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长沙市大气污染现状及变化特征研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对长沙市大气污染现状及污染物变化特征进行了分析和总结,并与“八五”末期的状况进行了比较。结果表明:长沙市的大气污染基本维持在1995年的水平;市区的大气污染以火车站最重,其次是伍家岭;春季和冬季是长沙市大气污染较为严重的季节。文章最后从长沙市的能源结构、地理、气候等方面对大气污染的原因进行了解析。  相似文献   

为切实落实我省大气污染防治行动计划,改善环境空气质量和矿山生态环境,本文依据有关法律法规及规定,结合我市矿山开采生产现状,对秦皇岛地区矿山环境现状进行调查,提出适合矿山修复治理方案。  相似文献   

<正>1意义和必要性我国大气污染物排放总量巨大,以PM 2.5和臭氧为特征的大气污染问题日益突出,大范围重污染天气频发,引起社会各界的广泛关注。党中央、国务院高度重视大气污染防治,提出要像对贫困宣战一样,坚决向污染宣战。2014年国务院出台了《大气污染防治行动计划》,对大气污染防治工作进行全面部署,特别强调了大气污染防治科技支撑的要求。  相似文献   

王志娟 《包钢科技》2001,27(2):83-86,95
本文叙述了大气污染途径及大气污染对人类的健康,农业,气候,生产设施,建筑物和文物的危害,我国大气污染属于煤烟型污染,严格贯彻有关法律法规,推行减少和防治大气污染的工程技术措施及加强对大气污染的监测是控制大气污染的有效措施。  相似文献   

<正>众所周知,大气环境与经济发展紧密关联,大气污染气体含量会随着雾霾及其他污染加重而增加,严重威胁人们身体健康。因此,在环境治理工作中,需要根据大气污染气体的排放特点,采取更科学的治理方案,逐步改善当前环境管理模式,全面提高大气污染的治理水平,最大程度地保障人们的身体健康。一、大气污染的概述(一)内涵在进行大气污染治理过程中,需要加强对大气污染的内涵进行深入分析,逐渐调整现有的工作重点,使整体治理效果得到全面提高。  相似文献   

<正>一是全力推进大气、水、土壤污染治理三项重点工作。在大气污染防治方面,深入落实《大气十条》各项政策措施,尤其是突出抓好京津冀及周边地区大气污染治理这一重中之重。在水污染防治方面,编制出台《水污染防治行动计划》并组织实施。重点保护好饮用水水源地、生态良好湖泊等高功能水体,消灭国控断面劣V类等污染严重水体。在土壤污染防治方面,编制出台《土壤环境保护和污染治理行动计划》并组织实施。启动全国土壤污染状况详细调查和土壤环境保护工程第  相似文献   

<正>7月30日,生态环境部召开2019年上半年环境空气质量预警座谈会,对上半年环境空气质量同比恶化、年度目标完成情况严重滞后的城市,进行预警提醒。近日,多个城市纷纷出台措施,再一次打响大气污染防治强化攻坚战。郑州市:印发《郑州市2019年大气污染防治强化攻坚行动方案》和9个专项方案。自即日起直至年底,集全市之力,打响大气污染防治强化攻坚战,开展"散乱污"企业取缔、工业企业深度治理、柴油货车整治、非道路移动机械整治、渣土车规范管理、  相似文献   

社会持续发展过程中,如何处理好环境保护与资源使用之间的关系,是社会关注的焦点。尤其是在当前绿色低碳发展背景下,更应关注环境污染治理技术、监测技术的发展,以保证将这些技术使用到相应的污染治理工程中去,使生态文明的战略更好地落实到每个领域。文章从此角度入手,首先对大气污染治理中环境监测技术的运用逻辑进行分析,而后归结了当前大气污染治理中环境监测技术的应用类别,并在此基础上总结了大气污染治理中环境监测技术的使用策略,期望可以引导环境监测技术更好地发挥大气污染治理效能。  相似文献   

