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Design and implementation of a free-space optical backplane for multiprocessor applications is presented. The system is designed to interconnect four multiprocessor nodes that communicate by using multiplexed 32-bit packets. Each multiprocessor node is electrically connected to an optoelectronic VLSI chip which implements the hyperplane interconnection architecture. The chips each contain 256 optical transmitters (implemented as dual-rail multiple quantum-well modulators) and 256 optical receivers. A rigid free-space microoptical interconnection system that interconnects the transceiver chips in a 512-channel unidirectional ring is implemented. Full design, implementation, and operational details are provided.  相似文献   

A self-alignment technique that uses optical microconnectors forthree-dimensional optics in optical computing systems and opticalinterconnections is proposed. The optical microconnector consistsof an optical plug and a socket. On the output plane of an opticalsystem, optical plugs are made of a photosensitive resin exposed tolight through the optical system. Because the correspondingpositions of the optical plugs are critical to the image formed by theoptical system, a detecting device can be aligned and mounted by theconnection of the optical plugs to sockets formed on the surface of thedevice. Optical microconnectors were experimentally fabricated in areflective block optical system. An alignment accuracy of ~20 mum was attained in the experiment.  相似文献   

A four-stage unidirectional ring free-space optical interconnect system was designed, analyzed, implemented, and characterized. The optical system was used within a complementary metal-oxide semiconductor-self-electro-optic-effect-device-based optical backplane demonstrator that was designed to fit into a standard VME chassis. This optical interconnect was a hybrid microlens-macrolens system, in which the microlens relays were arranged in a maximum lens-to-waist configuration to route the optical beams from the optical power supply to the transceiver arrays, while the macrolens optical relays were arranged in a telecentric configuration to route optical signal beams from stage to stage. The following aspects of the optical system design are discussed: the optical parameters for the hybrid optical system, the image mapping of the two-dimensional array of optical beams from stage to stage, the alignment tolerance of the hybrid relay system, and the power budget of the overall optical interconnect. The implementation of the optical system, including the characterization of optical components, subsystem prealignment, and final system assembly, is presented. The two-dimensional array of beams for the stage-to-stage interconnect was adjusted with a rotational error of <0.05 degrees and a lateral offset error of <3.5 mum. The measured throughput is in good agreement with the lower-bound predictions obtained in the theoretical results, with an optical power throughput of -20.2 dB from the fiber input of the optical power supply to the modulator array and -25.5 dB from the fiber input to the detector plane.  相似文献   

Neilson DT  Schenfeld E 《Applied optics》1998,37(14):2944-2952
A combined optoelectronic and optomechanical packaging technique for the construction of snap-together free-space optical interconnect systems is described. The modules integrate relaying and routing functions by use of transparent optical molded plastic, which can achieve sufficient alignment precision that further adjustment is not required during system assembly. Methods to integrate the optoelectronic chips, such as vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser and receiver arrays with these plastic optical modules are described. Other chips can also be integrated to form optoelectronic multichip modules. These modules can also be designed to accommodate coupling to or from optical fiber arrays. A test-bed system to demonstrate the concept was assembled to a lower precision by use of conventional machining techniques.  相似文献   

The design and implementation of a robust, scalable, and modular optical power supply spot-array generator for a modulator-based free-space optical backplane demonstrator is presented. Four arrays of 8 x 4 spots with 6.47-mum radii (at 1/e(2) points) pitched at 125 mum in the vertical direction and 250 mum in the horizontal were required to provide the light for the optical interconnect. Tight system tolerances demanded careful optical design, robust optomechanics, and effective alignment techniques. Issues such as spot-array generation, polarization, power efficiency, and power uniformity are discussed. Characterization results are presented.  相似文献   

A folded structured light generator is presented. This spot generator is to be used in a modulator-based free-space optical interconnect. Three cascaded diffractive optical elements produce 4 x 8 clusters on an 800 microm x 1600 microm pitch, in which each cluster is a 4 x 4 array of 13.1-microm-radius spots on a 90-microm pitch. The folded configuration is more compact than an existing linear spot-array generator and replaces 14 optical surfaces with eight surfaces. Details of the optical design, sensitivity analysis, alignment techniques, assembly, and test results are presented.  相似文献   

