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An experimental study of two-phase flow in a 180° pipe bends with 0.016, 0.022 and 0.03 m and the curvature radii of 0.11, 0.154, 0.21 m, respectively have been carried out. The experiments were conducted under the input superficial phase velocity: air from 0.038 to 5.4 m s−1, water from 0.018 to 0.92 m s−1 and oil from 0.014 to 0.92 m s−1. The conducted research involved the observation of the forming flow patterns and determination of average volumetric in situ gas fraction. On the basis of the results of experimental flow map was created for gas–liquid flow and a method of calculating gas fractions was established.  相似文献   

An experimental study of a new vane-type pipe separator (VTPS) was conducted for the possible application in the well-bore for oil–water separation and reinjection. Results by using particle image velocimetry (PIV) reveal a better flow field distribution for oil–water separation, which is formed in VTPS than that in hydrocyclone. The effects of split ratio, the oil content, guide vanes’ installation and number of guide vanes on oil–water separation performance have been investigated experimentally. Compared to a traditional single hydrocyclone, VTPS shows a good separation performance as the water content at the inlet of VTPS reaches 79.9%, the oil content at the water-rich outlet is about 400 ppm while the split is near 0.70. These results are helpful to provide a possibly new design for downhole oil–water separation.  相似文献   

Stratified two-phase flows of oil and water are important to the energy industry, and models capable of predicting this type of flow are primordial. Many studies focus on fluids with low viscosity, but a high viscosity oil in the mixture significantly changes its behavior. We gathered experimental data of pressure drop, volumetric fractions, and flow-pattern data of a stratified liquid–liquid flow with high viscosity ratio. In addition, a wire-mesh sensor provided tomographic views of the flow. The data were compared with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models using OpenFOAM and a one-dimensional model. CFD simulations used an interface capturing method, and turbulence damping was introduced to avoid high eddy viscosity at the interface region. Reynolds Average Navier–Stokes and large eddy simulations were used to account for turbulence, and they showed significant differences. The comparisons showed good overall results for pressure drop, volumetric fractions, and phase distributions between CFD and experiments.  相似文献   

The flow patterns and pressure gradient of immiscible liquids are still subject of immense research interest. This is partly because fluids with different properties exhibit different flow behaviours in different pipe's configurations under different operating conditions. In this study, a combination of oil–water properties (σ = 20.1 mN/m) not previously reported was used in a 25.4 mm acrylic pipe. Experimental data of flow patterns, pressure gradient and phase inversion in horizontal oil–water flow are presented and analyzed together with comprehensive comments. The effect of oil viscosity on flow structure was assessed by comparing the present work data with those of Angeli and Hewitt (2000) and Raj et al. (2005). The comparison revealed several important findings. For example, the water velocity required to initiate the transition to non-stratified flow at low oil velocities increased as the oil viscosity increased while it decreased at higher oil velocities. The formation of bubbly and annular flows and the extent of dual continuous region were found to increase as the oil–water viscosity ratio increased. Dispersed oil in water appeared earlier when oil viscosity decreased.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the hydrodynamic behavior of gas–solid two-phase flow in the annular space of an air drilling well under different arrangements by using three-dimensional approach. Two-fluid model is used to solve the governing equations in the Eulerian–Eulerian framework. Effect of eccentricity and drill pipe rotation on the pressure drop, volume fraction and velocity profile are examined. The results are compared with available data in the literature and good agreement is found. The results show that the presence of solid particles in the annulus change the air velocity profile significantly and create two off-center peaks velocity close to the walls instead of one peak velocity in the middle. Eccentricity of drill pipe makes more accumulation of the cuttings in the smaller space of the annulus. Increasing the eccentricity increases pressure drop due to impact of particles with annulus wall and also particles collision with each other. Rotation of the drill pipe shifts maximum air velocity location toward smaller space of the annulus which results more uniform cutting distributions in the annulus and improvement in their transportations. Pressure drop in the annulus increases as eccentricity and rotation of drill pipe increase.  相似文献   

In contrast to the concurrent mixer-settler, the interaction between the mixing and settling chambers have to be taken into account in the simulation of the countercurrent mixer-settler, and no work has been reported for this equipment. In this work, a three-phase flow model based on the Eulerian multiphase model, coupled with a sliding mesh model is proposed for a countercurrent mixer-settler. Based on this, the dispersed phase distribution, flow pattern, and pressure distribution are investigated, which can help to fill the gap in the operation mechanism. In addition, the velocity vector distribution at the phase port shows an intriguing phenomenon that two types of vectors with opposite directions are distributed on the left and right sides of the same plane, which indicates that the material exchange in the mixing and settling chambers is simultaneous. Analysis of this variation at this location by a fast Fourier transform (FFT) method reveals that it is mainly influenced by the mixing chamber and is consistent with the main period of the outlet flow fluctuations. Therefore, by monitoring the fluctuation of the outlet flow and then analyzing it by the FFT method, the state of the whole tank can be determined, which makes it promising for the design of control systems for countercurrent mixer-settlers.  相似文献   