《新疆维吾尔自治区大气污染防治行动计划实施方案》(以下简称《方案》)近日印发。《方案》提出了今后4年大气污染防治工作目标,明确了11方面49项重点工作任务。 《方案》明确,到2017年,实现全疆城市空气质量总体改善,其中乌鲁木齐市可吸入颗粒物浓度比2012年下降25%以上。力争再用5年或更长时间,基本消除重污染天气。为达成这一目标,新疆将重点对工业企业大气污染、城市面源污染、扬尘污染以及移动源污染进行综合治理,减少污染物排放。  相似文献   

<正>根据《天津市清新空气行动方案》大气污染治理有关要求,为降低天津市钢铁行业颗粒物无组织排放量,进一步改善环境空气质量,天津市组织专家对七家钢铁联合企业无组织排放情况进行现场调查研究,提出了有针对性、技术可行的综合治理措施,形成了《天津市钢铁联合企业颗粒物无组织排放治理实施方案》,并列入《天津市清新空气行动计划》,计划2015年完成6家企业15个点位生产装置的无组织排放治理;2016  相似文献   

Indonesia as a developing country has air pollution which is mainly caused by motor vehicle emissions and industrial smoke. The most important indoor air pollution is cigarette smoke. The prevalence of smoking among Indonesian men is 45.7%. Of the population, 10.8% are ex-smokers and 43.5% are non-smokers. Among the female population, only 1.8% smoke. There are some important factors that influence the air pollution in Indonesia; this paper identifies the real problems and their impact. The paper reviews various studies that have been carried out in Indonesia which were related to ambient air quality, industrial air pollutants levels (SO2, NOx, Ox, Pb, CO, HC) in large cities in Indonesia have exceeded the acceptable level, especially in industrial trade and heavy traffic areas. The more cigarettes inhaled and the deeper the inhalation, especially the kretek cigarettes, the risk of ling function abnormality becomes greater. Smoking high dose kretek cigarettes, that is > or = 116 cigarettes/day x years, the risk of abnormal lung function is 13-fold that of a non-smoker; if added with the deep inhalation of smoke, the risk becomes 20-fold. Smoking increases the risk of occupational lung disease. The level of dust in some industrial areas exceeded the standard level and correlated with respiratory problems. The existence of industry caused by air pollution in the environment increased the incidence of obstructive airway diseases. We conclude that the main cause of air pollution in Indonesia is motor vehicle emissions, followed by industrial smoke. Cigarette smoke is also related to abnormal lung function.  相似文献   

The frequency of chronic bronchitis among 33000 persons, selected by randomization, between 35 and 64 years of age, living in 4 large cities and 24 selected districts with different air pollution levels in GDR was investigated. A chronic bronchitis questionnaire and measurement of FVC, FEV1, PO2 were used to test each person, partially broncho-provocation-tests with histamin aerosols were performed. According to this investigation 6% of the men and 2.8% of the women suffered from CNSLD. In this group of diseased persons 50% showed obstructive disturbances of ventilation, 20% signs of decreased physical fitness due to respiratory disorders and 10% a manifested respiratory insufficiency.  相似文献   

Micronuclear test was used to carry out genetic screening in somatic cells of children from different St. Petersburg districts with varying ecologic conditions. Preschool children from districts with high anthropogenic load (soil, air) revealed significant increase of epitheliocyte number in mouth mucosa. Girls appeared to be more sensitive to unfavourable environmental effects than boys. Mean values of cells with micronuclei in ecologically safe districts were 0.38 and 0.66% in pre- and school children, respectively. The study performed showed a possibility to use micronuclei count in the mouth mucosa investigating genetic effects of environmental pollution.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the respiratory effects of outdoor air pollution after correcting for allergy and indoor air quality. The respiratory health survey targeted 1,129 schoolchildren, 9 yrs of age, attending schools in Krakow located in city areas differing in outdoor air pollution levels. Chronic phlegm as a unique symptom was related neither to allergy nor to indoor variables, but was associated with the outdoor air pollution level (odds ratio (OR): 4.2; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.1-16.9). The same relationship has been confirmed for the self-reported local sources of industrial air pollution in the area of residence (OR: 4.2; 95% CI: 1.5-11.7). Hay fever appeared to be related to outdoor air pollution level (OR: 1.43; 95% CI: 1.1-2.0) and self-reported heavy traffic (OR: 1.3; 95% CI: 1.0-1.7). In the total sample, wheezing was connected exclusively to allergy and parental atopy, while attacks of dyspnoea with wheezing and asthma diagnosed by physician only were associated with allergy. Since the effect of outdoor pollutants on chronic cough and wheezing (odds ratio: 1.85; 95% confidence interval: 1.03-3.33) was only shown to be significant in the subsample of children without allergy and parental atopy, it may be postulated that either allergy is predisposing to respiratory reactions, or outdoor air pollution is coinvolved in an allergization process of the preadolescent children. Consequently, allergy should be considered as an important confound in epidemiological studies on the respiratory effects of air pollution.  相似文献   

