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In this paper we probe the routing algorithm that maximizes the quality of the network. In this regard, we present various scenarios for comparisons among different routing algorithms in a wireless sensor network. Using simulations conducted in NS-2, we compare the performance of genetic algorithm (GA) to the Dijkstra algorithm, Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), GA-based AODV Routing (GA-AODV), grade diffusion (GD) algorithm, directed diffusion algorithm and GA combined with the GD algorithm. We assume the presence of faulty nodes and work on finding out the performance that enhances the lifespan of the sensor network. In this regard, we have simulated routing algorithms while considering faulty nodes up to 50% of the functioning nodes. Nodes are considered to be dynamic and we assumed different mobility speeds of the nodes. Our results demonstrate that GA can be used in different network configurations as it shows a better performance in the wireless sensor network.


Wireless Personal Communications - Performance of wireless sensor network are highly prone to network anomalies particularly to misdirection attacks and blackhole attacks. Therefor intrusion...  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Opportunistic routing (OR) is the area of research in the trending scenario as the traditional methods for ensuring secure routing in the Wireless Sensor Networks...  相似文献   

分析了无线传感器网络节点的体系结构,设计了节点机的硬件电路.以此为平台,实现各节点间的多跳通信.节点机采用支持IEEE 802.15.4的CC2420芯片作为无线通信模块,8位AVR单片机ATmega128L作为处理器,结合外围传感器,对环境进行监测.实验表明:该型节点机具有扩展方便、低功耗、可靠性高的特点.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Over the past few decades, one of the important advancements in wireless communication is low cost and limited power devices known as wireless sensor networks...  相似文献   

张润兰  刘真祥 《通信技术》2015,48(7):825-829
对于节点部署不均或者节点死亡而导致的监测盲区,可通过在WSN中引入移动节点来修复。提出一种修复策略,可较为及时、准确地修复监测盲区,同时考虑节点的能量均衡问题。在LEACH-M分簇路由算法的基础上,给出了一种按节点能量分配工作量的能量均衡分簇路由算法LEACH-M-G,并运用MATLAB仿真工具进行了仿真分析。仿真结果表明,所提出的监测盲区修复策略、以及LEACH-M-G路由能有效地修复监测盲区,均衡网络能量、延长网络生命周期。  相似文献   


The proposed work is based on the path optimization approach for wireless sensor network (WSN). Path optimization is achieved by using the NSG 2.1 Tool, TCL Script file and NS2 simulator to improve the quality of service (QoS). Path optimization approach finds best suitable path between sensor nodes of WSN. The routing approach is not only the solution to improve the quality but also improves the WSN performance. The node cardinally is taken under consideration using the ad-hoc on demand distance vector routing protocol mechanism. Ad hoc approach emphasize on sensor nodes coverage area performance along with simulation time. NSG 2.1 Tool calculates the sensor node packet data delivery speed which can facilitate inter-node communication successfully. An experimental result verified that the proposed design is the best possible method which can escape from slow network response while covering maximum sensor nodes. It achieves coverage support in sensor node deployment. The result outcomes show best path for transferring packet from one sensor node to another node. The coverage area of sensor node gives the percentage of average coverage ratio of each node with respect to the simulation time.



In underwater communication, establishing a communication link between the sensor in the sea bed and the surface sinks is a daunting task. Further, the data has to be transmitted with minimum delay and maximum reliability. Therefore, the present study proposes a biobjective routing protocol for underwater wireless sensor networks. The existing protocols are reviewed and it is found that the traditional depth based and vector-based routing protocols are not able to tackle these conflicting objectives and hence suffer transmission failures with high delay. A biobjective optimization of delay and reliability of routes is proposed to obtain pareto-optimal routes employing uninformed search technique and a modified greedy best first search heuristic. Through simulation experiments, it is found that the biobjective protocol performs better than depth based, delay based and reliability-based routing protocols. However, since the biobjective routing problem in underwater wireless sensor networks is known to be NP-hard and dynamic in nature, the computational effort of uninformed search in yielding the exact solutions increases as the network size increases. The modified greedy best first search heuristic is employed to yield sub-optimal routes with less computational effort without compromising on the quality of the solutions and hence suitable for larger networks.


黄勋  袁红林  孙强 《电视技术》2007,31(Z1):84-86
对无线传感器网络节点进行研究,分析节点的体系结构,设计了节点机的硬件电路.以此为平台,实现各节点间的多跳通信.节点机采用支持IEEE802.15.4的CC2420芯片作为无线通信模块,8位AVR单片机ATmega128L作为处理器,结合外围传感器,对环境进行监测.实验表明:该型节点机具有扩展方便,低功耗,可靠性高的特点.  相似文献   

Senthil  G. A.  Raaza  Arun  Kumar  N. 《Wireless Personal Communications》2022,122(3):2603-2619
Wireless Personal Communications - Specialized transducers in wireless sensor networks that offer sensing services to the internet of things devices have limited storage and energy resources. One...  相似文献   

