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阿海水电站是云南省第一个按照"16118移民安置政策"开展移民安置工作的大型水电项目,本文重点对阿海水电站移民安置实施过程中采用的长效补偿支付方式进行了介绍,对不同支付方式的依据、特点、方法和效果进行认真分析,并对阿海水电站移民生产安置运用长效补偿方式所取得的成效和经验进行总结。  相似文献   

工程移民决策支持研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
工程移民指工程建设引起的非自愿的搬迁安置活动,工程移民决策包括规划决策和管理决策,这在国内外都是一个新课题,基于GIS的工程移民DSS是实施科学决策的有效手段,章对工程移民决策支持的理论、方法进行了探讨,并结合万家寨工程移民决策支持进行了试验。  相似文献   

本论文通过对项目法人参与水电项目移民工程"统规代建"进行研究,从"统规代建"的指导思想、原则、范围、方式、措施等方面进行分析,试图探索出一种适用于水电项目移民工程建设的新模式。该模式充分发挥了项目法人的管理和组织优势,加快移民工程进度、确保移民工程质量,为移民及时搬迁安置、电站按时蓄水发电创造条件。  相似文献   

为了切实推进扶贫攻坚、全面建设小康社会、维护民族地区和谐稳定,根据自治区党委、政府关于在西海固地区实施生态移民的决策部署,按照《宁夏"十二五"西海固地区生态移民规划》,从2011年开始用5年的时间将宁南山区不适宜生存地区的35万人贫困群众搬迁安置到近水、沿路、靠城的区域,为了让移民过上安定幸福的生活,确保2020年与全国同步实现小康,态移民成功的关键是村庄规划编制的合理。根据近几年农村规划工作经验谈几点想法,供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

采用地方政府相关职能部门访谈、农民人户调研等方法进行了实地调研,对彭州、北川两市、县的集中安置的地震灾害农村移民的可持续发展能力进行了综合评价,运用个案研究法、因素分析法,对农村移民可持续发展的主要影响因素进行了对比,总结分析了灾区农村移民安置的经验和问题,提出了进一步完善灾害农村移民安置,提升农村移民可持续发展能力的意见和建议。  相似文献   

地处秦巴腹地的陕南地区正在开展一项大规模的避险移民工程。此项工程意在通过涵养自然生态、推进地区产业转型和城市就业、加大新城新区建设等以达到防灾、扶贫和提高城乡居民生活水平的目的。本文建议在秦巴山区开展以评估人居生活质量为主题的纵向社会学研究。此项研究主要依靠当地居民从个体视角出发,对生活状况的综合主观评价来衡量移民工程的社会意义。研究重点关注三类人群:已经完成搬迁安置的新移民,尚未搬迁——其中包括在未来有移民意向的农村居民,以及移民迁入地区的原有城镇居民。此项研究可以用于监测移民工程和城乡建设的进展,分析此工程对各个社会群体民生状况的现实影响,并对当地及其他地区政府的后续的政策规划提供参考意见。以此为出发点,本文综述了在社会学领域内生活质量研究的理论发展和研究体系,并针对秦巴山区的具体状况提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

水力资源是中国的优势资源,经过建国60年尤其是改革开放30多年的发展,中国水力资源进入西部开发的关键阶段,需要妥善处理好项目开发建设管理体制、移民搬迁安置、枢纽工程建设、生态环境保护、项目建设程序等问题。结合金沙江下游河段水力资源开发的实践,对西部水力资源开发的项目管理进行了探索。  相似文献   

农村饮水安全项目的实施可以改善农村饮水水质,降低地方病和水性传染病率,有利于促进农村社会经济发展,提高农村人121素质、稳定社会秩序对于建设社会主义新农村具有重要意义,社会效益显著。文中阐述了克孜尔水库移民安置区饮水安全工程设计、建设做法,取得的效果。  相似文献   

随着目前城市建设向外延的大面积推进,安置小区项目的建设中存在的建设周期长、拆迁后回迁慢等一些列问题得不到合理解决。文章就甲方建设单位在安置小区方面需要做的工作做一总结,力求为安置小区规划与建设的顺利实施做保证。  相似文献   

移民安置不仅是一个经济补偿问题,更重要的是一个社会问题,涉及自然环境、社会稳定、经济发展等各个方而。黄河下游防洪工程引起的移民是典型的非自愿移民,因此在移民迁占赔偿政策制定、移民安置规划编制等方面需考虑多方因素。文章对黄河下游防洪工程移民迁占工作现状及存在的问题进行阐述,并对此提出一些建议及分析。  相似文献   

三峡工程的决策和实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长江三峡工程是当今世界特大型多目标的水利枢纽工程,规模宏大,工程技术问题难度很大。经过近70年的规划、论证、决策以及10年的工程建设实践,工程建设取得了重大进展,论证和决策的结论基本准确,有些问题如泥沙问题、环境问题和移民问题尚待在以后的运行中经受考验。文章论述了三峡工程的科学决策及实践。  相似文献   

