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Existing measurement techniques have prevented extensive investigations of the effect of dryer fabric structure on contact drying of paper. Using a novel optical measurement method, the moisture content (MC) of paper can be accurately quantified at high spatial and temporal resolution while it is sandwiched between the heater surface and the dryer fabric. To study the paper drying process, an experimental setup is designed to simulate realistic conditions of a typical paper dryer while providing optical access for the measurement system. Ten commercially available fabrics manufactured by weaving synthetic filaments are used in the investigations. The 3D structure of the fabrics is characterized using optical coherence tomography (OCT). The fabrics are used in the experiments to investigate the effects of the filament structure and paper/fabric contact on the drying process. It is shown the fabric structure affects the drying rate and the drying time. Fabrics that have a relatively large drying rate at high paper MC may have a relatively small drying rate at low levels of MC. The contact area and 3D arrangement of the filaments have the greatest impact on the drying process. Adjacent filaments result in larger blocked regions of the paper surface, which reduces the drying rate. The spatial distribution of moisture as a function of time reveals that frequent rewetted spots appear during the drying. These rewetting spots are caused by reabsorption of water condensed on the fabric filaments. 相似文献
A mathematical model describing the heat and mass transfer in the dryer section of a paper machine has been applied to the production data from four paper machines. Model predictions for the machine speed are compared to actual machine speeds for a total of 163 data sets. The mathematical model assumes that the temperature and moisture content remain homogeneous in the thickness direction of the sheet. For three paper machines producing paper with basis weights ranging from 0.056 to 0.159 kg d.s./m2 the model predictions are adequate. For the paper machine producing the heaviest grades with basis weights ranging from 0.189 to 0.390 kg d.s./m2 the model predictions are flawed by a systematic error. For low machine velocities/high basis weights the machine velocity is over-predicted and for high machine velocities/low basis weights the machine velocity is under-predicted. This systematic error is caused by the assumption of homogeneous moisture content and temperature within the sheet being severely in error for thick sheets. 相似文献
对喷雾干燥的计算机模拟计算进行了初步探讨,用FORTRAN语言编制了程序,对喷雾干燥过程进行了总体衡算和微元衡算,使计算快速、准确,而且便于程序与数据管理。结果表明,计算机完全可以替代人工手算。 相似文献
Models were developed and verified to represent the water removal rate data of the two components of combined impingement and through air drying process. Eight physically meaningful parameters were identified, determined, correlated and analyzed. The increasing rate period is extended by impingement water removal. Constant impingement water removal decreases linearly with through flow ratio at a fixed impingement exhaust air flow. Constant through flow water removal is independent of the impingement air. Critical moisture content relates with through flow ratio parabolically. The maximum through flow water removal rate depends on the slope of the paper temperature increase and the extent of the secondary increasing rate period which increases with paper basis weight and drying air temperature, but decreases with through flow ratio and initial moisture content. 相似文献
An experimental facility was developed to determine fundamental characteristics of combined impingement and through air drying of paper. Removal of impingement boundary layer humidity by through flow makes both components of the combined process nonadiabatic, complicating the analysis. Water removal rate curves for both the impingement exhaust and the through flow exhaust are strikingly different from pure impingement and pure through drying rate curves, with the through flow water removal rate curve having at times a unique, secondary increasing rate period. Total drying rate is enhanced substantially by removal of a small fraction of the drying air as through flow exhaust. 相似文献