We consider the distributed estimation by a network consisting of a fusion center and a set of sensor nodes, where the goal is to maximize the network lifetime, defined as the estimation task cycles accomplished before the network becomes nonfunctional. In energy-limited wireless sensor networks, both local quantization and multihop transmission are essential to save transmission energy and thus prolong the network lifetime. The network lifetime optimization problem includes three components: i) optimizing source coding at each sensor node, ii) optimizing source throughput of each sensor node, and iii) optimizing multihop routing path. Fortunately, source coding optimization can be decoupled from source throughput and multihop routing path optimization, and is solved by introducing a concept of equivalent 1-bit MSE function. Based on the optimal source coding, the source throughput and multihop routing path optimization is formulated as a linear programming (LP) problem, which suggests a new notion of character-based routing. The proposed algorithm is optimal and the simulation results show that a significant gain is achieved by the proposed algorithm compared with heuristic methods.  相似文献   


Many application domains require that sensor node to be deployed in harsh or hostile environments, such as active volcano area tracking endangered species, etc. making these nodes more prone to failures. The most challenging problem is monitoring the illegal movement within the sensor networks. Attacker prefers mobile malicious node because by making the diversity of path intruder maximize his impact. The emerging technology of sensor network expected Intrusion detection technique for a dynamic environment. In this paper, a defective mechanism based on three-step negotiation is performed for identifying the mobile malicious node using the mobile agent. In many approaches, the multi-mobile agents are used to collect the data from all the sensor nodes after verification. But it is inefficient to verify all the sensor nodes (SNs) in the network, because of mobility, energy consumption, and high delay. In the proposed system this can be solved by grouping sensor nodes into clusters and a single mobile agent performs verification only with all the cluster heads instead of verifying all the SNs. The simulation result shows the proposed system shows a better result than the existing system.



In recent years, cloud computing provides a spectacular platform for numerous users with persistent and alternative varying requirements. In the cloud environment, security and service availability are the two most significant factors during the data encryption process. For providing optimal service availability, it is necessary to establish a load balancing technique that is capable of balancing the request from diverse nodes present in the cloud. This paper aims in establishing a dynamic load balancing technique using the APMG approach. Here in this paper, we integrated adaptive neuro-fuzzy interference system-polynomial neural network as well as memory-based grey wolf optimization algorithm for optimal load balancing. The memory-based grey wolf optimization algorithm is employed to enhance the precision of ANFIS-PNN and to maximize the locations of the membership functions respectively. Also, two significant factors namely the turnaround time and CPU utilization involved in optimal load balancing scheme are evaluated. Finally, the performance evaluation of the proposed MG-ANFIS based dynamic load balancing approach is compared with various other load balancing approaches to determine the system performances.


基于 RSSI 的无线传感器网络节点定位算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
节点位置信息是无线传感器网络应用的基础。基于RSSI(Receive Signal Strength Indicator)的测距技术因其低成本和低复杂度的优点而被广泛用于无线传感器网络的定位技术中。介绍了RSSI信号传输模型,在介绍无线传感器网络定位基本原理的基础上,分析了影响定位精度的因素。综述了近几年提出的无线传感器网络中基于RSSI的节点定位算法及其改进算法,现有基于RSSI定位算法的改进算法主要从测距精度改进、定位精度改进或误差修正改进等方面进行。最后,指出了基于RSSI的无线传感器网络节点定位算法的不足,并进行展望。  相似文献   

提出了一种IPv6无线传感器网络节点的设计,此系统符合无线传感器网络节点设计原则。硬件系统设计硬件系统充分利用了芯片Atmega128、CC2420和LM60的功能,软件设计通过引入状态机进行系统模式调度,从而实现了系统的独立运行。为了测试系统的正确性,对传感器节点的数据包接收率、平均延迟时间和平均消耗能量进行了测试,测试结果表明,此设计方法安全可行,具有很好的实用性。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络微型节点的实现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
无线传感器网络微型节点通过自组织的方式构成网络,可远程实时感知和采集处理周边环境中的物质现象.本文设计了以8位AVR单片机ATmega128L为核心,结合外围传感器和2.4GHz无线收发模块CC2420构建的无线传感器网络微型节点.  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a wireless network that consists of spatially distributed autonomous devices with sophisticated subsystem called sensors to...  相似文献   

综述了无线传感器网络路由算法的主要成果,但重点分析更具有能量有效性的分簇路由算法,对各种算法的主要思想进行了性能评价,提出了一种新的算法.  相似文献   

一种无线传感器网络分簇路由算法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
刘琼  成运 《现代电子技术》2010,33(10):162-164,174
在分析LEACH协议的基础上提出一种基于能量和距离的多跳路由算法(CAED)。由基站依据节点剩余能量和簇头与基站的距离分别选出二层簇头,簇内节点利用单跳和多跳模式与簇头进行通信。仿真实验表明,新算法有效地平衡了节点的能量消耗,并显著地延长了网络的生命周期。  相似文献   

传感器网络中的节点定位问题与很多实际应用直接相关,主要有两类算法,即 rang-free和rang-based,这两类定位算法各有其优势和不足.为了研究算法的发展趋势,比较了几种典型的定位算法,指出了各自的优缺点.  相似文献   

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