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An experimental study of steady-state selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO x with NH 3 on both Fe-ZSM-5 and Cu-ZSM-5 monolithic catalysts was carried out to investigate the extent of mass transfer limitations in various SCR reactions. Catalysts with different washcoat loadings, washcoat thicknesses and lengths were synthesized for this purpose. SCR system reactions examined included NO oxidation, NH 3 oxidation, standard SCR, fast SCR and NO 2 SCR. Comparisons of conversions obtained on catalysts with the same washcoat volumes but different washcoat thicknesses indicated the presence of washcoat diffusion limitations. NH 3 oxidation, an important side reaction in SCR system, showed the presence of washcoat diffusion limitations starting at 350 °C on Fe-zeolite and 300 °C on Cu-zeolite catalysts. Washcoat diffusion limitations were observed for the standard SCR reaction (NH 3+NO+O 2) on both Fe-zeolite (≥350 °C) and Cu-zeolite (≥250 °C). For the fast (NH 3+NO+NO 2) and NO 2 SCR (NH 3+NO 2) reactions, diffusion limitations were observed throughout the temperature range explored (200–550 °C). The experimental findings are corroborated by theoretical analyses. Even though the experimentally observed differences in conversions clearly indicate the presence of washcoat diffusion limitations, the contribution of external mass transfer was also found to be important under certain conditions. The transition temperatures for shifts in controlling regimes from kinetic to washcoat diffusion to external mass transfer are determined using simplified kinetics. The findings indicate the necessity of inclusion of mass transfer limitations in SCR modeling, catalyst design and optimization. 相似文献
文内对气液传质的理论研究进行了评述,并预测了未来的发展方向 相似文献
对气体折流塔板的流体力学和传质进行了实验,找出了气液流动对塔板压降和传质的影响规律,通过气体折流塔板与传统筛板在流体力学与传质等方面的比较,找到了气体折流塔板的适用范围及相对于传统筛板的优点,为以后此塔板的应用提供了有效数据。 相似文献
The scope of this review article is to address the use of novel monolithic catalysts with high thermal conductivity in externally cooled tubular reactors for gas/solid exothermic chemical processes in place of conventional packed beds of catalyst pellets. After discussing the analysis and the implications of heat conduction in honeycomb monolith structures, we review herein simulation studies and experimental investigations showing that near-isothermal reactor operation can be achieved even under very high thermal loads by adopting specific materials and designs of the honeycomb supports associated with high effective radial thermal conductivities. For such monoliths, the limiting thermal resistance is located at the interface between the monolith and the inner tube wall (“gap resistance”). Recent measurements of the “gap” heat transfer coefficient point to very large values (>400 W/(m2 K)), which are controlled both by the tube–monolith clearance at the actual operating conditions and by the thermal conductivity of the process gas. 相似文献
A recently introduced generations filter model [A. Kavouras, G. Krammer, Distributions of age, thickness and gas velocity in the cake of jet pulsed filters—application and validation of a generations filter model, Chem. Eng. Sci. 58 (2003) 223–238] allows one to determine from macroscopic experimental data the distribution of cake thickness versus filter area and in consequence the complete filter behaviour. Based on a simplified assumption this generations filter model is employed in a predictive way to estimate operating points of imperfectly cleaned filters. However, filter behaviour in terms of the fraction of the filter area cleaned when jet pulsed cannot be predicted yet without experimental data. This is due to the variable cleaning properties of the cake, which are dependent on the filter operating parameters. Combining the predictive filter model and a model for the chemical reactions in the fixed bed of the filter cake [A. Kavouras, B. Breitschaedel, G. Krammer, A. Garea, J.A. Marques, A. Irabien, SO2 removal in the filter cake of a jet pulsed filter: a combined filter and fixed bed reaction model, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 41 (2002) 5459–5469], the filter performance as a gas/solid reactor can also be simulated in a predictive way. It is found that the pressure drop across the filter has a weak influence on filter performance as a gas/solid reactor. 相似文献
本文制备出一种含Pd催化剂,用于治理机动车排气中的CO、HC和NOx的排放,初步研究了其催化效果,包括空燃比特性和温度特性。实验结果表明,该催化剂具有较好的催化能力。 相似文献
