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井筒多相流体的物性参数和流变特性参数等均是温度的敏感函数,因此,精确计算井筒多相流体的温度分布是准确预测其压力分布、进行油井生产参数优化设计和工况分析等的重要基础。文中基于两相流动力学和传热学理论,建立了垂直井筒及其周围地层温度场的数学模型。依据建立的模型,编制了不同开采工艺下的井筒温度场计算程序,并对单相和两相流体流动下的井简温度场进行了计算与对比分析。  相似文献   

To explore the condensation characteristics of vapor flow inside vertical small-diameter tubes, the classical Nusselt theory is revised and an analytical model with variable tube wall temperature is established by considering the effect of surface tension exerted by condensate film bending as well as the effect of shear stress on vapor-liquid interface. The effects of various factors including tube wall temperature and gravity on flow condensation in small-diameter tubes are analyzed theoretically to show the heat transfer characteristics. Comparison with the experimental data indicates that the proposed analytical model is fit to reveal the fundamental characteristics of flow condensation heat transfer in vertical small-diameter tube.  相似文献   

Theoretical investigations have been performed on the convective heat transfer for incompressible laminar flow of gases through microtube and parallel-plates micropassages with constant wall temperature. Considering the change in thermal conductivity and viscosity of gas in wall adjacent region from the kinetic theory, mathematical models are built for both of the micropassages. The dimension-less temperature distribution and the corresponding heat transfer characteristics are simulated numerically, and the results discussed briefly.  相似文献   

变化的表面传热系数对磨削温度场的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细分析了磨削弧内磨削液流的状态 ,引用温度边界层的概念 ,论证了磨削弧内的磨削液膜的状态 ,并由此得出磨削弧内的表面传热系数是随变化的壁温和位置而变化的 ,在求解温度场的分布时 ,变化的表面传热系数更符合实际的情况  相似文献   

Fully developed flow and heat transfer in metal-foam filled tube with uniform wall temperature(UWT) is semi-analytically investigated based on the Brinkman–Darcy model and the two-equation model, in which the inertia term, axial conduction, and thermal dispersion are ignored. A two-dimensional numerical simulation that adopts the full governing equations is also conducted to analyze the effects of neglected terms on flow and thermal transport performance by comparing with the semi-analytical solution. The effects of the relevant parameters and thermal boundary conditions including UWT and uniform heat flux(UHF) on the heat transfer characteristics are discussed based on the semi-analytical solution. The results show that the inertia term has a significant effect on the prediction of pressure drop, but has a relatively mild effect on Nusselt number. The axial conduction has significant effect on the Nusselt number at lower Reynolds number, and the effects of thermal dispersion can be neglected when the thermal conductivity ratio between fluid and solid is remarkably smaller for air/metal foam as example(kf/ks3×10-3). The predicted Nusselt number of the semi-analytical solution is about 8% to 15% lower than that of the numerical solution with full model in the range of 4×10-5kf/ks3×10-3. Moreover, the temperature profile of solid is more sensitive to pore density and porosity than that of fluid under UWT condition. The Nusselt number under UWT is about 7% to 25% lower than that under UHF, and the difference is mainly determined by interfacial convection rather than solid conduction.  相似文献   

从理论上推导出脱硫挤出机中胶料与冷却介质的平均温差及系统的传热系数的计算公式,并结合准数关系式及实验对传热能力和胶料与机筒内壁的对流传质变热系数进行了计算。  相似文献   

Fe3O4-水纳米流体对流换热特性的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立了纳米流体传热性能的测试系统,测试了不同体积分数的Fe3O4-水纳米流体在雷诺数为3 000-10 000内的管内对流换热系数。实验结果表明,在水中添加Fe3O4纳米粒子增大了管内对流换热系数,增加了液体的传热效果;影响纳米流体对流换热系数的主要因素有纳米粒子的浓度及纳米粒子导热系数。  相似文献   

由于玻璃幕墙对建筑物的总体能耗影响较大,为节约能源必须要了解玻璃幕墙实际使用情况下的传热性能,以便为正确设计和应用玻璃幕墙提供依据。以往传热系数的检测都是在实验室内进行,因而无法反映现实的使用性能。为此我们对现场检测玻璃幕墙传热系数进行了试验研究,提出了玻璃幕墙传热系数现场检测的方法及相应的检测设备,并对检测系统的不确定度进行了分析。通过试验分析表明,本检测方法能反映玻璃幕墙在现实使用条件下的传热性能,达到了研究的目的。  相似文献   

提出了一种测量管道流量的方法,即基于导热和对流和对流联合作用原理的中温管道流量测量方法。在提出测试原理的基础上,建立了依据该测试原理进行流量测量的实验台架,通过热空气等截面的实验试件进行实验。实验结果表明,基于导热和对流联合作用原理流量测量方法所依据的测试原理是正确的。由于该流量测量方法将流量测量问题转化为温度测量问题,因此产生误差的主要原因在于温度测量的准确度。  相似文献   

本文分析了窗间墙按一维传热处理的计算误差,给出了减小误差的修正关系式。  相似文献   

真空度是汽轮机组安全经济运行的一个重要影响因素 ,而凝汽器传热端差又直接影响着真空度的高低。分析了凝汽器传热端差的影响因素 ,提出了降低端差的措施 ,以改善凝汽器的热交换效果 ,提高机组出力  相似文献   

In order to develop further the application of high temperature heat pipe in hypersonic vehicles thermal protection,the principles and characteristics of high temperature heat pipe used in hypersonic vehicles thermal protection were introduced.The methods of numerical simulation,theory analysis and experiment research were utilized to analyze the frozen start-up and steady state characteristic of the heat pipe as well as the machining improvement for fabricating irregularly shaped heat pipe which is suitabl...  相似文献   

