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The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is applied to study the performance of E-plane sectoral horn antennas designed for broad-band applications. These antennas (proposed for 6-18 GHz phased arrays) have a large bandwidth, and they are easily array integrated. These antennas have a highly complicated geometry that is modeled using a polygonal approximation in the curved boundaries. Perfect matched layers (PMLs) combined with first-order absorbing boundaries are employed to simulate the free-space environment in the FDTD mesh  相似文献   

采用有限元-边界积分方程方法(FE-BI)系统分析了不同结构参量变化对双臂圆锥对数螺旋(CLS)天线性能的影响。分析了不同工作频率对圆锥螺旋天线方向图的影响,改变螺旋线包角对其性能进行了讨论;研究了圆锥半张角对辐射特性的影响。研究表明:螺旋线包角和圆锥半张角对有限长CLS天线的辐射方向性有较大影响,实际应用中应充分考虑。  相似文献   

Accurate analysis of TEM horn antennas for pulse radiation   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In the past, various approximate theoretical models have been used to analyze TEM horn antennas. Because of the limitations of these approximate models, there has been, to date, only qualitative agreement of measurements for TEM horn antennas with the predictions of the theories. The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is used to accurately analyze TEM horn antennas for pulse radiation. First, the metallic triangular-plate TEM horn antenna is considered. Computed results for the reflected voltage in the feeding transmission line and the time-varying radiated electric field are shown to be in very good agreement with new experimental measurements. Graphs of the electric field in the space surrounding the antenna (magnitude of field plotted on a color scale) are used to give a physical insight into the process of radiation. Next, the method is used to analyze two TEM horns that were previously designed for pulse radiation. The geometry and electrical properties of these antennas are more complicated than for the metallic, triangular-plate horn. One has shaped metallic plates with a resistive termination at the open end; the other has plates whose resistance varies continuously along their length. The computed results for these antennas are compared with previously made experimental measurements  相似文献   

A detailed characterization of the input impedance of ultrawide-band (UWB) dielectric horn antennas is presented using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique. The FDTD model is first validated by computing the characteristic impedance of two conical plate transmission lines (including planar bow-tie antennas) and comparing the results to analytical solutions. The FDTD model is next used to calculate the surge impedance of dielectric horn antennas using the conical plates as launchers. Design curves of the surge impedance for different choices of geometries and dielectric loadings are provided. The modeled antennas are particularly attractive for applications such as UWB ground penetrating radars (GPR) applications.  相似文献   

FDTD analysis of phased array antennas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work presents a new application of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method to the generalized analysis of phased array antennas. The generality of the FDTD method brings important advantages to the phased array antenna analysis problem, allowing the modeling of complex conductor and dielectric geometries with relative ease. Additionally, a new broad-band FDTD periodic boundary condition is developed which allows the array problem to be simplified to a periodic unit cell computational domain. This hybrid frequency/time-domain periodic boundary condition enables solution of the periodic phased array problem for arbitrary scan conditions in a broadband fashion. The new method is applied to waveguide and stacked microstrip antenna arrays and the numerical results are compared to experimental or analytic solutions, demonstrating the validity and utility of this method  相似文献   

The uniform asymptotic theory (UAT) of diffraction has been applied to arrive at expressions valid for both the near as well as far-field patterns of antenna with edges, namely an electromagnetic horn. It is found that the theoretically computed results agree very well with experiment. The agreement is found to be better than that reported by earlier authors in the far sidelobe and backlobe regions. The same theory is valid for near field as well with the pertinent values of radial distance where the uniform theory of diffraction (UTD) requires a slope diffraction correction.  相似文献   

The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique has been employed to analyze a large number of electromagnetic scattering problems. However, only a limited number of problems involving antenna radiation has been investigated. Furthermore, the excitation source of the radiating systems has been mostly a Gaussian type pulse. The concept of a discrete impulse excitation is developed and used to feed linear antennas and other radiating systems. Different cases of antenna analysis are considered to illustrate the applicability of the impulse excitation. Furthermore, a comparison with the method of moments as well as the FDTD technique with Gaussian type pulse excitations is made to validate the presented technique  相似文献   