This study presents detailed experimental and theoretical investigation of manganese-based metal oxides, MnMO x (M: Fe, Ni, Cu) as potential catalysts for the low-temperature toluene oxidation. The first part of the paper deals with the detailed characterization of the prepared catalysts and testing of their catalytic activity and stability in the fixed-bed reactor. The MnFeO x exhibited superior and stable catalytic activity for toluene oxidation (T 90 = 419–446 K), comparable with the activity of the commercial Pt–Al 2O 3 catalyst (T 90 = 393–423 K). Among the studied catalysts the following order of catalytic activity was determined: MnFeO x > MnNiO x ≈ MnCuO x > MnO x. The one-dimensional (1D) pseudo-homogeneous model was applied to describe behavior of the fixed bed reactor for the low temperature toluene oxidation over prepared MnFeO x catalysts. The second part of the paper is focused on theoretical investigation of toluene interaction on the surface of the single metal oxides (Mn 2O 3, MnO 2, Fe 2O 3, NiO and CuO) in the oxygen atmosphere using the ReaxFF method, since they were individual dominant phases in the prepared catalysts. A good correlation between the predicted binding energy of toluene adsorption on the surface of studied metal oxide phases and experimentally determined catalytic activities was observed. 相似文献
A model has been developed for the preparation of mass transfer by forced convection inside drops for mass transfer with and without simultaneous first-order chemical reaction. Solutions of the forced convection equation have been obtained using finite difference methods for Reynolds number and viscosity ratio ranges of 0 ≤ Re ≤ 90 and 0 ≤ μ 1/μ o ≤ ∞, respectively. The effect of circulation rate inside the drop on the mass transfer rate has also been studied. The model is believed to be generally applicable as evidenced by a comparison with existing analytical models. Thus the results for physical mass transfer approached the Kronig and Brink solution when the viscosity ratio tended towards zero in the Stokes' flow regime. However, as the viscosity ratio increased, the results approached the Newman solution. The model also agreed with those of Johns and Beckmann for physical mass transfer. Similarly, the results for mass transfer with first-order chemical reaction agreed with Dankwerts' generalization of the Kronig and Brink and the Newman models. 相似文献
Ir-based catalysts on heat-resisting foil supports with different washcoats were investigated for hydrogen production by high-temperature steam reforming of methanol. Al 2O 3, Ce 0.8Zr 0.2O 2–Al 2O 3, Ce 0.8Zr 0.2O 2/Al 2O 3 and Ce 0.8Zr 0.2O 2 coatings were prepared on the metallic supports and iridium was deposited on them as the active component. The samples were characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), ultrasonic vibration test, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and temperature-programmed reduction (TPR). The performance of the catalysts for steam reforming of methanol was evaluated with a fixed-bed reactor. It was found that the phase structure, the shape of the surface particles and the coating adherence were different from each other for the four kinds of coatings. The activities, selectivities and stabilities of these Ir-based catalysts on metallic supports were compared to select the optimal one for use in high-temperature methanol steam reforming. The results indicated that the Ir/Ce 0.8Zr 0.2O 2/Al 2O 3/FeCrAl catalyst showed better performance than the other catalysts, which is a promising candidate for hydrogen production via the methanol steam reforming process in Pd membrane reactors. 相似文献
Translated from Steklo i Keramika, No. 1, pp. 3–6, January, 1992. 相似文献
For the first time, a comprehensive comparison of the intrinsic activities of solid acid catalysts in terms of turnover frequency (TOF) is reported for the gas-phase esterification of acetic acid with methanol. The catalysts studied included a zeolite (Hβ), two modified zirconias (sulfated zirconia, SZ; and tungstated zirconia, WZ), and an acidic resin-silica composite (Nafion/silica, SAC-13). Activities on a per weight basis decreased in the following order: Hβ ~ SAC-13 ? SZ > WZ at 130 °C. However, on a rate-per-site basis (TOF), all catalysts showed comparable activities. The TOF results suggest that the acid sites of these catalysts have similar capacity for effectively catalyzing esterification. All catalysts deactivated to a quasi-steady-state rate with TOS. Regeneration experiments suggested that catalyst deactivation was due mainly to site blockage by carbonaceous deposits. Selective poisoning experiments showed that the reaction predominately took place on Brønsted acid sites. 相似文献
The use of the Diesel engine is increasing, while at the same time emission limits are becoming more stringent. To reduce
emissions, novel catalyst converter designs have been proposed, including the placement of a small converter before the turbocharger.
