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Studies that have evaluated the effects on accidents of daytime running lights for cars have consistently found that cars using daytime running lights are involved in fewer multi-party accidents in daylight than cars not using daytime running lights. However, studies evaluating the effects of mandatory use of daytime running lights have not always found an accident reduction. Although findings are mixed, there is a tendency for the aggregate effects of daytime running lights (i.e. the effects of an increasing share of traffic using daytime running lights) to be smaller than the intrinsic effects (i.e. the difference in accident involvement between cars using and not using daytime running lights). This paper presents a game-theoretic model to explain these apparently inconsistent findings. The game-theoretic model is based on so called Schelling-diagrams, originally introduced by Nobel laureate in economics Schelling. The effects of daytime running lights are modelled by means of Schelling-diagrams. It is shown that it is by no means impossible for cars using daytime running lights to always be safer than cars not using daytime running lights, while the total number of accidents remains constant even if the percentage of cars using daytime running lights increases from, say, 10% to 90%.  相似文献   

The persistent overrepresentation of young drivers in road crashes is universally recognised. A multitude of factors influencing their behaviour and safety have been identified through methods including crash analyses, simulated and naturalistic driving studies, and self-report measures. Across the globe numerous, diverse, countermeasures have been implemented; the design of the vast majority of these has been informed by a driver-centric approach. An alternative approach gaining popularity in transport safety is the systems approach which considers not only the characteristics of the individual, but also the decisions and actions of other actors within the road transport system, along with the interactions amongst them. This paper argues that for substantial improvements to be made in young driver road safety, what has been learnt from driver-centric research needs to be integrated into a systems approach, thus providing a holistic appraisal of the young driver road safety problem. Only then will more effective opportunities and avenues for intervention be realised.  相似文献   

Scientific journals represent a significant and growing part of the libraries and many researchers have attempted to measure their use by various methodological approaches till date. In this paper, the author reviews the methodologies employed by researchers working on scientific journals usage. It aims to present an overall picture of the research methods used in the area, in a way that will be of value to anyone seeking to study scientific journals. The author reviews four main research methodologies which are being used for profiling scientific journals usage including questionnaire, interview, citation analysis and transaction log analysis.  相似文献   

The present study examined the associations driving under the influence of (a) cannabis and (b) alcohol, and motor vehicle collisions during, in a longitudinal study of a New Zealand birth cohort (n=936). Participants reported significantly (p<.0001) greater rates of driving under the influence of cannabis than driving under the influence of alcohol during ages 21-25. Also, there were statistically significant bivariate associations between increasing levels of both: (a) driving under the influence of cannabis and (b) self-reported driving under the influence of alcohol, and increased risks of active motor vehicle collisions (p<.0001). These associations were adjusted for potentially confounding factors including average distance driven and self-reported risky driving behaviours. After adjustment, the associations between driving under the influence of cannabis and motor vehicle collisions remained marginally significant (p=.064), whereas adjustment for confounding factors reduced the association between driving under the influence of alcohol and motor vehicle collisions to statistical non-significance (p>.70). The results of the present study suggest that, for some populations, the risks of driving under the influence of cannabis may now be greater than the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol.  相似文献   

It is fairly well understood that there is link between pavement friction and safety, or more specifically, the probability of wet-weather skidding crashes. However, robust knowledge on the comparative quantitative effects on safety for specific treatments that improve pavement friction, which can assist pavement engineers in economically justifying and prioritising treatments, is sparse. The large-scale study on which this paper is based aimed to firm up this knowledge for a variety of low-cost treatments and road classes, using state-of-the-art methodology and substantial, high-quality data-sets. This was a retrospective study for pavement safety performance, looking back at crash data before and after treatments was implemented. Both flexible and rigid pavement treatments were analysed and crash modification factors were estimated for several target crash types and road classes. The majority of the friction improvement treatments considered under this effort are typically used for pavement preservation or minor rehabilitation purposes. Although pavement engineers recognise that these treatments generally improve safety, they are not typically installed by highway agencies explicitly for safety improvement objectives. The combined results for most treatment types confirmed nevertheless the safety benefits for wet-road crashes, with a few exceptions. For dry road crashes, there was some evidence of the deleterious effects of speed adaptation to new surfaces in that crashes increased for a few treatments on some road types.  相似文献   

