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Micrometer-sized reflection holograms can be written into a rapidly rotating homogeneous photopolymer disk at the focus of a high-numerical-aperture beam and its retroreflection to implement high-capacity multilayer digital data storage. This retroreflection is generated by an optical system with positive unity magnification to ensure passive alignment of the counterpropagating beam. Analysis reveals that the storage capacity and transfer rate of this bit-based holographic storage system compare favorably with traditional page-based systems but at a fraction of the system complexity and cost. The analysis is experimentally validated at 532 nm by writing and reading 12 layers of microholograms in a 125-microm photopolymer disk continuously rotating at 3600 rpm. The experimental results predict a capacity limit of 140 Gbytes in a millimeter-thick disk or over 1 Tbyte with the wavelength and numerical aperture of Blu-Ray.  相似文献   

Noise sources in the readback signal for phase-change and magneto-optical disks at red, green, and blue wavelengths are examined, and a simple model is presented to explain the observed noise spectra. For phase-change disks the media noise, which corresponds to ~0.4% fluctuation in the disk's amplitude reflection coefficient, is the limiting performance factor for the conventional detection scheme. In magneto-optical media the depolarization noise, whose fluctuations are ~0.05% of the disk's reflection coefficient, is the major contributor to the media noise in the differential detection scheme. In phase-change optical disks the main sources of noise are the roughness of the groove profiles and the graininess of the polycrystalline recording layer. In nongrooved regions of the disk the media noise measured with green light is found to be nearly the same as that obtained with the red light. In magneto-optical disks the scattering of light from the rough groove profiles, as well as media inhomogeneities, gives rise to depolarization. Measurements on nongrooved regions of a magneto-optical disk indicate that the media noise obtained with the green light is somewhat higher than that obtained with the red light.  相似文献   

Peng C  Yeh WH  Mansuripur M 《Applied optics》1998,37(20):4425-4432
The tracking-error signal generated in differential phase detection (DPD) is theoretically analyzed and numerically simulated. Experimental measurements of the DPD signal versus the tracking offset obtained on compact read-only and phase-change disks are also reported. The signal is sensitive to the geometry of the marks, intersymbol interference along the track, and cross-track cross talk. A characteristic parameter is introduced to relate the DPD signal to the reflectivities of the mark and the spacer. For read-only disks such as CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, the magnitude of the DPD signal does not seem to depend on the reflectivity of the disks, nor does it depend on the pit depth. As for the influence of the various aberrations on the DPD signal, coma in the cross-track direction is shown to give rise to significant tracking offset, whereas defocus and spherical aberrations reduce the magnitude of the DPD signal appreciably.  相似文献   

McLeod RR  Walter SK 《Applied optics》2006,45(27):7065-7072
Parallel read and write of optical disks has traditionally used a static grating for read or a linear array of independent lasers for read and write. Depending on the implementation, these systems suffer from coherent cross talk, excessive space between spots, and an inability to independently track. We show that a dynamic acousto-optic grating can generate multiple parallel read/write spots on the disk, each of which can be independently modulated and tracked and all of which are incoherent in less that a bit period. The resulting disk pickup can potentially reach gigabit per second transfer rates with only a modest increase in the drive complexity.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional optical data storage is demonstrated in an initially homogenous volume by first recording a reflection grating in a holographic photopolymer. This causes the entire volume to be weakly reflecting to a confocal read/write head. Superposition of two or three such gratings with slightly different k-vectors creates a track and layer structure that specialized servo detection optics can use to lock the focus to these deeply-buried tracks. Writing is accomplished by locally modifying the reflectivity of the preexisting hologram. This modification can take the form of ablation, inelastic deformation via heating at the focus, or erasure via linear or two-photon continued polymerization in the previously unexposed fringes of the hologram. Storage by each method is demonstrated with up to eight data layers separated by as little as 12 microns.  相似文献   

The implementation of a disk drive using a micro-processor has led to capabilities not previously found in such devices. This paper will give a brief overview of the architecture of the disk drive and the traditional control functions that have been assimilated by the microprocessor. It will then discuss these new capabilities which include autonomous fault diagnosis, independent servo and I/O exercising, internal error logging, automatic servo error recovery, adaptive servo features, and architectural flexibility.  相似文献   

