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This study investigated the physiological responses and limitations to a simulated search and rescue scenario in a high-rise building under ambient conditions. Sixteen firefighters performed the scenario under four conditions: standard duration breathing apparatus (SDBA) and 45 mm hose; extended duration breathing apparatus (EDBA) and 45 mm hose; SDBA and 70 mm hose; EDBA and 70 mm hose. Core temperature, skin temperature and heart rate were monitored. In four of 32 trials the casualty was rescued; the remainder of the trials were terminated for safety, high core temperature or shortage of air. Final core temperature and heart rate were higher in the EDBA (39.1°C; 72% heart rate reserve (HRR)) than SDBA conditions (38.6°C; 67%HRR). No differences were observed between hose sizes. The scenario proved too onerous to complete successfully in the majority of cases. Replacing SDBA with EDBA eliminates air supply as a limiting factor, but brings with it challenges of managing thermal strain.  相似文献   

A classified United States Army line scanner (Texas Instruments Model AAS-24) mounted in a Mohawk aircraft was tested for its air-sea search and rescue potential. Within the environmental parameters indicated the instrument proved effective in identifying both small boats and individual swimmers. Positive identification was made during daylight and night sorties when the location of swimmers was known and in daylight trials when their location was unknown.  相似文献   

Human-robot teaming for search and rescue   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work establishes an architecture for Urban Search and Rescue and a methodology for mixing real-world and simulation-based testing. A sensor suite and sensor fusion algorithm for robust victim detection permits aggregation of sensor readings from various sensors on multiple robots. We have embarked on a research program focusing on the enabling technologies of effective USAR robotic rescue devices. The program is also researching system-level design, evaluation, and refinement of USAR rescue architectures that include teams of sensor-laden robots and human rescuers. In this paper, we present highlights from our research, which include our multiagent system (MAS) infrastructure, our simulation environment, and our approach to sensor fusion and interface design for effective robotic control.  相似文献   

针对风暴潮辅助决策系统中对受灾区域进行灾后搜救的问题,提出了将搜救队伍扩展为两支的特殊情况下如何进行搜救路线的确定。根据总体上搜救效率达到最优的要求,在Prim算法基础上提出了并行搜救调度算法,实现了高效的搜救路线图的确定,从而使搜救行动可以高效地进行,保证了良好的辅助决策效果。  相似文献   

We consider the problem of active victim segmentation during a search‐and‐rescue (SAR) exploration mission. The robot is equipped with a multimodal sensor suite consisting of a camera, lidar, and pan‐tilt thermal sensor. The robot enters an unknown scene, builds a 3D model incrementally, and the proposed method simultaneously (a) segments the victims from incomplete multimodal measurements and (b) controls the motion of the thermal camera. Both of these tasks are difficult due to the lack of natural training data and the limited number of real‐world trials. In particular, we overcome the absence of training data for the segmentation task by employing a manually designed generative model, which provides a semisynthetic training data set. The limited number of real‐world trials is tackled by self‐supervised initialization and optimization‐based guiding of the motion control learning. In addition to that, we provide a quantitative evaluation of the proposed method on several real testing scenarios using the real SAR robot. Finally, we also provide a data set which will allow for further development of algorithms on the real data.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that ergonomic factors may contribute to risks experienced by overhead crane operators. However, there are few studies that provide a comprehensive overview of the physical demands of overhead crane operation. This study aimed to provide this information by quantifying muscular, postural, and upper limb movement demands of overhead crane operation including examination of muscle activation and trunk posture by task. Trunk posture, upper limb movement demands and muscle activation in the trunk and upper limbs were quantified for seven overhead crane operators. Trunk posture was quantified using trunk angle and joystick motion requirements were determined using camera data. Muscle activation was measured bilaterally using surface EMG for the upper trapezii, anterior deltoids, posterior deltoids, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, flexor carpi radialis and erector spinae. Lastly, joystick force requirements were assessed using a spring scale. High upper limb and trunk muscle loading were observed when compared to joystick use in other heavy machinery, in part due to the forward, trunk-flexed position required to adequately view the workspace, and the increased force requirements of the joysticks. Joystick input force requirements were 9–31 N for the right-hand joystick and 11–40 N for the left-hand joystick. Operators maintained a forward trunk flexion (>20°) for all subtasks which suggests that trunk posture might play a role in sustained trunk muscle activation. Results suggest that the primary issue with overhead crane cab operation is upper limb and trunk muscle loading. Results confirm the need to investigate muscle load reduction strategies such as camera systems to help reduce the need for trunk flexion. Other design modification suggestions include reducing the joystick input force and displacement requirements coupled with potentially distributing the machine functions more evenly across the right and left controllers.  相似文献   

Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) have great potentials to be applied for indoor search and rescue missions. In this paper, we propose a modular lightweight design of an autonomous MAV with integrated hardware and software. The MAV is equipped with the 2D laser scanner, camera, mission computer and flight controller, running all the computation onboard in real time. The onboard perception system includes a laser‐based SLAM module and a custom‐designed visual detection module. A dual Kalman filter design provides robust state estimation by multiple sensor fusion. Specifically, the fusion module provides robust altitude measurement in the circumstance of surface changing. In addition, indoor‐outdoor transition is explicitly handled by the fusion module. In order to efficiently navigate through obstacles and adapt to multiple tasks, a task tree‐based mission planning method is seamlessly integrated with path planning and control modules. The MAV is capable of searching and rescuing victims from unknown indoor environments effectively. It was validated by our award‐winning performance at the 2017 International Micro Air Vehicle Competition (IMAV 2017), held in Toulouse, France. The performance video is available on https://youtu.be/8H19ppS_VXM .  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a semi-autonomous serially connected multi-crawler robot for search and rescue. In large-scale disasters, such as earthquakes and tornadoes, the application of rescue robots to search for survivors under rubble would be beneficial. Snake-like robots (robots composed of serially connected units) are an effective candidate for such robots. Their long body enables them to overcome obstacles, and they can move into narrow spaces because of their thin shape. However, conventional snake-like robots have significant problems with operability. The numerous degrees of freedom of their bodies require complex operation to overcome obstacles, and training is required for the operators. Thus, survivors or community members cannot operate conventional robots to search for victims, despite the availability of such rescue robots. Here, we address this problem and develop a semi-autonomous serially connected multi-crawler robot designed for non-trained operators, such as community members or rescued survivors. It can be controlled easily by a conventional two-channel user interface with levers for turning and straight line motion. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed mechanism, a prototype robot was developed and experiments were conducted. The results confirm that the proposed robot had both higher operability and higher mobility than conventional robots.  相似文献   

This paper describes a case study of a neighborhood pub in British Columbia, Canada. This case study is an examination of three common pub occupations-bartending, waitressing and cooking (n = 17). The aims of this study are to determine the biomechanical loads of job tasks identified as physically demanding for the three occupations analyzed, to assess the potential risk of musculoskeletal injury in these job tasks, and to recommend injury prevention measures. Risk of musculoskeletal injury was assessed with four validated methods (RULA, NIOSH lifting equation, Shoaf pulling model, 3D Static Strength prediction program). Tasks commonly and frequently performed were observed to pose some risk to the working populations and require investigation and changes soon as indicated by the upper extremity and low-back assessment procedures used. Mean combined compression at the lumbrosacral disc in common tasks have been demonstrated to exceed the action limit described by NIOSH. Ligament strain was observed to reach as high as 18% at the lumbosacral joint.  相似文献   

Disaster response presents major challenges for robotics and computer vision alike. The Cyber‐Enhanced Canine Suit is a suit equipped with a camera, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), and various other sensors, to be worn by search and rescue (SAR) dogs for the purpose of enhancing SAR dog operations. This paper presents an image recognition system for use in disaster scenarios and its integration with the Cyber‐Enhanced Canine Suit platform. The system’s intended use is to spot personal items of missing individuals or other visual clues in video streams from various disaster response platforms. The system facilitates quick learning of targets from limited data and makes providing that data quick and easy. It also provides backtrack recognition functionality, to rapidly find novel targets in the seen footage. We evaluated the recognition system on footage gathered in the field, obtaining promising results. Integrated with the Cyber‐Enhanced Canine Suit, the system can automatically plot detections of search targets onto a map display, to provide operators with a quick overview of what was seen where.  相似文献   

