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Two patients with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) developed psoriasis, one of them presenting the more severe form and the other one the milder form of the disease, were treated with zidovudine per oral via, 200mg 3 times a day. In the first case the therapeutical response was complete. No lesion was verified in the patient after 9 months under maintenance schedule. In the second case, despite the response being clear, after 6 months of treatment, the patient still presented furfuraceous scalings at limbs ever under the medication schedule.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the efficacy and tolerability of olsalazine sodium with enteric-coated mesalazine in inducing endoscopic remission in patients with mild to moderate active ulcerative colitis. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with mild to moderate active ulcerative colitis were randomized to receive either olsalazine sodium, 3 g/day (n = 88), or mesalazine, 3 g/day (n = 80), for up to 12 weeks. RESULTS: Of the patients treated with olsalazine sodium, 52.2% achieved endoscopic remission, compared with 48.8% of patients treated with mesalazine. This difference was not significant (P = 0.67). There was a nonsignificant trend for patients with left-sided colitis or a more severe endoscopic grade to achieve remission if they were treated with olsalazine sodium than if they were treated with mesalazine. Both treatments were comparable with respect to clinical activity index and an investigator's global assessment. Seventy patients reported one or more adverse events; adverse events were seen in 45% of olsalazine sodium-treated patients and in 36% of mesalazine-treated patients. Eleven patients treated with olsalazine sodium and nine patients treated with mesalazine withdrew from the study because of adverse events. One patient treated with olsalazine sodium compared with two treated with mesalazine stopped treatment because of diarrhoea. Serious adverse events occurred in three patients treated with olsalazine sodium and in four treated with mesalazine. CONCLUSION: Therapeutic effectiveness and tolerance to the treatment did not differ between olsalazine sodium, 3 g/day, and mesalazine, 3 g/day, in inducing endoscopic remission in patients with mild to moderate active ulcerative colitis within 12 weeks of treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Although bacterial bowel flora may be one of the contributing factors in the pathogenesis of chronic mucosal inflammation, antibiotic treatment has no established role in ulcerative colitis. The aim of the study was to evaluate the role of ciprofloxacin in the induction and maintenance of remission in ulcerative colitis in patients responding poorly to conventional therapy with steroids and mesalamine. METHODS: Ciprofloxacin (n = 38; 500-750 mg twice a day) or placebo (n = 45) was administered for 6 months in a double-blind, randomized study with a high but decreasing dose of prednisone and maintenance treatment with mesalamine including follow-up for the next 6 months. Clinical assessment and colonoscopic evaluation were performed at 0, 3, 6, and 12 months. Treatment failure, the primary end point, was defined as both symptomatic and endoscopic failure to respond. RESULTS: During the first 6 months, the treatment-failure rate was 21% in the ciprofloxacin-treated group and 44% in the placebo group (P = 0.02). Endoscopic and histological findings were used as secondary end points and showed better results in the ciprofloxacin group at 3 months but not at 6 months. CONCLUSIONS: Addition of a 6-month ciprofloxacin treatment for ulcerative colitis improved the results of conventional therapy with mesalamine and prednisone.  相似文献   

The role is reviewed of sulphasalazine, 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA), immunosuppressive agents and corticosteroids in the maintenance treatment of ulcerative colitis in remission. Sulphasalazine and oral 5-ASA are the drugs of first choice in preventing relapses for patients suffering from intermittent chronic ulcerative colitis. Rectally administered 5-ASA may be a valid alternative for treating patients with proctitis and left-sided ulcerative colitis. The optimal dosage of oral 5-ASA in the maintenance therapy of ulcerative colitis in remission is not clear. However, there is evidence that a higher dose of 5-ASA is more effective than low dosage in preventing relapses in patients in remission. For patients with chronically active or steroid-dependent ulcerative colitis who have achieved remission while taking immunosuppressants, continuing azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine is indicated. Existing data cast doubts as to whether or not continuous maintenance is still necessary in patients suffering from intermittent chronic ulcerative colitis with prolonged endoscopic, clinical and histological remission.  相似文献   