The corrugated horn has been established as an antenna with low sidelobes and backlobes, rotationally symmetric patterns (for square pyramidal and conical horn shapes), and broad-band performance [1]-[9]. These properties make this horn useful for many applications. Previous studies have used conventional aperture integration techniques to evaluate the patterns of the corrugated horn. In general, the near axisE-plane radiation pattern of a pyramidal corrugated horn may be adequately predicted from standard analysis established for theH-plane patterns of conventional horn geometries [3]. This method, however, fails to predict the far-out sidelobe and backlobe radiation levels. The work presented here uses a knowledge of the aperture fields to predict the pattern using aperture integration and diffraction theory. The assumptions made concerning the aperture fields were verified by probing the internal fields and aperture fields of anXband corrugated horn. The results of this field probing are contained in the Appendix. The method of solution used in this paper parallels that used in previous publications [10]-[12]. Specifically, the pattern in the main beam region is computed using conventional aperture integration procedures, the contribution of theH-plane edges is found using a slope diffraction analysis, and the contribution of theE-plane edges is found by use of duality.  相似文献   

A new horn antenna profile is presented. This new profile based on Gaussian techniques offers the best solution when the requirements related to the radiation pattern are very stringent. Short-horn antennas with high-conversion efficiency to a fundamental Gaussian beam, and therefore, very low sidelobe and cross-pol levels in a wide-frequency band, could be obtained by using the design technique presented here. Once the theoretical principles of the Gaussian profiled horn antennas (GPHA) are presented, some other possibilities involving Gaussian profiles are studied and compared with their conventional counterparts. Finally, as an example of the design technique proposed, a particular design of a GPHA for HISPASAT 1C and now also valid for the new HISPASAT 1D satellite is presented, showing the excellent agreement between the theoretical and experimental results.  相似文献   

利用基于MPI的并行FDTD全波数值分析方法对机载天线辐射问题进行准确快速地分析.通过消息传递MPI平台和区域分割技术进行并行计算,实现了计算资源的扩展,可以对飞机和天线进行精确建模分析.根据网络法提出了FDTD应用于天线间隔离度的分析计算方法,避免了天线隔离度扫频计算的复杂性.数值结果表明该方法的正确性和有效性.以伊尔76飞机为例分析了机载超短波天线的方向图和隔离度.所用方法和分析结果可以作为飞机电磁兼容性设计的手段和依据.  相似文献   

利用FDTD(2,4)高阶时域有限差分(Finite-Difference Time-Domain,FDTD)算法并结合滑动窗口的思想,对电磁波传播特性进行了仿真计算. 采用的高阶FDTD算法在空间上达到四阶精度,与二阶精度的传统FDTD算法相比,在相同每波长采样数的条件下,数值色散误差能得到进一步的减少. 在源脉冲传播较长距离时,数值色散的减少使得时域下脉冲扩展现象得到改善,滑动子窗口仍然能包含着激励源脉冲的全部信息,从而可更加准确地计算长距离电波传播特性. 另外,在相同的数值色散误差容限下,每波长采样数比传统二阶FDTD方法有所减少,从而节省存储空间,加快计算速度.  相似文献   

张雪霞  金爽 《微波学报》1991,7(2):10-17
为了克服一般无辐射介质波导漏波天线(简称 NRD 漏波天线)在 xoz 平面上有两个对称大瓣的缺点,也为了提高天线的增益,作者曾提出在天线口面上加喇叭的方法,称为喇叭 NRD 漏波天线。本文从理论上解出了当喇叭张角较小时(不大于50度)喇叭 NRD 漏波天线的复传播常数,从而可以设计天线。文中给出了根据理论结果计算的相位常,数β及衰减常数α随喇叭张角θ_0及介质条位置 d 的关系曲线。理论计算数据及实验结果符合良好。本文并提出了镜象型喇叭 NRD 漏波天线的方案,使天线的面积及体积大大减小,也解决了介质条的安装及固定的问题,将这种天线向实用化推进了一大步。同样也求出了镜象型喇叭 NRD 漏波天线的复传播常数,并得到了实验验证。  相似文献   

