixture to the same dilution ratio, the knock is reduced to approximately 28 kPa. With respect to coke gas, it is proved that both EGR and lean mixtures influence on knock reduction at the same strength.  相似文献   

The combustion process within the cylinder directly influences the thermal efficiency and performance of the engines. As for the rotary engine, the long-narrow combustion chamber prevents the mixture from fully burning, which worsens the performance of the rotary engine. As a fuel with excellent properties, hydrogen can improve the combustion of the original engine. In this paper, improvements in combustion of a gasoline rotary engine by hydrogen supplement under different operating conditions were experimentally investigated. The experiment was conducted on a modified hydrogen-gasoline dual-fuel rotary engine equipped with an electronically-controlled fuel injection system. An electronic control module was specially made to command the fuel injection, excess air ratio and hydrogen volumetric fraction. Integral heat release fraction (IHRF) was employed to evaluate the combustion of the tested engine. The tested engine was first run at the idle speed of 2400 rpm and then operated at 4500 rpm to investigate the combustion of the hydrogen-blended gasoline rotary engine under different hydrogen volume fractions, excess air ratios and spark timings. The testing results demonstrated that the combustion of the gasoline rotary engine were all improved when the hydrogen was blended into the chamber under all tested conditions.  相似文献   

Spark ignition engines can be relatively easily converted to hydrogen using port fuel injection (PFI). However, because of the lower volumetric energy density of a hydrogen–air mixture and the occurrence of abnormal combustion phenomena such as backfire, hydrogen-fueled PFI engines suffer from a power deficit in comparison with gasoline engines. This paper reports measurements on a single-cylinder hydrogen engine equipped with a supercharger and an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system. Using EGR combined with supercharging and a three-way catalyst (TWC) is shown to significantly increase the power output while limiting tailpipe emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx).  相似文献   

The performance of an internal combustion engine is affected when renewable biofuels are used instead of fossil fuels in an unmodified engine. Various engine modifications were experimented by the researchers to optimise the biofuels operated engine performance. Thermal barrier coating is one of the techniques used to improve the biofuels operated engine performance and combustion characteristics by reducing the heat loss from the combustion chamber. In this study, engine tests results on performance, combustion and exhaust emission characteristics of the biofuels operated thermal barrier coated engines were collated and reviewed. The results found in the literature were reviewed in three scenarios: (i) uncoated versus coated engine for fossil diesel fuel application, (ii) uncoated versus coated engine for biofuels (and blends) application, and (iii) fossil diesel use on uncoated engine versus biofuel (and blends) use on coated engine. Effects of injection timing, injection pressure and fuel properties on thermal barrier coatings were also discussed. The material type, thickness and properties of the coating materials used by the research community were presented. The effectiveness and durability of the coating layer depends on two key properties: low thermal conductivity and high thermal expansion coefficient. The current study showed that thermal barrier coatings could potentially offset the performance drop due to use of biofuels in the compression ignition engines. Improvements of up to 4.6% in torque, 7.8% in power output, 13.4% in brake specific fuel consumption, 15.4% in brake specific energy consumption and 10.7% in brake thermal efficiency were reported when biofuels or biofuel blends were used in the thermal barrier coated engines as compared to the uncoated engines. In coated engines, peak cylinder pressure and exhaust gas temperature were increased by up to 16.3 bar and 14% respectively as compared to uncoated condition. However, changes in the heat release rates were reported to be between ?27% and +13.8% as compared to uncoated standard engine. Reductions of CO, CO2, HC and smoke emissions were reported by up to 3.8%, 11.1%, 90.9% and 63% respectively as compared to uncoated engines. Significant decreases in the PM emissions were also reported due to use of thermal barrier coatings in the combustion chamber. In contrast, at high speed and at high load operation, increase in the CO and CO2 emissions were also reported in coated engines. Coated engines gave higher NOx emissions by about 4–62.9% as compared to uncoated engines. Combined effects of thermal barrier coatings and optimisation of fuel properties and injection parameters produced further performance and emissions advantages compared to only thermal barrier coated engines. Overall, current review study showed that application of thermal barrier coatings in compression ignition engines could be beneficial when biofuels or biofuel blends are used instead of standard fossil diesel. However, more research is needed combining coatings, types of biofuels and other engine modifications to establish a concrete conclusion on the effectiveness of the thermal barrier when biofuels are used in the compression ignition engine. Reduction of NOx emissions is another important R & D area.  相似文献   

