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本文建立了一种富氧膜富氧性能测试新方法——恒压空气容量分析法——本法可同时测定富氧空气流量、氧气含量、氧气及氮气透过率、氧氮分离系数等参数。它为膜材料的设计、工艺参数的选择提供了一种方便快速的研究手段。  相似文献   

聚硅氧烷系富氧膜的研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
化工工艺中,经常把过滤、萃取、蒸馏和重结晶等单元操作组合起来进行分离精制,这些单元操作都伴有相变化,消耗很多能量。膜分离法不发生相变化,耗能少,越来越受到人们的关注。离子交换膜、反渗透膜、超滤膜等已完全进入实用阶段,用途日益广泛。 近年来,许多人把膜分离技术用于气体分离。把空气的氧进行浓缩的富氧膜技术,在燃烧、医疗等领域已有广泛应用。美国GE公司开发的制备医用富氧空气的  相似文献   

本文介绍了近年来富氧膜技术在化工、医用等领域的应用,简介了富氧膜的制备方法和分离机理,探讨了目前膜材料所存在的问题,并提出发展趋势。  相似文献   

富氧膜装置及其预设计在玻璃熔窑中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴楷 《玻璃与搪瓷》1994,22(3):12-19
富氧膜装置及其预设计在玻璃熔窑中的应用吴楷(首都师范大学100037)TheEquipmentwithOxygen-EnrichingMembraneinGlassMeltingFurnaceandItsInitialDesign¥WuKai(Cap...  相似文献   

以壳聚糖为膜材料,采用涂敷法,制成用于空气的氮/氧气体分离膜.测得壳聚糖膜的富氧率为1.76%.采用正硅酸四乙酯交联改性,使壳聚糖的链状结构变成网状结构,解决壳聚糖遇水溶解问题.氧氮分离膜效果的检测采用JPBJ-608便携式溶解氧测定仪.方法是将膜分离后的气体通入水中,测量水中氧气的溶解度变化.  相似文献   

胆甾液晶改性醋酸纤维素膜的富氧性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本介绍三醋酸纤维素(CTA)富氧膜的制备方法,探讨N2-O2分离过程中某些操作参数对分离结果的影响。初步研究结果表明,在较佳制膜工艺条件下,如含水的反渗透膜分别经过乙醇,汽油的浸泡,干燥等处理,可以获得实用性富氧膜,一级富氧浓度大于42%,渗透率大于0.5×10^-5cm^3(STP)/cm^3.scmHg。  相似文献   

肖彦 《无机盐工业》2020,52(10):44-54
初步总结了无机催化材料如活性氧化铝、二氧化钛、稀土催化材料、沸石分子筛催化材料、光催化材料等的发展过程、工业研究与应用、应用前景等。同时,也对该领域存在的困难和问题提出了可能的解决方法和路径建议,并就无机新催化材料今后的研究和发展方向进行了展望。在无机催化材料的诸多领域,无论是基础研究、应用研究还是工业应用仍存在很大差距和不足,需要加大原始创新和持续不断的努力,才能缩小差距,迎头赶上。  相似文献   

健康产业发展潜力巨大,其中,医药、医疗和保健行业占有重要地位,但其面临医药资源利用率低、生产工艺污染严重、高端产品依赖进口、质量标准体系不完善等制约因素。将膜分离技术应用于医药、医疗和保健行业,解决发展面临的诸多问题,对于推进我国健康产业发展将发挥重要作用。鉴于国内外尚无针对膜技术应用于健康产业进展的相关文献报道,本文针对面向健康产业应用的膜技术及膜材料进展进行了综述,探讨了健康产业应用对膜材料提出的要求及标准,重点研究了微滤、超滤、反渗透、纳滤、膜生物反应器、渗透汽化、气体分离、人工脏器等膜材料现状,分析了制约其发展的关键问题并提出相关建议,以期为相关部门及行业人员提供参考。  相似文献   

Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (BSCF), which exhibits a high mixed oxide ionic-electronic conduction, was used for the fabrication of an oxygen separation membrane. An asymmetric structure, which was a thin and dense BSCF membrane layer supported on a porous BSCF substrate, was fabricated by the electrophoretic deposition method (EPD). Porous BSCF supports were prepared by the uniaxial pressing method using a powder mixture with BSCF and starch as the pore-forming agent (0–50 wt.%). The sintering behaviors of the porous support and the thin layer were separately characterized by dilatometry to determine the co-fired temperature at which cracking did not occur. A crack-free and thin dense membrane layer, which had about a 15 μm thickness and >95% relative density, was obtained after optimizing the processes of EPD and sintering. The dense/porous interface was well-bonded and the oxygen permeation flux was 2.5 ml (STP) min−1 cm-2 at 850 °C.  相似文献   

