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The thermolysin-like protease (TLP) produced by Bacillus stearothermophilusCU21 (TLP-ste) differs at 43 positions from the more thermallystable thermolysin (containing 316 residues in total). Of thesedifferences, 26 were analysed by studying the effect of replacingresidues in TLP-ste by the corresponding residues in thermolysin.Several stabilizing mutations were identified but, remarkably,considerable destabilizing mutational effects were also found.A Tyr-rich three residue insertion in TLP-ste (the only deletional/insertionaldifference between the two enzymes) appeared to make an importantcontribution to the stability of the enzyme. Mutations withlarge effects on stability were all localized in the ßpleatedN-terminal domain of TLP-ste, confirming observations that thisdomain has a lower intrinsic stability than the largely -helicalC-terminal domain. Rigidifying mutations such as Gly58 Alaand Ala69 Pro were among the most stabilizing ones. Apart fromthis observation, the analyses did not reveal general rulesfor stabilizing proteins. Instead, the results highlight theimportance of context in evaluating the stability effects ofmutations.  相似文献   

Cavities in the hydrophobic core of the neutral protease ofBacillus stearothermophilus were analyzed using a threedimensionalmodel that was inferred from the crystal structure of thermolysin,the highly homologous neutral protease of B.thermoproteolyticus(85% sequence identity). Site–directed mutagenesis wasused to fill some of these cavities, thereby improving hydrophobicpacking in the protein interior. The mutations had small effectson the thermostability, even after drastic changes, such asLeu284Trp and Met168Trp. The effects on T50, the temperatureat which 50% of the enzyme is irreversibly inactivated in 30min, ranged from 0.0 to +0.4°C. These results can be explainedby assuming that the mutations have positive and negative structuraleffects of approximately the same magnitude. Alternatively,it could be envisaged that the local unfolding steps, whichrender the enzyme susceptible towards autolysis and which arerate limiting in the process of thermal inactivation, are onlyslightly affected by alterations in the hydrophobic core.  相似文献   

Carboxypeptidase Y is a serine carboxypeptidase isolated fromSaccharomyces cerevisiae with a preference for Cterminal hydrophobicamino acid residues. In order to alter the inherent substratespecificity of CPD-Y into one for basic amino acid residuesin P'1, we have introduced Asp and/or Glu residues at a numberof selected positions within the Si binding site. Hie effectsof these substitutions on the substrate specificity, pH dependenceand protein stability have been evaluated. The results presentedhere demonstrate that it is possible to obtain significant changesin the substrate preference by introducing charged amino acidsinto the framework provided by an enzyme with a quite differentspecificity. The introduced acidic amino acid residues providea marked pH dependence of the (kcat/Km)FA-A-R-OH/(kcatm)FA-A-R-OHratio. The change in stability upon introduction of Asp/Gluresidues can be correlated to the difference in the mean buriedsurfac surface area between the substituted and the substitutingamino acid. Thus, the effects of acidic amino acid residueson the protein stability depend upon whether the introducedamino acid protrudes from the solvent accessible surface asdefined by the surrounding residues in the wild type enzymeor is submerged below.  相似文献   

The role of the C-terminal Leu300 in maintaining thermal stabilityof the neutral protease of Bacillus subtilis was investigated.From model building studies based on the three dimensional structureof thermolysin, the neutral protease of B.thermoproteolyticus,it was conduded that this residue is located in a hydrophobicpocket composed of residues located in the C-terminal and themiddle domain. To test the hypothesis that Leu300, by contributingto a stabilizing interaction between these domains, is importantfor enzyme stability, several neutral protease mutants wereconstructed and characterized. The thermostability of the enzymewas lowered by deleting Leu300 or by replacing this residueby a smaller (Ala), a polar (Asn) or a sterically unfavourable(He) amino acid. Thermostabiity was increased upon replacingLeu300 by Phe. These results are in agreement with model-buildingstudies. The effects on thermostability observed after mutatingthe corresponding Val318 in the thermostable neutral proteaseof B.stearothermophilus were less pronounced.  相似文献   

