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Yu. N. Ovchinnikov 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2018,31(12):3855-3866
We extend a previous study of the space and temperature dependence of the order parameter in an ultrathin superconducting film in a longitudinal magnetic field to the vicinity of the critical transition surface. In these films, the spin-orbit interaction can be sizeable. The calculations are restricted to the low-temperature regime. Special attention is given to the zero temperature limit where the state with the maximum value of the critical field is investigated for the given strength of the spin-orbit interaction. 相似文献
Voicu Dolocan 《Journal of Superconductivity》2000,13(3):353-356
By using an attractive potential that varies in reverse proportion with respect to the third power of the distance between the two particles, we resolved the Schrodinger equation for an electron pair. We applied these statements to superconductors and obtained a good agreement with experimental data and BCS theory. 相似文献
Maria N. Gastiasoro Brian M. Andersen 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2013,26(8):2651-2655
We study the presence of impurity bound states within a five-band Hubbard model relevant to iron-based superconductors. In agreement with earlier studies, we find that in the absence of Coulomb correlations there exists a range of repulsive impurity potentials where in-gap states are generated. In the presence of weak correlations, these states are generally pushed to the edges of the gap, whereas for larger correlations the on-site impurity potential induces a local magnetic region, which reintroduces the low-energy bound states into the gap. 相似文献
N. Cotón J. D. Dancausa J. M. Doval M. V. Ramallo A. Ramos-Álvarez R. I. Rey F. Vidal 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2013,26(10):3065-3068
We present calculations of the electrical behaviour near the Berezinskii–Kosterlitz–Thouless (BKT) vortex–antivortex binding transition of planar type-II superconductors with critical temperatures varying in space according to a random Gaussian distribution. By using a finite-element mesh-circuit analysis we obtain as a function of temperature and intensity the spatial maps of local voltages. These calculations allow us to argument that in these inhomogeneous superconductors the occurrence of a global voltage-current curve V∝I 3 signals with good accuracy the average BKT temperature $\overline{T}_{\mathrm{BKT}}$ because of the appearance of percolation-like configurations when 50 % of the sample has experienced the vortex–antivortex binding transition. In addition, we also present an effective-medium calculation aimed to obtain the resistance V/I without any finite-element computation. It leads to results in agreement with the finite-element approach except in the close vicinity of $\overline{T}_{\mathrm{BKT}}$ . For instance, for the upper part of the transition both theoretical approaches coincide in all the ohmic region of temperatures, including also the average mean-field temperature $\overline{T}_{c0}$ . 相似文献
I. Bešlić L. Vranješ Markić J. Casulleras J. Boronat 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2013,171(3-4):436-442
The ground-state properties of spin-polarized deuterium with only one occupied nuclear spin state (D↓1) at zero temperature are studied by means of the variational Monte Carlo (VMC) method. Influence of the backflow correlations on the ground-state energy of this Fermi system under investigation is also explored. The calculations have been performed using several interatomic potentials and the quantum phase of the D↓1 system is discussed. Our results are compared with other previously reported variational results. 相似文献
Wei Fan 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2012,25(4):841-846
The strong-coupling Eliashberg theory plus vertex correction is used to calculate the maps of transition temperature (T c) in parameter-space characterizing superconductivity. Based on these T c maps, complex crossover behaviors are found when electron?Cphonon interaction increases from weak-coupling region to strong-coupling region. The doping-dependent T c of cuprate superconductors and most importantly the emergence of pseudo-gap region can be explained as the effects of vertex correction. 相似文献
Langevin dynamics—stochastic motion of vortex filaments under action of random force is studied analytically and numerically. We introduce a Langevin-type equation of motion of the line with a stirring force satisfying the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The respective Fokker-Planck equation for probability functional ?({s(ξ)}) in vortex loop configuration space is shown to have a solution of the form $\mathcal{P}(\{\mathbf{s}(\xi )\})=\mathcal{N}\exp (-H\{\mathbf{s}\}/T),$ where $\mathcal{N}$ is a normalizing factor and H{s} is energy of vortex line configurations. Numerical calculations are performed on base of the full Biot-Savart law for different intensities of the Langevin force. A new algorithm, which is based on consideration of crossing lines, is used for vortex reconnection procedure. After some transient period the vortex tangle develops into the stationary state characterizing by the developed fluctuations of various physical quantities, such as total length, energy etc. We tested this state to learn whether or not it the thermodynamic equilibrium is reached. With the use of a special treatment, so called method of weighted histograms, we process the distribution energy of the vortex system. The results obtained demonstrate that the thermodynamical equilibrium state is reached. 相似文献