The role of this catalyst is to provide some reduction of the pollutant level prior to the main catalyst. This catalyst is
typified by high flow rates. In this paper the performance of small catalytic converters operated at high flowrate is examined
using computer simulation. The oxidation of CO is used as a model reaction. It is shown that for a typical oxidation catalyst,
conversions of the order of 30% can be achieved at typical temperatures and a GHSV of 5 million h −1. 相似文献
We consider the liquid-side mass transfer coefficient kL in a dense bubble swarm for a wide range of gas volume fraction (0.45%≤ αG≤16.5%). The study is performed for an air–water system in a square column. Bubble size, shape and velocity have been measured for different gas flow rates by means of a high speed camera. Gas volume fraction and bubble velocity have also been measured by a dual-tip optical probe. Both of these measurements show that the bubble vertical velocity decreases when increasing αG in agreement with previous investigations. The mass transfer is measured from the time evolution of the dissolved oxygen concentration, which is obtained by the gassing-out method. The mass transfer coefficient is found to be very close to that of a single bubble provided the bubble Reynolds number is based on the average equivalent diameter 〈 deq〉 and the vertical slip velocity 〈 Vz〉. 相似文献
Heat and mass gas-to-solid coefficients associated with the vaporisation of water and some hydrocarbons from the surface of a porous, monolithic structure were experimentally established. The mass transfer results are correlated using Reynolds and Schmidt number and the length-to-diameter ratio. The data for heat transfer are correlated on the Nu-Re( d/L) plot. The experimental results can be used for design of afterburner reactors utilizing monolithic structures. 相似文献
Induced pulsing flow (by cyclic liquid feeding) in packed beds, operated in the trickling flow regime, is studied as a method of overall improvement of catalytic reactor operation. In this paper results are reported of experiments aimed at determining local and global liquid/solid mass transfer rates, mainly for the so-called fast mode of ON-OFF periodic liquid feeding, with frequencies of order 0.1 Hz. Such mass transfer data for the fast mode of induced pulsing are not available in the literature. Uniform 6 mm glass spheres and alumina cylindrical extrudates, of 1.5 mm diameter and a narrow distribution of lengths, are employed in the tests. For completeness, results are also reported for single-phase (liquid) and trickling flow through the same packed beds. A well-known electrochemical technique is employed to measure instantaneous local mass transfer coefficients by means of quite a few probes distributed throughout the bed. The hydrodynamic characteristics under the above conditions, reported in companion papers, are helpful in interpreting the new mass transfer data.There is a wide spread of the time-averaged local mass transfer rates, in all cases tested, apparently due to packing and flow non-uniformities. This spread is much smaller in the case of packed uniform spheres. In general, the benefits of cyclic liquid feeding are more evident in the packed bed of spheres than in that of cylindrical extrudates; for instance, with increasing mean liquid rate, induced pulsing tends to reduce the spread of local mass transfer coefficients, which suggests that more uniform fluids distribution is promoted. The imposed liquid pulses are reflected in the observed periodic variation of local mass transfer coefficients; the latter appear to decay along the bed in the same manner as the liquid pulses. Other trends of local mass transfer rates are identified and discussed in relation to measured variation of liquid holdup, under the same conditions. For packed spheres, the measured global mass transfer rates are in fair agreement with literature correlations obtained for the trickling flow regime, unlike the case of packed extrudates where significant deviation is observed. 相似文献
干法熄焦工艺的技术核心是干熄炉内焦炭与循环气体的热交换.本文根据干熄炉内焦炭床层换热的特点,建立了固定床干熄炉传热模拟实验装置,针对焦炭粒度、冷却气体流量等关键参数进行了实验研究.为了有效地处理实验数据,重新定义、推导了平均换热系数的计算公式,得到了干熄炉冷却段平均换热系数及其相关准则数关系;并利用导热反问题原理得到了焦炭床层的局部换热系数.研究结果表明,局部换热系数和平均换热系数的变化规律相似,冷却气体流量的增加有利于提高换热系数;换热系数对焦炭的粒度较敏感,焦炭粒度变小时,换热系数增加. 相似文献
