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We consider a single link loss system of quasi‐random input, described by the Engset multirate loss model (EnMLM). Blocked calls may once reattempt to be connected to the system requiring less bandwidth; then the system is described by the single retry model for finite sources (f‐SRM). The EnMLM and the f‐SRM are extended with the single threshold finite source model (f‐STM), where calls may attempt to be connected to the system with less bandwidth requirements, according to the link occupancy, before blocking occurs. We focus on CBP equalization in the EnMLM, f‐SRM and f‐STM, under the bandwidth reservation (BR) policy. For this analysis, we apply two approximate methods, the Roberts' method and the method of reverse transition rates (RTR), which lead to a recursive CBP calculation. We evaluate the accuracy of the above models under the BR policy by comparing the analytical with simulation CBP results, based on the relative approximation errors (RAE). The results are highly satisfactory because they show that the proposed models (formulas) lead to small RAE. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Elastic optical networks (EON) have emerged as a solution to the growing needs of the future internet, by allowing for greater flexibility, spectrum efficiency, and scalability, when compared to WDM solutions. EONs achieve those improvements through finer spectrum allocation granularity. However, due to the continuity and contiguity constrains, distant connections that are routed through multiple hops suffer from increased bandwidth blocking probability (BBP), while more direct connections are easier to form. This paper proposes HopWindows, a novel method that strategically allocates bandwidth to connections based on their hop distance. This new algorithm applies masks that control the range of frequency slots (FSs) allocated to each n‐hop connection. Furthermore, a new network metric is introduced, the normalized bandwidth blocking probability (normalized BBP). Utilization of this metric ensures increased fairness to distant connections. Extended simulation results are presented which indicate that the proposed HopWindows method achieves a superior performance over the well‐known FirstFit algorithm. The proposed algorithm may achieve a decrease in bandwidth blocking probability of up to 50%.  相似文献   

苏宁  荆涛  廖凤华 《信息通信》2007,20(3):26-29
文章针对现有的以Poisson过程作为输入业务流模型分析系统性能的不足,提出采用马尔可夫调制泊松过程(MMPP)作为输入业务流来分析系统的呼叫阻塞率和掉话率.数值和仿真结果表明,MMPP能够较好的对蜂窝移动网中的业务输入流近似建摸,它考虑了业务流本身的相关特性和突发特性,可以更加准确的用于分析系统性能.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new method for calculating call blocking probabilities (CBPs) in a low Earth orbit satellite network that carries voice calls. The calculation of the CBPs uses the Erlang‐B formula, but the traffic intensity has been modified to take into the time and location in which the calls are made. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an analytical model of adaptive channel preemption (ACP) for small‐cell embedded large‐cellular (SCELC) networks. An SCELC network consists of a fixed base station (FBS) with large coverage and many embedded base stations (EBS) with relatively small coverage. Channel capacity in an FBS cell may become insufficient when traffic is unexpectedly increased particularly in some special occasion. This paper considers two aspects of dynamically allocating channels for an SCELC network. First, by increasing one or more EBS cells within an FBS cell, the proposed ACP can reduce blocking probability of new calls. Second, to reduce dropping probability of handoff calls, the proposed ACP allows a handoff call to preempt an on‐going call, when the latter is located in an EBS cell or in the overlapping area of two adjacent FBS cells. For the purpose of performance evaluation, we build an analytical model with 4‐tuple Markov chains. Numerical results reveal that embedding one or more EBS cells inside an FBS cell needs to be done carefully since it results in a tradeoff between the reduction of new‐call blocking probability and the increase of handoff‐call dropping probability. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider an ATM transmission link, to which CBR or VBR and ABR or UBR calls arrive according to independent Poisson processes. CBR/VBR calls (characterized by their equivalent bandwidth) are blocked and leave the system if the available link capacity is less than required at the time of arrival. ABR/UBR calls, however, accept partial blocking, meaning that they may enter service even if the available capacity is less than the specified required peak bandwidth, but greater than the so called minimal accepted bandwidth. Partially blocked ABR/UBR calls instead experience longer service time, since smaller given bandwidth entails proportionally longer time spent in the system, as first suggested in [3] and analyzed in details herein. Throughout the life time of an ABR/UBR connection, its bandwidth consumption fluctuates in accordance with the current load on the link but always at the highest possible value up to their peak bandwidth (greedy sources). Additionally, if this minimal accepted bandwidth is unavailable at the time of arrival, ABR/UBR calls are allowed to wait in a finite queue. This system is modeled by a Continuous Time Markov Chain (CTMC) and the CBR/VBR and ABR/UBR blocking probabilities and the mean ABR/UBR waiting- and service times are derived.  相似文献   

