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为了研究圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土轴压短柱的受力机理,通过有限元软件ABAQUS建立了该类构件的力学模型,并与已有试验数据进行对比,验证了模型的合理性。分析了典型构件的受力全过程荷载-应变关系曲线、钢管与混凝土之间的相互作用力、破坏模态和荷载分配; 同时分析了空心率、锥度、钢管径厚比和混凝土强度等参数对相互作用力的影响。结果表明:典型构件荷载-应变关系曲线可分为弹性段、弹塑性段、下降段和稳定段4个阶段; 构件破坏是由外钢管向外鼓曲所导致的,破坏截面约在0.8H(H为构件高度)柱高处; 锥度和空心率的改变对构件破坏截面位置影响较大,随着锥度和空心率的增大,破坏截面位置逐渐向柱顶靠近; 影响外钢管与混凝土之间相互作用力的主要因素有空心率、锥度、外钢管径厚比、外钢管屈服强度和混凝土强度; 影响内钢管与混凝土之间相互作用力的主要因素有空心率、锥度和外钢管屈服强度; 内钢管径厚比与内钢管屈服强度对混凝土与内、外钢管之间的相互作用力影响较小,可不作为主要参数进行分析。  相似文献   

为了研究大空心率的圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土纯弯构件的受力性能,对已有的试验数据进行数值模拟,采用经验证的建模方法建立了圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土纯弯构件力学模型.分析了典型构件受力全过程的弯矩-挠度关系曲线、荷载分配、破坏模态等力学行为;并研究了锥度、空心率和剪跨比对构件变形曲线的影响,同时分析了空心率、锥度、外钢管径厚...  相似文献   

选取合理的材料本构模型和混凝土损伤指标,通过ABAQUS软件建立圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土构件数值模型,并采用现有试验数据进行模型验证。在此基础上建立典型算例,分析典型算例的抗震性能指标,同时描述构件的破坏模态。对轴压比、空心率和长细比这3个对圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土抗震性能指标影响较为显著的参数进行分析,探究3个参数对滞回曲线极限承载力、延性系数和耗能能力的影响规律。比较圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土与不同截面尺寸的等截面圆中空夹层钢管混凝土抗震性能的差别,探究圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土与何种截面尺寸的圆中空夹层钢管混凝土可以实现抗震性能上的等效。结果表明:在一定范围内,轴压比和长细比的增大使得构件的耗能性能变差,空心率的增大使得构件的耗能性能变好,但需明确各参数的限值; 截面面积减小使得构件的承载力降低、耗能性能变差; 圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土的抗震性能与距其底部1/4高度处截面大小的圆中空夹层钢管混凝土等效。  相似文献   

将圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土用于风电塔筒或输电塔架时,为满足在塔筒内设置设备等需求而将该类构件空心部分加大。为研究该类构件的偏压受力性能,进行了12个大空心率下的圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土偏心受压构件的试验研究,主要试验参数为荷载偏心率和长细比。利用ABAQUS软件建立有限元分析模型,对圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土偏心受压构件的典型破坏模态和荷载-变形关系曲线进行模拟,所得计算结果与试验结果基本吻合。通过典型算例分析了受力过程中钢管和混凝土各自所承担的荷载和纵向应力分布情况,同时分析了内、外钢管与混凝土之间相互作用力的变化情况。结果表明:偏心率和长细比对圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土偏心受压构件承载力及刚度有显著影响;该类构件力学行为与等截面圆中空夹层钢管混凝土偏心受压构件类似,锥度的存在使破坏位置从等截面柱的中部上移到锥形柱的3/4柱高处(柱顶处),因此在设计大空心率圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土偏压(压弯)构件时应考虑柱头处加强。同时,对该类构件压弯承载力计算方法给出了建议。  相似文献   

为研究圆锥形中空夹层钢管约束混凝土短柱在轴向局压下的力学性能,建立有限元计算分析模型,并得到试验验证。在此基础上分析钢管与夹层混凝土的组合作用及短柱的破坏形态,同时研究各重要参数对其荷载-位移曲线的影响。  相似文献   