Serine endoproteases such as trypsins and subtilisins are knownto have an extended substrate binding region that interactswith residues P6 to P3' of a substrate. In order to investigatethe structural and functional effects of replacing residuesat the S4 substrate binding pocket, the serine protease fromthe alkalophilic Bacillus strain PB92, which shows homologywith the subtilisins, was mutated at positions 102 and 126–128.Substitution of Val102 by Trp results in a 12–fold increasein activity towards succinyl-L-Ala-L-Ala-L-Pro-L-Phe-p-nitroanilide(sAAPFpNA). An X-ray structure analysis of the V102W mutantshows that the Trp side chain occupies a hydrophobic pocketat the surface of the molecule leaving a narrow crevice forthe P4 residue of a substrate. Better binding of sAAPFpNA bythe mutant compared with the wild type protein as indicatedby the kinetic data might be due to the hydrophobic interactionof Ala P4 of the substrate with the introduced Trp102 side chain.The observed difference in binding of sAAPFpNA by protease PB92and thermitase, both of which possess a Trp at position 102,is probably related to the amino acid substitutions at positions105 and 126 (in the protease PB92 numbering).Kinetic data forthe variants obtained by random mutation of residues Serl26,Prol27 and Serl28 reveal that the activity towards sAAPFpNAincreases when a hydrophobic residue is introduced at position126. An X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out for the threeprotease PB92 mutants which have residues Serl26-Prol27-Serl28replaced by Met-Ala-Gly(‘MAG’ mutant), Phe-Gln-Ser(‘FQS’ mutant) and Asn-Ser-Ala (‘NSA’mutant). Met 126 and Phel26 in the crystal structures of thecorresponding mutants are fixed in the same hydrophobic environmentas Trp102 in the V102W mutant.In contrast, Asnl26 in the ‘NSA’mutant is completely disordered in both crystal forms for whichthe structure has been determined. According to our kineticmeasurements none of the mutants with Met, Phe, Leu or Val atposition 126 binds sAAPFpNA better than the wild type enzyme.Resultsof the site-directed mutagenesis at position 127 imply thatpossible interaction of this residue with a substrate has almostno effect on activity towards sAAPFpNA and casein.  相似文献   

To elucidate correlative relationships between structural changeand thermodynamic stability in proteins, a series of mutanthuman lysozymes modified at two buried positions (Ile56 andIle59) were examined. Their thermodynamic parameters of denaturationand crystal structures were studied by calorimetry and X-raycrystallography. The mutants at positions 56 and 59 exhibiteddifferent responses to a series of amino acid substitutions.The changes in stability due to substitutions showed a linearcorrelation with changes in hydrophobicity of substituted residues,having different slopes at each mutation site. However, thestability of each mutant was found to be represented by a uniqueequation involving physical properties calculated from mutantstructures. By fitting present and previous stability data formutant human lysozymes substituted at various positions to theequation, the magnitudes of the hydrophobicity of a carbon atomand the hydrophobicity of nitrogen and neutral oxygen atomswere found to be 0.178 and –0.013 kJ/mol.Å2, respectively.It was also found that the contribution of a hydrogen bond witha length of 3.0 Å to protein stability was 5.1 kJ/moland the entropy loss of newly introduction of a water moleculeswas 7.8 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

