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High user interaction capability of mobile devices can help improve the accuracy of mobile visual search systems. At query time, it is possible to capture multiple views of an object from different viewing angles and at different scales with the mobile device camera to obtain richer information about the object compared to a single view and hence return more accurate results. Motivated by this, we propose a new multi-view visual query model on multi-view object image databases for mobile visual search. Multi-view images of objects acquired by the mobile clients are processed and local features are sent to a server, which combines the query image representations with early/late fusion methods and returns the query results. We performed a comprehensive analysis of early and late fusion approaches using various similarity functions, on an existing single view and a new multi-view object image database. The experimental results show that multi-view search provides significantly better retrieval accuracy compared to traditional single view search.  相似文献   

One key component in providing effective image data management support is an expressive query language/interface. In this paper, we describe the EXQUISI system that we have developed. A main contribution of EXQUISI is its ability to allow a user to express subtle differences that may exist between images to be retrieved and other images that are similar. In particular, it allows the user to incorporate ambiguities and imprecisions in specifying his/her query. Another important aspect of EXQUISI is the provision of a reformulation language by which the user can ask “like this in what” queries, by specifying which parts of a returned image the user wants to include and exclude.  相似文献   

This paper tackles a privacy breach in current location-based services (LBS) where mobile users have to report their exact location information to an LBS provider in order to obtain their desired services. For example, a user who wants to issue a query asking about her nearest gas station has to report her exact location to an LBS provider. However, many recent research efforts have indicated that revealing private location information to potentially untrusted LBS providers may lead to major privacy breaches. To preserve user location privacy, spatial cloaking is the most commonly used privacy-enhancing technique in LBS. The basic idea of the spatial cloaking technique is to blur a user’s exact location into a cloaked area that satisfies the user specified privacy requirements. Unfortunately, existing spatial cloaking algorithms designed for LBS rely on fixed communication infrastructure, e.g., base stations, and centralized/distributed servers. Thus, these algorithms cannot be applied to a mobile peer-to-peer (P2P) environment where mobile users can only communicate with other peers through P2P multi-hop routing without any support of fixed communication infrastructure or servers. In this paper, we propose a spatial cloaking algorithm for mobile P2P environments. As mobile P2P environments have many unique limitations, e.g., user mobility, limited transmission range, multi-hop communication, scarce communication resources, and network partitions, we propose three key features to enhance our algorithm: (1) An information sharing scheme enables mobile users to share their gathered peer location information to reduce communication overhead; (2) A historical location scheme allows mobile users to utilize stale peer location information to overcome the network partition problem; and (3) A cloaked area adjustment scheme guarantees that our spatial cloaking algorithm is free from a “center-of-cloaked-area” privacy attack. Experimental results show that our P2P spatial cloaking algorithm is scalable while guaranteeing the user’s location privacy protection.  相似文献   

Keyword queries have long been popular to search engines and to the information retrieval community and have recently gained momentum for its usage in the expert systems community. The conventional semantics for processing a user query is to find a set of top-k web pages such that each page contains all user keywords. Recently, this semantics has been extended to find a set of cohesively interconnected pages, each of which contains one of the query keywords scattered across these pages. The keyword query having the extended semantics (i.e., more than a list of keywords hyperlinked with each other) is referred to the graph query. In case of the graph query, all the query keywords may not be present on a single Web page. Thus, a set of Web pages with the corresponding hyperlinks need to be presented as the search result. The existing search systems reveal serious performance problem due to their failure to integrate information from multiple connected resources so that an efficient algorithm for keyword query over graph-structured data is proposed. It integrates information from multiple connected nodes of the graph and generates result trees with the occurrence of all the query keywords. We also investigate a ranking measure called graph ranking score (GRS) to evaluate the relevant graph results so that the score can generate a scalar value for keywords as well as for the topology.  相似文献   