面对大的地质灾害造成的巨大人员伤亡和财产损失,传统的搜救方法总是要消耗很大的人力、物力、财力,且效率低下,不能最大限度降低生命财产损失.介绍了一种全新的搜寻方法,即利用物联网进行搜寻,可以大大提高搜寻效率、降低搜寻成本.阐述了它的搜寻原理及其应用,并展望了它的其他应用,体现了物联网作为一种新兴的技术所展现出来的巨大魅力...  相似文献   

The paper explores the reason why International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG) introduced the classification system for international search and rescue (SAR) teams, INSARAG External Classification (IEC), by reviewing the INSARAG’s lessons‐learned process. The past lessons show that there was a need to register qualified SAR teams that meet the operational standards agreed by the international SAR network and to ensure that these qualified teams are ready to respond. The paper also provides some recommendations to improve the system, such as more awareness and support for receiving countries is necessary so that the IEC as a system fully works.  相似文献   

The tragedy of September 11th 2001 at the World Trade Center is likely to propel search-and-rescue robotics into its next stage, just as the Kobe earthquake and the Oklahoma City bombing were the catalysts for this research domain. Tragedy hasn't been the only motivator for urban search-and-rescue advancements in the USA and Japan; international competition has motivated both countries, first with RoboCup Soccer and more recently with RoboCup Rescue. We may see inexpensive urban search-and-rescue robots mass-produced within five years if advances in hardware and software keep up.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Natural and man-made disasters that may take place due to a catastrophic incident (e.g., earthquake, explosion, terrorist attack) often result in trapped humans...  相似文献   

Disasters are exceptional events that are either man made, such as terrorist attacks, or natural, such as earthquakes, wildfires and floods. Disasters create emergency situations and cause physical and social disorder. In these emergency situations, food, water, shelter, protection and medical help are needed, and the effort needed to provide these basic services to the victims must be coordinated quickly via a reliable communication network. A disaster recovery network is used to provide emergency support to both the disaster victims and the crewmembers that are helping the victims, and to provide a communication infrastructure in the disaster affected area. The disaster relief operation also involves searching for and locating the survivors, and then rescuing them. Currently this process involves manual search in the disaster area, which is also time consuming. A novel network architecture called the Portable Disaster Recovery Network is presented in this paper that enables survivors in a disaster area or a non-disaster related search-and-rescue situation to report their locations to a Command Center. This enables first responders to quickly rescue the survivors from these areas. This paper analyzes the performance of random walk models of the movement of survivors in the Portable Disaster Recovery Network.  相似文献   

基于手机信号定位的地震灾害搜救系统研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于对手机信号定位技术的研究,设计了一种地震灾害中浅掩埋人员的搜救定位系统。采用TDOA/AOA混合定位算法进行两次定位,主动诱发并探测被掩埋人员随身携带手机发射的信号对该人员进行定位。阐述了系统应用到的关键技术,并对TDOA/AOA混合定位算法在实际搜救环境下进行了仿真,验证了采用该算法的可行性。该系统为灾害救援中的人员定位难题提供了一种新的解决方案,使得对大面积灾害现场被掩埋人员准确而快速的定位成为可能。  相似文献   

Recently, disasters such as earthquakes and so on occur at various places, and rescue operation using robots has attracted much attention. In this paper, we propose a new rescue robot with duplex mechanism that is realized by connecting two manipulators in parallel. We have demonstrated the validity and effectiveness of the proposed system by developing a prototype system. This work was presented in part at the 13th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics, Oita, Japan, January 31–February 2, 2008  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(8):879-899
In this paper, we discuss the design of a novel robotic platform for urban search and rescue. The system developed possesses unique mobility capabilities based on a new adjustable compliance mechanism and overall locomotive morphology. The main facets of this work involve the morphological concepts, initial design and construction of a prototype vehicle, and a physical simulation to be used for developing controllers for semi-autonomous (supervisory) operation.  相似文献   

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