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Background Considerable evidence exists to suggest that students who study cooperatively reap significant benefits in terms of their learning performance. However, sooner or later, most cooperative learning teams have to deal with one or more members whose actions disturb the team. Unless these problems are quickly resolved, the cooperative learning team gradually becomes dysfunctional and the benefits of cooperative learning are diminished. Purpose (Hypothesis ) A method is proposed for identifying dysfunctional cooperative learning teams by comparing the academic achievement of students in a cooperative learning condition with that of students in an individual learning condition. Design /Method A series of experiments were performed in which 42 sophomore mechanical engineering students were randomly assigned to the two learning conditions and were formed into mixed‐ability groups comprising three team members. The academic performance of the students in the two learning conditions was then systematically compared in terms of their respective test scores. Results Dysfunctional teams were identified using a new quality index defined as the mean test score of the team divided by the standard deviation of the team members' test scores. The probability of a Type I error was quantified using a control chart. The identification results were verified by analyzing the students' off‐task behavior frequency and attitudes toward cooperative learning, respectively. Conclusions The experimental results confirm that the proposed quality index is a potential indicator of dysfunctional cooperative learning teams.  相似文献   

In the process of spectrum perception, in order to realize accurate perception of the channel state, the method of multi-node cooperative perception can usually be used. However, the first problem to be considered is how to complete information fusion and obtain more accurate and reliable judgment results based on multi-node perception results. The ideas put forward in this paper are as follows: firstly, the perceived results of each node are obtained on the premise of limiting detection probability and false alarm probability. Then, on the one hand, the weighted fusion criterion of decision-making weight optimization of each node is realized based on a genetic algorithm, and the useless nodes also can be screened out to reduce energy loss; on the other hand, through the linear fitting ability of RBF neural network, the self-inspection of the perceptive nodes can be realized to ensure the normal operation of the perceptive work of each node. What's more, the real-time training data can be obtained by spectral segmentation technology to ensure the real-time accuracy of the optimization results. Finally, the simulation results show that this method can effectively improve the accuracy and stability of channel perception results, optimize the structure of the cooperative network and reduce energy consumption.  相似文献   

Many organizations use project management to organize and administer resources in time and in place in an effort to optimize costs and meet certain constraints. These constitute cognitive skills acquired through training and experience that have successfully been shown to be trainable through simulation. However, past research on simulation‐based project management training focused on individual learning. In this paper, we are interested in investigating whether a competitive or cooperative strategy is more desirable in using simulators for project management training. Several theories suggest that cooperative learning is more beneficial to learning than competitive learning. To investigate this problem, an experiment was set up based on the simulation‐based Project Management Trainer (PMT) software. The results suggest that using both PMT cooperative and competitive strategies yield learning in project management. However, cooperative strategies yield better results in the overall outcome.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the role of individual differences and early employment experiences on learning outcomes and subjective well‐being for first‐term cooperative education students. By tracking students through their first semester work assignment, we were able to follow student adjustment and demonstrate the linkages to important ABET learning outcomes. Data were collected during pre‐employment, mid‐semester, and post‐employment surveys. The results suggest that there are some early warning signs of lack of adjustment that are related to both motivational anxiety and lack of initial social contacts during socialization. However, mid‐semester reports of proactive behavior by the student had a significant impact on both learning outcomes and well‐being.  相似文献   

航天异地协同设计中协同模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对航天复杂产品设计过程和特点的考察和研究,提出了航天异地协同设计的周期协同模型,介绍了协同模型的中协同的关键内容以及功能框架模型.该模型已在实际建设中得到应用,并取得初步成效.  相似文献   

团队学习、团队有效性及其影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在探讨团队学习的影响因素中,以往研究对团队结构变量的关注较多,但对团队认知变量关注较少。该研究以现场实验的方法,将来自浙江大学某学院选修市场调查与分析课程的84名学生以自愿的方式组成3—5人的共22个项目学习团队,并对其学习过程进行了研究。结果发现,团队信任与团队学习策略对团队学习行为具有显著正效应,团队信任与团队学习策略对团队有效性具有显著正效应,团队学习行为在团队信任与团队学习策略对团队有效性的影响中具有中介作用。  相似文献   

This study examines the evidence for the effectiveness of active learning. It defines the common forms of active learning most relevant for engineering faculty and critically examines the core element of each method. It is found that there is broad but uneven support for the core elements of active, collaborative, cooperative and problem‐based learning.  相似文献   