Previous studies have acknowledged the relevance of assessing the measurement equivalence of safety related measures across different groups, and demonstrating whether the existence of disparities in safety perceptions might impair direct group comparisons. The Griffin and Neal (2000) model of safety climate, and the accompanying measure (Neal et al. [NGH], 2000), are both widely cited and utilized. Yet neither the model in its entirety nor the measure have been previously validated across different national contexts. The current study is the first to examine the NGH measurement equivalence by testing whether their model of safety climate predicting safety performance is tenable in both English speaking and non-English speaking countries. The study involved 616 employees from 21 organizations in the US, and 738 employees from 20 organizations in Italy. A multi-group confirmatory factor analytic approach was used to assess the equivalence of the measures across the two countries. Similarly, the structural model of relations among the NGH variables was examined in order to demonstrate its cross-country invariance. Results substantially support strict invariance across groups for the NGH safety scales. Moreover, the invariance across countries is also demonstrated for the effects of safety climate on safety knowledge and motivation, which in turn positively relate to both compliance and participation. Our findings have relevant theoretical implications by establishing measurement and relational equivalence of the NGH model. Practical implications are discussed for managers and practitioners dealing with multi-national organizational contexts. Future research should continue to investigate potential differences in safety related perceptions across additional non-English speaking countries.  相似文献   

The paper is divided in two parts. Part I deals with the novel use of the concept ofentropy H (measured in nepers) of the ageT of references cited in the literature of a specialty, and the derived parameterS=exp(H) (measured in years). We have proposed to useS (orH) as a measure of the obsolescence of the literature. The concept of entropy comes from the Theory of Information (Shannon) where its mathematical properties have been widely studied and are thus available.H andS have been calculated for the log-normal probability density functions (which model the empirical distributions ofT) of some IEEE journals and for the 58-year collection of an electronics journal, and then they have been compared to the total utility function, this latter defined in the literature. Part II recalls and discusses the mean residual life,M(T), and the expected lifeE(T), of a reference of ageT (concepts borrowed from lifetime data analysis). Besides their intrinsic applications, another possible application of these concepts may be in defining quantitatively the age of historical papers. Examples taken from the literatures of the XX and XIX centuries have been reported.Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Bibliometrics, Informetrics and Scientometrics in Berlin (Germany), September 11–15, 1993.  相似文献   

Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) data from 1977 to 2002 record a decreasing number of traffic fatalities taken to a hospital compared with traffic fatalities not taken to a hospital. In this study, we calculated the proportions of decedents reportedly taken to a hospital each year in each state, and the proportions surviving at least 1 h. We also used death certificate data from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) for 1979-1999 to categorize the proportion of motor vehicle fatalities in each state by hospital patient status. The annual number of traffic fatalities decreased slightly over the period of observation. The proportion of decedents recorded in FARS as transported to a hospital fell from about 73 to 43%. However, this proportion decreased abruptly at certain times in some states, suggesting previous misclassification. The proportion surviving at least 1 h remained relatively constant. NCHS data showed a decline in the proportion declared dead in hospitals from 62 to 51%, including a decline in the proportion declared dead on arrival (DOA) from 20 to 8%. Along with occasional misclassification in some states, the decrease in cases transported only to be pronounced DOA could explain why FARS data show a decrease in deaths after hospital transport.  相似文献   

In this work, collagen ? was introduced as an additive to the dilute electrolyte used for direct electrochemical deposition of hydroxyapatite (HA) coating, and its modulation effects on the morphology and crystal structure of the HA coating were examined by SEM and XRD, respectively. Collagen I-modified HA coating was found to exhibit a micro-porous structure, formed by the ordered arrangements of ultra-fine HA crystals. The crystal structure of the modified HA coating was demonstrated to be similar to that of the natural bone. Further compositional studies using FTIR spectroscopy supported the integration of the collagen into the HA coating.  相似文献   