A new combustion process called the Plume Ignition Combustion Concept (PCC), in which the plume tail of the hydrogen jet is spark-ignited immediately after the completion of fuel injection to accomplish combustion of a rich mixture has been proposed by the authors. This PCC combustion process markedly reduces nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions in the high-output region while maintaining high levels of thermal efficiency and power. On the other hand, as burning lean mixture of fuel and air is the conventional way to improve thermal efficiency and reduce NOx, a high λ premixed mixture of hydrogen and air formed by injecting hydrogen in the early stage of the compression stroke has been used in direct-injection hydrogen engines. It was recently reported, however, that this mixture condition does not always offer expected improved thermal efficiency under even lean mixture conditions by increasing unburned hydrogen emissions caused by incomplete flame propagation in the non-uniform and extremely lean portion of the mixture. In this study, the effect of retarding the injection timing to late in the compression stroke but slightly advanced from original PCC was examined as a way of reducing unburned hydrogen emissions and improving thermal efficiency. These effects result from a centroidal axially stratified mixture that positions a fairly rich charge near the spark plug. This stratified mixture is presumably effective in reducing incomplete flame propagation thought to be the cause of unburned hydrogen emissions and also promoting increasing burning velocity of the mixture that improve thermal efficiency. Finally, this research is characterized by measuring the hydrogen fuel concentration at the point and the time of spark ignition quantitatively by spark-induced breakdown spectroscopy in order to identify the changes in mixture ratio mentioned above caused by the parameters involved.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a promising future energy carrier due to its potential for production from renewable resources. It can be used in existing compression ignition diesel engines in a dual-fuel mode with little modification. Hydrogen's unique physiochemical properties, such as higher calorific value, flame speed, and diffusivity in air, can effectively improve the performance and combustion characteristics of diesel engines. As a carbon-free fuel, hydrogen can also mitigate harmful emissions from diesel engines, including carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbons, particulate matter, soot, and smoke. However, hydrogen-fueled diesel engines suffer from knocking combustion and higher nitrogen oxide emissions. This paper comprehensively reviews the effects of hydrogen or hydrogen-containing gaseous fuels (i.e., syngas and hydroxy gas) on the behavior of dual-fuel diesel engines. The opportunities and limitations of using hydrogen in diesel engines are discussed thoroughly. It is not possible for hydrogen to improve all the performance indicators and exhaust emissions of diesel engines simultaneously. However, reformulating pilot fuel by additives, blending hydrogen with other gaseous fuels, adjusting engine parameters, optimizing operating conditions, modifying engine structure, using hydroxy gas, and employing exhaust gas catalysts could pave the way for realizing safe, efficient, and economical hydrogen-fueled diesel engines. Future work should focus on preventing knocking combustion and nitrogen oxide emissions in hydrogen-fueled diesel engines by adjusting the hydrogen inclusion rate in real time.  相似文献   

Combustion knock is one of the primary constraints limiting the performance of spark-ignition hydrogen fuelled internal combustion engines (H2-ICE) as it limits the torque output and efficiency, particularly as the equivalence ratio nears stoichiometric operation. Understanding the characteristic of combustion knock in a H2-ICE will provide better techniques for its detection, prevention and control while enabling operation at conditions of improved efficiency.

Engine studies examining combustion knock characteristics were conducted with hydrogen and gasoline fuels in a port-injected, spark-ignited, single cylinder cooperative fuel research (CFR) engine. Characterization of the signals at varying levels of combustion knock from cylinder pressure and a block mounted piezoelectric accelerometer were conducted including frequency, signal intensity, and statistical attributes. Further, through the comparisons with gasoline combustion knock, it was found that knock detection techniques used for gasoline engines, can be applied to a H2-ICE with appropriate modifications. This work provides insight for further development in real time knock detection. This would help in improving reliability of hydrogen engines while allowing the engine to be operated closer to combustion knock limits to increase engine performance and reducing possibility of engine damage due to knock.  相似文献   

This paper experimentally investigates the influence of hydrogen enrichment on the combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel HCCI engine using a modified Cooperative Fuel Research (CFR) engine. Three fuels, n-heptane and two middle distillates with cetane numbers of 46.6 and 36.6, are studied.The results show that hydrogen enrichment retards the combustion phasing and reduces the combustion duration of a diesel HCCI engine. Besides, hydrogen enrichment increases the power output and fuel conversion efficiency, and improves the combustion stability. However, hydrogen enrichment may narrow the operational compression ratio range and increase the knocking tendency. Both the overall indicated specific CO emissions (isCO) and CO emissions per unit burned diesel fuel mass are reduced by hydrogen enrichment. Although hydrogen enrichment decreases the overall indicated specific unburned hydrocarbon emissions (isHC), it does not significantly affect the HC emissions per unit burned diesel fuel mass.  相似文献   