Cao Q  Gruber M  Jahns J 《Applied optics》2004,43(16):3306-3309
A generalized confocal imaging system, which is composed of two confocal lenses and one field lens, is proposed for free-space optical interconnections. Unlike in a conventional 4-f system, both the object distance and the image distance can be almost arbitrarily chosen. This advantage is especially important for practical setups in which the object distance and the image distance cannot be designed to be the same. As a concrete example, we have designed and experimentally tested a planar-integrated micro-optical imaging system. The result is in good agreement with the theoretical prediction. Similarly to the conventional 4-f imaging system and the light-pipe imaging system, the system proposed here can also be used as one important part of a hybrid imaging setup.  相似文献   

We present the design, fabrication, and testing of optomechanics for a free-space optical backplane mounted in a standard 6U VME backplane chassis. The optomechanics implement an optical interconnect consisting of lenslet-to-lenslet, as well as conventional lens-to-lens, links. Mechanical, optical, electrical, thermal, material, and fabrication constraints are studied. Design trade-offs that affect system scalability and ease of assembly are put forward and analyzed. Novel mounting techniques such as a thermal-loaded interference-fitted lens-mounting technique are presented and discussed. Diagnostic tools are developed to quantify the performance of the optomechanics, and experimental results are given and analyzed.  相似文献   

Yeh JH  Kostuk RK  Tu KY 《Applied optics》1996,35(32):6354-6364
A free-space optical bus system is described for board-to-board interconnections at the backplane level. The system uses active optoelectronic modules as the interface between the circuit boards and the electrical backplane. Substrate-mode holograms are used to implement signal broadcast operations between boards, and each board on the backplane shares common free-space channels for transmitting and receiving signals. System-design considerations are given, and the potential performance of the optical bus system is evaluated. An experimental demonstration is also presented for the signal broadcast operation through cascaded substrate-mode holograms at a data rate of 622 Mb/s.  相似文献   

Jones IR  Heuring VP 《Applied optics》1998,37(26):6127-6135
Major issues in optoelectronic system design include timing, synchronization, and control. Designing free-space optical computing architectures is difficult because of the high degree of system complexity, parallelism, and concurrency in conjunction with the high cost and lack of availability of devices. Current simulation tools lack the expressiveness to model the system structure and behavior of parallel and concurrent architectures, thus making them inefficient and ineffective. We show that Petri nets, compared with other system-modeling methodologies, are more efficient and effective at expressing the functional, behavioral, and structural properties of parallel and concurrent architectures. We show how an extended version of the standard Petri net, a timed-colored Petri net, is used to model and simulate free-space optoelectronic computing architectures. We also present methods for analysis of system timing, synchronization, and control behavior.  相似文献   

A free-space optical interconnection scheme is described for massively parallel processors based on the interconnection-cached network architecture. The optical network operates in a circuit-switching mode. Combined with a packet-switching operation among the circuit-switched optical channels, a high-bandwidth, low-latency network for massively parallel processing results. The design and assembly of a 64-channel experimental prototype is discussed, and operational results are presented.  相似文献   

A free-space optical logic technique is presented that utilizes a two-dimensional array of diffractive optical elements. Each optical element focuses light to multiple, separate positions in the output focal plane. The focal spots from different optical elements are allowed to overlap spatially, resulting in interference. By changing the phase shift between the optical elements, one can create different optical logic operations in the focal plane. The technique is demonstrated by the use of two input beams incident onto a multiplexed optical element written onto a programmable spatial light modulator. The optical element simultaneously creates both AND and XOR logic functions in the output plane.  相似文献   

We report on the design and fabrication of a planar integrated free-space optical system working on the basis of binary phase diffractive optical elements (DOEs) realized in GaN on a sapphire substrate. Group III-nitride/sapphire substrates enable the parallel monolithic integration of passive microoptical elements like lenses and gratings as demonstrated here and optoelectronic devices like light emitters and photodetectors on a single wafer. We present an approach for the simultaneous optimization of the efficiency of transmissive and reflective diffractive optical elements processed in a single lithographic etching step.  相似文献   

