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介绍了一烧厂以烧二皮带为操作中心的操作法,从而解决了供料系统能力不足的问题。  相似文献   

邯钢通过对2×90m2烧结机的操作进行改进,如提高一混水分和料层厚度、采用新的终点控制方法和均衡配加热返矿等,使生产指标大大改善,并获得了可观的经济效益.  相似文献   

张钢原料厂通过采取优化烧结用料结构、配加生石灰粉、厚料层操作、使用烧结增效剂和蛇纹石粉等措施,烧结利用系数提高了0.13 t/m2.h,燃耗降低7 kg/t,烧结矿转鼓强度提高了7.3个百分点,粒级组成明显改善,对高炉提高产量,大幅度降低焦比起到了很大作用。  相似文献   

1 前言烧结机上不同横向位置的烧结料层的烧结条件是不一样的。而且,在整个烧结时间内的任一指定时刻,这些条件都会产生波动。尤其在大型烧结机上,这些变化和波动较大。此外,烧结条件与烧结矿质量和成品率密切相关。因此,烧结条件达到均匀和稳定,不仅可以使烧结矿质量和成品率得到改善,而且可以提高烧结生产率。日本钢管公司京滨厂开发烧结料层加热方式控制系统,就是为了使烧结条件达到均匀和稳定。该系统已应用到扇岛1号烧结机(有效烧结面积=5m×90m=450m~2)上。它由两个子系统组成:一个是烧结料层横向加  相似文献   

本文叙述并分析了烧结终点微机控制系统的原理,提出了实用的控制方法和数学模型。  相似文献   

陈海宗 《山东冶金》2010,32(6):53-54,59
介绍了通过控制BRP位置间接控制烧结终点的方法。通过计算BRP位置,实时调整烧结机速度和烧结机台车压入率厚度,使烧结终点稳定在系统设定的范围之内,形成了基于专家知识的烧结终点模糊控制系统。该模型被应用后,可根据实际情况调整烧透点的位置,保证了烧结生产正常运行,改善了烧结矿各项技术指标,2009年节约成本2310万元。  相似文献   

烧结终点是烧结生产过程中的一个重要参数,如何准确判断并合理控制烧结终点具有重要意义.本文通过对风箱废气温度进行曲线拟和,进而准确判断终点;同时根据目标终点要求,综合考虑料厚、风量等诸多因素实现烧结终点的合理控制.提高了终点的稳定率,降低了终点温度的波动.  相似文献   

米.  ΗС 炎凉 《烧结球团》1995,20(5):30-34,17
气体动力学制度对厚料层烧结操作指标的影响[俄罗斯]H.C.米纳科夫等关键词气体动力学,厚料层,烧结针对西西伯利亚钢铁股份公司的生产条件和特点,应用烧结过程综合模拟模型研究了厚料层(400~600mm)烧结过程的气体动力学状况,研究了将9000—11—...  相似文献   

何福珠 《冶金能源》1993,12(1):17-20
发展厚料层操作,既有利于降低燃耗,又有利于改善烧结矿的质量,是钢铁节能中重点推广的项目之一。文中介绍了首钢烧结厂在发展此项操作的情况,其中包括提高料层厚度所遇到的困难和采取的措施。现在烧结料层厚度已提高到550mm,吨烧结矿燃耗保持在52~53kgce的水平,转鼓指数年平均达到时87.85%。  相似文献   

李勇 《中国冶金》2015,25(1):54-57
中国烧结机烟气脱S工程应用时间较短,国内成熟的烟气脱S技术在燃煤电厂已广泛应用,如湿法、干法、半干法、氨法等,主流技术是湿法脱S。由于烧结机脱S运行故障较多,维护工作量较大,急需总结相关工程设计、运行维护经验。结合已实施的烧结湿法脱S项目,针对烧结厂工况和烟气条件的特点,从烧结机湿法脱S系统的设计优化、运行维护及生产管理方面进行了经验总结,可为今后烧结机湿法烟气脱S工程提供借鉴,为工程设计优化、运行维护等提供参考。  相似文献   

BP算法的模糊神经网络及烧结终点辅助预测模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
烧结终点状态是烧结过程非常重要的参数之一.目前烧结终点的预测模型多采用人工神经元网络.本文介绍了一种模糊神经元网络结构及算法,可以处理不完全的、模糊的信息,并将这种模糊神经元网络应用到烧结终点辅助预测模型.文章最后给出了详细的仿真结果.  相似文献   

