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In improving the performance of radar operators, what is the influence of the person watching him? 2 conditions having 25 Ss each were established. In both Ss wore head-phones. There were real and artificial signals. The experimental group only was given knowledge of results by a voice over the head-phones. Differences in results were compared by half-hour periods of time. Increase of signal frequency was also a variable. The increase in signal frequency and knowledge of results both improved performance of radar operators. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A case of surgical repair of progressive exophthalmos of the right eye in a 43-year-old woman with neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1) is presented. Preoperatively, the patient's ocular movements and visual fields were intact. Visual acuity was 20/30 on the right side and 20/20 on the left. Computerized tomography scanning demonstrated complete absence of the superolateral orbital wall on the right side with a large meningocele protruding into the right orbit. Intraoperatively, a new superolateral wall was constructed using the inner table of the left frontal bone as a bone transplant. A free galeoperiosteum flap was used for water-tight dural reconstruction. A few weeks postoperatively the patient's exophthalmos showed remarkable resolution. Her ocular movements, visual acuity, and visual fields remained unchanged. In conclusion, reconstruction of the superolateral wall and repair of a meningocele in a patient with NF1 is worthwhile and can be followed by excellent cosmetic results. More important, the patient's visual functions remain preserved.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses about how organizational signals influence text recal1 were tested: (a) that signals cause readers to change their text-processing strategies and (b) that signals facilitate readers' attempts to encode topic structure information but do not cause a shift in strategies. College students read and recalled a text that contained either no signals or contained headings, overviews, or summaries emphasizing the text's topic structure. At recall, students either received no cues or were reminded of the text's topics. Providing cues facilitated recall much more in the 3 conditions involving signaling than in the no-signals condition. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that organizational signals induce readers to change their text-processing strategies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated 2 forms of across-chapter text signals: "preview" sentences, which signal contents in upcoming chapters, and "recall" sentences, which are backward signals that signal back to previously read materials. These signals may influence readers' recall of text material by guiding their attention during reading. They also may facilitate readers' activation of memory representations of previous content, thereby enhancing integrative processing. Seven experiments examined the effects of preview and recall sentences. The results of 4 experiments indicated a clear signaling effect across chapters. In Exp IV, there were significantly longer inspection times and reaction times (RTs) to secondary probes in signaled than in unsignaled paragraphs. The results of Exp V indicate that backward-signaled materials were recalled at a significantly greater rate than unsignaled materials. In addition, the signaled materials in Ss' recalls were clustered together at a significantly greater rate than unsignaled materials. Results of Exp VII indicate significantly longer inspection times and RTs to secondary probe tasks in the reading of paragraphs containing recall sentences than in the reading of paragraphs not containing signals. Results indicate that across-chapter signals have a strong effect on readers' recall of prose. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

富氧浸出提金实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李文建 《黄金》1997,18(12):41-44
氰化浸论研究表明[CN^-]/[O2]=6时,金溶解速度最快,用变压吸附制氧法生产富氧气体充入浸出系统实施富氧浸出,可使该比值自23以上趋近于6,从而提高生的溶解速度。东坪金矿采用富氧浸出工艺后该比值达到10~8,浸出设备的处理能力由350t提高到640t,同时回收率有所提高,氰化钠单耗下降。  相似文献   

Examined the influence of number signals (i.e., numbers or number words preceding important textual information) on text recall. 120 undergraduates read and recalled 2 texts containing 10 target sentences each. Reading times were recorded for each target sentence. For half of the Ss, the target sentences were preceded by numbers indicating their organization; for the other half, the target sentences were not signaled. Half of the Ss completed a free-recall task, while the remainder completed a cued-recall task. Results indicate that Ss read target sentences more slowly if they were signaled than if they were unsignaled. Ss' recalls of target information followed the text organization more closely if the sentences were signaled. Signaling aided free recall of target sentences, but had no effect on cued recall. Results demonstrate that number signals directed attention to the sentences they marked, led to better encoding of the organization of target information, and influenced the process of recalling the target information. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

How is text memory influenced by organizational signaling devices? In Experiments 1 and 2, college students read a text with or without headings, overviews, and summaries; then they did a free recall. When the text's topic structure was simple (Experiment 1), signaling had no effect. When the structure was complex (Experiment 2), signaling affected the distribution of recall of text content and recall organization. Experiment 3 compared recall for texts in which all, half, or none of the topics were signaled. Signaled content was recalled equally well for the half-signaled and fully signaled texts. However, unsignaled content was recalled more poorly for the half-signaled text than for the unsignaled text, suggesting that signals direct processing of text content. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Osteoporosis is characterized by reduced bone mass and a deterioration of bone structure which results in an increased fracture risk. The purpose of this review is to evaluate structure analysis techniques in the diagnosis of osteoporosis. Several imaging techniques were applied to analyze trabecular bone, such as conventional radiography, high-resolution computed tomography (HR-CT) and high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (HR-MRI). The best results were obtained using high-resolution tomographic techniques. The highest spatial resolutions in vivo were achieved using HR-MRI. These studies show that texture parameters and bone mineral density predict bone strength and osteoporotic fractures in a complementary fashion. Combining both techniques yields the best results in the diagnosis of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