为研究大空心率圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土压弯构件的滞回性能,对10个圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土压弯试件(8个往复加载和2个单调加载试件)进行试验研究。考察空心率(0.6和0.8)和轴压比(0、0.2、0.4和0.6)对试件的破坏模态、P-Δ关系曲线和滞回性能的影响,并建立数值模型对单调加载的压弯试件的受力机理进行分析,最后讨论了圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土压弯构件侧向承载力简化计算方法。研究结果表明,两种空心率试件的破坏形态基本一致,表现为试件下部不同程度的局部破坏;往复压弯试件的P-Δ曲线较为饱满,表现出较好的滞回性能。空心率从0.6增加到0.8对试件的侧向承载力和延性影响较小,两种空心率下的峰值荷载平均相差约3%。随着轴压比增加,试件的极限荷载降低,延性逐渐变差。往复加载试件的强度退化不明显,空心率为0.8的试件刚度退化更显著。试件的平均位移延性系数为3.56,平均黏滞阻尼系数为0.322,表现出较好的耗能能力。当空心率为从0.6增加到0.8,试件的黏滞阻尼系数平均提高15%。  相似文献   

以长细比、空心率和轴压比为主要变化参数,进行了5个方中空夹层钢管混凝土和2个方实心钢管混凝土压弯扭构件的试验研究。采用有限元软件ABAQUS对压弯扭试件的扭矩-转角全过程关系进行计算,计算得到的扭矩-转角关系曲线在达到承载力之前与试验结果符合较好。通过典型算例进行计算,从钢管与混凝土各自承担的荷载、轴压比和空心率对扭矩-转角关系曲线的影响三个方面对方中空夹层钢管混凝土压弯扭的工作机理进行了分析。研究结果表明:随着轴压比(n≥0.2)的增大,试件抗扭强度承载力越小;偏心率较小时,空心率越大抗扭承载力越大,延性越好。 关键词:  相似文献   

利用有限元分析软件ABAQUS对带端板圆锥形中空夹层钢管混凝土短柱局压力学性能进行有限元分析和相应的试验研究,所得的荷载-位移全过程曲线及短柱破坏形态吻合较好。在此基础上对其受力全过程中上端板、内外钢管及混凝土应力分布情况进行了分析,同时给出了内外钢管与夹层混凝土之间的相互作用,并对锥度、材料强度、空心率、局压面积比、端板刚度等参数对局压时短柱极限承载力及荷载-位移曲线的影响进行了比较。  相似文献   

圆台形大空心率中空夹层钢管混凝土(TLHR-CFDST)基于传统中空夹层钢管混凝土(CFDST)发展而来,在实际工程中常受到压-扭复合荷载作用。为研究TLHR-CFDST构件的压扭性能,设计了6个试件并进行静力加载试验,主要试验参数包括锥角、空心率和轴压比。在试验的基础上,建立TLHR-CFDST压扭构件的有限元模型,进一步分析其工作机理和参数影响。结果表明:在压扭荷载作用下,TLHR-CFDST构件在上部截面发生破坏;当锥角增大时,构件的抗扭刚度和受扭承载力下降,而空心率对受扭承载力影响较小;当轴压比不超过0.4时,构件表现出良好的延性,但当轴压比大于0.4后,构件的扭矩-扭转角曲线出现下降段,受扭承载力有较大程度的降低;在钢管的约束下,混凝土受扭开裂后可以继续承担荷载;构件在不同参数下的压扭承载力相关曲线基本一致。基于承载力相关方程,建立了适用于TLHR-CFDST构件的压扭承载力计算方法,该方法预测的承载力与试验及数值计算结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

采用正交试验设计方法分析一些关键参数的影响程度,利用建立的有限元模型分析矩形中空夹层钢管混凝土轴压构件在轴压情况下核心混凝土强度、名义含钢率、内外钢管屈服强度、截面长宽比、截面空心率等参数对其极限承载力及荷载-变形关系曲线的影响,得出了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   

Concrete-filled steel tubes (CFST) are used extensively in modern civil engineering. In many cases, they are often subjected to shear and constant axial compression, particularly when being used in high-rise buildings. ABAQUS Programming is used in this paper for the analysis of CFST subjected to shear and constant axial compression. A comparison of results calculated using this model shows good agreement with test results in general. The theoretical model was used to investigate the influence of important parameters that determine the ultimate shearing strength of the composite members. The parametric studies provide information for the development of formulae to calculate the ultimate strength of CFST members subjected to shear and constant axial compression.  相似文献   