 We propose the perception index (PI) that contains attributes associated with a focal keyword restricted by fuzzy term(s) used in fuzzy queries on the Internet. The PI assists the user to reflect his/her perception in the process of query. If we integrate the document index (DI) used in commercial Web search engines with the proposed PI, we can handle both crisp terms (keyword-based) and fuzzy terms (perception-based). In this respect, the proposed approach is softer than the keyword-based approach. The PI brings somewhat closer to natural language. It is a further step toward a real human-friendly, natural language-based interface for Internet. It should greatly help the user relatively easily retrieve relevant information.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose CYBER, a CommunitY Based sEaRch engine, for information retrieval utilizing community feedback information in a DHT network. In CYBER, each user is associated with a set of user profiles that capture his/her interests. Likewise, a document is associated with a set of profiles—one for each indexed term. A document profile is updated by users who query on the term and consider the document as a relevant answer. Thus, the profile acts as a consolidation of users feedback from the same community, and reflects their interests. In this way, as one user finds a document to be relevant, another user in the same community issuing a similar query will benefit from the feedback provided by the earlier user. Hence, the search quality in terms of both precision and recall is improved. Moreover, we further improve the effectiveness of CYBER by introducing an index tuning technique. By choosing the indexing terms more carefully, community-based relevance feedback is utilized in both building/refining indices and re-evaluating queries. We first propose a naive scheme, CYBER+, which involves an index tuning technique based on past queries only, and then re-evaluates queries in a separate step. We then propose a more complex scheme, CYBER+ +, which refines its index based on both past queries and relevance feedback. As the index is built with more selective and accurate terms, the search performance is further improved. We conduct a comprehensive experimental study and the results show the effectiveness of our schemes.  相似文献   

Current research on content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is centered on designing efficient query schemes in order to provide a user with effective mechanisms for image database search. Among representative CBIR query schemes, query-by-sketch has been one of the attractive query tools that are highly adaptive to user's subjectivity. However, query-by-sketch has a few limitations. That is, most sketch tools demand expertise in image processing or computer vision of the user to provide good enough sketches that can be used as query. Furthermore, sketching the exact shape of an object using a mouse can be a burden on the user. To overcome some of the limitations associated with query-by-sketch, we propose a new query method for CBIR, query-by-gesture, that does not require sketches, thereby minimizing user interaction. In our system, the user does not need to use a mouse to make a sketch. Instead, the user draws the shape of the object that heshe intends to search in front of a camera by hand. In addition, our query-by-gesture technique uses relevance feedback to interactively improve retrieval performance and allow progressive refinement of query results according to the user's specification. The efficacy of our proposed method is validated using images from the Corel-Photo CD.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been considerable research on constructing crawlers which find resources satisfying specific conditions called predicates. Such a predicate could be a keyword query, a topical query, or some arbitrary contraint on the internal structure of the web page. Several techniques such as focussed crawling and intelligent crawling have recently been proposed for performing the topic specific resource discovery process. All these crawlers are linkage based, since they use the hyperlink behavior in order to perform resource discovery. Recent studies have shown that the topical correlations in hyperlinks are quite noisy and may not always show the consistency necessary for a reliable resource discovery process. In this paper, we will approach the problem of resource discovery from an entirely different perspective; we will mine the significant browsing patterns of world wide web users in order to model the likelihood of web pages belonging to a specified predicate. This user behavior can be mined from the freely available traces of large public domain proxies on the world wide web. For example, proxy caches such as Squid are hierarchical proxies which make their logs publically available. As we shall see in this paper, such traces are a rich source of information which can be mined in order to find the users that are most relevant to the topic of a given crawl. We refer to this technique as collaborative crawling because it mines the collective user experiences in order to find topical resources. Such a strategy turns out to be extremely effective because the topical consistency in world wide web browsing patterns turns out to very high compared to the noisy linkage information. In addition, the user-centered crawling system can be combined with linkage based systems to create an overall system which works more effectively than a system based purely on either user behavior or hyperlinks.  相似文献   