The growing prevalence of workplace drug testing and the narrow scope of previous reviews of the evidence base necessitate a comprehensive review of research concerning the efficacy of drug testing as a workplace strategy. A systematic qualitative review of relevant research published between January 1990 and January 2013 was undertaken. Inclusion criteria were studies that evaluated the effectiveness of drug testing in deterring employee drug use or reducing workplace accident or injury rates. Methodological adequacy was assessed using a published assessment tool specifically designed to assess the quality of intervention studies. A total of 23 studies were reviewed and assessed, six of which reported on the effectiveness of testing in reducing employee drug use and 17 which reported on occupational accident or injury rates. No studies involved randomised control trials. Only one study was assessed as demonstrating strong methodological rigour. That study found random alcohol testing reduced fatal accidents in the transport industry. The majority of studies reviewed contained methodological weaknesses including; inappropriate study design, limited sample representativeness, the use of ecological data to evaluate individual behaviour change and failure to adequately control for potentially confounding variables. This latter finding is consistent with previous reviews and indicates the evidence base for the effectiveness of testing in improving workplace safety is at best tenuous. Better dissemination of the current evidence in relation to workplace drug testing is required to support evidence-informed policy and practice. There is also a pressing need for more methodologically rigorous research to evaluate the efficacy and utility of drug testing.  相似文献   

In this study the relationships among self-reported general aggressiveness, impulsiveness, driver anger, and aggressive responses to anger-provoking situations on the road were studied. The British version of a driver anger scale (UK DAS), aggression questionnaire (AQ), and an impulsiveness questionnaire (I7) together with background questions (gender, age, annual mileage) were administered to a sample of 270 British drivers. Variation in strength of correlations between anger and aggressive reactions in the 21 UK DAS items showed that the relationship between driver anger and aggression depends in part on the characteristics of the situation. In addition, three path models for describing the relationships among the measures were constructed separately for women and men. The models suggested that the effects of verbal aggressiveness on self-reported driver aggression were mediated by driver anger whereas physical aggressiveness was directly related to aggressive behaviour. Age was negatively related to both driver anger and aggression among men whereas annual mileage was negatively related to aggression among women. The models constructed indicate that aggressive driver behaviour is a complex phenomenon with a range of psychological causes.  相似文献   

Finnish driver training was renewed in 1990 with the inclusion of a compulsory skid training course in the curriculum. The study evaluated the renewal's effect on accidents in slippery road conditions. A questionnaire was sent by mail to 41000 novice drivers who were randomly selected from the official register of driving licences. It included questions on driving exposure and the accidents the drivers had been involved in during 6-18 months following licensing. The rate of return was 74.7%. Half of the drivers had received their licence in 1989 and had, therefore, not received any skid training. The other half had received their licence in 1990 after the introduction of the skid training course. The results showed no effects of the renewal on slippery road accidents for either male or female drivers. Another questionnaire was sent to 1300 old and new curriculum drivers immediately after licensing and a second time 1/2-1 year later, both with questions about skills, worries and perceived risks regarding driving in slippery conditions. The new curriculum drivers showed higher confidence in their skills and they were less afraid to drive in slippery conditions than the old curriculum drivers. This increase in confidence as a result of skid training is discussed. It is argued that high confidence in one's personal skills does not necessarily imply negative safety. The crucial factor is how these skills are used, and for what purpose.  相似文献   

Urban and rural places are integrated through economic ties and population flows. Despite their integration, most studies of road safety dichotomize urban and rural places, and studies have consistently demonstrated that rural places are more dangerous for motorists than urban places. Our study investigates whether these findings are sensitive to the definition of urban and rural. We use three different definitions of urban-rural continua to quantify and compare motor vehicle occupant fatality rates per person-trip and person-mile for the state of Wisconsin. The three urban-rural continua are defined by: (1) popular impressions of urban, suburban, and rural places using a system from regional economics; (2) population density; and (3) the intensity of commute flows to core urbanized areas. In this analysis, the three definitions captured different people and places within each continuum level, highlighting rural heterogeneity. Despite this heterogeneity, the three definitions resulted in similar fatality rate gradients, suggesting a potentially latent “rural” characteristic. We then used field observations of urban-rural transects to refine the definitions. When accounting for the presence of higher-density towns and villages in rural places, we found that low-density urban places such as suburbs and exurbs have fatality rates more similar to those in rural places. These findings support the need to understand road safety within the context of regional development processes instead of urban-rural categories.  相似文献   