Formlas were obtained for estimating the impact of angle-of-arrival fluctuations of electromagnetic wave on the direction of maximum radiation of aperture antennas. A model of slow and fast angle-of-arrival fluctuations was proposed that makes it possible separate the impact of large and small scales of atmospheric turbulences.  相似文献   

The cross polarization from dual mode horn antennas supporting the TE11and TM11-modes has been analyzed both theoretically and experimentally. The cross polarization has been shown to be strongly dependent on the length and flare angle of the horn. When the flare angle for a given horn length becomes larger than a certain threshold angle, the cross-polar sidelobes increase rapidly. Simple formulas for this threshold angle are presented. This cross-polar degradation will not occur if a plane phase front is provided over the horn aperture, either by profiling the horn or by applying a lens in the aperture.  相似文献   

FD-TD analysis of Vivaldi flared horn antennas and arrays   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper summarizes a detailed computational study of Vivaldi flared horn antenna designs including single element, double element crossed-pair subarray elements, and linear arrays using the finite-difference time-domain (FD-TD) method. FD-TD, which numerically solves Maxwell's time dependent curl equations, accounts for the complex geometrical and electrical characteristics associated with this antenna design and array implementation. Validations have been made relative to a moment method (MM) model of an electrically large linearly tapered slot antenna. Also, good correlation is shown to exist in the primary features of the antenna patterns between computed and measured data for all cases. This work has achieved a number firsts for the FD-TD methodology. It represents the first “exact” computational model of a single quad Vivaldi slot antenna; the first “exact” computational model of a phased array of Vivaldi quad elements; and the first FD-TD model to demonstrate grating lobes for a phased array antenna of any sort. Lastly, this research represents an extensive study of the largest grid-based antenna models conducted to date  相似文献   

An approximate analysis of the aperture field of an E-plane sectoral solid dielectric horn antenna is described using the TE to x mode. The analysis is based on the solution of Maxwell's equations after making some simplifying assumptions. The electric and magnetic fields inside the horn core are matched to those outside at appropriate boundaries to yield transcendental equations which are then solved on a computer for the ropagation constants and field configurations. The theoretical results so obtained are in agreement with experimental results. Characteristic equations for the TM to x mode are also calculated and the results are compared with those of Marcatili, Goell, Eyges and Morita  相似文献   

Cylindrical and rectangular dielectric resonator antennas (DRAs) using HEM11δ, TE11δ, and TE01δ mode were examined to see the radiation pattern, impedance, field distribution and resonant frequency that were achieved when the DRAs were bisected through an image plane by a conducting sheet. The resultant half DRAs are smaller in volume and have a more directional radiation pattern. The elevation angle of maximum radiation was lowered in some cases. Finite-difference time-domain simulation techniques were used  相似文献   

Miyata  K. Suzuki  M. 《Electronics letters》1983,19(9):329-330
Results of experiments conducted for the purpose of investigating the effects of the choke position on the beam circularity and the crosspolarisation properties in double-choked small horn antennas are presented. It is shown that the value of the maximum crosspolarisation can be suppressed below ?37 dB by properly displacing the choke position from the circular waveguide aperture.  相似文献   

Folded slot antennas are attractive for active arrays due to relatively large bandwidth, fabrication simplicity, and ease of integration with devices. Currently, there is little design information for these antennas, especially on thin substrates. The finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is applied to the analysis of CPW-fed folded-slot antennas. The paper describes the problems encountered in the analysis, compares the theoretical results and measured data, and provides some design information for folded slots. In addition, it explores the manipulation of input impedance through the use of additional slots, yielding antennas with a broadband 50 Ω input impedance  相似文献   

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