The use of the hydrogen as fuel in the internal combustion engine represents an alternative use to replace the hydrocarbons fuels, which produce during the combustion reaction a pollutes gases. The hydrogen is the most abundant material in the universe and during its combustion with air only produces nitrous oxides (NOx) gas, which can collect and avoid their emission to the atmosphere. In this paper we can present the most significant advances and developments made on the technical adaptations in the internal combustion engines which operate with mixtures of gas/hydrogen, doing more emphasis in the fuel injection and cooling systems. To understand such technical adaptations, it is necessary to know the chemical and physical characteristics of the hydrogen, and the processes relate with the chemical reaction between air and hydrogen, from a point of view of the thermo-chemistry and the chemical kinetics, as well as the ratios of the mixtures in the combustion process. Also, it mentions the advantages and disadvantages of the integration of hydrogen as a fuel, such as the pre-ignition, spontaneous ignition, knocking and backfire, also the advances in the research to avoid these phenomena during the combustion. Finally, it describes the best conditions of the ratio-mixtures in the internal combustion engines when they are fed with hydrogen. Also, it describes the perspectives and the futures fields on the future investigation.  相似文献   

Extensive studies have been dedicated in the last decade to the possibility to use hydrogen in the dual-fuel mode to improve combustion characteristics and emissions of a diesel engine. The results of these studies, using pure hydrogen or hydrogen containing gas produced through water electrolysis, are notably different.The present investigation was conducted on a tractor diesel engine running with small amounts of the gas—provided by a water electrolyzer—aspirated in the air stream inducted in the cylinder. The engine was operated at light and medium loads and various speeds.It was found that the addition of HRG gas has a slight negative impact, up to 2%, on the engine brake thermal efficiency. Smoke is significantly reduced, up to 30%, with HRG enrichment, while NOx concentrations vary in both senses, up to 14%, depending on the engine operation mode. A relative small amount of HRG gas can be used with favorable effects on emissions and with a small penalty in thermal efficiency.  相似文献   

In order to alleviate the contradictions of increasingly prominent environmental pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and oil resource security issues, the search for renewable and clean alternative energy sources is getting more and more attention. Hydrogen energy is known as a future energy source because of its safety, reliability, wide range of resources and non-polluting products. Hydrogen internal combustion engine combines the technical advantages of traditional internal combustion engines and has comprehensive comparative advantages in terms of manufacturing cost, fuel adaptability and reliability. It is one of the practical ways to realize hydrogen energy utilization. In this paper, the combustion characteristics and NOx emission of a turbocharged hydrogen engine were investigated using the test data. The results showed the combustion duration (the crank angle of 10%–90% fuel burned) at 1500 rpm and 2000 rpm was equal and the combustion duration is much bigger than the other loads when the BMEP is 0.27 MPa. The reason is the effect of the turbocharger on the gas exchange process, which will influence the combustion process. The cylinder pressure and pressure rise rate were also investigated and the peak pressure rise rate was lower than 0.25 MPa/°CA at all working conditions. Moreover, the NOx emission changed from 300 ppm to 1200 ppm with engine speed increasing and the maximum value can reach to 7000 ppm when the equivalence ratio is 0.88 at 2500 rpm, maximum brake torque. The NOx emission shows different changing tendencies with different working conditions. Finally, these conclusions can be used to develop controlling strategies to solve the contradictions among power, brake thermal efficiency and NOx emission for the turbocharged hydrogen internal combustion engines.  相似文献   

As a practical solution to reduce the emission pollution and energy crisis, the research and development of HICE has been processed in several decades. The focus of this paper is trying to explore the new features of the combustion duration in HICE not only by engine experiment, but also by analysis of the physical properties of hydrogen, especially the obvious difference from that of gasoline. Firstly, the laminar flame speed difference between hydrogen and gasoline was studied and discussed. Secondly, a distinctive rule of combustion duration in HICE was discovered by analyzing the experiment data. Finally, as a key reference point to the HICE operation, a new characteristic of the location of 50% mixture combust up was proposed and analyzed, this will be helpful for the calibration of optimum ignition timing.  相似文献   

In a hydrogen station that operates with direct fueling through the use of a 700 bar boost compressor, the outlet hydrogen temperature can significantly increase, stressing the chiller system. This paper evaluates improvements that can be made to the auxiliary cooling system integrated with the compressor. Both theoretical modeling and experiments were performed at Cal State LA Hydrogen Research and Fueling Facility. The findings suggest that adjusting the auxiliary closed-loop cooling system from 15 °C to 10 °C reduced the station energy consumption and decreased the demand on the station chiller that needed to provide ?20 °C hydrogen at the hose. The overall energy consumption for a single fueling reduced by between 2.86 and 9.43% for the set of experiments conducted. After the temperature of the closed-loop cooling system was reduced by 5 °C, the boost compressor outlet temperature dropped from 46-50 °C–40 °C and consequently at the hose the hydrogen temperature declined by 3 °C. Results were scaled up with a forecast on the number of daily refueling events. With a low number of daily fuelings, the proposed set-up showed a minor influence on the overall station energy consumption. However, the benefits were more pronounced for a connector station with sales at 180 kg/day, where the energy efficiency improved by between 1.4 and 5.5%, and even more so for a higher capacity station at 360 kg/day, where the improvement was between 2.9 and 8%.  相似文献   

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