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在处理水污染的过程中,泵站的作用十分重要。由于能源消耗总量在不断减少,所以必须在探索新能源的基础上,对节能降耗的问题给予高度重视。而国内泵站工程的效率始终不高,严重影响了泵站的工作效益。鉴于此,以泵站污水处理为研究重点,阐述了相应的节能方法,以供参考。  相似文献   

平原河网密集区域大量外水入渗导致污水处理厂进水浓度低、收水量超负荷问题时常发生,排水系统入渗问题严重且亟待解决。以某污水服务片区为例,前期通过水质平衡定性水质异常原因,以主管表征点水质作为溯源依据,对关键节点水质/水量分析,准确定位重点问题片区,排查共发现影响水质浓度问题120处,对较严重问题点修复后,管网液位整体下降,污水处理厂进水COD浓度稳定提升至250mg/L水平,对比污水处理厂处理量“挤外水”率达到40.6%。  相似文献   

鄢琳  荣宏伟  谭锦欣  林健新 《给水排水》2021,47(11):132-137
针对珠三角某城市片区污水管网高水位、低浓度运行的现状,通过管网排查、排水监测、GIS管控平台"三位一体"的综合手段,分析诊断污水直排口419处,雨污混接点287处,支管与主管未拉通3处,河水入侵9处,地下水入侵43处.提出"清、拉、分/截、调、疏、修"技术措施,污水主管运行水位降低4 m,污水收集率提升29.5%,进厂COD平均浓度提高10 mg/L,实现污水管网提质增效,可为其他城市污水管网提质增效提供参考.  相似文献   

本文以福州市洋里污水处理厂为例,通过对污水处理厂服务片区内的雨污水管网系统、水系截留系统、泵站系统、污水处理厂现状及各项监测数据进行分析,明确了导致该污水处理厂进水浓度偏低的主要原因,并针对性地提出了源头改造及背街小巷截留、排水系统标高拟合及管道修复、水系截污系统倒灌排查及清水溯源、编制监测方案、搭建城镇排水系统数学模型、建立片区排水信息平台6项整治措施,整治后有效地降低了片区排水系统的整体水位,提高了末端污水处理厂的进厂浓度,为相关城市的排水系统改造提供了宝贵经验。  相似文献   

从保障设备本质安全、容量匹配与提升、水资源高效利用、多能互补需求等方面出发,对老旧水电站机组提质增效技术改造可行性进行阐述,表明老旧电站在增容增效提质改造方面具有巨大的实践潜力及综合整治效益。结合现代水轮机设计方法、发电机节能降耗设计、结构部件刚强度计算等关键技术手段,机组性能得到恢复或提升,同时可逐步推进电站数字化、智慧化、集约化建设,满足老旧电站的可持续发展要求。  相似文献   

污水提质增效是海绵城市建设的重要组成部分。以高密度城区为研究对象,分析污水系统效能现状和存在问题,借鉴国际及国内城市污水提质增效成功经验,结合海绵城市建设要求,提出高密度城区污水系统完善、排水管网排查、雨污分流改造和合流制暗涵整治等方面策略,以期对高密度城区污水提质增效有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

结合水务企业自身资产、经营情况、现金流和负债率的实际,通过建立健全管理制度、规范经营活动、人力资源管理等手段,促进了水务供水事业持续、健康、快速发展,实现了企业经营发展质量、企业经济效益全面提升。  相似文献   

介绍了寿阳县基本情况,分析了全县农村饮水安全现状,指出农村饮水安全工程建设及管理方面存在的主要问题,阐述了农村饮水安全提质增效规划发展思路、目标任务及保障措施,以提高全县农村饮水安全水平。  相似文献   

城镇污水处理提质增效是实现城市水系统良性循环的重要步骤。焦作市城区位于引水工程干渠沿线的山前坡地岗丘区和平原区,该市选择普济河流域为提质增效的试点区域,根据对现状管网的分析结果和相关的管网建设资料,再结合QV(管道潜望镜)检测,确定提质增效关键点,对关键点提出针对性的提质增效方案,解决现状管网中存在的问题,提高管网的运行效率。  相似文献   

近年来,黔南州积极落实推进城镇污水处理提质增效三年行动方案,取得了显著成效。但距离生态环境保护工作要求尚有一定的差距,依然存在城镇污水收集处理能力不足、污水处理厂进水浓度低、厂网运行管理不到位和污泥处置不规范等一系列问题,制约着行业的高质量发展和新型城镇化建设。鉴于此,在系统分析当前黔南州城镇生活污水处理面临的主要问题的基础上,结合区域实际,有针对性地提出了深入推进全州污水处理提质增效的主要路径和有关建议,对于提高全州城镇污水处理质量与效益具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Application of activated sludge models (ASMs) to full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) is still hampered by the problem of model calibration of these over-parameterised models. This either requires expert knowledge or global methods that explore a large parameter space. However, a better balance in structure between the submodels (ASM, hydraulic, aeration, etc.) and improved quality of influent data result in much smaller calibration efforts. In this contribution, a methodology is proposed that links data frequency and model structure to calibration quality and output uncertainty. It is composed of defining the model structure, the input data, an automated calibration, confidence interval computation and uncertainty propagation to the model output. Apart from the last step, the methodology is applied to an existing WWTP using three models differing only in the aeration submodel. A sensitivity analysis was performed on all models, allowing the ranking of the most important parameters to select in the subsequent calibration step. The aeration submodel proved very important to get good NH(4) predictions. Finally, the impact of data frequency was explored. Lowering the frequency resulted in larger deviations of parameter estimates from their default values and larger confidence intervals. Autocorrelation due to high frequency calibration data has an opposite effect on the confidence intervals. The proposed methodology opens doors to facilitate and improve calibration efforts and to design measurement campaigns.  相似文献   