Over a wide range of operating conditions, the drying of paper by impinging jets of superheated steam proceeds by a constant rate period followed by a falling rate period. The constant drying rate, investigated here in the jet temperature range 150 ≤ Tj/ ≤ 465°C and over jet Reynolds numbers of 1000 ≤ Rej ≤ 12000, is predicted within + 12% by a heat transfer expression using Martin's (1977) correlation for the heat transfer coefficient corrected for mass transfer by the Couette flow approximation factor, and a property ratio to account for the large temperature difference between the jet and the paper. 相似文献
Anita Zvolinschi 《Chemical engineering science》2006,61(11):3653-3662
Paper drying is an exergy costly operation, so also a few percent saving may be of importance. The entropy production for the paper drying process was therefore optimised for a conventional multi-cylinder drying machine, the PM2 newsprint machine at Norske Skog ASA in Skogn, Norway. The machine has 51 cylinders grouped in three drying groups; the cylinders are either heated from the inside by steam, unheated or operated under vacuum conditions. The same inlet drying air is supplied in all upper air-pockets of the machine. Our drying model for the paper temperature profile was first compared with measured data from the machine. The total entropy production of the drying process was next calculated, and then minimised subject to a fixed outlet paper moisture content. Inlet humidity and cylinder group conditions were varied. Optimum conditions were obtained for a range of inlet air humidities, and for different cylinder groupings. We found that it was very favourable to increase the inlet air humidity. Other changes had a negligible effect on the total entropy production. The results further pointed to the need for a revision of the current paper drying model, as the second-law of thermodynamics was violated at high air humidities with this model. 相似文献
The model gives the temperature and moisture distributions of the air, and of the moist sheet, as a function of time and distance in the dryer. The influence of the sheet's velocity and that of the radiant energy on the dryer performance as well as the effect of the moisture content of the entering sheet have been studied. A set of 27 experiments was carried out using the infrared dryer in order to calibrate the model. In these, the following three variables each had three operational levels: web velocity, initial web moisture and heating power. The model predictions agreed very well with the experimental data. Model predictions using arithmetic averages for the parameters, and parameters correlated with operational variables, are also presented and discussed. 相似文献
高性能碳纤维纸及其应用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
李灵忻 《高科技纤维与应用》2002,27(5):15-16,40
本文简要介绍碳纤维纸及其原材料,制造方法,以及它作为功能材料的若干应用领域。 相似文献
A good simulation model for paper machines can be used to identify deficiencies in the design, bottlenecks during operation, and regions of poor control. It also allows users to test their hypotheses and innovations without potentially causing major upsets and reducing throughput. In this work, a dynamic model of the wet end system has been developed using the IDEASTM platform, describing the distribution of fines, fillers and fibres throughout the system. The model was then tested at steady state with mill data for the low‐ash and high‐ash production grades, and the results show that over 70% of the predicted values had only 5% deviation. The dynamic simulation was also used to show that the retention aid controller would react in the wrong direction due to changes in the wire pit consistency and the stock ratio would cause major changes in stream compositions and consistencies of the wet end. 相似文献
介绍160kt/a硫酸装置干吸工序的技术改造。将干燥及吸收酸铸铁排管冷却器改为阳极保护管壳式酸冷却器,冷却水采用两次换热,以回收部分低温热能,同时更换了耐酸泵等。改造后,消除了废水污染,改善了操作条件,提高了系统开工率,达到了预期目的。 相似文献
介绍了粗对苯二甲酸(CTA)回转式干燥机的主要参数和工作原理;分析了CTA回转式干燥机运行中的常见故障;提出了干燥机的进料螺旋、托轮和轴封结构的改进方法。进料螺旋采用悬臂式结构,干燥机托轮采用轴承两端支撑,大邮承定位式的筒体结构,可减少磨损,延长填料使用寿命,安全可靠。 相似文献
基于空心桨叶干燥机建立了一套机械蒸汽再压缩式热泵干燥系统,将相同质量的污泥(100±0.1)kg,在真空压力约为95kPa、压缩机出口蒸汽温度为95~115℃进行恒温干燥实验,从而得到污泥干燥过程中含水率以及干燥速率等变化曲线,压缩机出口蒸汽温度为95~115℃,污泥临界湿含量从0.22增加到0.34。引入5种常用的污泥干燥模型,利用Origin软件对实验数据进行分段拟合分析,得到污泥加速阶段和降速阶段的干燥动力学模型MR=exp(-ktn)。以分段函数形式表示的干燥方程分别为:MR=exp[-(2.78×10-4T-0.01896)t1.596],(加速阶段);MR=0.894-0.564(1.737×10-4T-8.05×10-3)t(恒速阶段);MR=exp[-(2.26×10-4T-0.01365)t1.984](降速阶段)。对实验得到的干燥模型进行验证,计算得到各干燥阶段污泥湿含量平均相对误差,并将实验所得干燥曲线和干燥速率曲线与模型计算值进行比较,可以看出分段处理能较好的描述污泥干燥规律。 相似文献