A seven year-old boy with non-classic 21-hydroxylase deficiency had transient hormonal evidence of central precocious puberty within three months of beginning glucocorticoid treatment for rapidly progressive somatic virilization. Adrenal-derived sex hormones were normalized promptly by hydrocortisone treatment. GnRH-stimulated LH levels and basal testosterone returned to the prepubertal range without further intervention after six months of glucocorticoid therapy. This is the first report of transient central precocious puberty in the mild non-classic form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency.  相似文献   

The effect of cyclosporin was evaluated in six patients with severe ulcerative colitis not responding to at least 8 days of standard therapy with intravenous corticosteroids. Cyclosporin (5-7.5 mg/kg/day intravenously) was added while steroid therapy was continued. Five of 6 patients responded after a mean of 7 days and colectomy was not necessary. After 4 weeks three patients achieved clinical remission or had mild symptoms and were weaned from cyclosporin and corticosteroids without exacerbation within the next 7-15 months. Two patients improved and they were put on oral cyclosporin. One of them relapsed after 2 weeks and then responded to high dose corticosteroids. This patient is doing well at 8 months of followup on azathioprine and steroids. One patient stopped oral cyclosporin after 3 months abruptly and then had a relapse. He subsequently improved while refusing any medical therapy. Side effects of cyclosporin occurred in 2 patients but were mild and self limited and did not necessitate discontinuation of the drug. Cyclosporin appears to be effective in a large portion of patients with severe ulcerative colitis who failed to improve on corticosteroids and in whom colectomy would otherwise be considered.  相似文献   

From 1988 to 1991 54 patient with carcinoma of the distal part of the rectum were cured in our Department. These patients were divided into two groups (similar with regard to sex, age and advance of disease). In group I (28 patients) abdomino-perineal resection was performed, accompanied (according to histo-pathological indications) by adjuvant radiotherapy to maximal dose 6000 cGy. In group II such procedure was preceded by "short" radiotherapy (4 x 500 cGy). Local recurrence rate was 17.8% in group I and 11.5% in group II. CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative radiotherapy (for example "short" schedule 4 x 500 cGy) may decrease number of local recurrences after abdomino-perineal resections in rectal cancer cases. This procedure effects no technical problems and complications during and after operations.  相似文献   

Eighty-nine admissions into Auckland Hospital with exacerbation of ulcerative colitis (between May 1985 and May 1991) were analyzed to determine the rate and any predictors of medical treatment failure. Twenty-five patients (28%) failed to respond to medical treatment and required surgery. Clinical information and laboratory indices available within 24 h of the admissions were compared between the patients requiring surgery and those who did not. There were no significant differences between the groups in sex distribution, age of onset of disease, duration of disease, hemoglobin concentration, or white cell count. However, "severe" diarrhea (chi 2 = 24.83, p = 0.0001), and lower albumin level (F1, 83 = 45.61, p = 0.0001) were noted in the surgical group. There was a tendency toward higher ESR (F1, 82 = 3.06, p = 0.08) and "extensive" colitis (chi 2 = 3.29, p = 0.07) in the patients requiring surgery. Univariate analysis confirmed albumin level and severity of diarrhea as significant discriminators. A discriminant function analysis showed that albumin level and severity of diarrhea would distinguish between surgical and nonsurgical outcome in 82% of cases. Distal colitis and mild to moderate diarrhea had negative predictive values of 80% and 91%, respectively, for nonsurgical outcome of acute ulcerative colitis. It is concluded that the above significant variables are good predictors of outcome of medical treatment for exacerbations of ulcerative colitis and that the proportion of patients needing surgery has not changed in the last 35 yr despite various management strategies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy of a combination of oral and topical 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) for the maintenance treatment of ulcerative colitis, we undertook a double-blind randomized clinical trial. METHODS: Patients aged 18 to 65 yr (with disease extent greater than proctitis only) were eligible for inclusion in the study if they met the following criteria: (a) history of two or more relapses in the last year; (b) achievement of remission in the last 3 months (with maintenance of remission for at least 1 month). Patients enrolled in the study were randomly assigned to one of the two following 1-yr treatments: (1) combined therapy with 5-ASA tablets 1.6 g/day and 5-ASA enemas 4 g/100 ml twice weekly; (2) oral therapy with 5-ASA tablets 1.6 g/day and placebo enemas/twice weekly. The main end point of the study was the maintenance of remission at 12 months. RESULTS: Upon completion of the study, relapse occurred in 13 of 33 patients in the combined treatment group versus 23 of 36 patients in the oral treatment group (39 vs 69%; p = 0.036). No significant side effects related to treatment were observed in either group. A simplified pharmacoeconomic analysis shows that this form of combined treatment can have a favorable cost-effectiveness ratio. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that 5-ASA given daily by oral route and intermittently by topical route can be more effective than oral therapy alone. This form of combination treatment can be appropriate for patients at high risk of relapse.  相似文献   