The article presents the results of experimental investigation and mathematical modeling of a new technology for converting associated petroleum gas to a normalized combustible gas that can be used in gas turbine and gas reciprocator power plants or, after removing part of the СО 2, can be pipelined. The essence of the new technology is that the C2+ hydrocarbons contained in associated petroleum gas are converted by soft steam reforming into a gaseous fuel that consists mainly of methane and contains carbon dioxide and a small amount of hydrogen. This process increases the volume of the gas mixture and normalizes its heating value and Wobbe index to the standard characteristics of commercial natural gas (purified from СО 2). The soft steam reforming technology has been tested on laboratory, pilot, and pre-commercial scales. A mathematical model has been developed for the process. A numerical analysis based on this model has demonstrated that, using this technology, it is possible to process associated petroleum gases varying widely in methane homologue concentrations in one tubular catalytic reactor. 相似文献
The hydrodynamics and mass transfer characteristics of a lab-scale jet bubbling reactor(JBR) including the gas holdup, volumetric mass transfer coefficient and specific interfacial area were assessed experimentally investigating the influence of temperature, p H and superficial gas velocity. The reactor diameter and height were 11 and 30 cm,respectively. It was equipped with a single sparger, operating at atmospheric pressure, 20 and 40℃, and two p H values of 3 and 6. The height of the liquid was 23 cm, while the superficial gas velocity changed within 0.010–0.040 m·s~(-1) range. Experiments were conducted with pure oxygen as the gas phase and saturated lime solution as the liquid phase. The liquid-side volumetric mass transfer coefficient was determined under unsteady-state oxygen absorption in a saturated lime solution. The gas holdup was calculated based on the liquid height change, while the specific interfacial area was obtained by a physical method based on the bubble size distribution(BSD) in different superficial gas velocities. The results indicated that at the same temperature but different p H, the gas holdup variation was negligible, while the liquid-side volumetric mass transfer coefficient at the p H value of 6 was higher than that at the p H = 3. At a constant p H but different temperatures, the gas holdup and the liquid-side volumetric mass transfer coefficients at 40℃ were higher than that of the same at 20℃. A reasonable and appropriate estimation of the liquid-side volumetric mass transfer coefficient(kla) in a pilot-scale JBR was provided which can be applied to the design and scale-up of JBRs. 相似文献
Hexagonal mesoporous materials (HMS) with and without zirconium were used as supports for preparation of HDS catalysts. The catalysts prepared by modification of the supports with 12-phosphomolybdic acid (HPMo) were characterised by nitrogen adsorption, IR spectroscopy, TPD of ammonia, TPR and catalytic activity in thiophene hydrodesulphurisation. Parent silicas showed mesoporous structure with BET surface area between 1200 and 800 m 2 g −1, pore size diameter around 3.3 nm and acidity around 0.3 mmol NH 3 g −1. Molybdenum catalysts possess stronger acidity than the supports used. The catalytic activities in hydrodesulphurisation of thiophene of the molybdenum containing catalysts prepared with HMS were higher than the activity of the catalyst prepared with amorphous silica. Higher acidity of Zr–HMS supports lead to lower stability in the thiophene conversion. 相似文献
In processes with immobilized cells mass transfer across the boundary layer surrounding the support often plays an important role. Relatively little is known about external mass transfer as a function of the superficial gas velocity in bioreactors such as air-lift loop reactors. In this work ion-exchange resins were used as a solid phase to determine the mass-transfer coefficient in such a reactor. Relations between the Sherwood number and the superficial gas velocity were derived and compared with relations from the literature. Relations in which the Sherwood number is a function of the energy-dissipation rate and relations in which the relative particle velocity is calculated from the rate of free fall of the particle were compared. It was shown that the Sherwood numbers that were functions of the energy-dissipation rates were higher than could be calculated on the basis of the rate of free fall. The Sherwood number obtained was used to calculate the kl,s of carrageenan gel beads as a solid phase in an air-lift loop reactor. © 1998 SCI. 相似文献