We present a new text-to-image re-ranking approach for improving the relevancy rate in searches. In particular, we focus on the fundamental semantic gap that exists between the low-level visual features of the image and high-level textual queries by dynamically maintaining a connected hierarchy in the form of a concept database. For each textual query, we take the results from popular search engines as an initial retrieval, followed by a semantic analysis to map the textual query to higher level concepts. In order to do this, we design a two-layer scoring system which can identify the relationship between the query and the concepts automatically. We then calculate the image feature vectors and compare them with the classifier for each related concept. An image is relevant only when it is related to the query both semantically and content-wise. The second feature of this work is that we loosen the requirement for query accuracy from the user, which makes it possible to perform well on users’ queries containing less relevant information. Thirdly, the concept database can be dynamically maintained to satisfy the variations in user queries, which eliminates the need for human labor in building a sophisticated initial concept database. We designed our experiment using complex queries (based on five scenarios) to demonstrate how our retrieval results are a significant improvement over those obtained from current state-of-the-art image search engines.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a Cascade-Hybrid Music Recommender System intended to operate as a mobile service. Specifically, our system is a middleware that realizes the recommendation process based on a combination of music genre classification and personality diagnosis. A mobile user is able to query for music files by simply sending an example music file from his/her mobile device. In response to the user query, the system recommends music files that not only belong to the same genre as the user query, but also an attempt has been made to take into account both the user preferences as well as ratings from other users for candidate results. The recommendation mechanism is realized by applying the collaborative filtering technique of personality diagnosis. Using the minimum absolute error and the ranked scoring criteria, our approach is compared to existing recommendation techniques that rely on either collaborative filtering or content-based approaches. The outcome of the comparison clearly indicates that our approach exhibits significantly higher performance.  相似文献   

Nowadays, searches for webpages of a person with a given name constitute a notable fraction of queries to web search engines. Such a query would normally return webpages related to several namesakes, who happened to have the queried name, leaving the burden of disambiguating and collecting pages relevant to a particular person (from among the namesakes) on the user. In this article we develop a Web People Search approach that clusters webpages based on their association to different people. Our method exploits a variety of semantic information extracted from Web pages, such as named entities and hyperlinks, to disambiguate among namesakes referred to on the Web pages. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by testing the efficacy of the disambiguation algorithms and its impact on person search.  相似文献   

Today a massive amount of information available on the WWW often makes searching for information of interest a long and tedious task. Chasing hyperlinks to find relevant information may be daunting. To overcome such a problem, a learning system, cognizant of a user's interests, can be employed to automatically search for and retrieve relevant information by following appropriate hyperlinks. In this paper, we describe the design of such a learning system for automated Web navigation using adaptive dynamic programming methods. To improve the performance of the learning system, we introduce the notion of multiple model-based learning agents operating in parallel, and describe methods for combining their models. Experimental results on the WWW navigation problem are presented to indicate that combining multiple learning agents, relying on user feedback, is a promising direction to improve learning speed in automated WWW navigation.  相似文献   

目的 传统视觉场景识别(visual place recognition,VPR)算法的性能依赖光学图像的成像质量,因此高速和高动态范围场景导致的图像质量下降会进一步影响视觉场景识别算法的性能。针对此问题,提出一种融合事件相机的视觉场景识别算法,利用事件相机的低延时和高动态范围的特性,提升视觉场景识别算法在高速和高动态范围等极端场景下的识别性能。方法 本文提出的方法首先使用图像特征提取模块提取质量良好的参考图像的特征,然后使用多模态特征融合模块提取查询图像及其曝光区间事件信息的多模态融合特征,最后通过特征匹配查找与查询图像最相似的参考图像。结果 在MVSEC(multi-vehicle stereo event camera dataset)和RobotCar两个数据集上的实验表明,本文方法对比现有视觉场景识别算法在高速和高动态范围场景下具有明显优势。在高速高动态范围场景下,本文方法在MVSEC数据集上相较对比算法最优值在召回率与精度上分别提升5.39%和8.55%,在Robot‐Car数据集上相较对比算法最优值在召回率与精度上分别提升3.36%与4.41%。结论 本文提出了融合事件相机的视觉场景识别算法,利用了事件相机在高速和高动态范围场景的成像优势,有效提升了视觉场景识别算法在高速和高动态范围场景下的场景识别性能。  相似文献   

