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Current implementation techniques for functional languages differ considerably from those for logic languages. This complicates the development of flexible and efficient abstract machines that can be used for the compilation of declarative languages combining concepts of functional and logic programming. We propose an abstract machine, called the JUMP-machine, which systematically integrates the operational concepts needed to implement the functional and logic programming paradigm. The use of a tagless representation for heap objects, which originates from the Spineless Tagless G-machine, supports the integration of different concepts. In this paper, we provide a functional logic kernel language and show how to translate it into the abstract machine language of the JUMP-machine. Furthermore, we define the operational semantics of the machine language formally and discuss the mapping of the abstract machine to concrete machine architectures. We tested the approach by writing a compiler for the functional logic language GTML. The obtained performance results indicate that the proposed method allows to implement functional logic languages efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper shows how rewriting logic semantics (RLS) can be used as a computational logic framework for operational semantic definitions of programming languages. Several operational semantics styles are addressed: big-step and small-step structural operational semantics (SOS), modular SOS, reduction semantics with evaluation contexts, continuation-based semantics, and the chemical abstract machine. Each of these language definitional styles can be faithfully captured as an RLS theory, in the sense that there is a one-to-one correspondence between computational steps in the original language definition and computational steps in the corresponding RLS theory. A major goal of this paper is to show that RLS does not force or pre-impose any given language definitional style, and that its flexibility and ease of use makes RLS an appealing framework for exploring new definitional styles.  相似文献   

We extend the abstract interpretation point of view on context-free grammars by Cousot and Cousot to resolution-based logic programs and proof systems. Starting from a transition-based small-step operational semantics of Prolog programs (akin to the Warren Machine), we consider maximal finite derivations for the transition system from most general goals. This semantics is abstracted by instantiation to terms and furthermore to ground terms, following the so-called c- and s-semantics approach. Orthogonally, these sets of derivations can be abstracted to SLD-trees, call patterns and models, as well as interpreters providing effective implementations (such as Prolog). These semantics can be presented in bottom–up fixpoint form. This abstract interpretation-based construction leads to classical bottom–up semantics (such as the s-semantics of computed answers, the c-semantics of correct answers of Keith Clark, and the minimal-model semantics of logical consequences of Maarten van Emden and Robert Kowalski). The approach is general and can be applied to infinite and top–down semantics in a straightforward way.  相似文献   

The “specification logic” of J. C. Reynolds is a partial-correctness logic for Algol 60-like languages with procedures. It is interpreted here as an intuitionistic theory, using a form of possible-world semantics first applied to programming language interpretation by J. C. Reynolds and F. J. Oles to give an abstract treatment of stack-oriented storage management. The model provides a satisfactory solution to all previously known problems with the interpretation of specification logic; however, unexpected new problems have been discovered in doing this work, and these remain unsolved.  相似文献   

This paper proposes to specify semantic definitions for logic programming languages such as Prolog in terms of an oracle which specifies the control strategy and identifies which clauses are to be applied to resolve a given goal. The approach is quite general. It can be applied to Prolog to specify both operational and declarative semantics as well as other logic programming languages. Previous semantic definitions for Prolog typically encode the sequential depth-first search of the language into various mathematical frameworks. Such semantics mimic a Prolog interpreter in the sense that following the "leftmost" infinite path in the computation tree excludes computation to the right of this path from being considered by the semantics. The basic idea in this paper is to abstract away from the sequential control of Prolog and to provide a declarative characterization of the clauses to apply to a given goal. The decision whether or not to apply a clause is viewed as a query to an oracle which is specified from within the semantics and reasoned about from outside. This approach results in simple and concise semantic definitions which are more useful for arguing the correctness of program transformations and providing the basis for abstract interpretations than previous proposals.  相似文献   

