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基于动态规划法的无线Mesh网络QoS路由算法和性能评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋文  方旭明 《电子与信息学报》2007,29(12):3001-3005
该文针对时延敏感的多媒体业务吞吐率和传输可靠性的考虑,在无线Mesh网络中,引入动态规划和跨层设计方法设计QoS路由算法。在假设的网络模型上,提出了一个新的基于MAC层信息的综合凸规划路由准则,以及基于此实现的路由算法CPRMQS,详细给出了利用动态规划法解决路由优化问题的算法流程和样例分析。最后通过仿真验证了该算法的可行性,并给出了基于DSR扩展协议的性能评价,其中包括吞吐率和延时等性能。  相似文献   

Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) technology is an attractive solution to meet the demand of broadband network access anywhere and anytime. In order to effectively support delay-sensitive applications such as video streaming and interactive gaming in a WMN, it is crucial to develop feasible methodologies and techniques for accurately analyzing, predicting and guaranteeing end-to-end delay performance over multi-hop wireless communication paths. In this paper, we extend the link-layer effective capacity model and derive a lower bound of delay-bound violation probability, or complementary cumulative distribution function, over multi-hop wireless connections. A fluid traffic model with cross traffic and a Rayleigh fading channel with additive Gaussian noise and Doppler spectrum are considered in our study. The average multi-hop delay and jitter performance bounds are also obtained. Analytical results are verified by extensive computer simulations under different traffic load and wireless channel conditions. We find that multi-hop delay performance is much more sensitive to traffic load and maximum Doppler rate than traffic correlation.  相似文献   

As one of the key techniques in wireless sensor networks (WSN), localization algorithm has been a research hot topic and indispensable function in most wireless applications. In order to promote localization accuracy and efficiency, a lot of localization algorithms with different performances and computation complexities have been proposed. The paper discusses the drawbacks of some typical works on localization, and proposes a hybrid localization algorithm integrated with approximate point in triangle (APIT) and distance vector-hop (DV-HOP). To address the positioning accuracy and coverage rate, the objectives of this paper are three folds: firstly, adopting angle detection to determine the exact direction of unknown nodes. Then, the APIT algorithm is adopted over all unknown nodes within the triangle and its localization error is reduced from 14.7215 m in conventional APIT to 3.2348 m in the considered scenario. Finally, the DV-HOP algorithm is adopted with different weights for the nodes within the minimum hops, and localizes the rest unknown nodes in WSN with localization accuracy increased by 49%.  相似文献   

Enhancing the Performance of Video Streaming in Wireless Mesh Networks   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Multihop wireless mesh networks (WMNs) provide ubiquitous wireless access in a large area with less dependence on wired networks. However, some emerging applications with high bandwidth requirement and delay and loss constraints, such as video streaming, suffer poor performance in WMNs, since high compression rates and/or high packet loss rates deteriorate the video quality. In this paper, we propose a novel mechanism composed of (1) a network route selection scheme which provides paths for multiple video streams with the least interference, called Minimum Interference Route Selection (MIROSE) and (2) an optimization algorithm that determines the compression rates depending on the network condition, called Network State Dependent Video Compression Rate (NSDVCR) algorithm. Simulation results of the proposed mechanisms show the significant improvement of the video quality measured with a popular metric, Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), compared with standard routing and default compression rates.  相似文献   

无线mesh网络的迅速发展使其得到了广泛的应用,此类网络的研究中,MAC层的资源优化问题备受关注.本文就无线mesh网络MAC层的时槽分配调度问题,提出了基于NSGA-Ⅱ算法的CNSGA-Ⅱ算法.理论分析和仿真结果表明该算法所得到的Pareto解集具有较好的相对覆盖率和整体前沿扩展性能,能在能耗和时延两个目标参数之间达到较好的平衡状态.  相似文献   

针对无线mesh网络的网络特性,分析了无线网络中的队列调度算法,提出了一种自适应的队列调度算法AQSM,详细讨论了该算法的具体实现过程及参数变化规则,通过仿真验证了该算法在提高网络性能的同时还可以实现对不同业务流的业务区分。  相似文献   