Several engineering programs around the country either require or encourage a cooperative education experience as part of their curriculum. In this paper, we examine the effects of cooperative education on grade point average, length of time in school, and starting salary. Statistical analyses show that cooperative education programs have significant effects on all three dimensions. These results are useful not only to students deciding whether to participate in cooperative education programs, but also to administrators in determining the role of cooperative education in the engineering curriculum.  相似文献   

A brain tumor is a mass or growth of abnormal cells in the brain. In children and adults, brain tumor is considered one of the leading causes of death. There are several types of brain tumors, including benign (non-cancerous) and malignant (cancerous) tumors. Diagnosing brain tumors as early as possible is essential, as this can improve the chances of successful treatment and survival. Considering this problem, we bring forth a hybrid intelligent deep learning technique that uses several pre-trained models (Resnet50, Vgg16, Vgg19, U-Net) and their integration for computer-aided detection and localization systems in brain tumors. These pre-trained and integrated deep learning models have been used on the publicly available dataset from The Cancer Genome Atlas. The dataset consists of 120 patients. The pre-trained models have been used to classify tumor or no tumor images, while integrated models are applied to segment the tumor region correctly. We have evaluated their performance in terms of loss, accuracy, intersection over union, Jaccard distance, dice coefficient, and dice coefficient loss. From pre-trained models, the U-Net model achieves higher performance than other models by obtaining 95% accuracy. In contrast, U-Net with ResNet-50 outperforms all other models from integrated pre-trained models and correctly classified and segmented the tumor region.  相似文献   

合作能力测验的编制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了考察个人在社会生活中的合作表现和评估合作能力的差异,研究编制了合作能力测验,它包含信任感,资源分享,责任担当,多元容纳,集体性,合作-竞争导向等6个心理行为维度。测验的信度和效度结果显示,该测验是可靠而有效的。验证性因素分析显示合作能力结构模型是符合测量数据的。  相似文献   

针对利用人工光源调制目标表面辐射照度对电视制导进行干扰的可行性进行分析,本文首先理论分析了人工光照对目标辐射特性的影响;其次搭建了电视制导半实物仿真试验系统,并建立了相应的干扰效果评估准则:边缘评估准则和相关峰值比评估准则;最后利用电视制导半实物仿真系统对干扰措施进行试验分析,分别评估调制目标光照对摄像机的自适应过程和自动对焦过程的干扰效能。实验结果表明,不同的光照调制方式都会对电视制导造成不同程度的干扰。  相似文献   

This work investigates the efficacy of software simulations of electronic circuits laboratories to support beginning electrical engineering students. Experiment 1 was a formative evaluation of an Electronic Laboratory Simulator (ELS), as an optional add‐on to physical labs for 120 subjects at four universities. All subjects received the same treatment: their normal classes and physical labs, with optional use of simulated labs. Subjects took written tests specific to the lab's content, before and after using each simulated lab. Only subjects who took both pre‐ and post‐tests were included. Pre‐ and post‐test comparisons indicated significant improvement in both theory and lab knowledge when scores for all labs were combined, but inconsistent performance on individual labs. As the treatment included other learning opportunities in addition to simulated labs, the results were not attributed to the simulations, but provided initial indications and qualitative data on subjects' experiences. These helped to improve the labs and the implementation strategies. Experiment 2 used 40 college sophomores in a beginning electronic circuits lab. Physical lab subjects received seven physical labs. Combined lab subjects received a combination of seven simulated labs and two physical labs. The latter repeated two of the simulated labs to provide physical lab practice. Both treatments used the same assignments. Learner outcome measures were: (a) time required to complete a new criterion physical lab; (b) score on written lab and theory tests over all the labs; and (c) comments on the lab experience. The group that used combined simulated and physical labs performed significantly better on the written tests than the group using entirely physical labs. Both groups were equivalent in time to complete the criterion physical lab. Comments about the simulated labs were generally positive, and also provided specific suggestions for changes.  相似文献   