48 male Ss practiced 3 verbal learning tasks under quiet and high intensity sound conditions (111 db. approximately flat to 6000 cps). It was concluded that: "1. Noise of the intensity and frequencies employed in this experiment does not significantly affect the recall of verbal material learned under controlled conditions. 2. The recall of material learned by means of auditory stimulation is not interfered with by noise to a greater extent than the recall of material learned by visual stimulation. 3. According to… subjective reports… the noise stimulus… aroused [disturbing] minimal reactions… . 4. Subjective reports… indicated some initial disturbances… but that adaptation was quickly achieved." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The time course of folding of a small beta-sheet protein reveals formation of a central ligand binding cavity before the consolidation of the native hydrogen bonding network. These results suggest that side chain interactions and not stable hydrogen bonding determine the beta-sheet architecture and play crucial roles in the overall chain topology.  相似文献   

Describes a model experiment which measured changes in self-rated mood in 4 treatment groups with 20 male undergraduates each. Ss in each group received either aspirin or lactose, plus a placebo liquid described to Ss as being either a "tranquilizer" or an "energizer." Aspirin had no significant main effect on mood, but did cause significant changes in the placebo effects, adding dimensions of friendly intoxication to the tranquilizer effect and of asocial sobriety to the energizer effect. These results, plus analogous results in other studies, argue that Ss' expectancies concerning treatment effects should be manipulated in any study of potentially psychoactive drugs. (28 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

以钛渣为原料研究铝镁热法制备高钛铁的工艺,讨论了炉料单位热量及不同还原剂配方对冶炼效果的影响.实验结果表明,铝镁热法制备高钛铁在技术上是可行的,用铝镁做还原剂,炉料单位热量为2950kJ/kg时可制备钛含量为68.2%的钛铁合金,用镁代替10%的用铝量可使钛铁合金中的铝含量小于4%.  相似文献   

A fiber-optic microbial biosensor suitable for direct measurement of organophosphate nerve agents was developed. The unique features of this novel microbial biosensor were the recombinant Escherichia coli cells expressing the enzyme organophosphorus hydrolase on the cell surface and the optical detection of the products of enzyme-catalyzed organophosphate hydrolysis. The use of cells with the metabolic enzyme expressed on the cell surface as a biological sensing element provides advantages of no resistance to mass transport of the analyte and product across the cell membrane and low cost due to elimination of enzyme purification, over the conventional microbial biosensors based on cells expressing enzyme intracellularly and enzyme-based sensors, respectively. The use of an optical transducer allows the detection of different organophosphates in a mixture, presently not feasible with acetylcholinesterase-based biosensors. E. coli cells expressing organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH) on the cell surface were immobilized in low melting temperature agarose on a nylon membrane and attached to the common end of a bifurcated fiber-optic bundle. OPH-expressing E. coli cells catalyzed the hydrolysis of organophosphorus pesticides to form stoichiometric amounts of chromophoric products that absorb light at specific wavelengths. The backscattered radiation of the specific wavelength incident light was measured using a photomultiplier detector and correlated to the organophosphate concentration. The best sensitivity and response time were obtained using a sensor constructed with 1.5 mg of cells operating in pH 9, 50 mM HEPES buffer with 100 mM NaCl and 0.05 mM CoCl2 at 30 degrees C. At optimized conditions, the biosensor measured paraoxon, parathion, and coumaphos pesticides with high selectivity against triazine and carbamate pesticides in approximately 10 min. The lower detection limits were 3 microM for paraoxon and parathion and 5 microM for coumaphos. When stored in the buffer at 22 degrees C, the biosensor was stable for over a 1-month period and showed no decline in the response for over 75 repeated usages. The new fiber-optic microbial biosensor is an ideal tool for on-line monitoring of the detoxification process for organophosphate pesticides-contaminated wastewaters but may not be suitable for environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption was measured in yellow freshwater eels, Anguilla anguilla, during exposure to a hydrostatic pressure (HP) of 101 atmosphere absolute (ATA) for 3 h, either with or without a 5 degrees C increase in water temperature. It was found that concomitant increases in temperature and pressure resulted in an increase in oxygen consumption that was lower than when pressure alone was increased. When eels were acclimated to HP for 21 days and then submitted to a temperature increase of 5 degrees C, this induced a significant increase in oxygen consumption but only during the first hour. It is therefore concluded that raising the water temperature during the first hours under pressure could counterbalance the pressure effects on membrane fluidity in a thermodynamic manner and thus help shallow-water fish acclimate to high pressure. In contrast, when acclimation processes are ended, the temperature effect disappears within 1 h.  相似文献   

Antifungal activities of the compounds isolated from Kalopanax pictus against representative fungi of dermatomycosis were investigated using paper disc diffusion method. It was found that kalopanaxsaponins A and I were effective in inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans KCTC 1940 and Cryptococcus neoformans KCTC 7224 with minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 25 micrograms/ml. It showed that antifungal activity of both compounds have strong selectivity against the fungi of dermatomycosis.  相似文献   

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