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The popularity of delay sensitive applications and high throughput applications in the Internet made the caches of routers and switches larger,resulting in the high latency and high jitter rate of network traffic.With the growth of mobile applications based on the high bandwidth non-response flows,the network bottleneck resource utilization becomes more unbalanced,and the resources distribution of the whole network was difficult to be guaranteed.In order to alleviate these problems,considering the delay control and suppression of high bandwidth non-response flow,an active queue management algorithm focusing on fairness and low delay named FLDA was proposed based on Sample-Match,L-LRU cache and probabilistic packets dropping.Experimental results show that under the interference with high bandwidth non-responsive flows,FLDA can better maintain the queue stability,the fairness of resource utilization of the bottleneck link and the low delay.  相似文献   

基于RTT的TCP流带宽公平性保障机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
TCP端到端的拥塞控制机制使得TCP连接获得的瓶颈带宽反比于RTT(数据包往返时间)。为了缓解TCP对于RTT较小流的偏向,区分服务的流量调节机制在RTT较小的流取得目标速率且获得多余资源的情况下可以确保RTT较大流不至于饥饿。现有的基于RTT的流量调节机制在网络拥塞程度较轻时非常有效,但是当网络拥塞程度较重时,由于对RTT较大流的过分保护而导致RTT较小流饥饿。因此,通过引进自适应的思想提出了改进方法,其主要思想就是根据网络的拥塞程度自适应地调整对RTT较大流的保护程度。大量的仿真试验表明所提的机制能有效保障TCP流的带宽公平性并且比现有的方法具有更好的强壮性。  相似文献   

During the last decade, a plentiful number of active queue management schemes have been proposed, but their main objectives are simply allocating the buffer resource to all flows evenly, or protecting responsive flows from being degraded by unresponsive flows. However, the sending rates of the responsive flows can be determined diversely, and not all unresponsive flows have aggressively high sending rates. Furthermore, it is rational to reserve a portion of the buffer resource for certain privileged traffic. Grounded by these evidences, in this paper, we present a resilient active queue management algorithm, named Prior‐Core‐based Buffer Allocation considering diverse congestion control algorithms, fair‐unresponsive flows, and some privileged traffic. Our approach is based on stochastic cooperative game theory, where the payoffs yielded by cooperation are described by random variables, and the core is defined only over the distribution of these random payoffs; the core in this situation is called the prior‐core. As a result, it is shown that our buffer allocation, yielded by the prior‐core, achieves completely fair allocation for those flows whose requirement does not exceed the fair‐share regardless of the responsiveness, whereas aggressive flows are restricted according to availability of the buffer; all these are verified through ns‐2 simulation experiments. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A traffic matrix can exhibit the volume of network traffic from origin nodes to destination nodes. It is a critical input parameter to network management and traffic engineering, and thus it is necessary to obtain accurate traffic matrix estimates. Network tomography method is widely used to reconstruct end‐to‐end network traffic from link loads and routing matrix in a large‐scale Internet protocol backbone networks. However, it is a significant challenge because solving network tomography model is an ill‐posed and under‐constrained inverse problem. Compressive sensing reconstruction algorithms have been well known as efficient and precise approaches to deal with the under‐constrained inference problem. Hence, in this paper, we propose a compressive sensing‐based network traffic reconstruction algorithm. Taking into account the constraints in compressive sensing theory, we propose an approach for constructing a novel network tomography model that obeys the constraints of compressive sensing. In the proposed network tomography model, a framework of measurement matrix according to routing matrix is proposed. To obtain optimal traffic matrix estimates, we propose an iteration algorithm to solve the proposed model. Numerical results demonstrate that our method is able to pursuit the trace of each origin–destination flow faithfully. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hot‐potato routing is a border gateway protocol policy that selects the ‘closest’ egress router in terms of interior gateway protocol cost. This policy imposes inherent interactions between intra‐AS (Autonomous System) and inter‐AS traffic engineering. In light of this observation, we present a hybrid intra‐AS and inter‐AS traffic engineering scheme named egress selection based upon hot potato routing. This scheme involves link weight optimization, which can not only minimize the time that IP (Internet Protocol) packets travel across the network by assigning specified egress router but also balance the load among the internal links of the transit network. Egress selection based upon hot potato routing also incorporates multi‐topology routing technique to address the problem that one set of link weights might not guarantee specified egress routers. Accordingly, we formulate the link weights optimization problem using multi‐topology routing as a mixed integer linear programming model. And we present a new heuristic algorithm to make the problem tractable. Numerical results show that only a few topologies are needed to guarantee specified egress router, and maximum link utilization is also reduced. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two functions, the congestion indicator (i.e. how to detect congestion) and the congestion control function (i.e. how to avoid and control congestion), are used at a router to support end‐to‐end congestion control in the Internet. Random early detection (RED) (IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking 1993; 1 (4):397–413) enhanced the two functions by introducing queue length averaging and probabilistic early packet dropping. In particular, RED uses an exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) queue length not only to detect incipient congestion but also to smooth the bursty incoming traffic and its resulting transient congestion. Following RED, many active queue management (AQM)‐based extensions have been proposed. However, many AQM proposals have shown severe problems with detection and control of the incipient congestion adaptively to the dynamically changing network situations. In this paper, we introduce and analyse a feedback control model of TCP/AQM dynamics. Then, we propose the Pro‐active Queue Management (PAQM) mechanism, which is able to provide proactive congestion avoidance and control using an adaptive congestion indicator and a control function under a wide range of traffic environments. The PAQM stabilizes the queue length around the desired level while giving smooth and low packet loss rates and high network resource utilization. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Satellite communications can provide fourth generation (4G) networks with large‐scale coverage. However, their integration to 4G is challenging because satellite networks have not been designed with handover in mind. The setup of satellite links takes time, and so, handovers must be anticipated long before. This paper proposes a generic scheme based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 802.21 standard to optimize handover and resource management in hybrid satellite‐terrestrial networks. Our solution, namely optimized handover and resource management (OHRM), uses the terrestrial interface to prepare handover, which greatly speeds up the establishment of the satellite link. We propose two mechanisms to minimize the waste of bandwidth due to wrong handover predictions. First, we leverage the support of 802.21 in the terrestrial access network to shorten the path of the signaling messages towards the satellite resource manager. Second, we cancel the restoration of the satellite resources when the terrestrial link rolls back. We use OHRM to interconnect a digital video broadcasting and a wireless 4G terrestrial network. However for the simulation tool, we use a WiMAX as the terrestrial technology to illustrate the schemes. The simulation results show that OHRM minimizes the handover delay and the signaling overhead in the terrestrial and satellite networks. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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