We study theoretically the electronic and transport properties of a diffusive superconductor-normal metal-superconductor (SNS) junction in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field. We show that the field dependence of the critical current crosses over from the well-known Fraunhofer pattern in wide junctions to a monotonic decay when the width of the normal wire is smaller than the magnetic length $\xi_{\mathrm{H}}=\sqrt{\varPhi_{0}/H}$ , where H is the magnetic field and Φ 0 the flux quantum. We demonstrate that this behavior is intimately related to the appearance of a linear array of vortices in the middle of the normal wire, the properties of which are very similar to those in the mixed state of a type II superconductor. This novel vortex structure is also manifested in a strong modulation of the local density of states along the transversal dimension, which can be measured with existing experimental techniques. 相似文献
S. Vasiliev V. V. Chabanenko N. Kuzovoi V. F. Rusakov A. Nabiałek H. Szymczak 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2013,26(5):2033-2036
The calculations of the absorption energy and the Q-factor of vibration of a vortex line under the effect of an external uniform harmonic force have been presented. The line tension of the vortex line and its effective mass, Magnus force, pinning force, and viscosity force were included in the equation of the dynamics. Two peaks of absorption in accordance with two modes of the oscillation spectrum were observed. The first peak of absorption is a result of flux pinning, which coincides with the De Gennes–Matricon solution in some limits. The second (high-frequency) peak is a result of a novel mode related to the effective mass of a vortex line. Temperature dependencies of absorption peaks were calculated for the NbTi and YBaCuO superconductors for orientations H∥c and H⊥c. The resonant frequency of the resonance peaks of absorption decreases with an increase in temperature. Some other peculiarities of the oscillating dynamics of the vortex line were discussed. 相似文献
O. Ozturk C. Terzioglu I. Belenli 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2011,24(1-2):381-390
In order to investigate the influence of Au doping and diffusion-annealing temperature on the mechanical and superconducting properties of Bi-2223, Bi1.8Pb0.35Sr1.9Ca2.1Cu3O y superconductors were prepared by standard solid-state reaction methods. Doping of Bi-2223 was carried out by means of gold diffusion during sintering from an evaporated gold film on pellets. The investigation consisted of scanning electron microscopy, dc resistivity and hardness measurements. Electrical-resistivity measurements indicated that the room-temperature resistivity value decreased with decreasing diffusion-annealing temperature from 830 to 500?°C and these samples (G830, G800, G750, G700, G600 and G500) show the resistive behavior above the onset critical transition temperature with the zero-resistivity transition temperatures of 104 K, 80 K, 98 K, 95 K, 102 K and 103 K, respectively. To investigate mechanical properties of the samples, we have measured the diagonal length as a function of test load in the range of 0.245?C2.940 N. Mechanical properties (microhardness, Young??s modulus, yield strength and fracture toughness) of the samples are found to be load and diffusion-annealing temperature dependent. In addition, we have calculated the load independent hardness, Young??s modulus, yield strength, and fracture toughness of the samples. The possible reasons for the observed changes in superconducting and mechanical properties due to Au diffusion and diffusion-annealing temperature were discussed. 相似文献
Gary A. Williams 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》1992,89(1-2):91-100
A vortex-ring formulation of the4He -transition provides a clear physical picture of the superfluid transition. The thermally excited rings are dipoles which orient in an applied flow field, and their net backflow cancels part of the applied flow, reducing the superfluid density. At the -point rings of infinite size drive the superfluid density to zero as a power law of the reduced temperature, with an exponent of 0.672. By fitting to the experimental superfluid amplitude the core energy of the smallest rings is found to be 6.1K at T and their diameter is 2.3 Å. It is proposed that these can be identified as the roton excitations of the Landau model. The vortex theory also yields new insights into topics such as boundary effects at a wall, finite-size effects, and the dynamics of the transition. 相似文献
We investigate the magnetic field distribution inside a Type II superconductor which has point group symmetry O such as Li2Pt3B. The absence of inversion symmetry as a departure from perfect cubic group O h causes a magnetization collinear with the phase gradient associated with the order parameter, and a component of current collinear with the local magnetic field. In the vortex state, we predict, by solving the Maxwell equation, a local magnetic field transverse to the vortex lines. The probability distribution of this transverse field is also obtained for the prospective muon-spin-rotation measurements. 相似文献
Hiroshi Shimahara 《Journal of Superconductivity》1999,12(3):469-473
In quasi-low-dimensional type II superconductors, the orbital pair-breaking effect is considerably reduced when the magnetic field is exactly aligned in a direction parallel to the highly conducting layer. Then, since the superconducting phase survives up to a very high magnetic field comparable to the Pauli-paramagnetic limit, we could expect some drastic phenomena, such as the Fulde–Ferrell–Larkin–Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state. In this paper, we discuss the condition of the tilt angle for the appearance of the FFLO state, and also discuss the stable spatial structure of the FFLO state. Further, we show an example of a quasi-two-dimensional system in which the FFLO state is remarkably enhanced, that is, a two-dimensional tight binding system of appropriate hole concentrations. 相似文献