To investigate the characteristics of hydrate formation in oil–water systems, a high-pressure visual autoclave equipped with visual windows was used where a series of hydrate formation experiments were performed from natural gas + diesel oil + water systems at different water cuts (30 and 70%), rotation rates (100, 200, 300 r/min) and thermodynamic conditions (temperature, pressure). According to the temperature and pressure profiles in test experiments, the processes of hydrate formation under two kinds of experimental procedures were analyzed first. Then, based on the experimental phenomenon observed through the visual windows, hydrate morphologies and hydrate morphological evolvements throughout the experiments were mainly investigated. In experiments, the growth and annealing of hydrate films on the wall, the agglomeration and deposition of hydrate coated water droplets, flocculent-like hydrate deposition with water trapped in and the Pickering effect of hydrates were identified. Simultaneously, based on the experimental data of thermodynamic parameters, the kinetics of hydrate formation was studied by calculating the variations of hydrate film area and gas consumption in different experiments. In addition, the influences of temperature, pressure, and rotation rate on hydrate morphologies, hydrate morphological evolvements, and hydrate formation kinetics were also focused on.  相似文献   

The simultaneous flow of oil and water in pipelines is a common occurrence in the chemical and process industry. An experimental investigation of oil–water flow in horizontal and slightly inclined pipes is presented in this paper. The experiments are performed in a 15 m long stainless steel pipe section with internal diameter 56 mm at room temperature and atmospheric outlet pressure. Exxsol D60 oil (density 790 kg/m3 and viscosity 1.64 mPa s) and water (density 996 kg/m3 and viscosity 1.00 mPa s) are used as test fluids. The pipe inclination is changed in the range from 5° upward to 5° downward. The measurements are made for two different mixture velocities, 0.50 and 1.00 m/s at water cut 0.50. The cross-sectional distribution of phase fractions in oil–water flow is measured using a traversable single-beam gamma densitometer. The different flow regimes are determined based on visual observations. The particle image velocimetry (PIV) is utilized in order to obtain non-invasive instantaneous velocity measurements of the flow field. Based on the instantaneous local velocities, mean velocities, root mean squared velocities and Reynolds stresses are calculated. Stratified flow with mixing at the interface is observed at mixture velocity 0.50 m/s. Interfacial waves are observed in upwardly and downwardly inclined flows. At mixture velocity 1.00 m/s, interfacial mixing is increased and dual continuous flows are observed. The degree of mixing largely depends on the pipe inclination. In general, higher water hold-up values are observed for upwardly inclined flows compared to the horizontal and downwardly inclined flows. The slip between the phases increases as the pipe inclination increases. The maximum mean axial velocity is detected in the more viscous oil phase at equal volumetric flow rates of oil and water. In addition, measured mean velocity and turbulence profiles show a strong dependency with pipe inclination. The largest root mean squared velocities and absolute values of the Reynolds stresses are observed close to the pipe wall due to higher mean axial velocity gradients. A damping effect of Reynolds stress is observed around the oil–water interface due to stable density stratification. The presence of interfacial waves enhances turbulence fluctuations in inclined oil–water flows.  相似文献   

In this paper, a one-dimensional, transient theoretical model, the Piston Flow Model (PFM), based on momentum analysis, is proposed to predict the time dependent forces acting on horizontal pipe bends in slug flow. Our experimental apparatus is described and results there from are presented. The PFM has been validated by comparing its predictions with our experimental results for air–water slug flow. The pressure traces, force traces and maximum force predicted agree well with our measurements.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONIt has been generally accepted through industrial practices and laboratory experi-mentations that chemical reaction in a gas fluidized reactor takes place primarilyat the location within a few centimeters from its bottom.This is particularly no-ticeable for fast reactions.It has been known that under normal operating condi-tions in gas-solid fluidized reactors,the characteristics of bubble size and bubblemovements play important roles in affecting the mass transfer and contacts between  相似文献   

Micro-packed bed reactors (μPBRs) have the advantages of high heat and mass transfer efficiency and excellent safety, and they have been successfully applied to hydrogenation and oxidation reactions. However, the study of gas–liquid flow regimes in the μPBR, which is essential for the mass transfer modeling and reactor scale-up, is still insufficient due to the limitation of micro-scale and complexity of capillary force. In this work, the flow regimes in the two-dimensional μPBR were systematically studied by visual method utilizing a high-performance camera. Four typical flow regimes and characteristics were captured, and flow regime transition was revealed. Effects of gas and liquid superficial velocities, liquid physical properties, and particle sizes on liquid spreading areal fraction and pressure drop were investigated. Flow regime transition correlation of churn flow and pseudo-static flow in the μPBR was provided for the first time based on the summary of the current and previous published results.  相似文献   

