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由国资委主导的一场再晋逋不过的资产重组计划最终却演变成为中国电子收编长城集团、熊猫电子集团、华东电子集团等公司的一幕大戏。与长城计算机、熊猫电子、中国普天等公司相比,中国电子在业绩、规模、血统方面似乎均无任何优势,但却在产业重组、资本平台等方面抢得了先机,因而被决策者择定为此次电子制造行业大重组的实施者。从行业调整的全局来看,中国电子制造行业的大重组并非始于今日,也绝不会就此结束。能否进入本行业前三名成为一条生死线,在此面前,中国普天、中国电子科技集团、大唐电信等大型中央企业的命运依然悬而未决。而通过这一事件,国资委初步让人们见识到了其产业重组的决心,使传说已久的运营商之间的大重组又平添了几分可信性。  相似文献   

由于大数据的发展,电子数据取证对象的变化给电子数据取证带来了极大的挑战。针对此问题,本文提出基于大数据架构的电子数据取证技术研究。通过对目前电子数据取证面临海量数据、数据多样性、取证准确度、数据存储安全性等多个方面的问题进行研究分析,运用Hadoop、可视化、层次化等基于大数据架构的方法进行电子数据取证分析,并与传统电子取证技术进行对比分析,发现基于大数据架构的电子数据取证技术具有较高的准确度,取证效率高,安全性有较大提升。  相似文献   

针对在线零售商在不完全需求信息下的单产品定价问题,提出了一种基于多摇臂赌博机的产品定价算法。为了提升多摇臂赌博机算法在定价问题中的效果,该算法利用了需求曲线的单调性,并加入了消费者偏好识别。对消费者的保留价格进行分析得到消费者购买概率,将在线零售商的定价问题建模为多摇臂赌博机模型,给出了相应的定价算法并进行了理论分析,最后通过仿真实验比较了相关算法的定价效果。仿真结果表明该算法提高了在线零售商的收益。  相似文献   

基于蓝牙4.0的低功耗电子货架标签设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对目前电子货架标签存在功耗大、实用性差等缺点,提出了一种基于蓝牙4.0的低功耗电子货架标签设计方案。电子货架标签设计中采用集微控制器和射频于一体的CC2540为主控芯片,以电子纸为显示器并通过软硬件低功耗设计和工作模式的控制降低系统功耗,实现数据收发、电子纸显示和电量检测等功能。测试结果表明,该电子货架标签无线传输安全可靠,具有低功耗、低成本、易于使用等优点,具有良好的市场应用前景。  相似文献   

图赌博机是一种重要的不确定性环境下的序列决策模型, 在社交网络、电子商务和推荐系统等领域都得到了广泛的应用. 目前, 针对图赌博机的工作都只关注如何快速识别最优摇臂从而最小化累积遗憾, 而忽略了在很多应用场景中存在的隐私保护问题. 为了克服现有图赌博机算法的缺陷, 提出了一种满足差分隐私的图赌博机算法GAP (图反馈下的差分隐私摇臂消除策略). 一方面, GAP算法阶段性地根据摇臂的经验平均奖赏更新摇臂选取策略, 并在计算摇臂的经验平均奖赏时引入拉普拉斯噪声, 从而确保恶意攻击者难以根据算法输出推算摇臂奖赏数据, 保护了隐私. 另一方面, GAP算法在每个阶段根据精心构造的反馈图的独立集探索摇臂集合, 有效地利用了图形式的反馈信息. 证明了GAP算法满足差分隐私性质, 具有与理论下界相匹配的遗憾界. 在仿真数据集上的实验结果表明: GAP算法在有效保护隐私的同时取得了与现有无隐私保护的图赌博机算法相当的累积遗憾.  相似文献   

当前计算机技术的普遍使用和医疗技术的飞速发展,对电子档案的管理在医院档案工作中所占的比重越来越大,电子档案也发挥着日益重要的作用。该文结合电子档案的特点,从电子档案的收集、整理、归档和利用方面作了一些探讨,对搞好医院电子档案管理工作有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

目前市售的“电子消毒柜”大多名不符实!因为它们的主要元件是石英加热管,仍是以电加热高温灭菌为主要手段。因此这类消毒柜应称为“电热消毒柜”。按国际惯例对电子消毒的定义,应是利用电子技术产生具有消毒作用的物质进行灭菌的方法。例如用电解食盐水产生次氯酸钠;利用电离产生臭氧进行灭菌消毒等等。所以只有用这种手段为核心的消毒柜才能真正称为电子消毒柜。此外高效节能也是电子消毒柜的特点:一般电热消毒柜耗电600~1500W,而电子消毒柜仅耗电10~20W,比前者要节电60倍以上! 本文介绍一种电子消毒柜的心脏——高效定时大浓度臭氧发生器电路、器件及整机。利用它,可以很方便地将自己家中的普通餐具柜改制成名符其实的电子消毒柜。  相似文献   