Luciferases, which have seen expansive employment as reporter genes in biological research, could also be used in applications where the protein itself is conjugated to ligands to create probes that are appropriate for use in small animal imaging. As the bioluminescence activity of commonly used luciferases is too labile in serum to permit this application, specific mutations of Renilla luciferase, selected using a consensus sequence driven strategy, were screened for their ability to confer stability of activity in serum as well as their light output. Using this information, a total of eight favorable mutations were combined to generate a mutant Renilla luciferase (RLuc8) that, compared with the parental enzyme, is 200-fold more resistant to inactivation in murine serum and exhibits a 4-fold improvement in light output. Results of the mutational analysis were also used to generate a double mutant optimized for use as a reporter gene. The double mutant had half the resistance to inactivation in serum of the native enzyme while yielding a 5-fold improvement in light output. These variants of Renilla luciferase, which exhibit significantly improved properties compared with the native enzyme, will allow enhanced sensitivity in existing luciferase-based assays as well as enable the development of novel probes labeled with the luciferase protein.  相似文献   

Mutations were introduced into the active site triplet (Asp–Thr–Gly)of one or both subunits of a linked dimer of human immunodeficiencyvirus type 1 proteinase. Mutation of Thr to Ser in one or bothsubunits did not alter the activity of the enzyme substantially,whereas its mutation to Asn in one subunit caused a dramaticdecrease in catalytic efficiency. Mutation of Gly to Val inone subunit also yielded an enzyme with very low activity. Theenzymes containing Thr Asn and Gly Val mutations in both subunitsresulted in inactive enzymes, based on their inability to self-processand on assay with an oligopeptide substrate. The dramatic decreasein enzyme efficiency of the mutants was interpreted using molecularmodels of the enzymes.  相似文献   

The aspartic proteinase chymosin exhibits a local network ofhydrogen bonds involving the active site aspartates and surroundingresidues which may have an influence on the rate and optimalpH of substrate cleavage. We have introduced into chymosin Bthe following substitutions: Asp304 to Ala (D304A), Thr218 toAla (T218A) and Gly244 to Asp (G244D, chymosin A), using oligonucleotide-directedmutagenesis. Kinetic analysis of these active mutants showsshifts in their pH optima to 4.4 D304A, 4.2 T218A and 4.0 G244Dcompared with 3.8 for chymosin B using a synthetic octapeptidesubstrate. The upward shift of the D304A and T218A may be dueto the loss of hydrogen bond interactions indirectly affectingthe catalytic aspartates 32 and 215. The G244D mutation whichis in a flexible loop on the surface of the enzyme may alterthe conformation of the specificity pockets on the prime sideof the scissile bond.  相似文献   

Nine single amino add mutations in the active site of Aspergillusawamori glucoamylase were made by cassette mutagenesis to alterthe pH dependence of the enzyme and to determine possible functionsof the mutated residues. The Glul79-Asp mutation expressed inyeast led to a very large decrease in kcat but to no changein Km, verifying this residue's catalytic function. Aspl76-Gluand Glul80-Asp mutations affected Km a more than kcat, implyingthat Aspl76 and Glul80 are involved in substrate binding orstructural integrity. The Leul77-Asp mutation decreased kcatonly moderately, probably by changing the position of the generalacid catalytic group, and did not affect Km. The Trpl78-Aspmutation greatly decreased kcat while increasing Km, showingthe importance of Trpl78 in the active site. Vall81-Asp andAsnl82-Asp mutations changed kinetk values little, suggestingthat Vall81 and Asnl82 are of minor catalytic and structuralimportance. Finally, insertions of Asp or Gly between residues176 and 177 resulted in almost complete loss of activity, probablycaused by destruction of the active site structure. No largechanges in pH dependence occurred in those mutations where kineticvalues could be determined, in spite of the increase in mostcases of the total negative charge. Increases in activationenergy of maltoheptaose hydrolysis in most of the mutant glucoamylasessuggested cleavage of individual hydrogen bonds in enzyme-substratecomplexes.  相似文献   

