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The coating of pseudoplastic liquids onto a vertical surface continuously withdrawn from the liquid bath is considered. The problem is treated in a two-dimensional nonlinear approach incorporating the inertial effects. The model gives a relationship between the dimensionless film thickness, T, and the Capillary number, Ca, as a function of the fluid physical properties and the parameteres of the power-law model. The comparison with the experimental data is satisfactory.  相似文献   

The entrainment of Newtonian liquid films onto a vertical surface which is continuously withdrawn from a bath of the liquid is considered. A new theoretical treatment is presented which is significantly different from previous theoreis and which predicts accurately the relationship between the dimensionless thickness parameter, T0, and the Capillary Number, Ca, up to a value of Ca of 2. Experimental results have been obtained using a capacitance technique for film thickness measurement for a variety of Newtonian fluids with viscosities ranging from 0·006 to 2·06 N. sec m?2.  相似文献   

Experiments are performed on the dynamics of formation of a liquid coating picked up by a cylindrical roll rotating partially submerged in a free bath. Data on coating thickness for Newtonian fluids are found to correlate according to T = HgU)1/2 = 0.56 for fluids whose viscosities range from 0.11 to 33 poise. Data for strongly non-Newtonian and Viscoelastic fluids (polyacrylamide solutions) can be forced to fit this correlation by defining an “equivalent coating viscosity.” It is clear that this defines a pseudo viscosity, because the “equivalent coating viscosity” is observed to increase with increasing roll speed. This suggests that strongly Viscoelastic fluids respond to the rapid deformation suddenly imposed in the dynamic meniscus near the pickup point in a distinctly elastic manner that alters the flow through the meniscus.  相似文献   

The liquid flux picked up by a rotating roll which is partially submerged in a Newtonian liquid, and the variation of the film thickness around the per  相似文献   

A theoretical treatment is presented for the prediction of the rate at which a liquid is entrained by a roll which is rotating partially submerged in a Newtonian liquid, and also for the prediction of the variation in the thickness of the film around the roll. The method involves the integration of the momentum equation after neglecting inertia forces in the dynamic meniscus region and the matching of the surface curvature with that derived for the static meniscus region near the liquid surface. The resulting equation allows the prediction of the relationship between a dimensionless film thickness parameter, T, and the capillary number, Ca, as a function of the radius of the roll, the withdrawal angle and the position of the roll periphery. The liquid flux on the roll can also be predicted.  相似文献   

New experimental results on the hindered settling of model glass bead suspensions in non-Newtonian suspending media are reported. The data presented encompass the following ranges of variables: 7.38 × 10?4Re1∞ ≤ 2; 0.0083 ≤ d/D ≤ 0.0703; 0.13 ≤ C ≤ 0.43 and 1 ≥ n ≥ 0.8. In these ranges of conditions, the dependence of the hindered settling velocity on concentration is adequately represented by the corresponding Newtonian expressions available in the literature. The influence of the power law flow behaviour index is completely embodied in the modified definition of the Reynolds number used for power law liquids.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional flow model for non-Newtonian liquids inside a dual-cavity slot die is presented. The model is capable of analyzing slot dies of any cavity shape, cavity taper, slot-length variations, and slot-gap variations. The proposed model incorporates a truncated-power-law model for the viscosity of non-Newtonian liquids. According to flow models with power-law approximation for liquid viscosity, the distribution of non-Newtonian liquid through a slot die depends on the slot Reynolds number only. With our model, we find that the zero shear viscosity and the relaxation time of a non-Newtonian liquid have large effects on its distribution. For non-Newtonian liquids which are expected to experience shear-thinning over portion of a slot die, it is concluded that a flow model with a truncated-power-law approximation for liquid viscosity be used to predict the liquid distribution from the die.  相似文献   

Drop formation from single nozzles under pulsed flow conditions in non-Newtonian fluids following the power law model has been studied. An existing model has been modified to explain the experimental data. The flow conditions employed correspond to the mixer—settler type of operation in pulsed sieve-plate extraction columns. The modified model predicts the drop sizes satisfactorily. It has been found that consideration of non-Newtonian behaviour is important at low pulse intensities and its significance decreases with increasing intensity of pulsation. Further, the proposed model for single orifices has been tested to predict the sizes of drops formed from a sieve-plate distributor having four holes, and has been found to predict the sizes fairly well in the absence of coalescence.  相似文献   