Sugaya S  Mansuripur M 《Applied optics》1994,33(22):5073-5079
Using computer simulations based on the diffraction theory of high-N.A. systems, we examine the effects of substrate birefringence on servo signals in magneto-optical disk drives. Our attention is confined to systems that use the methods of push-pull tracking and astigmatic focus-error detection. We show that the amounts of birefringence typically observed in polycarbonate substrates do not in themselves cause problems for the servo channels. However, the presence of residual aberrations in the optical path (astigmatism in particular) can have devastating effects on the magnitude of the track-error signal and the stability of the focusing servo. We show that the combination of substrate birefringence and residual beam astigmatism can either improve or deteriorate the performance of the focusing servo, depending on the orientation of the aberration relative to the principal axes of the substrate.  相似文献   

Braat J 《Applied optics》1997,36(30):8056-8062
I consider the influence of different substrate thicknesses on the signal obtained from an optical disk. Two solutions are presented for the reading of different disk types. In one situation a substrate thickness change for disks with equal density is made inoffensive by introduction of a combined amplitude-phase mask in the pupil of the readout objective. In a second situation, where the different thickness is accompanied by a change in optical density, a specific selection in the far field of the detected radiation has proven to be adequate.  相似文献   

We report results of measurements of the optical constants of the dielectric layer (ZnS-SiO2), reflecting layer (aluminum-chromium alloy), and phase-change layer (GeSbTe, AgInSbTe) used as the media of phase-change optical recording. The refractive index n and the absorption coefficient k of these materials vary to some extent with the film thickness and with the film deposition environment. We report the observed variations of optical constants among samples of differing structure and among samples fabricated in different laboratories.  相似文献   

Gerber RE  Li L  Mansuripur M 《Applied optics》1995,34(22):4929-4936
The excitation of surface plasmons at a dielectric-metal interface is responsible for dips in the zeroth order diffraction efficiency of a metal grating at certain angles of incidence. The dips appear as dark bands in the returning irradiance pattern in an optical disk system and are seen only when there is a component of incident polarization that lies perpendicular to the tracks. The location of these bands is derived from theoretical considerations and is shown to depend on the track pitch and the materials involved, but not on the groove depth or width. The band locations are confirmed by zeroth order diffraction efficiency measurements as a function of incident angle. A possible negative effect of these bands on an optical disk system is the introduction of additional fluctuations and noise into the focusing and push-pull tracking signals.  相似文献   

Gerber RE  Gardner TS  Kay DB 《Applied optics》1998,37(35):8173-8180
In an optical disk drive, it is well known that a tilt of the disk causes an offset in the tracking-error signal (TES). One effect of disk tilt is the introduction of a dc component to the TES, which can be largely corrected by operation of the tracking system at the midpoint between the maximum and the minimum values of the open-loop TES. However, this method of correcting for the dc shift in the TES does not correct for the effect of coma in the focused spot, which leads to track offset. The track offset of a system is defined as the distance between the peak irradiance in the focused spot and the center of the groove when the tracking system is operating at the midpoint between the maximum and the minimum values of the open-loop TES in the presence of disk tilt. Calculations are performed that show the dependence of track offset on various system parameters, including track pitch, wavelength, and numerical aperture and rim intensity of the objective lens, and on the regions of the beam used to generate the TES. The track offsets for several beam-segmentation schemes are calculated for a digital versatile disk that uses push-pull and differential phase tracking. It is shown that for differential phase tracking the value of track offset depends on the mark length.  相似文献   