Mobility load balancing (MLB) redistributes the traffic load across the networks to improve the spectrum utilisation. This paper proposes a self‐organising cluster‐based cooperative load balancing scheme to overcome the problems faced by MLB. The proposed scheme is composed of a cell clustering stage and a cooperative traffic shifting stage. In the cell clustering stage, a user‐vote model is proposed to address the virtual partner problem. In the cooperative traffic shifting stage, both inter‐cluster and intra‐cluster cooperations are developed. A relative load response model is designed as the inter‐cluster cooperation mechanism to mitigate the aggravating load problem. Within each cluster, a traffic offloading optimisation algorithm is designed to reduce the hot‐spot cell's load and also to minimise its partners’ average call blocking probability. Simulation results show that the user‐vote‐assisted clustering algorithm can select two suitable partners to effectively reduce call blocking probability and decrease the number of handover offset adjustments. The relative load response model can address public partner being heavily loaded through cooperation between clusters. The effectiveness of the traffic offloading optimisation algorithm is both mathematically proven and validated by simulation. Results show that the performance of the proposed cluster‐based cooperative load balancing scheme outperforms the conventional MLB. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

For multi‐cell systems employing intra‐cell orthogonal communication channels, inter‐cell interference mitigation techniques are expected to be one of the key radio resource management functions. In this paper we propose and analyze a simple reuse partitioning technique (with random and coordinated resource block allocation in neighbor cells) that is able to reduce inter‐cell interference. We propose a model that is able to take into account that sessions dynamically enter and leave the system. Rigid sessions require a class‐specific fixed number of resource blocks, while elastic sessions can enter the system if a minimum number of resources are allocated to them. In this rather general setting (and using the example of a system employing frequency division for multiple access) we analyze the system performance in terms of the expected number of channel collisions, the session‐blocking probabilities, the signal‐to‐interference‐and‐noise ratio (SINR) and packet error rate performance. We present numerical results on the various trade‐offs between these measures (including the trade‐off between the reuse factor and the SINR performance) that provide insight into the behavior of multi‐channel cellular systems and help dimensionalize the parameters of a reuse partitioned system. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the micro-cell-based PCS networks, due to the high user mobility, handoffs occur more frequently. Hence, the classical assumptions, such as the exponential assumptions for channel holding time and call inter-arrival time, may not be valid. In this paper, we investigate the call blocking performance for PCS networks using a semi-analytic and semi-simulation approach. We first construct a simulation model as the base for our performance study, using which the handoff traffic is studied. Then we present a few possible approximation models from which analytical results for call blocking performance metrics can be obtained and compared with the simulation results. We show that for a certain parameter range, such approximations may provide appropriate results for call blocking performance. Finally, using the simulation model, we investigate how various factors, such as the high moments, the variance of cell residence time, mobility factors and the new call traffic load affect the call blocking performance. Our study shows that all these factors may have a significant impact on call blocking performance metrics such as call blocking probability, call incompletion probability and call dropping probability. This research provides a strong motivation for the necessity of reexamining the validity of analytical results obtained from classical teletraffic theory when dealing with the emerging wireless systems.  相似文献   

为了在当今业务种类繁多的移动通信系统中更好地满足各种用户的业务服务质量保障需求,提出了一种基于M/P/C/C的自相似优先权排队模型,并对基于强占优先权以及非强占优先权的呼损性能进行了仿真分析。由仿真结果可知,不论信道资源充足与否,两种优先权策略均实现了对不同属性用户业务有差别的服务,且基于强占优先权策略更能保障高优先级业务的服务质量,但是以降低低优先级业务的服务质量为代价的。  相似文献   

