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林子增  黄瑛  谢文理 《功能材料》2013,44(Z1):89-93
为明确陶粒制备工艺的烧成温度范围,考察焙烧机制,进行了不同温度污泥烧制页岩陶粒的实验研究。结果表明,工艺控制参数耐火度:Al2O3/+SiO2Fe2O3+CaO+MgO+Na2O+K2O可以表征混合料烧成开始温度;1000℃以下烧制陶粒的孔径分布为单峰曲线,1050~1100℃烧制陶粒的孔径呈现双峰结构,焙烧机制对陶粒孔隙分布有如下影响:提高焙烧温度,峰值孔径增大,延长焙烧时间,峰值孔径相对位置增加;XRD分析表明,陶粒主要晶相为石英和蓝晶石,在1050℃以上烧结,孔分布出现双峰曲线,可能与氧化铁分解有关。  相似文献   

改善污泥的脱水性能有利于污泥的处置与利用,以污泥建材资源化为目标,实验研究了在污泥沉降浓缩阶段加入页岩和粉煤灰后对沉降污泥脱水性能的影响。结果显示单掺页岩或粉煤灰后污泥的脱水性能得到显著改善;污泥比阻从处理前的1013数量级降至1011数量级;污泥脱水后的含水率降低,有利于后续的处理和利用;污泥脱水后的体积有一定程度增大,但这种体积增大在污泥的建材资源化利用方面是可接受的。混掺页岩和粉煤灰后对污泥脱水性能的改善效果优于单掺,页岩与粉煤灰掺量均为5%时,污泥的脱水性能得到最佳改善,且脱水污泥体积无明显增加。  相似文献   

每个城市中,都设置了很多必不可少的设施,为了改善城市环境,提高人们的生活水平,城市生活污水污泥的处理一直受到相关部门的重视。在处理过程中,由于污水污泥含有大量的有害物质,若其中一个环节疏忽,处理欠妥,将导致环境的污染。本文着重对城市生活污水污泥处理的科学技术进行探讨,并分析其中的意义。  相似文献   

污水处理厂在生产过程中会产生大量的污泥,其数量约占处理水量的0.3%~0.5%左右。如果这些污泥不经过处理直接排放,将给环境造成极大的危害。随着人口的增加,城市功能的逐步完善,国内外的污水处理厂的污泥量在逐年增加。污水处理厂的污泥是净化过程中的产物,主要含有大量的泥砂、腐殖质、细菌等无机和有机杂质。由于污泥产生于污水处理厂不同的处理部位,如预处理段、生化处理段、消化处理段、化学处理段,所以所产生的污泥量和污泥类型不尽相同。本文就城市生活污水污泥处置工艺做了相关探索。  相似文献   

以纺织污泥为主要原料制备免烧陶粒.通过实验分析探究了污泥/水泥比、粉煤灰添加量和养护时间对陶粒性能的影响.结果表明:纺织污泥基免烧陶粒的最佳原料配比和养护工艺为污泥/水泥比为2.25,粉煤灰添加量为5%,粘结剂添加量为1%,养护时间为28天.该条件下制得的陶粒筒压强度为6.93 MPa,堆积密度为753kg/m3,1 ...  相似文献   

用于水处理填料的超轻污泥-粉煤灰陶粒的研制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以光大水务(济南)有限公司脱水污泥、粘土为原料,以粉煤灰为添加剂烧制超轻污泥陶粒。通过配比试验和单因素实验,确定了原料添加量和工艺流程;由L18(37)正交试验,得到应用于水处理填料的超轻污泥陶粒的最佳配料比例和最佳烧制流程;最后将所得超轻污泥陶粒进行ICP-AES分析并与商品陶粒进行SEM比较。结果表明,应用于污水处理填料的超轻陶粒吸水率49.46%,堆积密度365.50kg/m3,颗粒密度1047.78kg/m3。经有毒金属浸出测试证明,生产的超轻污泥陶粒有毒重金属浓度在国标要求范围内不会造成二次污染。  相似文献   

贾兴文  吴洲  何兵  樊先平 《材料导报》2013,27(12):131-135
陶粒吸水会加速陶粒泡沫混凝土拌合物中泡沫的破灭,导致坍落度经时损失和表观密度显著增大。采用预湿、EVA乳液浸渍和憎水剂浸渍对陶粒进行预处理来降低陶粒的吸水量,并以陶粒泡沫混凝土的坍落度经时损失和表观密度表征泡沫的稳定性,对比3种预处理方式对陶粒泡沫混凝土物理力学性能的影响。结果表明:预湿处理可以改善泡沫的稳定性,保持混凝土的坍落度,降低表观密度和抗压强度;采用浓度5%和10%的EVA乳液处理陶粒可以提高混凝土的表观密度和抗压强度;采用20%的EVA乳液处理陶粒对表观密度和抗压强度的影响较小;陶粒憎水处理导致泡沫快速破灭,使陶粒泡沫混凝土的坍落度经时损失显著增大;制备陶粒泡沫混凝土时,更宜采用预湿处理方式。  相似文献   