METHODS: The retrograde spread of two budesonide enema formulations with different viscosities was investigated. The study design was open, randomized and two-period crossover. Three female and two male patients (age range: 35-45 years) with distal ulcerative colitis or proctitis participated. Both enema formulations contained a dose of 2 mg budesonide/100 mL. An unabsorbable radioactive marker (99mTc-labelled human serum albumin microcolloid) was added to the enema just before administration. All doses were given in the evening with the patients lying in a supine position during the whole investigation. The intestinal spread was followed for 8 h using scintigraphic imaging. Plasma samples for budesonide assay were taken during the 12 h after administration of the low viscosity enema. RESULTS: Budesonide plasma levels were measurable for up to 4-6 h. Cmax was 2.5 nmol/L (range: 0.9-4.5 nmol/L) and was attained in 1.5 h (range 1-3 h). The patients had no difficulty in retaining the enemas. There was a statistically significant difference in spread between the low and high viscosity enema. The low viscosity enema spread over an area situated between the rectum and the splenic flexure. The spread occurred mainly in the first 15 min after administration. In contrast, the high viscosity enema, in most cases, spread only over a minor part of this area and the rate and extent of spreading was also more variable with this formulation. CONCLUSION: The spread of a low viscosity enema appears to be well suited for the treatment of proctitis and distal colitis.  相似文献   

The presence of cells positive for interleukin-2 receptors (CD25) and the proportion of Ki-67 positive dividing cells in the crypts were studied with monoclonal antibodies using sensitive immunohistochemical techniques in the rectal biopsy specimens taken from 13 children with inflammatory bowel disease (4 Crohn's disease and 9 ulcerative colitis) and 10 controls. In all specimens, but one, from patients CD25+ cells were found in the surface and crypt epithelium, while in none of controls were seen such cells. The mean percentage of dividing crypt cells was significantly higher in ulcerative colitis (36.0%) and in Crohn's disease (34.6%) than in controls (18.4) (p < 0.001 in both comparisons). In ulcerative colitis, a correlation between CD25/CD3 ratios in the surface and crypt epithelium and the percentage of dividing crypt cells was found. We conclude that activated lymphocytes have a role in the crypt hyperplasia of ulcerative colitis.  相似文献   

A combination of lysine acetylsalicylate (equivalent to 900 mg aspirin) and 10 mg metoclopramide (LAS + MTC) was compared with oral sumatriptan (100 mg) and placebo in 421 patients with migraine in a randomized, double-blind, clinical trial. LAS + MTC was as effective as sumatriptan with a decrease in headache from severe or moderate to mild or none in 57% and 53%, respectively, for the first migraine attack treated, the primary efficacy parameter. Both treatments were better than placebo (success rate 24%, p < 0.001). LAS + MTC was better tolerated than sumatriptan (adverse events in 18% and 28%, respectively, p < 0.05).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Smokers have a reduced risk and ex-smokers an increased risk of ulcerative colitis (UC). Stopping smoking often precedes onset and relapses. Smoking reduces the 24 hour urine excretion of oral chromium-51 labelled EDTA in healthy individuals. AIMS: To estimate the effects of smoking on the urine excretion of oral 51Cr EDTA in well characterised patients with UC. SUBJECTS: Sixteen smoking and 16 non-smoking patients with UC in remission were studied. The non-smokers had never smoked. Most were taking 5-aminosalicylic acid. No patient took steroids or immunosuppressants. The control group comprised 25 smoking healthy volunteers and 25 who had never smoked. The median cigarette consumption was equal in the patients and volunteers. METHODS: The 24 hour urine excretion of oral 51Cr EDTA was measured and the results were correlated with smoking habits, number of cigarettes, and disease extent. RESULTS: Patients with UC had significantly higher 24 hour urine recoveries than healthy controls (p = 0.04). This difference was more pronounced when patients who smoked were compared with healthy smokers (p = 0.005) No significant differences were found when comparing non-smoking patients with non-smoking controls or when comparing smoking and non-smoking patients. Urine recoveries did not correlate with number of cigarettes or disease extent. Smoking was more prevalent in patients with a more limited disease extent (p = 0.033). CONCLUSIONS: Effects of smoking on the urine excretion of 51Cr EDTA in health were abolished by the presence of UC. The protective effects of smoking in established UC are not due to a moderating effect of smoking on intestinal permeability.  相似文献   

