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An immunohistochemical approach was used to characterize the morphological phenotype of neurons containing the calcium-binding proteins calretinin (CR), parvalbumin (PV), or calbindin-D28k (CB) in the normal human striatum. The protein CR occurs in at least four morphologically distinct types of neurons. Apart from the numerous medium-sized aspiny interneurons and the less abundant giant aspiny interneurons, CR also labels some medium-sized spiny neurons morphologically identical to striatal projection neurons. This finding indicates that CR is not only confined to striatal interneurons but also may be involved in the function of certain projection neurons. Some small and peculiar bushy-like aspiny neurons also are enriched with CR. These neurons could correspond to the dwarf or neurogliform neurons first described by Ramón y Cajal (1911). Three types of PV-immunoreactive striatal neurons can be visualized in the human striatum: 1) the common medium-sized aspiny leptodendritic neurons, 2) some smaller and profusely arborized aspiny neurons, and 3) a few large and intensely stained neurons with conspicuously beaded and poorly branched dendrites. The protein CB labels virtually all medium-sized spiny projection neurons located in the striatal matrix but also identifies a small subset of large and more intensely immunostained aspiny neurons. The latter finding indicates that CB is not entirely confined to striatal projection neurons but also may play a role in local circuit neurons. These normative data should help our understanding of the chemical anatomy of the human striatum in both health and disease.  相似文献   

Choline availability influences long-term memory in concert with changes in the spatial organization and morphology of septal neurons, however little is known concerning the effects of choline on the hippocampus, a region of the brain also important for memory performance. Pregnant rats on gestational day 12 were fed a choline control (CT), choline supplemented (CS), or choline deficient (CD) diet for 6 days and fetal brain slices were prepared on embryonic day 18 (E18). The hippocampus in these brain slices was studied for the immunohistochemical localization of the growth-related proteins transforming growth factor beta type 1 (TGFbeta1) and GAP43, the cytoskeletal proteins vimentin and microtubule associated protein type 1 (MAP1), and the neuronal cell marker neuron specific enolase (NSE). In control hippocampus, there was weak expression of TGFbeta1 and vimentin proteins, but moderately intense expression of MAP1 protein. These proteins were not homogeneously distributed, but were preferentially localized to cells with large cell bodies located in the central (approximately CA1-CA3) region of the hippocampus, and to the filamentous processes of small cells in the fimbria region. Feeding a choline-supplemented diet decreased, whereas a choline-deficient diet increased the intensity of immunohistochemical labeling for these proteins in E18 hippocampus. GAP43 and NSE were localized to peripheral nervous tissue but not hippocampus, indicating that the maturation of axons and neurite outgrowth in embryonic hippocampus were unaffected by the availability of choline in the diet. These data suggest that the availability of choline affects the differentiation of specific regions of developing hippocampus.  相似文献   

The presence and coexistence of the calcium-binding proteins (CaBPs), calbindin D-28k, parvalbumin and S100 protein, were immunohistochemically examined in the glossopharyngeal and vagal sensory ganglia, the carotid body and taste buds. The CaBPs were found in each ganglion with the nodose ganglion containing the largest number of CaBP-immunoreactive (ir) cells (calbindin D-28k > or = S100 > parvalbumin). The coexistence of CaBPs was found in neurons of the nodose, petrosal, and jugular ganglia. Calbindin D-28k-ir neurons in the nodose and petrosal ganglia frequently colocalized S100-ir whereas calbindin D-28k-ir neurons in the jugular ganglion less frequently contained S100-ir. Only small percentages of calbindin D-28k-ir neurons in each ganglion colocalized parvalbumin. Similarly, S100-ir neurons in the nodose and petrosal ganglia frequently colocalized calbindin D-28k-ir whereas S100-ir neurons in the jugular ganglion less frequently contained calbindin D-28k-ir. Moderate to small percentages of S100-ir neurons in each ganglion colocalized parvalbumin. Parvalbumin-ir neurons nearly always colocalized S100-ir in the nodose, petrosal and jugular ganglia. Moderate to small percentages of parvalbumin-ir neurons in each ganglion colocalized calbindin D-28k. Whereas calbindin D-28k- and S100-ir were colocalized in nerve fibers and cells within taste buds of circumvallate papilla of the tongue, the coexistence of these CaBPs could not be determined in the carotid body. These findings suggest a co-operative role for CaBPs in the functions of subpopulations of nodose and petrosal ganglia neurons.  相似文献   