A series of composites based on (100-x)wt.%Ce0.9Pr0.1O2-δ-xwt.%Pr0.6Ca0.4FeO3-δ (x = 25, 40 and 50) doped with the cheap and abundant alkaline earth metal Ca2+ at the A-site has been successfully designed and fabricated. The crystal structure, oxygen permeability, phase and CO2 stability were evaluated. The composition of 60wt.%Ce0.9Pr0.1O2-δ-40wt.%Pr0.6Ca0.4FeO3-δ(60CPO-40PCFO) possesses the highest oxygen permeability among three studied composites. At 1000 °C, the oxygen permeation fluxes through the 0.3 mm-thickness 60CPO-40PCFO membranes after porous La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ each to 1.00 mL cm?2 min?1 and 0.62 mL cm?2 min?1 under air/He and air/CO2 gradients, respectively. In situ XRD results demonstrated that the 60CPO-40PCFO sample displayed a perfect structural stability in air as well as CO2-containing atmosphere. Thus, low-cost, Co-free and Sr-free 60CPO-40PCFO has high CO2 stability and is economical and environmental friendly since the expensive and volatile element Co was replaced by Fe and Sr was waived since it easily forms carbonates.  相似文献   

壳聚糖因具有优良的成膜性及其它优越性能,被广泛用做分离膜材料。本文简要介绍了壳聚糖气体分离膜的制备技术,及其作为膜材料用于气体分离方面的研究进展,并指出存在的问题,展望了未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

作者主要就分子筛膜最新合成方法展开论述,主要介绍了最近十年来分子筛膜合成方法取得的新进展,如二次合成法、微波合成法、堵孔法、脉冲激光沉积法、电泳沉积法、汽相法、两步变温法、两步变浓度法等方法的应用,能够给该领域或即将踏入该领域的研究者提供一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

李谷云  段林丽  徐惠国 《粘接》2007,28(6):36-39
介绍了国内外建筑密封材料标准发展历史、现状及其新进展,分析了国外标准的特点,评述了国内标准采标与水平、差距与建议。  相似文献   

近年来,不同体系及不同结构的太阳能电池材料的研究都取得了很好的效果。简要概述了3代太阳能电池的发展,综述了有机和无机2大类光伏发电材料的发展情况,并对作为太阳能电池前沿材料(如:石墨烯)的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

膜蒸馏(MD)适合在偏远地区小规模制备淡水,有脱盐率高、接近常压操作、可利用太阳能等优势。但MD膜润湿影响了装置的运行稳定性,是制约MD脱盐应用的重要因素之一。本文介绍了MD膜润湿的评价方法,包括测定透水压力、临界膜孔润湿深度及可视化在线监测膜润湿进程等;简述了膜污染、MD操作变量、膜蒸馏形式及不同结垢晶体各因素对膜润湿的影响;从防垢和强化通量、掌握合适的膜清洗周期、物理干预及提升MD膜性能等方面分析了抑制膜润湿的措施;并分析了一些脱盐实验时间较长的MD膜润湿情况;指出具有自清洁性的光催化膜及防垢性能更强的双疏膜和Janus膜,具有抑制MD膜润湿的巨大潜力。本文有助于对脱盐过程中MD膜润湿的预测和有效控制。  相似文献   

Masami Shoji 《Polymer》2008,49(26):5659-5664
A Nafion membrane containing a cobaltporphyrin (CoP) complex as a fixed oxygen carrier was prepared with a view to facilitate oxygen transport through the membrane. The design concept of the CoP-loaded Nafion membrane was based on the CoP's modification to place the CoP complex in a hydrophobic domain of the microphase-separated structure, in order to facilitate the oxygen transport and to maintain proton conductivity. The oxygen permeability through the CoP-loaded Nafion membrane was higher than the nitrogen permeability, and significantly enhanced at relatively-low oxygen pressures of the upstream, indicating that the fixed CoP complex acted as an oxygen hopping site to facilitate the oxygen transport. The oxygen/nitrogen permselectivity increased with the content of CoP in the Nafion membrane. Electrochemical reduction of oxygen at a glassy carbon electrode, modified with a Pt/C catalyst and the CoP-loaded Nafion membrane, provided additional support for the facilitated oxygen transport by the membrane. Increased current for the reduction of oxygen on the modified electrode by loading CoP indicated that the CoP offered the oxygen hopping site in the Nafion membrane.  相似文献   

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