The thermal stability of two single (K3R, K67R) and one double(K3R-K67R) mutants of Xenopus laevis B Cu,Zn superoxide dismutasehas been studied to test LysArg substitution as an ‘electrostaticallyconservative’ strategy to increase protein stability.The K3R mutant displays an increased thermostability with respectto the wild-type enzyme, whilst a decreased stability was observedin the case of the K67R and K3R-K67R mutants. Concentrationdependence of the apparent inactivation constant (kapp) of thelatter mutants, as compared to that of the wild type enzymeand K3R mutant, indicates that their higher sensitivity to heatinactivation is due to a perturbation of the dimer association.These results are confirmed also by fluorescence anisotropymeasurements of the internal probe Tyr149. The possible roleof Arg67 in perturbing the dimer dissociation equilibrium towardthe monomeric form is discussed.  相似文献   

An efficient random mutagenesis procedure coupled to a replicaplate screen facilitated the isolation of mutant subtilisinsfrom Bacillus amyloliquefaciens that had altered autolytic stabilityunder alkaline conditions. Out of about 4000 clones screened,approximately 70 produced subtilisins with reduced stability(negatives). Two dones produced a more stable subtilisin (positives)and were identified as having a single mutation, either IIe107Valor Lys2l3Arg (the wild-type amino acid is followed by the codonposition and the mutant amino acid). One of the negative mutants,Met50Val, was at a site where other homologous subtilisins containeda Phe. When the Met50Phe mutation was introduced into the B.amyloliquefaciens gene, the mutant subtilisin was more alkalinestable. The double mutant IIe107Val/Lys2l3Arg) was more stablethan the isolated single mutant parents. The triple mutant (Met50Phe/IIel07Val/Lys2l3Arg)was even more stable than IIe107Val/Lys2l3Arg (up to two timesthe autolytic half-time of wild-type at pH 12). These studiesdemonstrate the feasibility for improving the alkaline stabilityof proteins by random mutagenesis and identifying potentialsites where substitutions from homologous proteins can improvealkaline stability.  相似文献   

BM 06.022 is a t-PA deletion variant which comprises the kringle2 and the protease domain. Production of BM 06.022 in Escherichiacoli leads to the formation of inactive inclusion bodies, whichhave to be refolded by an in vitro refolding process to achieveactivity and proper structure of the domains. We analysed thebiochemical properties of BM 06.022 to obtain some informationabout the structure of kringle 2 and the protease as comparedwith the structure of these domains in the intact t-PA molecule.The kinetic analysis of the amidolytic activity of BM 06.022and CHO-t-PA yielded similar values for kcat (13.9 s-1and 11.4s-1for the single chain forms and 33.9 s-1and 27.1 s-1for thetwo chain forms of BM 06.022 and CHO-t-PA, respectively) andfor km, (2.5 mM and 2.1 mM for the single chain forms and 0.5mM and 0.3 mM for the two chain forms of BM 06.022 and CHO-t-PA,respectively). BM 06.022 and CHO-t-PA have the same plasminogenolyticactivity in the absence of CNBr fragments of fibrinogen. However,BM 06.022 has a lower plasminogenolytic activity in the presenceof CNBr fragments of fibrinogen and a lower affinity to fibrinas compared with CHO-t-PA. The affinity of BM 06.022 for fibrinis completely suppressed by 0.3 mM eaminocaproic acid, whilethe intact t-PA has a residual affinity of 30%. The dissociationconstants for the interaction with the lysine analogue e-aminocaprokacid are 0.10 mM and 0.09 mM for BM 06.022 and the intact t-PA,respectively. Furthermore, BM 06.022 and CHO-t-PA are inhibitedby PAI-1 in a similar manner  相似文献   