Kim KR  Oh K 《Applied optics》2003,42(31):6261-6266
A new concatenated configuration of optical fibers is proposed to improve misalignment tolerance and working distance in a free-space optical interconnection. The structure is composed of three segments: a thermally expanded core fiber, a coreless silica fiber, and a claddingless graded-index fiber. A numerical analysis for the design of each fiber segment is performed completely, and the device characteristics are experimentally evaluated in terms of the tolerances for a 1-dB coupling-loss increment against longitudinal, transverse, and angular misalignments.  相似文献   

自由空间光通信的最大后验概率检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高宠  马晶  谭立英  于思源  潘锋 《光电工程》2007,34(3):54-56,62
为了减小大气闪烁对自由空间光通信的通信性能的影响,基于光信号的对数振幅序列服从联合高斯分布特性,提出了一种最大后验概率算法,给出了随时间变化的判决阈值.模拟结果表明,此算法可以有效减小大气闪烁对通信性能的影响,降低其误码率.  相似文献   

Dikmelik Y  Davidson FM 《Applied optics》2005,44(23):4946-4952
High-speed free-space optical communication systems have recently used fiber-optic components. The received laser beam in such a system must be coupled into a single-mode fiber at the input of the receiver module. However, propagation through atmospheric turbulence degrades the spatial coherence of a laser beam and limits the fiber-coupling efficiency. We numerically evaluate the fiber-coupling efficiency for laser light distorted by atmospheric turbulence. We also investigate the use of a coherent fiber array as a receiver structure and find that a coherent fiber array that consists of seven subapertures would significantly increase the fiber-coupling efficiency.  相似文献   


A simple and versatile white-light fan-out diffractive system based on the achromatization of the fractional Talbot effect is proposed. This achromatic configuration is able to interconnect a single polychromatic point source with a 2-D array of optoelectronic microdevices with low residual chromatic aberration even for white light. The whole broadband beamsplitter system is formed by two simple diffractive optical elements, a periodic diffractive lenslet array and a diffractive lens, that are made with a direct laser writing technique giving high light efficiency. The focal amplitude distribution corresponding to the lenslet array produces, by free-space propagation, self-replicas with different density of light points. These patterns, in conjunction with the achromatization process carried out by the additional diffractive lens, are, in short, the key to achieving a set of undistorted white-light spots at the output plane with high uniformity and variable separation between them. Experimental results are also shown.  相似文献   

Thomson MJ  Liu J  Taghizadeh MR 《Applied optics》2004,43(10):1996-1999
We present a design method based on the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm for the design of high-performance diffractive optical elements. Results from this algorithm are compared with results from simulated annealing and the iterative Fourier-transform algorithm. The element performance is comparable with those designed by simulated annealing, whereas the design time is similar to the iterative Fourier-transform method. Finally, we present results for a demanding beam-shaping task that was beyond the capabilities of either of the traditional algorithms. The element performances demonstrate greater than 85% efficiency and less than 2% uniformity error.  相似文献   

Jarczynski M  Seiler T  Jahns J 《Applied optics》2006,45(25):6335-6341
An integrated three-dimensional optical multilayer system for optical data communications is presented. It is based on the use of free-space optical light propagation and combines two integration principles, namely, planar and stacked integration. The combination of both integration schemes aims at a maximal design flexibility for complex geometric layouts. On the other hand, packaging issues that stem from assembly and tolerance have to be considered. Here we describe the basic concept and demonstrate the implementation of an optical interface module in a processor-memory bus.  相似文献   

Lacroix F  Kirk AG 《Applied optics》2001,40(29):5240-5247
A numerical analysis indicates that tolerance stackup effects in free-space optical interconnects are significant even for short systems containing few components. Results prove that worst-case or root-sum-square analyses are not adequate to predict probable performance accurately. A Monte Carlo analysis must be performed.  相似文献   

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