A cognitive radio network (CRN) intelligently utilizes the available spectral resources by sensing and learning from the radio environment to maximize spectrum utilization. In CRNs, the secondary users (SUs) opportunistically access the primary users (PUs) spectrum. Therefore, unambiguous detection of the PU channel occupancy is the most critical aspect of the operations of CRNs. Cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) is rated as the best choice for making reliable sensing decisions. This paper employs machine-learning tools to sense the PU channels reliably in CSS. The sensing parameters are reconfigured to maximize the spectrum utilization while reducing sensing error and cost with improved channel throughput. The fine-k-nearest neighbor algorithm (FKNN), employed in this paper, estimates the number of samples based on the nature of the channel under-specific detection and false alarm probability demands. The simulation results reveal that the sensing cost is suppressed by reducing the sensing time and exploiting the traditional fusion rules, validating the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Furthermore, the global decision made at the fusion center (FC) based on the modified sensing samples, results low energy consumption, higher throughput, and improved detection with low error probabilities.  相似文献   

A great number of engineering students work alone most of the time. This is in sharp contrast with industry where most of the work is performed in teams. The ability to work in a team effectively is not acquired automatically. It takes interpersonal and social skills which need to be developed and practiced. In addition, research shows that the student-student interaction, often neglected in traditional ways of teaching, is a most effective way of learning. Thus, it is imperative that we encourage our students to work with each other in their efforts to achieve their educational goals. In this paper I discuss my experience with Cooperative Learning (CL) in a variety of engineering courses during the last four years. The discussion includes benefits and problems along with possible solutions. Lastly, I have made an effort to evaluate the impact of CL on student performance and attitude.  相似文献   

学习型生产企业:组织的进一步发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近几年的发展表明,作为一个与市场及其环境变化相脱离的独立单位来进行生产动作的生产企业,已寥寥无几。与市场和顾客的密切联系、所有工业流程速度的加快及各流程的变化,这一切都迫使企业与顾客和社会展开经常性的沟通交流。因而,与之相关联的组织变革将有别于已为人们所熟知的用于提高生产率和效率的措施。新的任务和职能范围的变化都要求各种组织允许其全体员工进行学习,并能随时适应新的任务。在研究先行企业的重组和重构的  相似文献   

导电衬垫材料的屏蔽效能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱敏波  邱扬 《功能材料》1998,29(6):645-647,650
导电衬垫材料是计算机防信息泄漏研究中应用最广泛的一类屏蔽材料,在研制TEMPEST计算机中发挥了重要的作用,本文通过对6种常用的导电衬垫材料的屏蔽效能的测试研究,得出了一些有工程参考价值的结论。  相似文献   

分析了以活动为中心的模型在描述产品协同设计时的不足,根据异地产品协同设计的模式和关键问题,提出针对产品异地协同设计的模型。首先定义了协同活动中的对象,并详细描述对象的属性和特征,给出了协同活动的类图,以表示协同活动中对象间的相互关系。最后,该模型在面向快速成型产品设计的集成协同环境(ICE)中得到了应用和验证。  相似文献   

虚拟企业与合作竞争   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
对市场需求的快速响应成为当今时代竞争的焦点,虚拟企业应运而生。本文首先概括了虚拟企业的特点,指出其本质是通过合作竞争迅速实现市场机遇,并从时间、成本与柔性等方面对其形成机进进行了分析,最后阐明了虚拟企业对我国企业的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

钟韬  方海  郭嘉跃  王巍 《包装工程》2021,42(18):144-150
目的 探究不同的提示音对于驾驶员正前方车辆警示性认知以及对驾驶反应时长的影响;为安全性汽车提示音设计提供可行的设计方法以及参考.方法 实验一:通过行为学实验对324个车内提示音样本的警示性进行评测并选取出警示性效果较高的提示音样本.实验二:使用E-prime软件编制实验程序,进行了提示音刺激对驾驶视觉反应时长的实验.采用SPSS软件进行ANOVA分析.结果 根据5级评分量表选定5个警示性评价最高的提示音样本;有提示音条件时对于在视觉中心突然有车出现的反应时间要快于无提示音条件;其中高频率慢节奏的金属铃声的反应时长显著短于其他提示音(p<0.05).结论 在紧急情况下提示音可以加速视觉反应速度和加快驾驶反应;对于道路正前方突然有车出现的情况下高频率的提示音警示性效果更好.  相似文献   

企业学习行为可以看作是一种在一个固定的可能技术集合中进行非限定的随机搜索过程。该搜索过程以提高并改进企业的绩效展开。搜索的规则有两种,一级学习和二级学习。根据这种机制,本文给出了制造业企业的学习过程模型。  相似文献   

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