Concurrent is a programming language based on the notion of concurrent, communicating objects, where each object directly executes a specification given in temporal logic, and communicates with other objects using asynchronous broadcast message-passing. Thus, Concurrent represents a combination of the direct execution of temporal specifications, together with a novel model of concurrent computation. In contrast to the notions of predicates as processes and stream parallelism seen in concurrent logic languages, Concurrent represents a more coarse-grained approach, where an object consists of a set of logical rules and communication is achieved by the evaluation of certain types of predicate. Representing concurrent systems as groups of such objects provides a powerful tool for modelling complex reactive systems. In order to reason about the behaviour of Concurrent systems, we requir a suitable semantics. Being based upon executable temporal logic, objects in isolation have an intuitive semantics. However, the addition of both operational constraints upon the object's execution and global constraints provided by the asynchronous model of concurrency and communication, complicates the overall semantics of networks of objects. It is this, more complex, semantics that we address here, where temporal semantics for varieties of Concurrent are provided.  相似文献   

Elf is a general meta-language for the specification and implementation of logical systems in the style of the logical framework LF. Proof search in this framework is based on the operational semantics of logic programming. In this paper, we discuss experiments with a prototype for memoization-based proof search for Elf programs. We compare the performance of memoization-based proof search, depth-first search and iterative deepening search using two applications: 1) Bi-directional type-checker with subtyping and intersection types 2) Parsing of formulas into higher-order abstract syntax. These experiments indicate that memoization-based proof search is a practical and overall more efficient alternative to depth-first and iterative deepening search.  相似文献   

A structural operational semantics for Edison. 1—an Edison-like language—is given. The static and dynamic (operational) semantics for various declarations and statements contained in this type of languages have been carefully studied by using a structural operational approach. The method used here can be generalised to cover more complicated concurrent programming languages. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, an abstract syntax of Edison. 1 is introduced and the static semantics of it is studied. In the second part, an operational (dynamic) semantics of Edison. 1 is given.  相似文献   

We propose a new framework for the syntax and semantics of Weak Hereditarily Harrop logic programming with constraints, based on resolution over τ-categories: finite product categories with canonical structure.

Constraint information is directly built-in to the notion of signature via categorical syntax. Many-sorted equational are a special case of the formalism which combines features of uniform logic programming languages (moduels and hypothetical implication) with those of constraint logic programming. Using the cannoical structure supplied by τ-categories, we define a diagrammatic generalization of formulas, goals, programs and resolution proofs up to equality (rather than just up to isomorphism).

We extend the Kowalski-van Emden fixed point interpretation, a cornerstone of declarative semantics, to an operational, non-ground, categorical semantics based on indexing over sorts and programs.

We also introduce a topos-theoretic declarative semantics and show soundness and completeness of resolution proofs and of a sequent calculus over the categorical signature. We conclude with a discussion of semantic perspectives on uniform logic programming.  相似文献   

Combining higher-order abstract syntax and (co)-induction in a logical framework is well known to be problematic. We describe the theory and the practice of a tool called Hybrid, within Isabelle/HOL and Coq, which aims to address many of these difficulties. It allows object logics to be represented using higher-order abstract syntax, and reasoned about using tactical theorem proving and principles of (co)induction. Moreover, it is definitional, which guarantees consistency within a classical type theory. The idea is to have a de Bruijn representation of λ-terms providing a definitional layer that allows the user to represent object languages using higher-order abstract syntax, while offering tools for reasoning about them at the higher level. In this paper we describe how to use Hybrid in a multi-level reasoning fashion, similar in spirit to other systems such as Twelf and Abella. By explicitly referencing provability in a middle layer called a specification logic, we solve the problem of reasoning by (co)induction in the presence of non-stratifiable hypothetical judgments, which allow very elegant and succinct specifications of object logic inference rules. We first demonstrate the method on a simple example, formally proving type soundness (subject reduction) for a fragment of a pure functional language, using a minimal intuitionistic logic as the specification logic. We then prove an analogous result for a continuation-machine presentation of the operational semantics of the same language, encoded this time in an ordered linear logic that serves as the specification layer. This example demonstrates the ease with which we can incorporate new specification logics, and also illustrates a significantly more complex object logic whose encoding is elegantly expressed using features of the new specification logic.  相似文献   