烧结过程中混合料水含量对烧结矿的产量和质量有至关重要的影响。传统的烧结混合料加水量控制是以目标水含量与混合料原始水含量的偏差作为前馈量调整加水量,该方式只是对加水量进行简单控制,不能根据实时的混合料水含量偏差和料种变化情况对加水量进行精准控制。为此,开发了烧结混合料水含量自动控制系统,采用前馈和后馈相结合以及红外水分仪和微波水分仪联合后馈控制的调整方式,应用原燃料数据动态追踪技术,通过混合料加水过程的自动控制,将混合料水含量波动范围控制在目标水含量的±0.15%以内,实现了烧结混合料加水量的精准控制,提高了烧结矿的质量和产量,经济效益和社会效益显著。  相似文献   

浙江杭钢高速线材有限公司的计量辅助系统客户机通过串口通信实现称量数据的采集,但系统不定期地会出现数据不能采集和鼠标不受控制的现象,严重影响了正常生产。通过对采集系统的全面分析,发现操作系统误将计量秤识别为串口鼠标。排除故障后的系统,称量数据能够稳定可靠地传递给客户机。  相似文献   


Low porosity powder metallurgy compacts have been manufactured from treated elemental iron and cobalt powders sintered at 1150°C under an H2(g) atmosphere. Their microstructures consist of an interconnected mixed oxide network which encapsulates both the iron and cobalt phases. The production technique employed is an innovative process termed reacto-thermitic sintering (RTS), which leads to near full density and near net shape parts utilising conventional uniaxial compaction and mesh belt furnace practices. The RTS technique relies on microscale exothermic reaction between small quantities of added elemental Al and oxides present on the surface of the bulk powder, together with the bulk powder itself. This results in the production of a transient liquid phase which freezes rapidly and consolidates the compact without slumping. In order to generate an interconnected mixed oxide network, experiments were designed such that the Al powder reacts with the cobalt and the surface of the iron powder which is artificially doped with Fe and Cr oxides.

Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and energy balance calculations revealed that the Al and the oxide coating reaction does not proceed directly. Instead the main contribution to the exothermic process is the reaction between Al and Co/Fe. The system does not exhibit true RTS behaviour and the interconnected network of mixed Al, Cr, and Fe oxides is created by subsequent reaction of Co-Al and Fe-Al intermetallics with the artificial Fe-Cr oxide coating on the Fe. The microstructure obtained exhibits negligible porosity with the metallic particles on the whole fully encapsulated by the oxide.  相似文献   

电火花烧结的发展趋势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
电火花烧结技术是一种新型的快速烧结技术。具有升温速度快、烧结时间短、效率高等特点。它是通过瞬间高能脉冲电流使粉末颗粒之间产生等离子放电,烧结制成高性能材料或制件。该文综述了电火花烧结的设备、工艺特点和技术原理;分析了电火花烧结的工艺参数对所制得材料的结构和性能的影响;简要介绍了电火花烧结技术在新材料制备及合成中的应用;展望了电火花烧结技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

Development of cermet microstructures during sintering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Six Ti(C,N)-TiN-WC-Co cermet materials originating from the same powder mixture but sintered to different stages of the sintering cycle have been studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), and energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM). At 1350 °C, the binder phase exists both as solid and as liquid phase. The cobalt is nanocrystalline before melting, probably due to deformation during milling. A tungsten-rich inner rim starts to form and is very inhomogeneously distributed on the Ti(C,N) cores, indicating that it is difficult to nucleate the inner rim. The outer rim mainly forms at the sintering temperature and accounts for grain growth during the holding time. There are no major variations in metal content of the carbonitride phases in the materials sintered to 1350 °C or higher, although the N/(C+N) atomic ratio changes somewhat. Close to the core-rim boundary of the materials sintered at 1430 °C, there is often an enrichment of nitrogen in the core that is believed to be the result of nitrogen diffusion from the tungsten-rich rim to the titanium-rich core during cooling.  相似文献   

A mechanism is described for the pyrolysis of zinc stearate in relation to the processes that occur in each sintering zone. The mechanism of formation is considered for the deposits in the working space. This is based on the flow of heavy vapor from the decomposition products under gravity. Designs are considered for the preheating chamber, which provide almost ideal conditions for the removal of the destruction products not only from the oven but also from the components.Translated from Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya, No. 5, pp. 96–100, May, 1993.  相似文献   

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