In this paper a novel framework for the development of computer vision applications that exploit sensors available in mobile devices is presented. The framework is organized as a client–server application that combines mobile devices, network technologies and computer vision algorithms with the aim of performing object recognition starting from photos captured by a phone camera. The client module on the mobile device manages the image acquisition and the query formulation tasks, while the recognition module on the server executes the search on an existing database and sends back relevant information to the client. To show the effectiveness of the proposed solution, the implementation of two possible plug-ins for specific problems is described: landmark recognition and fashion shopping. Experiments on four different landmark datasets and one self-collected dataset of fashion accessories show that the system is efficient and robust in the presence of objects with different characteristics.  相似文献   

一种图像检索中的灰色相关反馈算法   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
在交互式CBIR系统中,由于用户的查询需求常常是模糊的,因此检索结果从某种意义上说是不确定的。于是,可以将图像检索过程视为一个“灰色系统”,其中的查询向量以及图像特征的权重可视为“灰数”。基于此,该文提出了一种新的相关反馈技术,它采用“灰关联分析”理论来分析和描述“例子图像”与“相关图像”之间的关系,据此自动更新查询向量与图像特征的权重,从而更准确地描述用户的查询需求。实验结果表明,这种相关反馈算法能较好地描述用户的查询需求,显著地改善了图像检索的性能。  相似文献   

在企业Intranet上原有的信息查询系统中增加一个电子邮件自动发送系统,该系统可以定时地给企业员工在Intranet上的电子信箱发送查询系统数据库中的最新信息的摘要内容,并提供一个超链接使员工可以很方便地连结到查询系统。在分析了用于电子邮件传输的SMTP协议的基础上,给出了该系统的Delphi实现过程。  相似文献   

A search query, being a very concise grounding of user intent, could potentially have many possible interpretations. Search engines hedge their bets by diversifying top results to cover multiple such possibilities so that the user is likely to be satisfied, whatever be her intended interpretation. Diversified Query Expansion is the problem of diversifying query expansion suggestions, so that the user can specialize the query to better suit her intent, even before perusing search results. In this paper, we consider the usage of semantic resources and tools to arrive at improved methods for diversified query expansion. In particular, we develop two methods, those that leverage Wikipedia and pre-learnt distributional word embeddings respectively. Both the approaches operate on a common three-phase framework; that of first taking a set of informative terms from the search results of the initial query, then building a graph, following by using a diversity-conscious node ranking to prioritize candidate terms for diversified query expansion. Our methods differ in the second phase, with the first method Select-Link-Rank (SLR) linking terms with Wikipedia entities to accomplish graph construction; on the other hand, our second method, Select-Embed-Rank (SER), constructs the graph using similarities between distributional word embeddings. Through an empirical analysis and user study, we show that SLR ourperforms state-of-the-art diversified query expansion methods, thus establishing that Wikipedia is an effective resource to aid diversified query expansion. Our empirical analysis also illustrates that SER outperforms the baselines convincingly, asserting that it is the best available method for those cases where SLR is not applicable; these include narrow-focus search systems where a relevant knowledge base is unavailable. Our SLR method is also seen to outperform a state-of-the-art method in the task of diversified entity ranking.  相似文献   

Developing augmented reality (AR) applications for mobile devices and outdoor environments has historically required a number of technical trade-offs related to tracking. One approach is to rely on computer vision which provides very accurate tracking, but can be brittle, and limits the generality of the application. Another approach is to rely on sensor-based tracking which enables widespread use, but at the cost of generally poor tracking performance. In this paper we present and evaluate a new approach, which we call Indirect AR, that enables perfect alignment of virtual content in a much greater number of application scenarios.To achieve this improved performance we replace the live camera view used in video see through AR with a previously captured panoramic image. By doing this we improve the perceived quality of the tracking while still maintaining a similar overall experience. There are some limitations of this technique, however, related to the use of panoramas. We evaluate these boundaries conditions on both a performance and experiential basis through two user studies. The result of these studies indicates that users preferred Indirect AR over traditional AR in most conditions, and when conditions do degrade to the point the experience changes, Indirect AR can still be a very useful tool in many outdoor application scenarios.  相似文献   

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