以污水厂污泥、粉煤灰为主要原料制备污泥陶粒,并采用BaCl2浸泡、焙烧的方法对其进行改性,制得钡改性污泥陶粒(Ba-SC),考察了其对水中Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附性能、动力学及吸附等温线,并采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对其进行了表征。结果表明:Ba-SC对Cr(Ⅵ)的去除效果远高于SC,且吸附效果受pH影响较大,在pH≥7时对Cr(Ⅵ)的去除率可达90%以上。SEM结果显示,负载在污泥陶粒表面的Ba可吸附Cr(Ⅵ)并与之反应形成正交晶型的结晶体。Ba-SC对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附过程符合准二级动力学模型及Langmuir等温吸附模型,吸附反应为单分子层化学吸附过程。  相似文献   

预湿程度对页岩陶粒混凝土显微结构及强度的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究了页岩陶粒经不同程度预湿处理后混凝土强度变化规律,并利用扫描电镜对页岩陶粒混凝土集料与水泥石界面区及水泥石基体的显微结构进行了研究.研究结果表明:随着页岩陶粒预湿程度的增加,混凝土早期强度降低幅度较后期强度大,而强度增长率明显增大.探讨了不同龄期混凝土显微结构的孔隙特征,从微观结构揭示混凝土强度变化规律.  相似文献   

按质量比为m(污泥)∶m(盐渍土)∶m(蒙脱土)=75∶20∶5的配比,将料球分别烧至1000℃、1050℃、1100℃和1150℃,研究了焙烧温度对污泥陶粒烧胀过程和结构特征的影响。结果表明,1100℃时陶粒的主晶相是石英、蓝晶石和钙长石,1150℃时陶粒的主晶相是莫来石、石英和蓝晶石。莫来石是由蓝晶石转化而来,在高温时形成富硅铝和富钙的液相以及二液分相现象,最后生成莫来石、玻璃体和钙长石。陶粒烧胀的原因是在还原气氛下发生铁碳反应。陶粒内部形成玻璃体为主体,中间有莫来石增强相的结构,陶粒断面形成致密结构和均匀的封闭孔。  相似文献   

This study investigates the sintering behavior of dried sewage sludge and the related sintering mechanisms, considering sintering temperature and sintering time. Experimental results indicate that the characteristics are primarily influenced by sintering temperature. When the sintering temperature is increased from 1020 to 1050 °C, the specimens’ compressive strength and bulk density increase significantly, while water absorption decreases obviously, indicating an improvement of densification due to sintering. However, the compressive strength cannot meet the requirement for traditional ceramic products due to the release of organic matters and the formation of big pores in the products. Phosphorus in sewage sludge initially takes reactions with the formation of calcium magnesium phosphate and aluminum phosphate during sintering, which are helpful for enhancing the compressive strength. So, some materials with high contents of Al could be used to enhance the compressive strength of products. Heavy metals are fixed primarily inside the sintered specimens, with the As, Pb, Cd, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn concentrations in the leachate found to be in the range of China regulatory requirements. These results reveal the feasibility of recycling dried sewage sludge by sintering as a construction material.  相似文献   

Stabilization of heavy metals in ceramsite made with sewage sludge   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In order to investigate stabilization of heavy metals in ceramsite made with sewage sludge as an additive, the configuration of heavy metals in ceramsite was analysed by XRD and while leaching tests were conducted to find out the effect of sintering temperature (850 degrees C, 900 degrees C, 950 degrees C, 1000 degrees C, 1100 degrees C, and 1200 degrees C), pH (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 12), and H2O2 concentration (0.5molL(-1), 1molL(-1), 1.5molL(-1), 3molL(-1), and 5molL(-1)) on stabilization of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, and Pb) in ceramsite. The results indicate that leaching contents of heavy metals do not change above 1000 degrees C and sintering temperature has a significant effect on stabilization of heavy metals in ceramsite; leaching contents of heavy metals decrease as pH increases and increase as H2O2 concentration increases. XRD analysis reveals that the heavy metals exist in steady forms, mainly Pb2O(CrO(4)), CdSiO3, and CuO at 1100 degrees C. It is therefore concluded that heavy metals are properly stabilized in ceramsite and cannot be easily released into the environment again to cause secondary pollution.  相似文献   