本文在试验的基础上对气固多相流横向冲刷螺旋肋片管的传热特性进行了研究。试验所用物料为平均粒径dp^-=44μm电厂灰和dp^-=120μm细石英砂。颗粒重量浓度Ms在0 ̄4.5kg/kg范围内。结果表明,螺旋肋片管与气固多相流传热与气流Re数,颗粒浓度以及颗粒尺寸均有关,在较细颗粒和较低Re数下,气固多相流强化传热程度随颗粒浓度的增加而增加。  相似文献   

为了研究适用于我国严寒地区气候条件的被动房外墙传热系数,从我国严寒地区与德国气候条件的差异性入手,通过ISO和DIN等国际标准对4种不同环境下的外墙内表面热阻、热桥和发霉温度点等方面的理论进行全面介绍并分析. 运用Heat2热桥软件,计算德国被动房外墙设计标准使用在我国严寒地区气候条件时的外墙室内墙角温度. 将计算出的墙角温度与5种不同室内相对湿度环境下的发霉温度点进行对比分析. 计算结果表明,当内墙表面热阻为0.5和1.00(m2·K)/W时,墙角温度都低于发霉温度点以下. 基于我国气候条件,以发霉温度点为基准反向推导出5种不同室内相对湿度环境下的外墙传热系数,提出室内相对湿度为50%时的传热系数为适用于我国严寒地区被动房建筑的外墙传热系数.  相似文献   

使用自行设计的测量纳米流体流动与对流换热性能的实验装置,测量了含有不同体积分数纳米石墨的石墨-水纳米流体雷诺数在3 000~6 500范围内的对流换热系数。实验结果表明:石墨纳米颗粒的加入提高了水的对流换热系数;石墨纳米颗粒在水中的体积分数与对流换热系数近似呈线性关系;努塞尔数Nu随着雷诺数的增大近似线性增大;流动状态下的纳米粒子本身的无规则运动和热散射对对流换热系数的提高有显著影响。  相似文献   

为了得到螺旋管内流体流动沸腾起始点及管子壁温分布的特性,以R134a为工质进行试验。通过观察逐渐增大热流密度时壁温的变化情况判断沸腾的起始点。研究结果表明,沸腾起始点的热流密度随工质质量流速的增大而增大,但由于质量流速、离心力、重力等对汽泡粘附和脱离行为的综合影响,在某些位置会出现与该趋势不同的情况;在单相对流换热阶段,选定点的壁温随质量流速的增大而降低,而在流动沸腾换热阶段,质量流速对壁温变化的影响较小。研究结果可望为螺旋管式换热器的可靠设计和安全运行提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为了发展适于螺旋管内流动沸腾传热系数关联式,基于流动沸腾传热机理,引入参数Dn数来修正复杂管道对传热系数的影响,并经过回归计算确定Dn数的指数,从而发展了螺旋管内流动沸腾传热系数关联式。进一步分析了传热系数预测值与实验值的偏差随流量、干度的变化情况。利用以R134a为介质的螺旋管传热实验数据验证了该关联式的适用性,并采用平均相对误差(the mean relative error, MRE)和均方根误差(the root mean square error, RMSE)来衡量预测结果的准确性,计算出MRE在8.23%范围内,RMSE为0.532。该平均相对误差值和均方根误差值都比较小,表明回归计算结果符合要求。因此,复杂管道引入参数Dn数建立传热系数关联式是非常适用的,并值得推广应用。  相似文献   

The three dimensional temperature field of the gap between piston and cylinder was obtained by numerically solving energy equation. The boundary condition of the equation was given in the form of heat transfer coefficient, instead of solving the temperature field of solid parts. The temperature field was calculated both under high speed high pressure condition and low speed low pressure condition. The numerical result was compared to experimental result under low speed low pressure condition and showed good agreement. It was shown that the influence of heat transfer coefficient on film temperature was significant. The adiabatic condition was reasonable under low speed low pressure condition, but invalid under high speed high pressure condition. It was a good way to describe the influence of solid parts on temperature using heat transfer coefficient but avoiding solving the temperature field of solids parts.  相似文献   

通过湍流条件下光管内流体脉动传热的实验研究,分析了流体脉动参数对强化换热的影响规律。用无量纲参数A0和Womersley数描述脉动振幅和脉动频率,并利用最小二乘法拟合得到了实验范围内脉动振幅与Nu数之间的关系。结果表明:在实验范围内(16≤v≤40m/s,0≤f≤100Hz),雷诺数、脉动振幅和脉动频率对流体脉动强化换热都有显著的影响,随着雷诺数和脉动振幅的增加,换热效果将增强;而当脉动频率在0~20Hz以下和80~100Hz两个频率区间内脉动传热存在最优值;在实验条件下,利用A0和W数可以较好的表征脉动振幅和脉动频率特性。  相似文献   

对R245fa水平光滑管管内流动沸腾换热特性进行了实验研究,主要包括加热水质量流速、工质质量流速、蒸发温度以及干度对局部换热系数的影响,结果表明在相同蒸发温度及加热水质量流速下,随着工质质量流速增大,管内流动沸腾换热系数迅速升高;在相同工质质量流速及蒸发温度下,随着加热水质量流速的增大,管内流动沸腾换热系数升高;在相同工质质量流速及加热水质量流速下,随着蒸发温度的升高,管内流动沸腾换热系数降低。分别采用Chen公式、Liu-Winterton公式、Shah公式计算了与本实验相同工况下R245fa的管内流动沸腾换热系数,其结果表明:3个预测公式的计算结果与实验值之间的平均误差分别为31.6%、6.3%、37.4%。采用Liu-Winterton公式计算R245fa的流动沸腾换热系数满足工程实际的要求。  相似文献   

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