An effective mass transfer intensification method was proposed by embedding different triangular obstacles to improve the gas–liquid mass transfer efficiency in microchannel. The influences of triangle obstacles configuration, obstacle interval and flow rate on the volumetric mass transfer coefficient, pressure drop and energy consumption were investigated experimentally. The enhancement factor was used to quantify the mass transfer enhancement effect of triangle obstacles. It was found that the isosceles or equilateral triangle obstacles are superior to the rectangular obstacles. The maximum enhancement factor of equilateral triangle obstacles was 2.35. Considering comprehensively mass transfer enhancement and energy consumption, the isosceles triangle obstacle showed the best performance, its maximum enhancement factor was 2.1, while the maximum pressure drop increased only 0.41 kPa (22%) compared to the microchannel without obstacles. Furthermore, a micro-particle image velocimetry (micro-PIV) was utilized to observe the flow field distribution and evolution, in order to understand and analyze the enhancement mechanism. The micro-PIV measurement indicated that the obstacle structure could induce the formation of vortex, which promotes convective mass transfer and thins the flow boundary layer, accordingly, the gas–liquid mass transfer efficiency is remarkably improved. This study can provide theoretical guidance and support for the design and optimization of microchannel with triangular obstacles.  相似文献   

Gas-Newtonian liquid two-phase flows (TPFs) are presented in several industrial processes (e.g. oil-gas industry). In spite of the common occurrence of these TPFs, the understanding of them is limited compared to single-phase flows. Various studies on TPF focus on developing empirical correlations based on large sets of experimental data for void fraction, which have proven accurate for specific conditions for which they were developed limiting their applicability. On the other hand, few studies focus on gas-non-Newtonian liquids TPFs, which are very common in chemical processes. The main reason is due to the characterization of the viscosity, which determines the hydraulic regime and flow behaviours of the system.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of injecting nanofluids containing nano-SiO2 as drag reducing agents (DRA) at different concentrations on the pressure drop of air–water flow through horizontal pipe....  相似文献   

A simulation method for slug flow based on the VOF multiphase flow model was implemented in ANSYS? Fluent via a user-defined function(UDF) and applied to the dissipation of liquid slugs in the inlet pipe of a gas–liquid cylindrical cyclone(GLCC) separator while varying the expanding diameter ratio and angle of inclination. The dissipation of liquid slug in inlet pipe is analyzed under different expanding diameter ratios and inclination angles.In the inlet pipe, it is found that increasing expanding diameter ratio and inclination angle can reduce the liquid slug stability and enhancing the effect of gravity, which is beneficial to slug flow dissipation. In the cylinder, increasing the expanding diameter ratio can significantly reduce the liquid carrying depth of the gas phase but result in a slightly increase of the gas content in the liquid phase space. Moreover, increasing the inclination angle results in a decrease in the carrying depth of liquid in the vapor phase, but enhances gas–liquid mixing and increases the gas-carrying depth in the liquid phase. Taking into consideration the dual effects of slug dissipation in the inlet pipe and carrying capacity of gas/liquid spaces in the cylinder, the optimal expanding diameter ratio and inclination angle values can be determined.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper is on the measurement and calculation model of void fraction for the vertical upward co-current air–water slug flow in a circular tube of 15 mm inner diameter. High-speed photography and optical probes were utilized, with water superficial velocity ranging from 0.089 to 0.65 m·s-1 and gas superficial velocity ranging from 0.049 to 0.65 m·s-1. A new void fraction model based on the local parameters was proposed, disposing the slug flow as a combination of Taylor bubbles and liquid slugs. In the Taylor bubble region, correction factors of liquid film thickness Cδ and nose shape CZ* were proposed to calculate αTB. In the liquid slug region, the radial void fraction distribution profiles were obtained to calculate αLS, by employing the image processing technique based on supervised machine learning. Results showed that the void fraction proportion in Taylor bubbles occupied crucial contribution to the overall void fraction. Multiple types of void fraction predictive correlations were assessed using the present data. The performance of the Schmidt model was optimal, while some models for slug flow performed not outstanding. Additionally, a predictive correlation was correlated between the central local void fraction and the cross-sectional averaged void fraction, as a straightforward form of the void fraction calculation model. The predictive correlation showed a good agreement with the present experimental data, as well as the data of Olerni et al., indicating that the new model was effective and applicable under the slug flow conditions.  相似文献   

A recently proposed shear-thinning fluid model that mimics the response of seemingly viscoplastic materials is evaluated in computational fluid dynamics simulations by studying the steady flow of a kaolin–water suspension in a 2D T-junction. The velocity profiles for the kaolin–water suspension are reported at the mid-length of the main channel and the root of the bifurcation (where recirculation is expected to appear). The velocity profiles of the proposed model are compared with those from conventional viscoplastic models (Bingham plastic model and the Herschel–Bulkley model) at low (=100) and high Reynolds number (=2000). The new model predicts a recirculation zone (at the inner edge of the bifurcation arm) that conventional models do not. The effect of the variation in the model parameters (α1 and α2) on velocity profiles at low (=100) and high Reynolds numbers (=2000) is also documented. These indicate the disappearance of the recirculation zone at low Reynolds number as α1 (equivalently, viscosity) increases, whereas the recirculation zone persists even for higher values of α1 at high Reynolds number. Further, at low Reynolds number, the skewing of maximum velocity towards the outer edge of the bifurcation arm disappears as α2 increases, whereas the skewing persists even at the highest value of α2 used at the high Reynolds number.  相似文献   

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