Lin-Hai Han  Guo-Huang Yao  Zhong Tao 《Thin》2007,45(6):600-619
The present study is an investigation on the behaviors of concrete-filled thin-walled steel tubular members subjected to combined loading, such as compression and torsion, bending and torsion, compression, bending and torsion. ABAQUS software is used in this paper for the finite element analysis (FEA). A comparison of results calculated using this modeling shows generally good agreement with test results. The FEA modeling is then used to investigate the influence of important parameters that determine the ultimate strength of the composite members under combined loading, such as compression and torsion, bending and torsion, compression, bending and torsion. The parametric studies provide information for the development of formulae for calculating the ultimate strength of the composite members subjected to combined loading.  相似文献   

Recently, tapered concrete-filled double skin steel tubular (CFDST) columns have been applied in electricity transmission towers in China. However, there is still lack of information on the behaviour of such kind of members. This paper thus carried out the investigation on axially loaded tapered CFDST stub columns. The parameters included the tapered angle and the sectional profile. A finite element analysis (FEA) model was developed to predict the behaviour of the tapered member as well. The results showed that the steel tubes and the sandwiched concrete could work together well despite the tapered angle. The failure mode of the tapered CFDST stub column was similar to that of the straight one, and the failure occurred near the smallest section. The confinement effect of the tapered member was discussed by using the stress analysis. Finally, formulas were suggested for the calculation on the ultimate strength of the tapered CFDST stub column.  相似文献   

The behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) stub columns subjected to axially local compression was experimentally investigated in this paper. A total of thirty-two specimens were tested. The main parameters varied in the tests are: (1) sectional types: circular and square; (2) local compression area ratio (concrete cross-sectional area to local compression area): 1.44 and 16; and (3) thickness of the endplate: from 2 to 12 mm. A finite element analysis modelling was used for the analysis of CFST stub columns subjected to axially local compression, and a comparison of results calculated using this modelling shows generally good agreement with the test results. The theoretical modelling was then used to investigate the mechanism of the composite columns subjected to axially local compression.  相似文献   

Based on some conclusions of two kinds of concrete-filled double skin steel tube (CFDSST) members with circular or square sections, a new kind of CFDSST with octagonal section, where the outer tube has an octagonal section and the inner tube has a circular section, is proposed in this paper. Behaviors of the CFDSST members with octagon section subjected to axial compression are investigated, and some curves of load-strain of steel tubes and confined concrete and the bearing capacity of members are obtained. It is indicated that the bearing capacity of the columns with octagonal section is larger than that with square section and is smaller than that with circular section, and the bearing capacity of members is related to the ratio of the straight side to the bevelled one. Based on the proper stress-strain relationship, a couple of numerical analyses are made using the finite element software named ANSYS. Finally, a simplified formula is proposed in the paper, and the numerical results agree well with the experimental results and the mathematical solutions. The results are valuable for engineers.  相似文献   

Based on some conclusions of two kinds of concrete-filled double skin steel tube (CFDSST) members with circular or square sections, a new kind of CFDSST with octagonal section, where the outer tube has an octagonal section and the inner tube has a circular section, is proposed in this paper. Behaviors of the CFDSST members with octagon section subjected to axial compression are investigated, and some curves of load-strain of steel tubes and confined concrete and the bearing capacity of members are obtained. It is indicated that the bearing capacity of the columns with octagonal section is larger than that with square section and is smaller than that with circular section, and the bearing capacity of members is related to the ratio of the straight side to the bevelled one. Based on the proper stress-strain relationship, a couple of numerical analyses are made using the finite element software named ANSYS. Finally, a simplified formula is proposed in the paper, and the numerical results agree well with the experimental results and the mathematical solutions. The results are valuable for engineers. __________ Translated from China Civil Engineering Journal, 2007, 40(2): 33–38 [译自: 土木工程学报]  相似文献   

Double skin composite columns are formed from two steel skins filled with concrete in between. This new form of hybrid column has the potential to be used in many domains such as high-rise bridge piers and large diameter columns in high-rise buildings, etc. This paper describes a series of tests carried out on concrete-filled double skin steel tubular (CFDST) stub columns, beams and beam-columns. Both outer and inner tubes are cold-formed rectangular hollow sections (RHS). The failure modes, and load-deformation behaviour of CFDST specimens are compared with those of conventional concrete-filled steel tubular members and empty double skin tubular members. A theoretical model is developed in this paper for the CFDST stub columns, beams and beam-columns. Reasonably good agreement is observed between the predicted and tested curves. Simplified models are derived to predict the load-carrying capacities of the composite members.  相似文献   

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