We present what is to our knowledge a new class of two-dimensional (2-D) modulation codes, called variable-length 2-D modulation codes, suitable for page-oriented optical data storage (PODS) systems that write and read data in a 2-D bit image format. These codes overcome the inherent spatial intersymbol interference in imaging PODS systems and improve the code rate performance of previous fixed-length 2-D modulation codes. The codes in this new class map one-dimensional input data blocks of variable lengths to 2-D output data blocks of variable lengths and are designed to limit error propagation. In this study we give several examples of fixed-length and variable-length 2-D modulation codes with various properties for imaging PODS systems. We also compare the bit-error-rate performance of these fixed-length and variable-length codes.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive discussion of modulation coding for page-oriented optical data storage (PODS) systems that write and read data in a two-dimensional (2-D) bit image format. We give several 2-D mathematical models for these systems, including two-photon optical data storage systems. Using these models, we describe the nature of intersymbol interference (ISI) in imaging PODS systems and find that its characteristics are different from ISI in conventional serial magnetic and optical data storage systems. To overcome the ISI in these imaging PODS systems, we present what is, to our knowledge, a novel 2-D modulation coding scheme. We also present many examples of fixed-length 2-D modulation codes with diverse properties. Finally, we analyze and compare the bit-error rate performance of these codes.  相似文献   

Gerber RE  Mansuripur M 《Applied optics》1995,34(22):4780-4787
Substrate birefringence in a magneto-optical disk system is shown to have a predictable effect on the return beam. The irradiance and phase patterns of the return beam at the exit pupil of the objective lens are calculated and experimentally verified for the cases of no substrate birefringence, birefringence aligned with the incident polarization, and birefringence aligned at 45° to the incident polarization. The irradiance at the exit pupil is also calculated (and experimentally verified) for a grooved substrate for various amounts of substrate tilt.  相似文献   

The use of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) as an active layer in write-once-read-many optical storage is presented. This novel feature of BR materials may be used on a wide variety of substrates, among them transparent substrates but also paper and plastics. The physical basis of the recording process is polarization-sensitive two-photon absorption. As an example for this new BR application, an identification card equipped with an optical recording strip is presented, which has a capacity of about 1 MB of data. The recording density currently used is 125 kB/cm/sup 2/, which is far from the optical limits but allows operation with cheap terminals using plastic optics. In the examples given, data are stored in blocks of 10 kB each. A special optical encryption procedure allows the stored data to be protected from unauthorized reading. The molecular basis of this property is again the polarization-sensitive recording mechanism. The unique combination of optical storage, photochromism, and traceability of the BR material is combined on the single-molecule level. BR introduces a new quality of storage capability for applications with increased security and anticounterfeiting requirements.  相似文献   

We report certain diffraction effects that are pertinent to the operation of double-layer optical recording media. For simulating cross-talk effects for double layers, the diffraction of light from the out-of-focus layer and the resulting distribution on the in-focus layer are studied by use of computer simulations. The findings are then verified qualitatively by direct measurements. We also describe a technique for analyzing (by computer simulation) the focus-error signal (FES), taking into account the cross talk between two layers, in systems that use the astigmatic method in conjunction with the double-layer disk. The results of our computer simulations of the FES give us a 10% cross-talk contribution to the original signal. The results of the FES evaluation are compared with those measured in an actual disk drive; good agreement between computation and measurement is obtained.  相似文献   

Su WC  Chen YW  Chen YJ  Lin SH  Wang LK 《Applied optics》2012,51(9):1297-1303
We have proposed and demonstrated a holographic security storage system that is implemented with a shift multiplexing technique. The security function of this storage system is achieved by using a microdiffuser (MD) for random phase encoding of the reference beams. The apparatus of random phase encoding in this system offers an additional and flexible function during the recording processes. The system can generate holographic security memory or nonsecurity holographic memory via using the MD or not. The storage capacity and the average signal-to-noise value of the security storage system are 16 bits/μm(2) and 3.5, respectively. Lateral shifting selectivity in this holographic security storage system is theoretically analyzed and experimentally investigated.  相似文献   

Recyclable holographic (optical) storage in inorganic materials is nowadays possible due to the advent of laser. Various performance parameters of the state-of-the-art of optical storage are discussed in detail with reference to the well-established case of ferroelectric lithium niobate (LiNbO3). Various physicochemical techniques are employed in understanding the microscopic mechanisms responsible for optical storage in LiNbO3. A short summary of other inorganic materials capable of holographic storage is also presented.  相似文献   

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