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A critical survey of some attempts to define ‘computer’, beginning with some informal ones (from reference books, and definitions due to H. Simon, A.L. Samuel, and M. Davis), then critically evaluating those of three philosophers (J.R. Searle, P.J. Hayes, and G. Piccinini), and concluding with an examination of whether the brain and the universe are computers.  相似文献   

In the arena of internet of things, everyone has the ability to share every aspect of their lives with other people. Social media is the most popular and effective medium to provide communication. Social media has gripped our lives in a dramatic way. Privacy of users data lying with the service providers needs to be preserved when published for the purpose of research as the release of sensitive personal information of an individual may pose security threats. This has become an important research area nowadays. To some extent, the concepts of anonymization that were earlier used to preserve privacy of relational microdata have been applied to preserve privacy of social networks data. Anonymizing social networks data is challenging as it is a complex structure with users connected to one another graphically and the most important is to preserve the structural properties of the graph depicting the social network relationships while applying such concepts. Recent studies based upon K-anonymity and L-diversity help to preserve privacy of online social networks data and subsequently identify attacks that arise while applying these techniques in different scenarios. K-anonymity equalizes the degree of the nodes to prevent the data from identity disclosure but it cannot preserve sensitive information and also cannot handle attacks arising due to background knowledge and homogeneity. To cope up with the drawbacks of K anonymity, L-diversity was introduced that protects the sensitive labels of the users. In this paper, a novel technique has been proposed which implements the combined features of K-anonymity and L-diversity. Our proposed approach has been validated using the data of real time social network–Twitter (most popular microblogging network). The performance of the proposed technique has been measured by the metrics, such as average path length, average change in sensitive labels, and remaining ratio of top influential users. It thus becomes evident from the results that the values of these parameters attained with the proposed technique for the anonymized graph has minimal variation to that of original structural graph. So, it is possible to retain the utility without compromising privacy while publishing social networks data. Further, the performance of the proposed technique has been discussed by calculating the information loss that addresses the concern of preserving privacy with the least variation of actual content viz info loss.  相似文献   

The growth of social media has crossed the boundary from individual to organizational use, bringing with it a set of benefits and risks. To mitigate these risks and ensure the benefits of social media use are realized, organizations have developed a host of new policies, procedures, and hiring practices. However, research to date has yet to provide a comprehensive view on the nature of risk associated with the use of social media by organizations. Using a multi-panel Delphi approach consisting of new entrants to the workforce, certified human resource professionals, and certified Information Technology auditors, this study seeks to understand organizational social media risk. The results of the Delphi panels are compared against a textual analysis of 40 social media policies to provide a comprehensive view of the current state of social media policy development. We conclude with directions for future research that may guide researchers interested in exploring social media risk in organizations.  相似文献   

What is biology?     
The following work compares two different ways of fractionating or abstracting from an organism: (a) a Mendelian way, which views the organism as a discrete bundle of phenotypic characters, each controlled by a corresponding genetic "factor", and (b) as a bundle of particulate molecular fractions, as envisaged by molecular biology. It is generally believed that the latter completely subsumes the former, and that it further serves to subsume all of biology into contemporary physics. We argue herein that the first of these assertions, if true at all, does not follow from an initial positing of an identity between the Mendelian gene and DNA sequence, and may well be false in general. In either case, the second assertion becomes false as well. This has profound consequences, not only for biology, but for the physics which is presumed to underlie it; it constitutes a part of the "new physics" which Erwin Schr?dinger, in a famous essay [(1944) What is Life? Cambridge University Press, Cambridge], argued was inherent in biology.  相似文献   

Three conditions are usually given that must be satisfied by a process in order for it to be called a computation, namely, there must exist a finite length algorithm for the process, the algorithm must terminate in finite time for valid inputs and return a valid output and, finally, the algorithm must never return an output for invalid inputs. These three conditions are advanced as being necessary and sufficient for the process to be computable by a universal model of computation. In fact, these conditions are neither necessary nor sufficient. On the one hand, recently defined paradigms show how certain processes that do not satisfy one or more of the aforementioned properties can indeed be carried out in principle on new, more powerful, types of computers, and hence can be considered as computations. Thus, the conditions are not necessary. On the other hand, contemporary work in unconventional computation has demonstrated the existence of processes that satisfy the three stated conditions, yet contradict the Church–Turing thesis and, more generally, the principle of universality in computer science. Thus, the conditions are not sufficient.  相似文献   

This paper suggests that there may be other types of software besides computer software. The paper identifies parallels between computer software and such other societal artifacts as laws, processes, recipes, and instructions (e.g. for driving and kitbuilding), and suggests that there are similar parallels in the ways in which these artifacts are built and evolved. The paper suggests that technologies for supporting the automation of computer software development and evolution might facilitate work in these other domains. It also suggests that successful approaches in these other domains could have useful and important application to the domain of computer software. It is further suggested that it might be important for discussions such as these to lead to a deeper understanding of the nature of “software”.  相似文献   