污水厂脱水污泥制吸附剂及脱除H2S效能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李芬  张彦平  杨莹  雷涛  鲍国臣 《功能材料》2012,43(15):2071-2074
采用热解炭化法制备了一系列污泥吸附剂,优化制备工艺,利用扫描电镜(SEM)、比表面积和孔径分析等技术对污泥吸附剂的结构进行了表征,并研究了脱除H2S效能。结果表明,活化温度、活化时间和固液比等因素均对污泥吸附剂的碘吸附值产生影响。当活化温度为550℃、活化时间为2.0h、固液比为1∶2时所制备材料(SA)的碘吸附值最高,为493.12mg/g;制备的SA具有较好的脱除H2S效能,能满足精脱硫的要求,当空速为4600h-1时,SA的除臭时间可达48min;此外SA中含有的多种金属元素,平均孔径为3.4nm,这些性质均有利于H2S的吸附脱除。  相似文献   

In this study, pure TiO2-nanoparticles and TiO2/sewage sludge (TS) as biomass material were synthesised via a sol–gel method. The adsorption potential of nanosized TiO2 and TS for removal of Cd(II) was investigated in a batch system. The prepared adsorbents were characterised using X-ray diffraction (XRD), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The XRD analysis showed that pure TiO2 is in amorphous phase before calcination and in anatase phase at annealing temperature of 400 °C. TiO2/sewage sludge that calcined at 400 °C (TS400) was found to be the best adsorbent for cadmium removal from aqueous solution. Kinetic and isotherm studies were carried out by considering the parameters, pH, initial concentration and contact time. The optimum pH value for Cd(II) adsorption onto TS400 was found to be 6. Langmuir isotherm showed better fit than Freundlich isotherm and the maximum adsorption capacity was found to be 29.28 mg/g which is higher than that of many other adsorbents reported in literature. The sorption kinetic data were well fitted with a pseudo-second-order model. These results demonstrated that TS400 was readily prepared and is the promising and effective solid material for the removal of Cd(II) from aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

Due to richness in proteins and carbohydrates, the sewage sludge produced from the wastewater treatment processes is becoming a potential substrate for biological hydrogen production. In this study, sterilized sludge was employed to produce hydrogen by batch anaerobic self-fermentation without any extra-feeds and extra-seeds. Sterilization can screen hydrogen-producing microorganisms from sludge microflora and release organic materials from microbial cells of sludge. Experimental results suggested that sterilization could accelerate and increase the hydrogen production of sewage sludge in the anaerobic self-fermentation, and the biogas did not contain methane. The hydrogen yield was increased from 0.35 mL H2/g VS (raw sludge) to 16.26 mL H2/g VS (sterilized sludge). Although sterilization could fully inhibit the activity of methanogens in the sludge, the hydrogen consumption still occurred in the anaerobic self-fermentation of sterilized sludge due to the existence of other hydrogen-consuming actions. The decrease of pH in the anaerobic self-fermentation of sterilized sludge was very lower (from 6.81 to 6.56) because NH4+ produced by degradation of proteins could neutralize organic acids produced in the process. The soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) increase of sterilized sludge was higher than that of raw sludge. Volatile fatty acids (VFA) were the important by-products and acetate was the major composition. The hydrogen fermentation of carbohydrates was the major source of hydrogen production.  相似文献   

Treatment of sewage sludge using electrokinetic geosynthetics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The treatment and disposal of sewage sludge is one of the most problematical issues affecting wastewater treatment in the developed world. The traditional outlets for sewage sludge are to spread it on agricultural land, or to form a cake for deposit to landfill or incineration. In order to create a sludge cake, water must be removed. Existing dewatering technology based on pressure can only remove a very limited amount of this water because of the way in which water is bound to the sludge particles or flocs. Several researchers have shown that electrokinetic dewatering of sludge is more efficient than conventional hydraulically driven methods. This involves the application of a dc voltage across the sludge, driving water under an electrical gradient from positive (anode) electrode to negative (cathode) electrode. However, there have been several reasons why this technique has not been adopted in practice, not least because the, normally metallic, anode rapidly dissolves due to the acidic environment created by the electrolysis of water. This paper will describe experimentation using electrokinetic geosynthetics (EKG): polymer-based materials containing conducting elements. These have been used to minimise the problem of electrode corrosion and create a sludge treatment system that can produce dry solids contents in excess of 30%. It will suggest different options for the treatment of sludges both in situ in sludge lagoons and windrows, and ex situ as a treatment process.  相似文献   