鲁蔚锋  杨绿溪  吴蒙 《电子学报》2016,44(2):340-347
本文首先提出了一种分析OFDMA蜂窝网络下行链路呼叫阻塞率的方法,在此基础上进一步分析了加入两跳中继的OFDMA蜂窝网络呼叫阻塞率.OFDMA蜂窝网络的每个呼叫接入都需要随机数量的子载波来满足用户传输速率的需求,传统GSM及CDMA网络的容量分析方法不能应用到OFDMA网络系统中.本文根据用户对子载波的需求量,把接入用户分成不同的服务类型,以多维马尔可夫链为数学模型分别分析传统和两跳中继OFDMA蜂窝网络下行链路呼叫阻塞率,最终通过数值计算分析各种参数对系统性能的影响,数值分析结果表明加入中继后的两跳中继OFDMA蜂窝网络下行链路容量比传统网络有显著的提升.  相似文献   

蔚承英  王储君  刘焕淋 《半导体光电》2017,38(5):719-724,735
在弹性光网络中,光树传输组播可以节省链路代价,但较长的光树需要选择更低的调制等级,消耗更多的频谱资源和发射机功耗.提出一种基于遗传算法的光森林组播和光树重配置(GAMF-TR)优化组播的能效路由、调制格式和频谱分配(RMSA)策略.GAMF-TR策略设计染色体编码表示光森林的组播目的节点划分和光路径组合,通过染色体的基因位概率交叉和变异得到更多的光森林RMSA策略,设计了一个频谱分配效率和发射机功耗折中的适应度函数选择能效最高的光森林RMSA策略,并设计在网络资源充足时将组播从光森林重配置到光树传输,进一步减少发射机功耗的消耗.仿真结果表明:提出的GAMF-TR策略获得了组播的最低带宽阻塞率和最高能效性能.  相似文献   

刘焕淋  杜君丹  陈勇  杨玉明 《电子学报》2018,46(7):1658-1662
针对弹性光互联数据中心网络中任多播业务的频谱利用率低和带宽阻塞率高等问题,论文提出了一种基于光树分割和共享光路合并算法.该算法选择对光树最大长度和调制等级影响较小的树枝加入光树,使生成光树频谱代价最小.当光树传输所需频谱资源不足时,该算法将光树分割为可选较高调制等级的多子光树传输,提高频谱利用率.当网络中有足够资源时,设计一种基于链路共享度的将满足条件的子光树合并到光树上传输的机制以降低频谱消耗.仿真结果表明:论文所提算法具有较低的带宽阻塞率和较高的频谱利用率.  相似文献   

针对 CDMA蜂窝系统区间业务不平衡的情况 ,文中提出了一种呼叫接入控制方案 ,在重负荷小区为邻区即将到来的呼叫预留部分资源 ,预留的大小随呼叫阻塞情况自适应地调整。仿真结果显示 :该方案能很好地解决区间业务不平衡的问题 ,而且与基于固定资源预留的呼叫接入控制方案相比 ,还能获得低的系统呼叫阻塞率  相似文献   

It is important to provide quality of service (QoS) guarantees if we want to support multimedia applications over wireless networks. In this paper, considering the features of tiering in sectored cellular networks, we propose a novel scheme for bandwidth reservation to approach QoS provisioning. By predicting the movement of each connection, the reserving of bandwidth is only required in needful neighboring cells instead of in all neighboring cells. In addition, an admission control mechanism incorporated with bandwidth borrowing assists in distributing scarce wireless bandwidth in more adaptive way. Through mathematical analysis, we proof the advantages of tier‐based approach and the bound for the selection of tiered boundary. The simulation results also verify that our scheme can achieve superior performance than traditional schemes regarding no bandwidth reserving, fixed bandwidth reserving, and bandwidth borrowing in sectored cellular networks when performance metrics are measured in terms of the connection dropping probability (CDP), connection blocking probability (CBP), and bandwidth utilization (BU). Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对提供多速率实时VBR业务的系统中呼叫级和分组级的主要性能指标的分析计算进行了深入研究,从多维Markov链的全局平衡条件出发,提出了一种计算在部分共享策略下各业务在线连接数的联合概率分布的方法,在此基础上可算出呼叫损失概率和分组丢失率,仿真结果表明了其准确性。  相似文献   

