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In this paper, the authors present the results of theoretical calculations on the rates at which copper concentrate particles and silica particles dissolve in the matte in the smelting furnace of Mitsubishiprocess. Those calculations indicate that the concentrate particles dissolve rapidly in matte, in less than 1 ms, whereas silica particles dissolve at a much slower rate, and they dissolve mainly in the bulk matte in the smelting furnace. Some advantages of bath smelting over flash smelting are given. For more information, contact Zenjiro Asaki, Mitsubishi Materials Corporation, Central Research Institute, 1-297 Kitabukuro-cho, Omiya, Saimtama, 330-8508, Japan.  相似文献   

The oxidation mechanism in copper smelting and converting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The oxidation mechanism of copper-sulfide concentrates is of fundamental interest in an understanding of flash smelting and converting. The compositions of mattes follow simple, well-defined relationships, and the progression of iron and sulfur oxidation in smelting and converting occurs in such a manner that generates mattes of these compositions. J.W. Matousek earned his Ph.D. in metallurgical engineering at Queens University. He is currently an independent consulting engineer. Dr. Matousek is also a member of TMS.  相似文献   

1999 marked the 50th anniversary of the Outokumpu flash-smelting process. Originating during the post-World War II energy crisis, flash smelting is a high-intensity process developed to attain ever-increasing throughputs and intensities. Many innovations and continuous development ensued during the next 50 years before today’s state-of-the-art copper-making process chain and environmental benchmarking technology (e.g., Outokumpu flash smelting, Kennecott-Outokumpu flash converting, and flash technology) became possible. This article reviews how Outokumpu flash furnace design, especially cooling for higher heat loads, has improved over the years. For more information, contact I.V. Kojo, Outokumpu Engineering Contractors Oy, P.O. Box 862, FIN-02201 Espoo, Finland; telephone 358-9-4211; fax 358-9-421 3973; e-mail ilkka.kojo@outokumpu.com.  相似文献   

The American Smelting and Refining Co. has standardized its copper converting practice to attain a maximum unit blister production with a minimum of refractory consumption by careful location of the tuyeres and by applying magnetite coatings on the hard-burned magnesite brick linings.  相似文献   

皮江法炼镁工艺在清洁生产上的进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1941年,皮江先生(Lloyd M.Pidgeon)研究开发了炼镁工艺(一种硅热还原法),从此开始了金属镁的工业化生产。皮江法炼镁工艺具有设备简单、技术要求不高、投资小、规模可大可小、成本较低的特点,因此在我国发展很快。但是,目前皮江法炼镁工艺的缺点是能源高,污染严重,劳动强度高。随着人们对环境保护的进一步重视,皮江法炼镁将受到严峻的挑战。本文将着重探讨皮江炼镁技术的提升途径,使之符合清洁生产的要求。[编者按]  相似文献   

谢水生 《资源再生》2005,(12):11-12
1941年,皮江先生(Lioyd M. Pidgeon)研究开发了炼镁工艺(一种硅热还原法),从此开始了金属镁的工业化生产.  相似文献   

刘忠发 《轻金属》2006,(9):75-79
通过系统分析电解铝厂生产废水来源、排水特点、排水水质、废水回用的途径等条件,确定了废水处理的工艺方式和设备集成,具有广泛的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

氧气底吹铜熔池熔炼过程的机理及产物的微观分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对氧气底吹熔炼过程气体喷吹行为、造锍熔炼化学反应机理及熔炼炉内热工作状态进行理论分析及水模型实验和取样分析验证。结果表明,氧气底吹气流能使熔体形成均匀的扩散区,实现熔体的搅拌,在气体连续相区和液体连续相区,气液、液液之间的相互作用强烈,为炉内化学反应及传热传质提供了良好的动力学条件;氧气底吹熔炼过程在零配煤的情况下能达到自热熔炼,在节能减排方面,该工艺具有很强的优势;获得了铜渣、冰铜和蘑菇头中各组分的形貌,确定了铜渣、冰铜和蘑菇头的物相组成,渣样主要由冰铜相、磁铁矿相、铁橄榄石相和玻璃体相组成,熔炼内的氧势和硫势分布有利于反应的进行,能有效抑制Fe3O4的形成以及降低渣含铜。  相似文献   

This novel method utilizes the reactions of metal sulfides and metal oxides. It is applicable to single-metal systems such as Mo, Cu, Co, Ni, Fe, and Zn individual sulfides and to mixed sulfides such as chalcopyrite and Mo/Fe. In addition to primary ores, waste stream products such as spent catalysts can be effectively processed. The benchmark work done on MoS2/MoO3 resulted in an MoO2 product with less than 0.095 wt.% sulfur. Other sulfide concentrate materials showed similar results. In the first stage of the looping process, a highly concentrated SO2 off-gas stream is produced that could be directed to an acid plant or converted to liquid. The products from the first process step can be directed down line for further processing or can be used as is. In the second step of looping oxidation, the product is oxidized back to its fully oxidized state and is mainly looped back to drive the oxidation process in the first reaction. There are also several opportunities for energy recovery and conversion, making looping oxidation an energy-efficient process. Robert Balliett and Jean A. Mozolic are also affiliated with Orchard Material Technology and can each be reached  相似文献   