The carbon-bearing adsorbents were prepared from biochemical and surplus sludges by physical activation and chemical activation. The results indicated that the adsorbents made by way of chemical activation were better, with the optimum activator being complex of ZnCl(2) and H(2)SO(4). Moreover, the optimum preparation conditions were concentration of two activators 5 mol/L (the ratio of ZnCl(2) and H(2)SO(4) was 2:1), at the activating temperature of 550 degrees C, in the proportion of solid to liquid 1:2.5, in a period of 2h. Contrasting the active carbon, the carbon-bearing adsorbents were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS), scanning electron microscope (SEM), BET and BJH. By application of those adsorbents to treatment of wastewater of urban, the treatment effect of the carbon-bearing adsorbents were better than the active carbon. On the condition that the concentration was 0.5%, the COD, P and chromaticity color removal rates of carbon-bearing adsorbent made from the biochemical sludge of sewage were higher, which were 79.1, 98.3 and 87.5%, respectively, and the dynamic adsorption capacity was 47.8 mg/g.  相似文献   

In this study, incinerated sewage sludge ash (ISSA) is mixed with cement in a fixed ratio of 4:1 for use as a stabilizer to improve the strength of soft, cohesive, subgrade soil. Five different ratios (in wt%: 0%, 2%, 4%, 8%, and 16%) of ISSA/cement admixture are mixed with cohesive soil to make soil samples. In order to understand the influences of admixtures on the soil properties, tests of the pH value, Atterberg limits, compaction, California bearing ratio (CBR), unconfined compressive strength, and triaxial compression were performed on those samples. The study shows that the unconfined compressive strength of specimens with the ISSA/cement addition was improved to approximately 3-7 times better than that of the untreated soil; furthermore, the swelling behavior was also effectively reduced as much as 10-60% for those samples. In some samples, the ISSA/cement additive improved the CBR values by up to 30 times that of untreated soil. This suggests that ISSA/cement has many potential applications in the field of geotechnical engineering.  相似文献   

To evaluate the influences of sewage sludge-derived organic matters on metal sorption and on the resultant sludge loading estimates, a batch experiment was conducted to compare the sorption of Ni, Cu and Pb in sewage sludge filtrates (1:20 sewage sludge to water) on eight soils and the adsorption of metals in a reference solution which had the same matrix as the sewage sludge filtrate except dissolved organic material (henceforth referred to as reference solution). Metal sorption could be well fitted by linear isotherm and the dissolved organic matter in sludge significantly depressed the sorption (p<0.01). The main factor controlling sorption of Ni on different soils was dominated by soil cation exchange capacity (CEC) and sorption of Cu and Pb was by soil organic matter (SOM). The parameters obtained from the sorption isotherm equations were then used to estimate sludge loadings into the soils. When the sorption parameters derived from the reference solution were used for calculation, that is the effect of dissolved organic matter was not considered, the calculated safe application rates are approximately 47.8, 51.4, 34.2, 31.3, 21.7, 46.3, 187.1 and 27.6 t-sludge/ha for the Beijing, Jiangxi, Xiamen, Jilin, Guangdong, Wuhan, Gansu and Xinjiang soils, respectively. However, when the sorption parameters derived from the dissolved organo-metallic complexes are used for calculation, the corresponding application rates are reduced to approximately 6.0, 3.4, 1.9, 10.0, 6.3, 3.6, 7.3 and 3.5 t-sludge/ha, respectively. By this study we can get a conclusion that the effect of sewage sludge derived dissolved organic matter on heavy metal sorption and soil properties should be considered in the course of regulating the safe application rates of sewage sludge to soil.  相似文献   

Studies on land application of sewage sludge and its limiting factors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Field experiments were conducted to study the effect of sewage sludge application on the heavy metal content in soils and grasses. The sewage sludge was obtained from Northern Shenyang Wastewater Treatment Plant, China, and applied at 0, 15, 30, 60, 120 and 150 t ha−1. Native grasses Zoysia japonica and Poa annua were chosen as experimental plants. The experimental results showed that nutrient content of the soil, especially organic matter, was increased after sewage sludge application. The grass biomass was increased and the grass growing season was longer. Heavy metal concentrations in the soil also increased; however, the Zn content did not exceed the stringent Chinese environmental quality standard for soil. Pb and Cu did not exceed the standard for B grade soil, but Cd concentration in soil amended by sewage sludge has exceeded the B grade standard. Therefore, it is suggested that the sewage sludge produced from the wastewater treatment plant should not be applied to farmland, for which B grade soil or better is required. The sludge is suitable for application to forestry and grasslands or nurseries where food chain contamination with cadmium is not a concern.  相似文献   

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