A Study on the Reliability of a Large Vibration Machine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 IntroductionLargevibrationmillsareappliedwidelyincoalandbuildingmaterialsindustries .Thebiggestvol umeofmillsmadeinChinais 2 .8m3tillnow .Becauseitsmaincomponentsbearalternatingloadinrunning ,thecommonfailuremodelisoffatigue .Inordertoincreasethereliabilit…  相似文献   

Recent studies focused on driver calibration show that drivers are often miscalibrated, either over confident or under confident, and the magnitude of this miscalibration changes under different conditions. Previous work has demonstrated behavioral and performance benefits of feedback, yet these studies have not explicitly examined the issue of calibration. The objective of this study was to examine driver calibration, i.e., the degree to which drivers are accurately aware of their performance, and determine whether feedback alters driver calibration. Twenty-four drivers completed a series of driving tasks (pace clocks, traffic light, speed maintenance, and traffic cones) on a test track. Drivers drove three different blocks around the test track: (1) baseline block, where no participants received feedback; (2) feedback block, where half of the participants received performance feedback while the other half received no feedback; (3) a no feedback block, where no participants received feedback. Results indicated that across two different calibration measures, drivers were sufficiently calibrated to the pace clocks, traffic light, and traffic cone tasks. Drivers were not accurately aware of their performance regarding speed maintenance, though receiving feedback on this task improved calibration. Proper and accurate measurements of driver calibration are needed before designing performance feedback to improve calibration as these feedback systems may not always yield the intended results.  相似文献   

Aggressive driving is increasingly a concern for drivers in highly motorised countries. However, the role of driver intent in this behaviour is problematic and there is little research on driver cognitions in relation to aggressive driving incidents. In addition, while drivers who admit to behaving aggressively on the road also frequently report being recipients of similar behaviours, little is known about the relationship between perpetration and victimisation or about how road incidents escalate into the more serious events that feature in capture media attention. The current study used qualitative interviews to explore driver cognitions and underlying motivations for aggressive behaviours on the road. A total of 30 drivers aged 18–49 years were interviewed about their experiences with aggressive driving. A key theme identified in responses was driver aggression as an attempt to manage or modify the behaviour of other road users. Two subthemes were identified and appeared related to separate motivations for aggressive responses: ‘teaching them a lesson’ referred to situations where respondents intended to convey criticism or disapproval, usually of unintended behaviours by the other driver, and thus encourage self-correction; and ‘justified retaliation’ which referred to situations where respondents perceived deliberate intent on the part of the other driver and responded aggressively in return. Mildly aggressive driver behaviour appears to be common. Moreover such behaviour has a sufficiently negative impact on other drivers that it may be worth addressing because of its potential for triggering retaliation in kind or escalation of aggression, thus compromising safety.  相似文献   

The effect of three commercial Ti–B-based grain refiners on the impact properties of the A356 cast aluminium alloy was assessed. The impact tests were performed by means of an instrumented Charpy pendulum. During impact testing, the maximum load and the total impact energy, as well as its complementary contributions, the energy at maximum load and the crack propagation energy, were measured. Impact properties were studied as a function of size and shape of the main microstructural features, which were analysed by means of optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the influence of grain refinement on microstructure involves beneficial and detrimental concurrent effects which strongly affect impact properties. The total impact energy decreases with the addition of all the grain refiners due to a shift from a mixed transgranular–intergranular fracture mode to a more severe transgranular mode. Crack initiation and propagation occur mainly through the fracture of Fe-intermetallics and brittle Si particles, and the mechanism of void coalescence. No direct correlation between grain size and impact properties is found. Moreover, the aspect ratio of eutectic Si particles does not change with grain refinement, implying that there are no mutual poisoning effects between Sr and B. Total impact energy is found to depend on both SDAS and β-platelets size. The concurrent effects of SDAS and β-platelets average maximum length on total impact energy can be taken into account by the multiple regression analysis technique.  相似文献   

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