Air pollution is a widely recognized hazard to human health. In industrial cities the emission of toxic gases and particulate matter into the atmosphere compounds the pollution problem caused by circulation of vehicles, often creating hazardous public health situations. The goal of this study was to analyze patterns in pollution and living conditions in Volta Redonda and identify more vulnerable areas and population groups. Volta Redonda is a city near Rio de Janeiro with 250,000 inhabitants and Brazil's main steel industrial complex. The presence of several factories in the city, especially the huge CSN steel plant, contributes to increased air pollution levels, to the point that this city is one of the most heavily polluted in the country. The methodology applied to identify areas and groups of people most vulnerable to this sort of pollution utilized a GIS software. The study showed that the northwestern area of Volta Redonda had the worst environmental and living conditions.  相似文献   

针对国内工业炉窑能源结构不合理、效率低、污染严重的现状,结合煤高温气化和高温贫氧燃烧技术的特性,将2项技术有机地结合,开发研制了1套煤高温空气气化与高温贫氧燃烧一体化实验系统。该系统具有大幅度节能;燃气热值提高、燃料利用范围扩大;NOx排放量低、环境污染小;过剩空气系数低;结构简单、紧凑,系统综合热效率高,经济性好;炉温均匀分布,换热效率提高;采用炉外冷循环,易获得贫氧条件等特点。系统的研制将为中国工业炉窑的燃煤技术改造、系统节能和国家环境保护开辟一条新路。  相似文献   

大断面污染源通风排毒工业性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大断面污染源是有色冶金选冶过程中经常遇到的问题,如电解、熔铅等。由于这些生产设备上方起吊设施频繁作业,使得生产现场难以采用适宜的通风排毒措施。另外这些设备断面较大,即使采用侧吸排风措施也无法满足排烟要求。对此,通过研究设计,采用吹吸渐扩气流法进行了大断面污染源的工业性通风排毒试验。实验研究表明:对于这种特殊污染源,采用吹吸渐扩气流方法,能较好地控制污染物在生产车间内的扩散,对改善操作工人的生产环境起到了积极有效的作用。  相似文献   

从经济效益和环境效益的角度,分析了河北某钢铁公司落实政府"退城入园"政策,迁至城郊的冶金工业园后,利用园区内的公辅设施对加热炉燃气实施清洁化改造,既节约了生产成本,又提高了企业的盈利能力,同时改善了项目周边空气质量,做到了经济效益和环境效益的双赢。  相似文献   

The 1990 amendments to the Clean Air Act required the EPA to institute new pollution control technology requirements for industrial sources of air pollution. In part because agreement could not be reached on the best way for the EPA to determine whether any significant risks to human health will remain after the technology controls are in place, the amendments also created a Commission on Risk Assessment and Risk Management and gave the commission a broad mandate to review and make recommendations concerning risk assessment and risk management in federal regulatory programs. In its March 1997 final report to Congress and the administration, the commission recommended a tiered approach to assessing such residual risks. That approach included the idea that when decisions about managing residual risks are made, emissions should be evaluated in the context of other sources of air pollution. Evaluating risks in their larger contexts is consistent with what the commission called a public health approach to environmental risk management. This paper describes the public health approach and how it applies to evaluating residual risks under the Clean Air Act.  相似文献   

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