王辉  张建军 《人民长江》2011,42(14):87-90
大岗山水电站共设置4台平移式无塔架缆机作为大坝浇筑和坝体金属结构安装的主要运输手段,其重要性决定了必须保证和提高缆机的运行效率。从大岗山大坝典型坝段混凝土浇筑强度分析入手,详细分析了4台缆机运行的综合系数以及在不同浇筑高峰的月生产能力,并根据分析结果提出了保证和提高缆机运行效率的途径及对应的措施。  相似文献   

马兰  林林  段军波 《给水排水》2021,47(9):37-43
针对广州市增城区石滩污水处理系统污水浓度不稳定、管道高水位运行及服务范围内仍存在河涌黑臭的现状,通过从排水源头、管网、泵闸站以及污水处理厂各环节分析摸查,对现状污水系统进行剖析,建立工作整治台账,采取有针对性的工程和非工程性措施,制定"一厂一策"系统化整治方案,其中重点整治外水入侵,完善污水收集设施,改善现有排水系统质...  相似文献   

Impact of reactive settler models on simulated WWTP performance.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Including a reactive settler model in a wastewater treatment plant model allows representation of the biological reactions taking place in the sludge blanket in the settler, something that is neglected in many simulation studies. The idea of including a reactive settler model is investigated for an ASM1 case study. Simulations with a whole plant model including the non-reactive Takács settler model are used as a reference, and are compared to simulation results considering two reactive settler models. The first is a return sludge model block removing oxygen and a user-defined fraction of nitrate, combined with a non-reactive Takács settler. The second is a fully reactive ASM1 Takács settler model. Simulations with the ASM1 reactive settler model predicted a 15.3% and 7.4% improvement of the simulated N removal performance, for constant (steady-state) and dynamic influent conditions respectively. The oxygen/nitrate return sludge model block predicts a 10% improvement of N removal performance under dynamic conditions, and might be the better modelling option for ASM1 plants: it is computationally more efficient and it will not overrate the importance of decay processes in the settler.  相似文献   

河道清淤是一种重要类型的水利工程,其重要的环境效益是改善河道的水质。该类工程不仅具有水利工程非污染项目的特点,而且由于淤泥的污染性同时又具有污染项目的特性,目前还没有对此类工程适用的评价技术规范。通过海河市区段清淤工程水环境影响的评价,对此类工程的评价方法进行了探讨和研究。  相似文献   

国外污水处理厂改造工程实例分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对国外4座污水处理厂改造工程实例进行了分析研究,通过对原有工艺流程改造,部分单元采用新技术、新工艺,调整工艺参数等改造方案,在充分利用原有污水处理设施的前提下,满足了处理水量增加或水质标准提高的要求.  相似文献   

以华南地区某污水处理厂为例,依据排水分区进行水量水质效能评估,结果表明污水处理厂服务范围的主要问题为管网建设不完善与污水系统外水入侵严重,晴、雨天重点片区外水入渗率分别达21%、54%。结合管网排查资料,确定各分区主次问题,提质增效的重点为清污分离。提出污水系统评价应水量和水质并举、整体和局部并重,才能有效识别污水系统提质增效的主攻方向,制定相应策略。  相似文献   

Optimisation of nitrifying activated sludge plants towards nutrient removal (denitrification and enhanced P-removal) leads to a substantial reduction of operating costs and improves effluent and operating conditions. At WWTP Zürich-Werdh?elzli, initially designed for nitrification only, an anoxic zone of 28% of total activated sludge volume was installed and allowed 60% nitrogen elimination besides several other optimisations. In 2001 the operation of WWTP Zürich-Glatt was stopped and the wastewater was connected to WWTP Werdh?elzli. To improve nitrogen removal, WWTP Werdh?elzli co-financed two research projects; one for separate digester supernatant treatment with the anammox process operating two SBRs in series and the other applying NH4 sensors for aeration control in order to decrease energy consumption and raise effluent quality. The results of both projects and the consequences for WWTP Werdh?elzli are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Process choice and dimensioning of WWTPs is a particularly sensitive step to cost-efficiently comply with regulatory standards. This step accounts only for a small fraction of the upfront costs, but it can lead to substantial savings. This paper illustrates the results of a systematic methodology to evaluate system design/upgrade options. In contrast to conventional practice, this approach allows the choice between the most appropriate trade-off between cost of measures and effluent quality, and to assess the reliability of a process layout. It is therefore a flexible instrument to cope with the flexibility and complexity of integrated water management regulations. Results show good agreement of the simulations with extensiv benchmarking studies on actual plants. For that reason, the suggested methodology can provide valuable support also to such practices.  相似文献   

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