该文首次在多天线多信道802.11无线网状网中提出了时频信道的概念。时频信道是通过在时间和频率两个维度划分无线资源取得的。这种划分方法增加了信道数量,使信道划分更加精细,为提高系统的信道利用率做了准备。在时频信道的基础上,提出了准动态信道分配算法。该算法可以和现有的固定信道分配算法结合,实现准动态信道分配,根据链路上负载变化,取得最大的吞吐量。该算法先根据固定信道分配算法为各链路分配相同数量的时频信道,剩余部分当作公共信道。在通信过程中,各链路首先使用分配给自己的信道和空闲的公共信道。如果分配给一个链路的信道不够,且别的链路上的信道有空闲,该链路还可以暂时使用这些空闲信道。理论分析和仿真结果证明该算法可以有效提高系统的吞吐量。  相似文献   

针对无线 Mesh 网络中传统单径路由协议的不足,提出一种基于动态源路由协议(DSR)的多路径路由算法(IDSR).该算法通过在路由发现过程引入带宽和最大转发次数等限制条件,保证了多条路由请求信息的获取;通过在节点不相交的多径选择过程中引入多 QoS 路由代价函数,有效地实现多路径的选择;通过提供多 QoS 保障,使算法具有较高的求解效率,避免了单径路由的不稳定等特点.实验结果表明,IDSR 算法在无线 Mesh 网络的路由中具有更好的 QoS 性能.  相似文献   

Multihop wireless mesh networks are an attractive solution for providing last-mile connectivity. However, the shared nature of the transmission medium makes it challenging to fully exploit these networks. In an attempt to improve the radio resource utilization, several routing metrics have been specifically designed for wireless mesh networks. However none of these routing metrics efficiently tackles interference issues. Moreover, although some evaluations have been conducted to assess the performance of these metrics in some contrived scenarios, no overall comparison has been performed. The contributions of this paper are consequently twofold. First, we propose a new routing metric, Interference-Aware Routing metric (IAR), specifically designed for WMNs. IAR uses MAC-level information to measure the share of the channel that each link is able to utilize effectively. As a result, paths that exhibit the least interference will be selected to route the data traffic. Then we evaluate the performance of IAR against some of the most popular routing metrics currently used in wireless mesh networks: Hop Count, Blocking Metric, Expected Transmission Count (ETX), Expected Transmission Time (ETT), Modified ETX (mETX), Network Allocation Vector Count (NAVC) and Metric of Interference and Channel-Switching (MIC). We show under various simulation scenarios that IAR performs the best in terms of end-to-end delay and packet loss, and provides the fairest resource utilization.  相似文献   

无线Mesh网络集中式信道分配算法设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以集中式无线Mesh网络(WMN)为基础,分析和研究了传统多信道分配算法,并在此基础上提出了以节点优先级和分组为特点的多接口多信道分配算法(Channel Assignment based on Rank of Node and Link group,CAR-NL),该算法结合节点分级和链路负载预期评估机制,通过节点链路分组按级分配信道。通过仿真实验表明,该算法能有效提高无线Mesh网络多业务流并发执行时系统整体吞吐量,并实现较低的丢包率。  相似文献   

针对无线Mesh网络的网络特性,分析了无线Mesh网络中的EDCA算法,提出了一种基于拥塞概率的CPEDCA算法,详细讨论了该算法的具体实现过程及参数的动态调整方法,通过仿真验证了该算法对网络性能的提高,同时可以实现不同业务流间的业务区分。  相似文献   

This paper presents a performance analysis of the Identifier Splitting Algorithm combined with polling, a contention resolution scheme used to inform the Base Station about the bandwidth needs of the Mobile Station in a wireless ATM network. An analytical model leads to the evaluation of performance parameters which determine the throughput and the access delay of the algorithm for different system parameters. This analysis is used to investigate the influence of the system parameters on the performance, from which guidelines for parameter tuning can be derived.  相似文献   

In Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), the performance of conventional TCP significantly deteriorates due to the unreliable wireless channel. To enhance TCP performance in WMNs, TCP/LT is proposed in this paper. It introduces fountain codes into packet reorganization in the protocol stack of mesh gateways and mesh clients. Furthermore, it is compatible with conventional TCP. Regarded as a Performance Enhancement Proxies (PEP), a mesh gateway buffers TCP packets into several blocks. It simultaneously processes them by using fountain encoders and then sends them to mesh clients. Apart from the improvement of the throughput of a unitary TCP flow, the entire network utility maximization can also be ensured by adjusting the scale of coding blocks for each TCP flow adaptively. Simulations show that TCP/LT presents high throughput gains over single TCP in lossy links of WMNs while preserving the fairness for multiple TCPs. As losses increase, the transmission delay of TCP/LT experiences a slow linear growth in contrast to the exponential growth of TCP.  相似文献   