This paper presents some new data for the liquid phase axial dispersion coefficient in a bubble column with highly viscous non-Newtonian liquids (μL > 0.03 Pa · s). The data were obtained in a 0.15 m diameter column operating in the slug flow regime, and the dispersion measurements were conducted using heat aas a tracer. The experimental results show that the dispersion coefficients increase with both gas and liquid velocities and quantitatively they are about three times higher than those obtained for the air-water system. The results are explained based on a known hydrodynamic model of vertical gas-liquid slug flow.  相似文献   

Relationships relevant to the design of industrial melters are developed for the case in which the molten material is a time-independent non-Newtonian fluid of the Power Law type. Expressions are derived for the local and mean values of the heat transfer coefficient in the melting of a solid slab on a hot, inclined, plane surface at constant temperature. The equations developed are restricted to laminar flow of the melt, and a criterion is therefore presented for checking that the molten film between the hot surface and the slab is actually in laminar flow throughout its entire length.  相似文献   

This paper reports an efficient surface modification methodology to increase fire resistance properties of silk fabric performed by radio frequency (RF) plasma-induced graft copolymerization of vinyl phosphate ester as nanometer coating. Methacryloyloxyethyl diphenyl phosphate (MEDP) monomer was prepared and graft-copolymerized onto the surface of silk fabric by argon RF plasma at ambient temperature. Under optimum RF power (30 W), amounts of MEDP and N,N methylenebisacrylamide cross linking agent were varied to obtain optimum graft copolymerization conditions. Untreated and treated silk were characterized by attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy to investigate their functional group characteristics. This showed a strong covalent attachment between the surface of silk and flame retardant material as the carbonyl functionality of the MEDP was clearly observed in the spectra. Scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis also showed grafted material as nanometer residue on silk surface. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) revealed that the decomposition of phosphorus compound which occurs at lower temperature than that of silk itself resulted in the formation of char which covers the surface of the fabrics. This protects the fabric surface from further burning, therefore, higher amounts of remaining materials were observed as char in all cases. Furthermore, the limiting oxygen index (LOI) increased from 25.5 for untreated to 28.0 (ca. 10%) for the MEDP-grafted silk. Higher amounts of char were also observed in the case of MEDP-treated silk. After 5 dry cleaning cycles, the LOI of the treated silk dropped only very slightly. Detailed analysis on structural and thermal properties as well as surface grafting efficiency are presented.  相似文献   

Viscosity measurements in a wide shear rate range, on suspensions of six Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids, are reported.The shear rate dependency of suspensions in non-Newtonian liquids is compared with that of suspensions in Newtonian ones and an extension to the former of the Krieger—Dougherty theory, which holds for the latter, is attempted. Although some success is obtained, an alternative explanation of the observed behavior of the suspensions of non-Newtonian liquids is discussed.  相似文献   

Based on extensive experimental results, it is shown that the retardation effect caused by the confining walls on the free settling velocity of a sphere is smaller with square walls than that with cylindrical boundaries. This is true for both Newtonian and power law fluids, provided the particle Reynolds number is small (< about 5). The values of the wall factor for Newtonian liquids are in excellent agreement with theory (up to R / L ≤ 0.1) while those for power law fluids have been correlated empirically via a linear relationship. The results reported here encompass the following ranges of conditions: 1 ≥ n ≥ 0.7; Re < 15 and 0.024 < R/L < 0.238.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of natural convection heat transfer to non-Newtonian fluids from isothermal vertical plates was carried out. Three aqueous solutions of Carbopol 934 (1.25%, 1.5% and 1.75%) were selected as pseudoplastic fluids providing a flow behavior index range from 0.2 to 0.67. All the experimental data lay in the laminar flow range (NGrNPr < 109). A successful correlation for predicting natural convective heat transfer coefficients for non-Newtonian fluids from flow behavior index 0.2 to 1.0 inclusive was developed.  相似文献   

An experimental study of heat transfer to boiling liquids under natural convective flow has been carried out in a single tube vertical thermosiphon reboiler to investigate the effect of heat flux and submergence on circulation rates. The test liquids used were distilled water, various concentrations of propan-2-ol in water and their azeotrope. The test section was an electrically heated stainless steel tube of 25.56 mm i.d., 28.85 mm o.d. and 1900 mm long with twenty-one spot welded copper constantan thermocouples to measure the variations in wall temperature along its axis. The uniform heat fluxes in the range of 3.5–42.4 kW/m2 were employed while inlet liquid sub-cooling varied from 0.2 to 30.7 °C. The liquid submergence levels were maintained in the range 30–100%. The typical experimental data has been graphically presented and discussed. An empirical correlation has been developed from the experimental data of the present study through regression analysis.  相似文献   

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