D. Brandt C. Binns S. J. Gurman G. Torricelli D. S. W. Gray 《Journal of Low Temperature Physics》2011,163(3-4):170-175
The magnetic flux exclusion known as Meissner effect resulting from a perfectly diamagnetic susceptibility ??=?1 is one of the defining features of type-I superconductivity. More recently some materials have been reported to undergo a transition to a paramagnetic state as they are cooled through their superconducting transition temperature (Svedlindh et?al. in Physica?C, pp.?162?C164, 1989; Li in Phys. Rep. 376:133?C223, 2003). This is known as the Paramagnetic Meissner Effect (PME). Here we report the observation of a transition from the Meissner state to a PME state in thin Pb films. We go on to show how simple modifications to the vortex compression model developed by Koshelev and Larkin (Phys. Rev.?B 52:13559?C13562, 1995) yield magnetization-vs-temperature curves in good qualitative agreement with the magnetization curves reported in the experiment. 相似文献
P. Thalmeier 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2011,24(1-2):413-416
The low energy crystalline electric field (CEF) excitations of f electrons can play a twofold role in heavy fermion and unconventional superconductors. They may act as a glue for the formation of Cooper pairs and simultaneously as a probe to investigate the symmetry of the order parameter. The former has been found in the skutterudite heavy fermion compound PrOs4Sb12, where a singlet?Ctriplet CEF excitation ?? contributes to the pair formation and enhances T c with respect to L aOs4Sb12. In substituted P r(Os1?x Ru x )4Sb12,?a continuous increase of ?? leads to a crossing with the local Pr rattling phonon mode and vibronic mode formation caused by magnetoelastic interaction. Furthermore, the T c enhancement turns into a reduction. It is proposed that this signifies a crossover from mainly pair-forming aspherical Coulomb to pair-breaking dipolar exchange scattering with increasing Ru content. In the Ce-based Fe pnictides CEF transitions show anomalous temperature dependence of the line width due to a pronounced feedback effect, which gives direct evidence for the unconventional 3d superconductivity. 相似文献
M. V. Krasinkova 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2009,22(3):255-258
A new approach to the valence electron state in cuprate superconductors leading to a new mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity
is considered. The approach takes into account specific features of the outer electron shells of the compound-forming elements
and polarization of anions by cations. The polarization of anions by copper cations results in sharing of a valence electron
by every two neighboring ions, which gives rise to a highly correlated state of the valence electrons and formation of a localized
spin-ordered electron lattice responsible for dielectric and magnetic properties of an undoped material.
It is also shown that asymmetric polarization of an anion by cations with inert gas shells transforms an unshared anion electron
pair into a superconducting one by exciting it into a hybrid state. The superconducting state of the material itself results
from formation and delocalization of one-dimensional Wigner crystals of the excited pairs. 相似文献
F. Laviano R. Gerbaldo G. Ghigo L. Gozzelino B. Minetti E. Mezzetti 《Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism》2011,24(1-2):75-80
Quantitative imaging of the local magnetic field and of current density distribution in superconductors (with microscopic resolution over macroscopic length scales) is achieved by means of the Magneto-Optical Imaging technique with an indicator film. We exploit this technique to study the vortex arrangement and the corresponding supercurrent distribution in high temperature superconducting YBa2Cu3O7?x films. Several patterned superconducting films were studied, either non-simply connected structures, which imply macroscopic flux quantization, and superconductors whose local properties were tailored by means of confined heavy-ion irradiation. Moreover, by means of electrical transport measurements coupled with the real-time imaging of the magnetic pattern, it is directly shown how the local current distribution in patterned superconductors is affected by the electrical transport both in the Meissner and in the vortex regimes. The relevance of a controlled and localized dissipation induced by the confined vortex motion in tailored superconducting films is demonstrated for direct applications of this phenomenology to superconducting devices, such as magnetic field and photon detectors. 相似文献
We capture the decay of a quantized vortex ring in superfluid helium-4 by imaging particles trapped on the vortex core. The ring shrinks in time, providing direct evidence for the dissipation of energy in the superfluid. The ring with trapped particles collapses more slowly than predicted by an available theory, but the collapse rate can be predicted correctly if the trapping of the particles on the core is taken into account. We theoretically explore the conditions under which particles may be considered passive tracers of quantized vortices and estimate, in particular, that their dynamics on the large-scale is largely unaffected by the burden of trapped particles if the latter are spaced by more than ten particle diameters along the vortex core, at temperatures between 1.5 K and 2.1 K. 相似文献