刘婧 《办公自动化》2022,(22):50-52
随着社会经济的快速发展和科技的不断进步,全球进入大数据时代,人们的工作、生活以及思维方式也有巨大的变化,给档案管理部门的电子档案管理提出了新的要求。基于此,本文首先阐述大数据时代电子档案管理的变化,然后从四方面提出大数据时代电子档案管理的创新策略,希望能抛砖引玉,与广大档案管理者互相交流和共同进步。  相似文献   

如果说传统纸质阅读还是“刀耕火种”的时代,那么计算机与互联网出现之后,颠覆传统的便是无纸化的电子阅读时代。在普通的电子屏幕上,高能耗、不环保、对人体危害大成为消费者指责批评现有电子产品的焦点。电子纸的出现,给电子阅读划了一座分水岭:如果是普通电子屏幕的阅读称为数字时代的Book1.0,那电子纸屏幕的阅读便是Book2.0。  相似文献   

中国的电子、行业虽然起步较晚,但是之后发展迅猛,开拓了有巨大经济收益的电子产品市场。本文探讨了中国的汽车电子,消费电子,医疗电子以及电力电子行业各自的发展道路,全面的剖析了中国电子产品市场的发展历程与未来规划。  相似文献   

Social casino games are free-play online games that feature gambling themes, but do not payout winnings in monetary form. These games are distinct from Internet gambling; however, the cross-over between these consumer markets is not well understood. This study compared the use of social casino games among a population of 2010 Australian adult Internet and land-based gamblers who completed a nationally representative telephone survey. The most popular social casino games were poker, gaming machines and casino table games and this popularity differed by gender. Social casino game players were more likely to be younger than non-social casino game players and had more similarities with Internet than land-based gamblers. Internet gamblers were more likely to also play social casino games than land-based gamblers, and use of these games was related to high engagement with gambling. Social casino gamers were more likely to smoke and use illicit drugs, and to have higher levels of psychological distress and gambling problems compared to non-social casino game players. This study is highly significant as it is one of the first comprehensive studies to examine the relationship between social casino game play and gambling in a representative adult population. Consumer protection measures should be strengthened where social casino games are offered in close proximity to gambling and when social casino players are encouraged to migrate to gambling opportunities.  相似文献   

With the advance of digitization and digital processing techniques, digital images are now easy to create and manipulate, and leave no clues of artificial evidence. There are some known digital fakery for images, e.g., computer graphics (CGs) and digital forgeries. As valid records of natural world, natural images, i.e., photographic images, are no longer believable. In this paper, a detection scheme for natural images and fake images is proposed. Features are first extracted using multiresolution decomposition and higher order local autocorrelations (HLACs). The support vector machines (SVMs) are then used to differentiate the natural and fake images. Because the inner product between features can be obtained directly without computing features, it can be integrated into SVM, and the computation complexity is decreased. Experiments show that the proposed detection scheme is effective, demonstrating that the proposed statistical features can model the differences between natural images and fake images.  相似文献   

The increasing convergence of the gambling and gaming industries has raised questions about the extent to which social casino game play may influence gambling. This study aimed to examine the relationship between social casino gaming and gambling through an online survey of 521 adults who played social casino games in the previous 12 months. Most social casino game users (71.2%) reported that these games had no impact on how much they gambled. However, 9.6% reported that their gambling overall had increased and 19.4% reported that they had gambled for money as a direct result of these games. Gambling as a direct result of social casino games was more common among males, younger users, those with higher levels of problem gambling severity and more involved social casino game users in terms of game play frequency and in-game payments. The most commonly reported reason for gambling as a result of playing social casino games was to win real money. As social casino games increased gambling for some users, this suggests that simulated gambling may influence actual gambling expenditure particularly amongst those already vulnerable to or affected by gambling problems.  相似文献   

Design of an autonomous agricultural robot   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper presents a state-of-the-art review in the development of autonomous agricultural robots including guidance systems, greenhouse autonomous systems and fruit-harvesting robots. A general concept for a field crops robotic machine to selectively harvest easily bruised fruit and vegetables is designed. Future trends that must be pursued in order to make robots a viable option for agricultural operations are focused upon.A prototype machine which includes part of this design has been implemented for melon harvesting. The machine consists of a Cartesian manipulator mounted on a mobile chassis pulled by a tractor. Two vision sensors are used to locate the fruit and guide the robotic arm toward it. A gripper grasps the melon and detaches it from the vine. The real-time control hardware architecture consists of a blackboard system, with autonomous modules for sensing, planning and control connected through a PC bus. Approximately 85% of the fruit are successfully located and harvested.  相似文献   