为使异构分层无线网络能服务更多的移动用户,提出了一种基于逗留时间的动态流量均衡算法.该算法首先根据用户移动模型计算其在小区内的逗留时间,然后基于小区呼叫到达率和重叠覆盖小区的流量状态来确定一个周期内呼叫转移的数量,最后依据逗留时间门限值将重负载小区中满足条件的呼叫转移到轻负载的重叠覆盖小区中.为降低切换呼叫掉线率,还对异构网间的呼叫切换策略做了改进.仿真实验结果表明,本算法在新呼叫阻塞率和切换呼叫掉线率等性能指标上比传统方法有显著的提高.  相似文献   

Periodical performance evaluation and adaptive resource assignment, already proposed as performance-oriented management, seems to be the most suitable strategy for network planning under demand uncertainty. In this paper, we exploit the inherent capability of ATM networks to rearrange dynamically the already installed resources, and propose performance-oriented management combined with virtual path bandwidth (VPB) control for the planning of the extensions of bandwidth capacities of virtual paths (VPs) and transmission links of the network. We define a large network optimization problem and solve it by a rigorous, analytical procedure. The optimization model comprises specific requirements of the network-planning problem and a bandwidth distribution scheme ensuring network reliability. We reveal the efficiency of the proposed scheme by applying it on a model network, considering two realistic case-studies of network-traffic evolution. We show that in the presence of VPB control: (a) the initial distribution of the total bandwidth to VPs is of no importance, since it can be adaptively rearranged according to the offered traffic, (b) the network is well used and bandwidth investment could be saved, and (c) whenever additional bandwidth must be installed in VPs which have an unanticipated bad grade-of-service, time savings result. We present the network performance in detail, in figures, and compare this with the performance of the network in the absence of VPB control.  相似文献   

We consider an interference‐limited code division multiple access (CDMA) network, in which some of the service classes are explicit rate controlled. Such rate‐controlled service classes include adaptive ones whose holding time does not depend on the sending rate, while the holding time of elastic services becomes longer when their sending rate is slowed down. We develop a Markov model that allows us to study the impact of employing service differentiation (prioritization) during admission control and rate control on the classwise blocking probabilities and throughputs. The admission control takes into account the interference from adjacent cells as a log‐normally distributed random variable and employs service class and state‐dependent (soft) blocking in addition to hard blocking. The state‐dependent rate control algorithm takes into account the minimum and maximum requested rates of admitted sessions in a fairness policy‐dependent manner. Our conclusion is that work conserving bandwidth sharing policies may have a major impact on the moments of the time spent in the system by elastic services, but only a minor one on the classwise blocking probabilities. When the admission control algorithm takes into account the neighbour cell caused interference, the blocking probability of all classes increases somewhat, but the throughput of the accepted sessions increases. Blocking prioritization in the soft blocking model affects the classwise total blocking probabilities but has little impact on the throughput of adaptive and elastic traffic. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Resource reservation or the other prioritization strategies adopted by Call Admission Control (CAC) schemes in wireless networks lead to unfair resource allocation to users belonging to different service classes (SCs) due to high divergence among the respective call blocking probabilities (CBPs). In this paper, we propose dynamic optimization of probabilistic CAC (P‐CAC) schemes to assure CAC fairness among users of different SCs in wireless networks. The approach is based on users utility combined with fairness optimization, aiming at dynamically determining the probability value in the P‐CAC scheme. This optimal probability is adjusted to network ongoing traffic, CBPs of each SC, prioritization levels characterizing the SCs supported, and the users risk aversion, which reflects their behavior toward the perceived QoS. The existence and uniqueness of the optimal probability that leads to absolute fairness among the users of a wireless network are proven. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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