A multinational, double-blind, randomised study was conducted to investigate the efficacy and safety of a low-dose combination of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, ramipril, and the calcium antagonist, felodipine ER, in 642 patients with mild to moderate hypertension [supine diastolic blood pressure (DBP) = 95-115 mm Hg]. After a 4-week single-blind placebo run-in, patients were randomly allocated to once-daily felodipine extended release (ER; 2.5 mg), ramipril (2.5 mg) or felodipine ER/ramipril (2.5/2.5 mg) for 12 weeks. In the intention-to-treat analysis, mean DBP decreased significantly (p < 0.0001) after felodipine ER, ramipril and the combination (-9.1, -9.8 and -11.4 mm Hg, respectively). The decrease was significantly greater with the combination than with felodipine ER monotherapy (p = 0.02). The number of responding patients (final DBP < or = 90 mm Hg or a decrease of > or = 10 mm Hg) was also higher with the combination than with felodipine ER or ramipril monotherapy (65.1%, 53.1%, 55.7%, respectively). There were no differences between the three groups with respect to the incidence of adverse events overall or those considered treatment-related. There were fewer cases of peripheral oedema with combination therapy than with felodipine ER monotherapy. Thirty-three patients (5.1%) withdrew from the study because of adverse events, but there was no clear pattern with regard to the specific events leading to withdrawal. There were no clinically relevant changes in laboratory or clinical safety variables. Ramipril/felodipine ER 2.5/2.5 mg is an appropriate starting dosage when initiating combination antihypertensive therapy.  相似文献   

No randomized study comparing the effect of combined ticlopidine and aspirin therapy versus each drug alone in reducing poststenting thrombotic complications has been performed. To compare these three antiplatelet regimens versus placebo, we conducted a double-blind randomized study using an ex vivo model of thrombosis. Sixteen healthy male volunteers were assigned to receive for 8 days the following four regimens separated by a 1-month period: aspirin 325 mg/d, ticlopidine 500 mg/d, aspirin 325 mg/d + ticlopidine 500 mg/d, and placebo. At the end of each treatment period, native nonanticoagulated blood was drawn directly from an antecubital vein over collagen- or tissue factor (TF)-coated coverslips positioned in a parallel-plate perfusion chamber at an arterial wall shear rate (2, 600 s-1 ) for 3 minutes. Thrombus, which formed on collagen in volunteers treated by placebo, were rich in platelets and poor in fibrin. As compared with placebo, aspirin and ticlopidine alone reduced platelet thrombus formation by only 29% and 15%, respectively (P > .2). In contrast, platelet thrombus formation was blocked by more than 90% in volunteers treated by aspirin + ticlopidine (P < .01 v placebo or each treatment alone). Furthermore, the effect of the drug combination therapy was significantly larger than the sum of the two active treatments (P < .05). Thrombus, which formed on TF-coated coverslips in volunteers treated by placebo, were rich in fibrin and platelets. Neither of the three antiplatelet treatments significantly inhibited fibrin deposition and platelet thrombus formation on this surface (P > .2). Thus, the present study shows that combined aspirin and ticlopidine therapy dramatically potentiates the antithrombotic effect of each drug alone, but that the antithrombotic effect of the combined treatment depends on the nature of the thrombogenic surface.  相似文献   

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