Extract made from hippocampus of rat pups exposed prenatally to an ethanol-supplemented diet was found to contain more neurotrophic activity at postnatal day 21 than that from animals exposed to control diets, when quantified in a dorsal root ganglion bioassay. This apparent upregulation was specific to hippocampal extract (cerebellar and forebrain/midbrain extracts were also assessed), and to this age (P1, P7, P14 and P60 extracts were also tested). It was suggested that this upregulation may be indicative of, or secondary to, trauma resulting from fetal ethanol exposure. It is speculated that such departures from the normal developmental timetable could contribute to anomalies seen in the fetal alcohol syndrome.  相似文献   

The whole cell configuration of the patch clamp technique was used to study the mechanisms of induction of long term depression (LTD) occurring at the mossy fibre-CA3 synapse between postnatal (P) day 6 and P13. In control conditions, when two pulses were delivered to the mossy fibres with an interval of 50 ms a potentiation of the EPSC evoked by the second pulse associated with a reduction in the number of failures was observed. Tetanization of the mossy fibres induced LTD of the responses to the first and second stimulus without affecting the paired pulse facilitation. Loading the postsynaptic cell with BAPTA prevented the induction of LTD but did not modify the paired pulse facilitation, suggesting that LTD induction occurs at the postsynaptic site.  相似文献   

Although epidemiologic studies proved that a causal relationship exists between elevated serum cholesterol levels and coronary heart disease, it is only recently that cholesterol-lowering strategies have shown significant reductions in total mortality. In the last few years, three landmark coronary artery disease-reduction trials with HMG-coenzyme A reductase inhibitors (statins) showed significant reductions in coronary heart disease and mortality. Statins have beneficial effects on coronary heart disease and overall mortality in primary and secondary prevention, including in women and the elderly. Angiographic studies reveal the potential mechanisms through which statins exert their clinical benefits.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: Recent studies with neurofilament antibodies as neuronal markers have shown subpopulations of myenteric neurons that do not contain neurofilament proteins. Novel neuronal intermediate filament proteins alpha-internexin, peripherin, and nestin have been identified. The aim of this study was to examine the distribution of these novel intermediate filaments in comparison with neurofilaments in myenteric plexus neurons. METHODS: Using indirect immunofluorescence techniques in whole-mount cryostat sections from neonate and adult rat small intestine and in primary cultures of myenteric neurons, the distribution of neurofilaments, alpha-internexin, peripherin, and nestin was studied in comparison with the neuronal marker protein gene product (PGP) 9.5 in myenteric neurons. RESULTS: Sixty-five percent of neurons contained neurofilament triplet proteins. alpha-Internexin and/or peripherin were found in the neurofilament-negative neurons. PGP 9.5 was present in 80% of the myenteric neurons. Of the neurons that were PGP negative, > 95% contained peripherin or alpha-internexin. Nestin was not found in either neonate or adult myenteric neurons but was seen in glial cells in culture. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that a subpopulation of myenteric neurons lacks neurofilament triplet proteins but contains either peripherin, alpha-internexin, or both. This selective distribution of intermediate filaments in subpopulations of enteric neurons may support differential roles in these structurally unique neurons.  相似文献   

An approach to the evaluation and comparison of reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography stationary phases with particular emphasis on data analysis and presentation is described. Assessment is based on the peak efficiency, asymmetry (USP tailing factor) and relative retention properties shown by 24 basic compounds having a wide range of structural and physico-chemical properties. A novel approach to data normalisation and presentation is described. This overcomes the problems associated with the quality of the column packing process, as well as differences in stationary phase selectivity which in conjunction with extra column band broadening effects can make comparisons meaningless.  相似文献   