MOHAMEDHamada 《软件学报》2001,12(9):1279-1286
函数式语言和逻辑语言在下列意义上是互补的,基于归约的函数式程序设计语言具有确定和懒惰求解等性质.但同时它又缺少诸如存在量化的变量以及部分数据结构等所希望的性质.相反,基于HORN子句逻辑和消解原理的逻辑程序设计语言允许存在量化的变量和部分数据结构但又缺少确定和懒惰求解的性质.从这个角度出发,把函数和逻辑程序设计语言结合成一种范型是很自然的,这种结合提供了一种比逻辑和函数语言表达能力更强的合一语言.提出了函数式逻辑语言的操作语义,同时表明这种操作语义在实践中是可见的.  相似文献   

Partial evaluation is a semantics-based program optimization technique which has been investigated within different programming paradigms and applied to a wide variety of languages. Recently, a partial evaluation framework for functional logic programs has been proposed. In this framework, narrowing—the standard operational semantics of integrated languages—is used to drive the partial evaluation process. This paper surveys the essentials of narrowing-driven partial evaluation. Elvira Albert, Ph.D.: She is an associate professor in Computer Science at the Technical University of Valencia, Spain. She received her bachelors degree in computer science in 1998 and her Ph.D. in computer science in 2001, both from the Technical University of Valencia. She has investigated on program optimization and on partial evaluation for declarative multi-paradigm programming languages. Her current research interests include term rewriting, multi-paradigm declarative programming, and formal methods, in particular semantics-based program analysis, transformation, specification, verification, and debugging. Germán Vidal, Ph.D.: He is an associate professor in Computer Science at the Technical University of Valencia, Spain. He obtained his bachelors degree in computer science in 1992 and his Ph.D. in computer science in 1996, both from the Technical University of Valencia. He is active on several research topics in Functional Logic Programming. He has worked on compositionality, on abstract interpretation, and on program transformation techniques for functional logic programs. Currently, his research interests include declarative multi-paradigm programming languages, term rewriting, and semantics-based program manipulation, in particular partial evaluation.  相似文献   

Operational semantics is often presented in a rather syntactic fashion using relations specified by inference rules or equivalently by clauses in a suitable logic programming language. As it is well known, various syntactic details of specifications involving bound variables can be greatly simplified if that logic programming language has term-level abstractions (λ-abstraction) and proof-level abstractions (eigenvariables) and the specification encodes object-level binders using λ-terms and universal quantification. We shall attempt to extend this specification setting to include the problem of specifying not only relations capturing operational semantics, such as one-step evaluation, but also properties and relations about the semantics, such as simulation. Central to our approach is the encoding of generic object-level judgments (universally quantified formulas) as suitable atomic meta-level judgments. We shall encode both the one-step transition semantics and simulation of (finite) π-calculus to illustrate our approach.  相似文献   

Meta-modelling plays an important role in model driven software development.In this paper,a graphic extension of BNF (GEBNF) is proposed to define the abstract syntax of graphic modelling languages.Fro...  相似文献   

Constraint-based deductive model checking   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We show that constraint logic programming (CLP) can serve as a conceptual basis and as a practical implementation platform for the model checking of infinite-state systems. CLP programs are logical formulas (built up from constraints) that have both a logical interpretation and an operational semantics. Our contributions are: (1) a translation of concurrent systems (imperative programs) into CLP programs with the same operational semantics; and (2) a deductive method for verifying safety and liveness properties of the systems which is based on the logical interpretation of the CLP programs produced by the translation. We have implemented the method in a CLP system and verified well-known examples of infinite-state programs over integers, using linear constraints here as opposed to Presburger arithmetic as in previous solutions. Published online: 18 July 2001  相似文献   

We present a logical framework in which abstract interpretations can be naturally specified and then verified. Our approach is based on membership equational logic which extends equational logics by membership axioms, asserting that a term has a certain sort. We represent an abstract interpretation as a membership equational logic specification, usually as an overloaded order-sorted signature with membership axioms. It turns out that, for any term, its least sort over this specification corresponds to its most concrete abstract value. Maude implements membership equational logic and provides mechanisms to calculate the least sort of a term efficiently. We first show how Maude can be used to get prototyping of abstract interpretations “for free.” Building on the meta-logic facilities of Maude, we further develop a tool that automatically checks an abstract interpretation against a set of user-defined properties. This can be used to select an appropriate abstract interpretation, to characterize the specific loss of information during abstraction, and to compare different abstractions with each other.  相似文献   

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