Over the last twenty years, there has been a discernible increase in the number of scholars who have focused their research on metal production, working and use in antiquity, a field of study which has come to be known as archaeometallurgy. Materials scientists and conservators have worked primarily in the laboratory while archaeologists have conducted fieldwork geared to the study of metal technology in a cultural context with laboratory analysis as one portion of the interpretive program.  相似文献   

硫化铅矿闪速熔炼过程的热力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于最小吉布斯自由能原理,建立硫化铅矿闪速熔炼过程多相平衡热力学模型,考察熔炼温度(T)、吨矿氧量(VOVPTO)对粗铅含硫量、炉渣含铅量、烟气含铅量及铅在各平衡相中分配比的影响。结果表明:对一定用量和一定成分的硫化铅矿,随着T和VOVPTO的增大,粗铅含硫量可降至0.1%(质量分数)以下,但过高的VOVPTO会使渣含铅量升至60%(质量分数)以上,铅在粗铅中的分配比低于30%(质量分数);烟气中的铅主要以PbS形式存在,其含量随着T的升高及VOVPTO降低而增高。综合考虑铅的直收率及产物处理的难易程度,闪速炉直接炼铅应采取分区分步熔炼方式,先在氧化区制低硫铅,然后在还原区造低铅渣,且氧化区熔炼温度宜较低。  相似文献   

广泛地搜集了NiCuFeSO 体系热力学数据, 严格地进行了筛选, 并充分考虑各物质的分解温度, 借助已开发的优势区图自动绘制系统, 完整地绘制了NiSO, CuSO, FeSO, NiCuSO 和NiFeSO几个体系不同温度下的lgpSO2 —lgpO2 优势区图。从一系列优势区图发现, 在高温下(1 500 K以上) , 镍冶炼过程的稳定成分主要是金属、低价金属硫化物、低价金属氧化物, 其它物种均会发生分解。从理论上重新阐述了镍高温火法熔炼的热力学原理。  相似文献   

氧枪布置方式对底吹熔池熔炼过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用FLUENT软件,分别选择kε系列湍流模型和雷诺应力模型(RSM)对底吹熔池熔炼炉内的高温熔体气液两相流进行数值模拟,并且依据相似原理,通过水模型实验对数值模拟结果进行验证,综合评价发现Realizable kε模型的计算精度最高。选用Realizable kε模型,对氧枪布置方式及直径对底吹熔池熔炼过程的影响进行数值模拟研究,结果表明:在一定范围内,适当增大氧枪倾角有利于底吹熔池熔炼过程的进行,当单排氧枪倾角在17°~22°之间时,熔池各指标均处于较好的水平;相对于现场工况,双排氧枪倾角分别为12°和22°时,熔池的搅拌效果显著增强;当氧枪倾角为20°时,其有效搅拌区直径为1.475 m,对应的合理氧枪间距为0.98~1.23m;适当减小氧枪直径可以有效提高熔池气含率。  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜、XRD、扫描电镜、能谱分析等手段相结合的方法,研究了不同浇注温度及Ce、Sb加入顺序对Mg-3%Al-1%Ce-1%Sb合金显微组织及显微硬度的影响.结果表明:熔炼工艺对铸态Mg-3%Al-1%Ce-1%Sb合金中的第二相形态有明显影响.采用同时加入Ce、Sb,在较高温度浇注,可显著减少棒状相的数量,得到以球状颗粒为主的第二相,并使Mg-3%Al-1%Ce-1%Sb合金的显微硬度有所降低.球状颗粒主要为含Ce、Sb、Mg和O或含Mg和Al的相;棒状相主要含有Al、Sb和O.  相似文献   

本文分析了唐钢二钢轧厂冶炼的SWRH77B钢夹杂物含量较多和等级较大的根本原因,提出生产工艺调整方案。  相似文献   

针对硅锰合金埋弧熔炼过程中炉渣成分检测难的问题,提出一种基于自适应差分进化(ADE)优化的约减最小二乘支持向量机(RLSSVM)软测量模型。该模型以硅锰合金熔炼过程的工况参数为实测数据集,首先通过斯密特正交变换获取高维特征空间核矩阵的基,然后利用Direct Kernel PLS回归计算得到约减最小二乘支持向量机软测量模型,并以最小化训练样本的均方差为目标函数,用自适应差分进化算法优化最小二乘支持向量机的核参数和正则化参数,将此模型应用于30 MW硅锰合金埋弧冶炼过程炉渣成分测量。结果表明:ADE-RLSSVM模型测量值与实际值的最大相对误差为7.3%,运行时间为21 min。  相似文献   

基于投影寻踪回归的铜闪速熔炼过程关键工艺指标预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对数据量庞大引起模型参数更新时样本选择困难及训练速度慢的缺陷,提出基于投影寻踪回归的铜闪速熔炼过程关键工艺指标预测方法。首先采用机器学习方式提取用于建模所需的相似样本集,借助投影寻踪回归思想,建立铜闪速熔炼过程关键工艺指标预测模型;然后利用基于实数编码的加速遗传算法进行模型参数的实时更新。训练样本的机器选择可以避免人工选择带来的主观性和盲目性缺陷,模型参数的更新训练只在相似样本集中进行,可有效提高模型参数更新速度。实际生产数据仿真结果验证了所提方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

Metal injection molding is a new commercial process for producing complex component parts from steels and other ferrous alloys. The process combines the shape-making capability of plastic injection molding with high-temperature sintering technology to produce complex, high density metal parts with outstanding properties. The savings in production costs can be substantial over investment casting or expensive machining operations.  相似文献   

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