What is ERP?     
Though enterprise resource planning (ERP) has gained some prominence in the information systems (IS) literature over the past few years and is a significant phenomenon in practice, through (a) historical analysis, (b) meta-analysis of representative IS literature, and (c) a survey of academic experts, we reveal dissenting views on the phenomenon. Given this diversity of perspectives, it is unlikely that at this stage a broadly agreed definition of ERP can be achieved. We thus seek to increase awareness of the issues and stimulate further discussion, with the ultimate aim being to: (1) aid communication amongst researchers and between researchers and practitioners; (2) inform development of teaching materials on ERP and related concepts in university curricula and in commercial education and training; and (3) aid communication amongst clients, consultants and vendors. Increased transparency of the ERP-concept within IS may also benefit other aligned fields of knowledge.  相似文献   

We continue to talk, hear and read about information systems security, information warfare, high-technology crimes, computer fraud, techno-terrorism and the like. In past columns we addressed these topics. One of the primary elements they all have in common is that they are based on technology — high technology.  相似文献   

In an 8-choice reaction task times for responses by the ring and middle fingers were found to be substantially longer than those for responses by the index and little fingers. Supplementary experiments showed that the inequalities were not due to motor factors but rather to perceptual features which affected the ease with which the positions of signals and response keys could be identified.

The inequalities observed are incompatible with several types of model which have been proposed to account for the linear rise of reaction-time with the logarithm of degree of choice; in particular, the serial classification model which assumes a simple progressive dichotomization, and models which assume that evidence from all the possible signal sources is examined simultaneously. However, the times for 2-, 4- and 8-choice tasks accorded remarkably well with predictions from a modified serial-classification model proposed by the author in 1960.  相似文献   

Following research published in 1996, a survey was conducted to investigate the likes, dislikes and areas of difficulty on the World-Wide Web. Findings of the pilot survey indicate that the amount of information online was most liked, advertisements were the least liked and searching presented the most difficulty. A follow-up questionnaire similar to that used in 1995 was administered and 301 responses were obtained. The comparison of the two surveys, conducted more than a decade apart, indicates that some users are not aware of features of search engines and browsers that would aid them in their searching efforts. However, better instructions on the search process or search tools were not considered enhancements. Unlike the 1996 survey, this survey contained questions concerning online advertising. Respondents indicated that easy to ignore or potentially interesting forms of advertising are less annoying than pop-ups, spam and those that animate in the screen foreground.  相似文献   

Software and Systems Modeling - Business process modelling languages typically enable the representation of business process models by employing (graphical) symbols. These symbols can vary...  相似文献   

(W)还没有缓过味来,我们已经被一脚踢进了这个知识爆炸的信息时代。这年头,连“文盲”这词的定义都和从前不同了,“会使用电脑吗?”,“@ #$% &……”,“不会?!”,这样的窘境你遇到过吗? 我曾多次被人讥笑以后,忍无可忍,终于鼓足勇气,硬着头皮一头扎进了电脑圈。不想,在真正接触之后,原来这个恼人的东西并不是想象中那样深不可测,回头看看以前连键盘都不敢摸的那个我,真是胆怯懦弱。  相似文献   

Podcasting may be an answer to some of the challenges to higher education to modernize, to open up, and to develop a competitive edge. However, over the years there have been many high claims for new technology, and not all of them have been redeemed. In terms of academic performance, it may therefore be asked if podcasting really is worth the investment? Looking for at least a tentative answer, the present paper reviews an extensive body of scholarly literature published 2004–2009 on experiences with podcasting in higher education.  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》2009,52(4):1755-1765
It is commonly argued that a key challenge for e-learning is to encourage learner participation. Even though this challenge has received increased attention by researchers, little effort has been put into developing a sound theoretical understanding of what online participation actually is and how it may be studied empirically. This paper examines the conceptions and research approaches that underlie research on online participation in e-learning settings. A classification scheme was iteratively developed and used when publications on the topic were reviewed. It was found that research is dominated by low-level conceptions of online participation, which relies on frequency counts as measures of participation. However, some researchers aim to study more complex dimensions of participation, such as whether participants feel they are taking part and are engaged in dialogues, reflected by using a combination of perceived and actual measures of participation. In conclusion, a definition of online learner participation that acknowledges its more complex dimensions, such as doing, communicating, thinking, feeling, and belonging, is proposed.  相似文献   

What is online learner participation? A literature review   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
It is commonly argued that a key challenge for e-learning is to encourage learner participation. Even though this challenge has received increased attention by researchers, little effort has been put into developing a sound theoretical understanding of what online participation actually is and how it may be studied empirically. This paper examines the conceptions and research approaches that underlie research on online participation in e-learning settings. A classification scheme was iteratively developed and used when publications on the topic were reviewed. It was found that research is dominated by low-level conceptions of online participation, which relies on frequency counts as measures of participation. However, some researchers aim to study more complex dimensions of participation, such as whether participants feel they are taking part and are engaged in dialogues, reflected by using a combination of perceived and actual measures of participation. In conclusion, a definition of online learner participation that acknowledges its more complex dimensions, such as doing, communicating, thinking, feeling, and belonging, is proposed.  相似文献   

There are various forms of what's sometimes called generative art, or computer art. This paper distinguishes the major categories and asks whether the appropriate aesthetic criteria—and the locus of creativity—are the same in each case.  相似文献   

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