Jiapeng Huang 《Drying Technology》2016,34(8):900-911
The objective of this study was to compare the drying characteristics and quality of dried okra obtained by vacuum freeze drying (VFD), microwave vacuum drying (MVD), and pulse-spouted microwave vacuum drying (PSMVD). The quality parameters include color (L*, a*, and b*), texture (hardness and fracturability), shrinkage ratio (SR), nutrient retention (chlorophyll, flavonoids, and vitamin C), and sensory score was investigated. Vacuum freeze drying maximally preserved the original properties of samples. And the samples dried by PSMVD showed higher quality and more uniformity compared to MVD. Considering of all aspects comprehensively, such as cost-effectiveness, practicability, and scale-up, PSMVD was a promising technique which would match results obtained by vacuum freeze drying. 相似文献
Effect of ambient conditions on drying of herbs in solar greenhouse dryer with integrated heat pump 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Thing Chai Tham Mei Xiang Ng Shu Hui Gan Lee Suan Chua Ramlan Aziz Luqman Abdullah Chuah 《Drying Technology》2017,35(14):1721-1732
An even span solar greenhouse dryer was built and applied to dry Java tea (Orthosiphon aristatus) and Sabah snake grass (Clinacanthus nutans Lindau). Findings showed that the solar greenhouse dryer performs satisfactorily during clear weather except at nighttime and rainy day due to product rehydration which is heavily influenced by high relative humidity from ambient air. Integrating of heat pump into the solar greenhouse dryer has successfully reduced the room relative humidity by 10–15%. Also, heat pump has mitigated the product rehydration issue by maintaining room relative humidity at maximum of 65% throughout the drying period. The drying rate of Java tea was improved three to fourfold, i.e., from 0.004–0.008 to 0.018–0.025?g H2O/g DM min, whereas 10% of drying time was saved for both Java tea leaf and Sabah snake grass leaf with the assistance of heat pump system. Meanwhile, the supply of dry air from the heat pump system with a magnitude of 0.25–0.50?m/s helps in enhancing the drying rate of the herbs as well as minimizing the nonuniformity of drying temperature and relative humidity inside the solar greenhouse dryer. 相似文献
在压缩空气溶液除湿实验平台上,分别以LiBr和LiCl水溶液作为除湿剂,实验研究了两种溶液在压缩空气溶液除湿系统中的除湿性能。以溶液表面水蒸气分压力作为比较基准,压缩空气出口含湿量和除湿量作为除湿性能的评价指标,对二者的除湿能力进行比较分析。同时基于压缩空气溶液除湿器传热传质模型,结合实验数据,研究了LiBr、LiCl溶液与压缩空气间的传质系数大小以及变化规律。结果表明:在相同的处理工况下,采用LiCl溶液对压缩空气进行除湿能得到更低的空气出口含湿量和更高的除湿量,LiCl溶液除湿过程的传质系数也高于LiBr溶液,即在压缩空气溶液除湿系统中LiCl溶液具有更优的除湿能力和传质性能。 相似文献
采用粒子图像测速(PIV)系统对两种出口段型式阶梯扩散器的内流场进行了测试,得到了多种流量工况下阶梯扩散器轴向水平截面的速度分布、阻力损失及阶扩处空化等情况。测试结果表明,入口浆速为8~24m.s-1时,出口段横向速度分布在长径比为3~5时达到均匀,随后圆管出口段横向速度分布再由均匀发展到不均匀,而方管出口段的横向速度在达到均布后,后续流动没有明显不均匀的横向速度分布。入口浆速越大,对纤维的解絮越有利,但随着入口浆速的增大,流动阻力急剧增加,阶扩处空化区域增大,故在纤维充分分散的前提下,入口浆速以不超过空化的临界浆速为宜。研究表明,方管出口阶梯扩散器更适用于高速纸机,适当高的浆速和合适的形状尺寸是获得定量均匀、匀度好纸张的保证。 相似文献
As a new compressed air-drying method, the compressed air dehumidification using a pressurized liquid desiccant was proposed in our previous study. The pressurized dehumidifier is a complex and core component of the drying system. The mass transfer performance between the compressed air and LiCl aqueous solution is experimentally studied in a counter-flow pressurized dehumidifier filled with structured packing. The humidity ratio of outlet compressed air, vapor removal of processed compressed air, moisture removal rate, and dehumidification efficiency were selected as the performance indices. The results show that the minimum humidity ratio of processed compressed air could reach 0.23 g/kg under 0.71 MPa. Compressed air-drying performance could be remarkably enhanced through increasing the air pressure and liquid desiccant inlet concentration while the influence of liquid desiccant temperature is negative. Furthermore, in order to ensure high compressed air-drying performance, reduce the power consumption of the air compressor and liquid desiccant pump, and the possibility of carryover, the optimum ratio of liquid to compressed air flow rate is recommended to be around 1.5 under pressure around 0.50 MPa. Meanwhile, the energy consumption for per-gram moisture removal of a liquid-desiccant-based compressed air-drying system can reach 1.42 kJ/g lower than cooling dehumidification under 0.3 MPa, which is 16.0% lower than a compressed air-cooling dehumidification system. 相似文献