The sequence of degenerative changes in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and the choroid of retinal degeneration (rd)-mice was studied in correlation with photoreceptor changes. Three weeks to 26-month-old animals were investigated using light and transmission electron microscopy, enzyme histochemistry and quantitative morphology. Changes in the choriocapillaris (CC) were additionally studied by scanning electron microscopy of corrosion cast preparations. In 3-week-old mice, in which most of the outer segments of photoreceptors in the central portion of the retina had disappeared but remnants of the cells were still present, the RPE was enlarged and showed elongated microvilli. In 8-week-old animals, the photoreceptors were completely absent in large areas of the posterior pole region. In these areas the RPE was also completely lost. Quantitative evaluation performed in histological serial sections showed that loss of RPE measured as length of RPE-free Bruch's membrane, continuously increased up to the age of 20 months. In 8-week-old animals, CC adjacent to degenerating RPE showed loss of fenestration. In 10-week-old animals, the CC disappeared in those areas where the RPE was already lacking. The loss of CC increased with increasing age and in 20-month-old animals 5-10% of the entire CC was lacking. Loss of the related arterioles and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase (NADPH-d)-positive nerve fibers occurred only in approximately 2-year-old rd-mice. Compared to other animal models, RPE and CC defects in rd-mice are relatively large. The rd-mice might therefore provide a good tool to study factors involved in CC degeneration.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death (apoptosis) occurs during normal development of the central nervous system. However, the mechanisms that determine which neurons will succumb to apoptosis are poorly understood. Blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors for only a few hours during late fetal or early neonatal life triggered widespread apoptotic neurodegeneration in the developing rat brain, suggesting that the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, acting at NMDA receptors, controls neuronal survival. These findings may have relevance to human neurodevelopmental disorders involving prenatal (drug-abusing mothers) or postnatal (pediatric anesthesia) exposure to drugs that block NMDA receptors.  相似文献   

Head movement propensity-the pattern of head saccades dependent on methods of target presentation-varies among individuals. The present group of 9 young adults was previously ranked in a visual saccadic task according to this propensity. The present report examines how and why this propensity changes if the saccades are made to auditory targets. 1) Spatially identical, interleaved, auditorily and visually elicited horizontal saccadic gaze shifts (jumps) differed in amplitude and in starting and/or ending position. The jumps were executed in two head movement modes: first, the non-aligned mode was a standard reaction-time single gaze step between two points. Second, the head-aligned mode required alignment of the head with the fixation (starting) point; thereafter both modes were identical. All results in the auditory task are expressed relative to the visual results. 2) In the non-aligned mode, head movement amplitudes were increased on average by 15% (for example, an 80 degrees jump elicited a 12 degrees larger head movement), and velocity decreased by 12%, reflecting the increased demands of the auditory task. More importantly, the differences between subjects was narrowed; that is, head movement propensity was homogenized in the auditory task. In the visual task, head-movers willingly move their heads off and across the midline, whereas non-movers are unwilling to leave the midline from eccentric starting points or to eccentric ending points. This is called the midline attraction effect and was previously linked to spatial reference frames. The homogenization in the auditory task was characterized by head-movers increasing, and non-movers decreasing, their midline attraction, suggesting altered spatial reference frames. 3) For heuristic purposes, the ideal head-mover is defined by a gain of 1.0 in the visual task, and by external earth-fixed reference frames. Similarly, the ideal non-mover has a gain of 0.0 and has a bias toward body (or some par of the body)-fixed reference frames. In the auditory task these gains (and reference frames) in head movers and non-movers are homogenized (close to 0.5), either by the participation of the head (movement of the ears in space) in sensory acquisition or by differences in central nervous processing of the two modalities, or both.  相似文献   

The expression of multiple classes of voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) allows neurons to tailor calcium signaling to functionally discrete cellular regions. In the developing hippocampus a central issue is whether the expression of VDCC subtypes plays a role in key phases such as migration and synaptogenesis. Using radioligand binding and immunoblotting, we show that some N-type VDCCs exist before birth, consistent with a role in migration; however, most N-VDCC subunit expression is postnatal, coinciding with synaptogenesis. Immunoprecipitation studies indicate that the increased expression of N-VDCCs in early development occurs without subunit switching because there is no change in the fraction of beta3 subunits in the N-VDCC alpha1B-beta3 heteromers. Fluorescence imaging of cell surface N-VDCCs during this period reveals that N-VDCCs are expressed on somata before dendrites and that this expression is asynchronous between different subfields of the hippocampus (CA3-CA4 before CA1-CA2 and dentate gyrus). Our data argue that N-VDCC expression is an important cue in the genesis of synaptic transmission in discrete hippocampal subfields.  相似文献   