Land acquisitions, undertaken to accommodate development activities, are causing increasing enmity between local communities and developers in Tanzania, as well as in other parts of Africa and the world. In many cases, it is likely that the socioeconomic costs incurred by local communities are greater than the benefits obtained from these activities. This study carried out an assessment of the changes in household living conditions before and after resettlement due to an airport expansion project in the city of Dar es Salaam. A door-to-door survey of 190 affected households and interviews with other relevant stakeholders revealed that the country has insufficient legal provisions to compel the government to adequately assist those affected. Resettlement has increased the rate of unemployment among the displaced community and triggered problems related to public service access. The impacts observed were accelerated by the lack of an effective national legislative system, the local administration’s poor operational capacity, and conflicts between the displaced population and the host community.  相似文献   

基于DBR系统的敏捷供应链协同机制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于单一生产系统内部DBR生产计划与控制系统的实现机制,通过对其应用范围的进一步扩展,提出了供应链管理环境下DBR系统运作的六条基本原理,构建了供应链环境下DBR系统的基本框架,从计划、缓冲与控制机制三个方面对其实现机制进行了探讨.提出了支持DBR系统运作的供应链协同计划与控制模型,该模型基于单一节点企业内部DBR系统和供应链DBR系统的共同运作,通过面向订单对象的分布式生产控制模式和电子看板,实现供应链系统的协同计划与控制.  相似文献   

涂建军 《标准科学》2017,(10):47-52
在复杂装备系统工程中,需要规划标准实施方案,前提是确定标准选用范围.此工作难度高、工作量大,并且缺乏方法指导.因此,提出一种基于需求结构化的标准实施规划方法,通过全面客观地收集系统需求,并通过某大型水面舰船医疗系统标准实施规划案例,验证方法的有效性.  相似文献   

具有竞争力的生产组织要求精益化和柔性的数据处理方法,用于订单计划的制订以及订单的执行。现代生产调度技术严格遵循企业流程,并有效支持所有生产后勤工作部门的应用者。其结果是低成本、经改善的供货能力和员工更高的积极性。  相似文献   

Hersi  Tugrul  Nuri 《Technology in Society》2007,29(4):469-482
This project examines information technology (IT) planning, implementation, and diffusion in an academic environment, that of Portland Community College (PCC), the largest college in Oregon. PCC tries to keep pace with the latest technologies by anticipating and implementing new technology solutions in efficient and effective deployments. IT managers and employees at PCC were asked to complete a survey that included questions about IT planning, implementation, and diffusion. This paper proposes a conceptual framework based on previous models of technology adoption. The integrated, three-stage framework involves IT planning, actual IT implementation, and IT diffusion. The study identified adequate training and resistance to change as leading obstacles to IT deployment processes.  相似文献   

This paper presents work carried out within the 'ExPlanTech' project (IST-1999-20171) funded in part by the European Commission's Information Technologies Programme. The mission of the ExPlanTech technology transfer project is to introduce, customize and exploit the multi-agent production planning technology (ProPlanT multi-agent system research prototype) in two specific industrial enterprises. An agent-driven service negotiations and decision process, based on usagecentred knowledge about task requirements, substitutes the traditional production planning activity. We introduce a methodology for integration of the projectdriven production planning based on agent-based engineering within the existing enterprise resource planning system. This novel production planning technology will facilitate optimization of resource utilization and supplier chain while meeting the customer demands. This paper describes a FIPA-compliant implementation of the ExPlanTech technology at the LIAZ Pattern Shop manufacturing company. We describe the structure of the agent community, types of agents, implementation of the planning strategy and its incorporation within the real production environment.  相似文献   


Best practice mine closure planning and environmental impact assessment (EIA) principles share many common features. This research examined how mine closure planning relates to, and can be integrated with EIA by comparing practice in eight African and Australian jurisdictions. Emphasis was placed on key challenges and opportunities associated with: institutional arrangements for mine closure planning; financial mechanisms for mine site closure and rehabilitation including abandoned/legacy mine sites; transparency of mine closure planning and financing provisions; and regulation of artisanal and small-scale mining activity. Data were gathered through document analysis, interviews and interactions with practitioners from Western Australia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia. Issues associated with mine closure planning and rehabilitation under existing arrangements and opportunities for improvement through existing EIA processes already in place in each jurisdiction are explored. All eight jurisdictions have appropriate regulatory provisions in place already, but implementation capacity remains a challenge. Opportunities for effective practice lie in using mine closure planning and EIA measures in an integrated fashion, avoiding duplication and enabling synergies in management to be realised.  相似文献   

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