Reduced lysozyme was renatured by sulfhydryl-disuffide interchangereactions at pH 8.0 in the presence of 4 M urea, with or withoutadditives at 40°C. In the absence of additives, the finalfolding yield of reduced lysozyme was 40%. In the presence ofsarcosine, glycerol, ammonium sulfate, N-acetyl glucosamineand glucose, its folding yields increased in all cases. In particular,yields increased up to 90% in the presence of 4 M sarcosine.On the other hand, the melting temperatures of lysozyme withor without additives in 0.02 M citrate buffer (pH 6.0) wereevaluated using differential scanning calorimetry. In the absenceof additive, the melting temperature of lysozyme was 73.8°C.In the presence of additives, all melting temperatures werehigher than that of lysozyme in the absence of additives. Moreover,there was a good correlation on addition of additives betweenan increase in the folding yield of reduced lysozyme with 4M urea and an increase in the melting temperature without 4M urea. Therefore, we conclude that additives, which stabilizenative lysozyme, are effective at increasing the folding yieldof reduced lysozyme in 4 M urea.  相似文献   

The stability and unfolding of an immunoglobulin (Ig) G bindingprotein based upon the B domain of protein A (SpAB) from Staphylococcusaureus were studied by substituting tryptophan residues at strategiclocations within each of the three a-helical regions (al-a3)of the domain. The role of the C-terminal helix, a3, was investigatedby generating two protein constructs, one corresponding to thecomplete SpAB, the other lacking a part of ct3; the Trp substitutionswere made in both one-and two-domain versions of each of theseconstructs. The fluorescence properties of each of the single-tryptophanmutants were studied in the native state and as a function ofguanidine-HCl-mediated unfolding, and their IgG binding activitieswere determined by a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbentassay. The free energies of folding and of binding to IgG foreach mutant were compared with those for the native domains.The effect of each substitution upon the overall structure andupon the IgG binding interface was modelled by molecular graphicsand energy minimization. These studies indicate that (i) 3 contributesto the overall stability of the domain and to the formationof the IgG binding site in l and 2, and (ii) al unfolds first,followed by 2 and 3 together.  相似文献   

D-Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase from Thermotoga maritima(TmGAPDH) is intrinsically thermostable, exhibiting a thermaltransition beyond 105C. Neither the amino-acid compositionnor homology modelling, based on sequence alignment and known3-D structures of the enzyme from meso- and thermophiles, providean explanation of the anomalous stability. Recent X-ray datasuggest that an increased number of ion pairs is involved. Toprove this hypothesis, a number of charged residues contributingto ion pairs in TmGAPDH, but absent in the moderately thermophilicenzyme were altered. Elimination of peripheral ion pairs (E103-K104,E261-R266) was found to be ineffective. Altering a central chargecluster (R10-D47, E314, D*186) led to a drastic decrease incoenzyme binding. As a consequence, guanidine-dependent deactivationis shifted to significantly lower guanidinium chloride (GdmCl)concentrations without altering the denaturation/dissociationprofile of the wild type enzyme. Mutants in the S loop (R195D,R195D-D181K) lead to a biphasic profile in the GdmCl-dependentdenaturation transition and significant destabilization; atroom temperature no subunit dissociation could be observed.  相似文献   

Using point mutated overproducing strains of E.coli, ribonucleaseT1 was prepared with the single substitutions Tyr24Trp, Tyr42Trp,Tyr45Trp or Trp59Tyr and the corresponding double substitutionsTyr24Trp/Trp59Tyr, Tyr42Trp/Trp59Tyr and Tyr45Trp/Trp59Tyr.Steady state kinetics of the transesterification reaction forthe two dinucleoside monophosphate substrates guanylyl-3', 5'-cytidineand guanylyl-3', 5'-adenosine indicate that the tryptophan canbe introduced in different positions within the ribonucleaseT1 molecule without abolishing enzymatic activity. The Trp59Tyrexchange even enhances catalysis of the cleavage reaction (kcat/Km)relative to the wild type enzyme and similar effects are foundwith single tyrosine to tryptophan substitutions. For the pHdependencies of the guanylyl-3', 5'-cytidine transesterificationreaction of wild type ribonuclease T1 and of the variants, typicallybell-shaped curves are observed with a plateau in the rangepH 4.5–7.0. Their shapes and slopes indicate that theenzymes are comparable in their macroscopic pKa, values. AtpH 7.5, the variant Tyr45Trp/Trp59Tyr shows a more than 3-foldhigher transesterification activity for guanylyl-3', 5'-adenosineand a 2-fold increase for guanylyl-3', 5'-cytidine comparedto the wild type enzyme, i.e. this variant catalyses the transesterificationof the substrate guanylyl-3', 5'-adenosine with the same orbetter efficiency as guanylyl-3', 5'-cytidine.  相似文献   