In adult primate visual cortex, the calcium-binding proteins calbindin (CB) and parvalbumin (PV) are localized in different subsets of GABAergic neurons with a characteristic laminar distribution. However, the emergence and development of CB and PV in relation to the periods of functional maturation of the human visual cortex are not known. Therefore, we examined (i) postnatal changes in the distribution of immunoreactivity (ir) for CB and PV in the visual cortex; (ii) the pattern of changes in immunoreactivity in relation to the synaptic maturation; and (iii) differences in the maturation of CB and PV immunoreactivity between areas 17 and 18. We found a consistently high expression of CB in neonatal visual cortex, particularly in layer IV and infragranular layers. However, despite an early appearance of PV, its peak in development occurred only after 2 months of age, characterized by a transient overexpression in the thalamo-recipient layer IV and a continuous inside-out maturation in supragranular layers. The neonatal pattern of high CB-ir in layers IV-VI was transformed during infancy and childhood into an adult pattern of high CB-ir in layer II, but low CB-ir in layer IV and infragranular layers. There was no difference in pattern and tempo of maturation of calcium-binding proteins between area 17 and 18, indicating simultaneous development of cortical inhibitory circuits among cytoarchitectonically and functionally distinct cortical areas. In addition, the reorganization of CB/PV expression temporally and spatially coincides with the course of cortical synaptogenesis, and delineates the major stages of maturation of the human visual cortex.  相似文献   

This study describes differences between guinea pig and rat in the immunoreactivities for calbindin (CB-IR) and parvalbumin (PV-IR) in cartwheel (CWC) and Purkinje-like (PLC) cells of the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN). CWCs are the most important inhibitory interneurons of the DCN. Their soma and dendrites stain intensely for CB-IR in guinea pigs but only weakly and incompletely in rats. In both species, the CWCs do not show PV-IR. PLCs, a rare type of DCN cells often interpreted as displaced cerebellar Purkinje cells misrouted during migration, are known from rat and mouse and are here described for guinea pig DCN. PLCs are intensely and completely stained for CB-IR and PV-IR in guinea pigs. In rats, they stain with similar completeness only for CB-IR, PV-IR being weak and restricted to the cell's soma. Similar staining differences between the two species are seen with the cerebellar Purkinje cells, i.e., PLCs resemble the cerebellar Purkinje cells more than do the CWCs. Based on the present material (and preliminary findings in a primate (marmoset), we speculate that the PLCs have their place in the circuitry of the DCN receiving input via parallel fibers, like the CWCs, and possibly projecting their axon onto the cerebellum.  相似文献   

The peripherin gene has three potential ATG translation initiation sites at positions 38, 56, and 290. The second ATG has been proposed to be the initiation codon used for translation of the protein, but there is no experimental evidence for this conjecture. We have isolated a full-length peripherin cDNA (designated as p61-11) from a rat brain cDNA library. Upon sequencing, we found that this cDNA contains a point mutation at the second potential translation initiation codon, which changes this ATG to ACG. When expressed in SW13 cl.2 vim- cells, a cell line without any detectable cytoplasmic intermediate filaments, the protein product of p61-11 cannot form a filamentous network and the major product is 45 kDa in size, which is most likely initiated from the third ATG. The protein product from the first ATG (57 kDa in size) of p61-11 is also detected albeit in smaller amounts. We introduced a frame-shift mutation upstream of the third ATG in p61-11 to create p61-11FS and showed that the third ATG is able to initiate translation efficiently even in the presence of the first ATG, and the 45 kDa protein leads to a diffuse nonfilamentous staining pattern in vim- cells confirming that the first ATG may not be the preferred translation initiation codon, since it cannot suppress a downstream ATG. We increased the translation efficiency from the first ATG of p61-11 by mutating the three nucleotides preceding this first ATG and thereby placing it in a better Kozak consensus sequence for translation initiation. The resulting 57 kDa protein is able to form a filamentous network in vim- cells. We corrected the mutation in the original p61-11 by polymerase chain reaction and generated two peripherin constructs: perM1M2 (which contains all three translation initiation codons) and per delta 1M2 (the first ATG is deleted, but the other two are present). When transfected, their protein products, about 57 kDa in size, form filamentous networks in the absence of other cytoplasmic intermediate filaments. Since there is no 45 kDa protein detected for these latter two constructs, it is reasonable to conclude that in the presence of the second ATG, little or no translation is initiated from the third ATG. Taken together, these results strongly suggest that the second ATG is the preferred translation initiation codon for the peripherin gene.  相似文献   

Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive interneurons have been classified according to their axonal and dendritic patterns and neurochemical features in the hippocampus of the rat. A correlation of these characteristics unravelled three distinct types of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-containing cells. Interneurons forming a dense axonal plexus at the border of stratum oriens and alveus always contain the calcium binding protein, calretinin, but lack the neuropeptide cholecystokinin. The axon of another type of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-positive interneuron surrounds pyramidal cell bodies in a basket-like manner, and co-localizes cholecystokinin but not calretinin. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-containing cells projecting to stratum radiatum form two subsets distinguished by dendritic morphology. Those with dendrites restricted to stratum lacunosum-molecular lack both calretinin and cholecystokinin, whereas the other subtype with dendrites spanning all layers contains calretinin in 40% of the cases and occasionally also cholecystokin. GABA was shown to be present, and the calcium binding proteins calbindin D-28k and parvalbumin absent from all three types of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-positive interneurons. The specific dendritic and axonal arbours imply different input and output properties for the three interneuron types. The correlation of these features with the content of neurochemical markers strongly suggests that they are specialized for distinct inhibitory functions in the hippocampal network.  相似文献   

Hair cells in the bullfrog vestibular otolith organs were immunolabeled by monoclonal and polyclonal antisera against calbindin (CaB), calmodulin (CaM), calretinin (CaR), and parvalbumin (PA). S-100, previously shown to immunolabel striolar hair cells in fish vestibular organs, only weakly immunolabeled hair cells in the bullfrog vestibular otolith organs. Immunolabeling was not detected in supporting cells. With the exception of CaR, myelinated axons and unmyelinated nerve terminals were immunolabeled by all of the above antisera. Immunolabeling was seen in all saccular hair cells, although hair cells at the macular margins were immunolabeled more intensely for CaB, CaM, and PA than more centrally located hair cells. As the macula margins are known to be a growth zone, this labeling pattern suggests that marginal hair cells up-regulate their calcium-binding proteins during hair cell development. In the utriculus, immunolabeling for CaM and PA was generally restricted to striolar hair cells. CaR immunolabeling was restricted to the stereociliary array. Immunolabeling for other calcium-binding proteins was generally seen in both the cell body and hair bundles of hair cells, although this labeling was often localized to the stereociliary array and the apical portion of the cell body. CaM and PA immunolabeling in the stereociliary array in saccular and utricular striolar cells suggests a functional role for these proteins in mechanoelectric transduction and adaptation.  相似文献   

Rhythmic spontaneous bursting is a fundamental hallmark of the immature hippocampal activity recorded in vitro. These bursts or giant depolarizing potentials (GDPs) are GABA- and glutamatergic-driven events. The mechanisms of GDPs generation are still controversial, since although a hilar origin has been suggested, GDPs were also recorded from isolated CA3 area. Here, we have investigated the origin of GDPs in hippocampal slices from newborn rabbits. Simultaneous intracellular recordings were performed in CA3, CA1 and the fascia dentata. We found a high degree of correlation between the spontaneous GDPs present in CA3 and CA1 regions. Cross-correlation analysis demonstrated that CA3 firing precedes CA1 by about 192 ms, although a significant population of discharges was recorded first in CA1 (20%). Granule cells (GCs) in the fascia dentata also showed GDPs. The frequency of these events (1.46 +/- 1.25 GDPs/min, n = 7) is significantly lower when compared with that from CA3 (3.13 +/- 1.43 GDPs/min, n = 10) or CA1 (2.94 +/- 1.36 GDPs/min, n = 17). Dual recordings from CA3 and fascia dentata cells showed synchronous bursts in both regions with no prevalent preceding area. By recording from isolated areas we found that CA1, CA3 and the fascia dentata can produce GDPs, suggesting that they emerge as a property of local circuits present throughout the hippocampus.  相似文献   

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