An H-hop interference model is proposed, where the transmission is successfully received if no other nodes that are within H hops from the receiver are transmitting on the same channel simultaneously. Based on this model. the interference-free property in the Time division multiple access Wireless mesh networks is analyzed. A heuristic algorithm with max-rain time slots reservation strategy is developed to get the maximum bandwidth of a given path. And it is used in the bandwidth guaranteed routing protocol to find a path for a connection with bidirectional bandwidth requirement. Extensive simulations show that our routing protocol decreases the blocking ratios significantly compared with the shortest path routing.  相似文献   

Wireless mesh networks recently emerge as a flexible, low-cost and multipurpose networking platform with wired infrastructure connected to the Internet. A critical issue in mesh networks is to maintain network activities for a long lifetime with high energy efficiency. As more and more outdoor applications require long-lasting, high energy efficient and continuously-working mesh networks with battery-powered mesh routers, it is important to optimize the performance of mesh networks from a battery-aware point of view. Recent study in battery technology reveals that discharging of a battery is nonlinear. Batteries tend to discharge more energy than needed, and reimburse the over-discharged energy later if they have sufficiently long recovery time. Intuitively, to optimize network performance, a mesh router should recover its battery periodically to prolong the lifetime. In this paper, we introduce a mathematical model on battery discharging duration and lifetime for wireless mesh networks. We also present a battery lifetime optimization scheduling algorithm (BLOS) to maximize the lifetime of battery-powered mesh routers. Based on the BLOS algorithm, we further consider the problem of using battery powered routers to monitor or cover a few hot spots in the network. We refer to this problem as the Spot Covering under BLOS Policy problem (SCBP). We prove that the SCBP problem is NP-hard and give an approximation algorithm called the Spanning Tree Scheduling (STS) to dynamically schedule mesh routers. The key idea of the STS algorithm is to construct a spanning tree according to the BLOS Policy in the mesh network. The time complexity of the STS algorithm is O(r) for a network with r mesh routers. Our simulation results show that the STS algorithm can greatly improve the lifetime, data throughput and energy consumption efficiency of a wireless mesh network.  相似文献   

本文在AODV路由协议的基础上提出了一种基于无环替代(LFA)的前摄性重路由机制,旨在提高无线Mesh网络的快速自愈的能力.文中首先介绍了AODV的改进AODV备份路由协议,并指出AODV备份路由协议的不足,然后提出了基于无环替代的AODV路由算法AODV-LFA,最后通过NS仿真实验,比较了AODV、AODV备份路由和AODV-LFA的丢包率、端到端时延等,表明AODV-LFA具有更强的自愈能力.  相似文献   

无线Mesh技术和网络   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无线网状网(WMN)是近年被高度重视和快速发展的新型网络技术,支持宽带高速多媒体业务服务。文章就无线Mesh网络技术和应用进行讨论,综述无线Mesh网络的发展由来、基本技术、典型应用和现在的发展。随着未来无线分布技术和无线分布网络的发展,无线Mesh技术和网络将会成为无线移动通信的基本网络技术和网络结构,渗透到各种无线网络中,发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

The Quality of Service of Multi-Channel Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks is adversely affected by the complex behavior of interference patterns present between the sender and receiver of a link. This behavior is usually captured using wireless channel interference models. The accuracy of the interference model is highly dependent on the interaction of the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance Medium Access Control (CSMA/CA MAC) protocol based on the geometric location of the sender and receiver of the link. Therefore, this paper presents a nomenclature of interference modeling schemes available in Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) literature with respect to the geometric location of the sender and receiver of a link. The behavior and limitations of each model are analyzed with the help of empirical examples. The results indicate that Garetto’s model of interfering links is the best choice to model wireless channel interference in WMNs. In addition, this study provides an interference analysis of Garetto’s model for the two link case by computing the conditional packet loss probability of each class of interfering link. The probability analysis concluded that the links with disconnected senders are highly interfering compared to sender connected links. Further, the analysis will assist researchers and engineers in relay node placement, capacity analysis, channel assignment, and topology control schemes in the WMN.  相似文献   

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