Using genetic techniques the contribution of surface loops tothe thermal stability of Bacillus subtUis neutral protease (NPsub)wasstudied. Mutations were designed to make the surface of NP-submore similar to the surface of more thermostable neutral proteasessuch as thermolysin (TLN). The mutations included the replacementof an irregular loop by a shorter variant and the introductionof a ten–residue (3– hairpin. In general, thesedrastic mutations had little effect on the production and activityof NP–sub, indicating the feasibility of major structuralrearrangements at the surface of proteins. In the most stablemutant, exhibiting an increase in thermal stability of 1.1°C, 10% of the surface of NP–sub was modified. Several NP–subvariants carrying multiple mutations were constructed. Non–additiveeffects on thermal stability were observed, which were interpretedon the basis of a model for thermal inactivation, that emphasizesthe importance of local unfolding processes for thermal stability  相似文献   

Bispecific single-chain Fv antibodies comprise four covalently linked immunoglobulin variable (V(H) and V(L)) domains of two different specificities connected by three linkers. When assembled in the order V(H)(A)-linker(1)-V(L)(B)-linker(2)-V(H)(B)-linker(3)-V(L)(A), the single-chain molecule either folds head-to-tail with the formation of a diabody-like structure, a so-called bispecific single-chain diabody, or forms a homodimer that is twice as large, a so-called tandem diabody. The formation of the tandem diabody is determined by the association of complementary V(H) and V(L) domains located on different polypeptide chains, and depends on the length and probably the amino acid composition of the three linkers joining the variable domains. We generated a number of single-chain constructs using four V(H) and V(L) domains specific either for human CD3, a component of T-cell receptor (TCR) complex, or for CD19, a human B-cell antigen, separated by different rationally designed peptide linkers of 6-27 amino acid residues. The generated bispecific constructs were expressed in bacterial periplasm and their molecular forms, antigen-binding properties, stability, and T-cell proliferative and anti-tumor activities were compared. Using peripheral blood mononuclear cell cultures from patients suffering from B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, we demonstrated that the tandab-mediated activation of autologous T cells and depletion of malignant cells correlates with the stability of the recombinant molecule and with the distance between the CD19 and CD3 binding sites.  相似文献   

The stability profile of mutant protein (SPMP) (Ota,M., Kanaya,S.and Nishikawa,K., 1995, J. Mol. Biol., 248, 733–738) estimatesthe changes in conformational stability due to single aminoacid substitutions using a pseudo-energy potential developedfor evaluating structure–sequence compatibility in thestructure prediction method, the 3D–1D compatibility evaluation.Nine mutant human lysozymes expected to significantly increasein stability from SPMP were constructed, in order to experimentallyverify the reliability of SPMP. The thermodynamic parametersfor denaturation and crystal structures of these mutant proteinswere determined. One mutant protein was stabilized as expected,compared with the wild-type protein. However, the others werenot stabilized even though the structural changes were subtle,indicating that SPMP overestimates the increase in stabilityor underestimates negative effects due to substitution. Thestability changes in the other mutant human lysozymes previouslyreported were also analyzed by SPMP. The correlation of thestability changes between the experiment and prediction dependedon the types of substitution: there were some correlations forproline mutants and cavity-creating mutants, but no correlationfor mutants related to side-chain hydrogen bonds. The presentresults may indicate some additional factors that should beconsidered in the calculation of SPMP, suggesting that SPMPcan be refined further.  相似文献   

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