Digital twin (DT) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are powerful enablers for Industry 4.0 toward sustainable resilient manufacturing. Digital twins of machine tools and machining processes combine advanced digital techniques and production domain knowledge, facilitate the enhancement of agility, traceability, and resilience of production systems, and help machine tool builders achieve a paradigm shift from one-time products provision to on-going service delivery. However, the adaptability and accuracy of digital twins at the shopfloor level are restricted by heterogeneous data sources, modeling precision as well as uncertainties from dynamical industrial environments. This article proposes a novel modeling framework to address these inadequacies by in-depth integrating AI techniques and machine tool expertise using aggregated data along the product development process. A data processing procedure is constructed to contextualize metadata sources from the design, planning, manufacturing, and quality stages and link them into a digital thread. On this consistent data basis, a modeling pipeline is presented to incorporate production and machine tool prior knowledge into AI development pipeline, while considering the multi-fidelity nature of data sources in dynamic industrial circumstances. In terms of implementation, we first introduce our existing work for building digital twins of machine tool and manufacturing process. Within this infrastructure, we developed a hybrid learning-based digital twin for manufacturing process following proposed modeling framework and tested it in an external industrial project exemplarily for real-time workpiece quality monitoring. The result indicates that the proposed hybrid learning-based digital twin enables learning uncertainties of the interaction of machine tools and machining processes in real industrial environments, thus allows estimating and enhancing the modeling reliability, depending on the data quality and accessibility. Prospectively, it also contributes to the reparametrization of model parameters and to the adaptive process control.  相似文献   

王元龙  刘晓敏  张虎 《计算机应用》2022,42(7):1979-1984
要真正理解一段语篇,在阅读理解过程对原文主旨线索的把握是非常重要的。针对机器阅读理解中主旨线索类型的问题,提出了基于事件表示的机器阅读理解分析方法。首先,通过线索短语从阅读材料中抽取篇章事件图,其中包括事件的表示、事件要素的抽取和事件关系的抽取等;然后,综合考虑事件的时间要素、情感要素以及每个词在文档中的重要性,采用TextRank算法选出线索相关的事件;最后,依据所选出的线索事件构建问题的答案。在收集了339道线索类题组成的测试集上,实验结果表明所提方法在BLEU和CIDEr评价指标上与基于TextRank算法的句子排序方法相比均有所提升,具体来说,BLEU-4指标提升了4.1个百分点,CIDEr指标提升了9个百分点。  相似文献   

Thin-walled parts are widely used in the aerospace, shipbuilding, and automotive industry, but due to its unique structure and high accuracy requirements, which leads to an increase in scrapped parts, high cost in production, and a more extended period in the trial machining process. However, to adapt to fast production cycles and increase the efficiency of thin-walled parts machining, this paper presents a Digital Twin-driven thin-walled part manufacturing framework to allow the machine operator to manage the product changes, make the start-up phases faster and more accurate. The framework has three parts: preparation, machining, and measurement, driven by Digital Twin technologies in detail. By establishing and updating the workpiece Digital Twin under a different status, various manufacturing information and data can be integrated and available to machine operators and other Digital Twins. It can serve as a guideline for establishing the machine tool and workpiece Digital Twin and integrating them into the machining process. It provides the machine operator opportunities to interact with both the physical manufacturing process and its digital data in real-time. The digital representation of the physical process can support them to manage the trial machining from different aspects. In addition, a demonstrative case study is presented to explain the implementation of this framework in a real manufacturing environment.  相似文献   

一种滚动轴承故障诊断方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对基于支持向量机的滚动轴承故障诊断方法中支持向量机的参数优化问题,提出一种改进的果蝇优化算法,即以模式分类准确率作为果蝇味道浓度函数,并采用该算法来优化支持向量机模型的惩罚因子和核函数参数;基于改进果蝇优化算法和支持向量机对滚动轴承的故障模式进行分类诊断,结果表明改进的果蝇优化算法具有较高的收敛速度和寻优效率,基于该算法和支持向量机的滚动轴承故障诊断方法具有较高的分类准确率。  相似文献   

In the context of an industrial project, we evaluated the implementation of the software of a casino slot machine. This software has a significant amount of crosscutting concerns that depend on and interact with each other as well as with the modular concerns. We therefore wished to express our design using an appropriate aspect-oriented modeling approach. We therefore evaluated three candidate methodologies: Theme/UML, WEAVR, and RAM to establish their suitability. Remarkably, only the last of the three has shown to allow an adequate expression of the interactions, albeit not fully explicit. The first two fall short because half of the interaction types cannot be expressed at all while the other half need to be expressed using a work-around that hides the intention of the design. Neither does RAM allow a fully explicit expression of interactions, but it would be the most adequate approach for the slot machine case.  相似文献   

Digital transformation (DT) is prevalent in businesses today. However, current studies to guide DT are mostly qualitative, resulting in a strong call for quantitative evidence of exactly what DT is and the capabilities needed to enable it successfully. With the aim of filling the gaps, this paper presents a novel bibliometric framework that unearths clues from scientific articles and patents. The framework incorporates the scientific evolutionary pathways and hierarchical topic tree to quantitatively identify the DT research topics’ evolutionary patterns and hierarchies at play in DT research. Our results include a comprehensive definition of DT from the perspective of bibliometrics and a systematic categorization of the capabilities required to enable DT, distilled from over 10,179 academic papers on DT. To further yield practical insights on technological capabilities, the paper also includes a case study of 9,454 patents focusing on one of the emerging technologies - artificial intelligence (AI). We summarized the outcomes with a four-level AI capabilities model. The paper ends with a discussion on its contributions: presenting a quantitative account of the DT research, introducing a process-based understanding of DT, offering a list of major capabilities enabling DT, and drawing the attention of managers to be aware of capabilities needed when undertaking their DT journey.  相似文献   

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